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Full Version: [GET] WP Silo 2.0 plugin (direct download)
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Anyone have any good resources, both pro and con, on silos and their efficacy?

3 bbhf members are jumping out of their prams over this share on the basis that it had APPARENTLY been shared before and 'a proper search' would have revealed this.

There's nothing like having a fair hearing from a jury of your peers is there and no, this is nothing like a fair hearing.

Those 3 brave internet warriors are making accusations about me not doing a search for this product before sharing it, yet ironically, they obviously did what they're accusing me of - they failed to search bbhf for the product by name because if they had searched, they would have known that searches for WP SILO PLUGIN or SILO PLUGIN failed to show up any previous shares.

Unlike those 3 big mouths, I actually did a search for the product name and thats why i ended up sharing it - because there was no record of a previous share.

see below:

<a href=""><img src="" title="Hosted by" /></a>


Looks like they're all guilty as charged but I'm still willing to accept an apology from any of those 3 mouthy members who are big enough to make one.

I won't hold my breath though.


*gives "WANKERS!" sign, to the 3 big mouth bbhf members who posted earlier in this thread and waits for their neg reps to pour in*
(11-25-2013 04:58 AM)BRITcpa Wrote: [ -> ]Those 3 brave internet warriors are making accusations about me not doing a search for this product before sharing it, yet ironically, they obviously did what they're accusing me of - they failed to search bbhf for the product by name because if they had searched, they would have known that searches for WP SILO PLUGIN or SILO PLUGIN failed to show up any previous shares.

Unlike those 3 big mouths, I actually did a search for the product name and thats why i ended up sharing it - because there was no record of a previous share.

Let me be the first to respond to your irrational rant. I hope any others who are sick of dupes in this forum will also join in this discussion to school you.

You have been a member of this forum since May 2011 and you still haven't learned to search. If you had read the sticky at the top of the FREEBIES section you would know that the two most effective search strings are the bare domain name (in this case ""), or in the case of a WSO, you need to search by WSO number. NoWnZeN's thread clearly comes up when you search for "".

[Image: Search.png]

You can get all p.i.s.s.e.d off at other forum members for catching you at being a lazy f.u.c.k or you can take responsibility and learn the basics of sharing here at BBHF. When you duplicate a share you are cluttering the forum with repeat content and you are also taking away credit from the Original Poster. Forum rules are crystal clear on this.

And watch the name calling. The only person who appears like a "big mouth" here is you, just look at your own post. Sleepy
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