Please share Splash_v2.0.1 theme from mythemeshop, It is new improved version, previous version already exist on forum, but unable to get this version yet, please share
Haha, found it! Using "hunting" techniques learned right here at BBHF I was able to pluck this from a website using this theme - it was sitting in the "wp-content/themes" folder. I successfully activated it on a test site and all seems to be working properly, but I have not tested it thoroughly. This is version 2.0.1 and there is a newer version that just came out, version 2.0.2, but you cannot update from inside Wordpress - you need to have an account over at unfortunately. So here it is:
v2.0.2 Jun 14th, 2014
1. Fixed the broken Shortcodes issue.
2. Fixed style.css issue for Child themes.
3. Removed Custom Dashboard design option.
4. Added new function which will ask you to install Recommended Plugins.
5. Theme will ask to Install Shortcodes and MyThemeShop Connect plugin.
6. Files updated:
- style.css
- functions.php
- REMOVED folder tinymce
- REMOVED file admin.css
- REMOVED file update_notifier.php
- ADDED file plugin-activation.php
v2.0.1 Nov 13th, 2013
1. Fixed white single page issue.
2. Changed Theme Update notification Position.
v2.0 Nov 12th, 2013
1. New framework implementation, code and speed optimization.
2. Theme is now WooCommerce Ready.
3. New improved Options Panel.
4. Added Option to disable Responsiveness.
5. Added brand new Typography Options with all Google Fonts.
6. Added Schema for Breadcrumbs.
7. Theme will show new update notification on dashboard.
8. Added Option to disable Theme update notification.
9. Added Async loading for social sharing buttons to reduce loading time.
10. Added 20 new background patterns.
11. Added Related Posts Widget
12. Added Google Plus Badge Widget.
13. Improved Recent Posts, Category posts, Popular Posts and Tabbed widget.
14. Added new Tweets Widget compatible with latest API.
15. Added HTML Prefetching for lightning fast site loading.
16. Better Scripts and CSS files loading.
17. Improved calender widget design.
18. Fixed double title issue in Feed
19. Shortcodes will work in feed.
20. New social profile widget added.
21. Upload any size of logo without modifying code.
22. Now column shortcodes are responsive on small screens.
23. Added Option to select multiple categories for Slider.
24. Added exclusive MyThemeShop Dashboard Design Option.
25. Related posts will show random posts from same category.
26. Added Option to hide post meta on homepage.
27. Removed Twitter, Facebook and RSS counter widget. (Reason: FeedBurner deprecated APIs)
28. Added Option to hide thumbnails for Recent, Category and Popular Posts Widgets
29. Added Option to hide Date, Comment count and Thumbs for Tabbed Widget.
30. In Author box now author name is linked to Author Archive.
31. Added Option to make navigation Floating/Sticky.
32. Fixed Small bugs.
33. Small design improvements.
34. Made a few SEO improvements.
35. Replaced icon images with Font icons.
36. Added more than 350 font icons.
37. Optimized code for faster loading.
38. Added few words in .po file for translation.
39. Removed No Preview image from homepage excerpts.
v1.1 June 12th, 2012
1. Brand new star rating system for reviews.
2. Readers can rate the product.
3. New improved Options Panel.
4. Now you can Import/Export Options Panel settings.
5. Now you can upload a custom background from options panel.
6. New shortcode tabs with one extra shortcode: Toggle.
7. Fixed error in social counter widget.
8. New icons for social counter widget.
9. New lightweight Pinterest button.
10. Fixed 'read more' button for tag.
11. Now you can choose category for featured post.
12. Added tabbed widget for Popular and recent posts.
13. Made a few SEO improvements.
14. Optimized code for faster loading.
15. Fixed blank page issue for feed link.
16. Shortcodes will work in feed.
17. Better typography.
18. Fixed Google font error.
v1.0 May 17th, 2012
1. Theme Released
...and here is some documentation I was able to find from an older version (1.1):