Hello All,
Iam Here Today To help In This Great Forum
Just PM Me With The Script You Want To Decode
And I will Replay in 12-24 Hours

can you decode the viral lead catapult?
send me the download link and i will decode it :)
i have send you download link and demo link
I can also help for decoding,
PM me and i will decode it for you.
Hi, first of all we appreciate your efforts helping people decode scripts, however I have some questions? Are you using Osiris? I'm trying to decode a file that comes out truncated, I have tried 3 decoders and all of them provide the same file truncated at different parts. Please let me know so I can send the encoded file. Thanks in advance.
plz take a look my req thread:http://bestblackhatforum.com/Thread-REQ-who-can-help-me-shooting-php-scripts-error