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Please Rep Me, This is my first share!
thank you!
Hey lo116,

Is this a theme you bought? I'm asking because there are some base64 references inside and wanted to know if it's the theme's code.

Thanks for sharing.
No, I didn't but I went through the entire code and tried to sanitize the best I could. From what I saw the base64 code was valid. For example, wp bakery visual composer and twitter oAuth use base64 encodings, but feel feel to check again!
can you please update thanks


+ Fixed. Skin.php issues in some servers
+ Fixed. when using WPML plugin masterkey settings stylings were not working correctly.
+ Fixed. Portfolio single post => breadcrumb now will bring custom slug
+ Fixed. Masterkey settings blog archive loop newspaper style were missing
+ Fixed. Raw JS shortcode were not working
+ Fixed. Option to disable image cropping in Woocomerce products loops
+ Fixed. Blog Social share were picking wrong posts
+ Added. “No More posts” translation string added
+ Fixed. Video Backgrounds Responsive
+ Added. Option to disable Next and Prev links in Portfolio and Blog single posts
+ Fixed. Main Navigation script were loading increased.
+ Fixed. Banner Video Responsive issues
+ Added. Columns short codes added to classic shortcode generator
+ Fixed. Shopping Cart were not working in Homepage and some other minor issues
+ Fixed. Ajax Portfolio on close or move to next item video was still playing.
+ Added. Process Steps icons are now linked when filled in.
+ Added. Revolution slider v4.05 added
+ Fixed. Blog Loops issue inside hidden tabs
+ Fixed. Testimonial slideshow small issue since v3.0
+ Fixed. Custom fonts were not working
+ Fixed. Some minor general bug fixings
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