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Full Version: Amazing Products From Brian Tracy, Robert Kiyosaki, Jim Rohn, John Reese, Dan Pena, T Harv Eker and Zig Ziglar
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Amazing Products From

Brian Tracy > Update Soon
Robert Kiyosaki > Update Soon
Jim Rohn > Update Soon
John Reese > Updating...
Dan Pena >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Updated
T Harv Eker >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Updated
Zig Ziglar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Updated

Zig Ziglar - Born To Win [4 CDs (MP3)] + 1 workbook (PDF)

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In memory of the man who has been a mentor to me for 35 years. This is the audiobook, I don't have the actual book. It is narrated by Andy Andrews.

The Born to Win philosophy is both "profoundly simple" and "simply profound." The concept that you have to plan to win and prepare to win before you can expect to win is simple, but simple doesn't mean it's necessarily easy, and when you dig a little deeper, you understand just how profound it really is. YOU really are born to win! Find out how you can prepare yourself for success and change your world!

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Zig Ziglar - Born To Win Seminar audio [4 MP3]

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This is the audio rip of the DVD.

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Zig Ziglar - Born To Win Seminar [3 DVDs (MPEG4)]

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We’re confident in this. Because that’s precisely what tens of thousands of people have done who had the fortune to attend Zig Ziglar’s 25-year-running and perpetually sold-out Born to Win seminar. Today Zig Ziglar’s legendary Born to Win seminar comes alive once again to inspire a whole new generation of achievers. Nightingale-Conant proudly presents a complete audio and video solution to this popular seminar... The Born to Win Seminar: The Ultimate Zig Ziglar Library! For more than 50 years, in a style that is unquestionably his own, Zig Ziglar has used his quick wit, down-home charm, and abundance of energy to inspire excellence in people throughout the world.

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Zig Ziglar - Secrets of Closing the Sale [eBook (1 PDF, 1 MOBI, 1 EPUB)]

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What is the best way to persuade someone to take action? Do our customers, clients, or patients believe that we are looking out for their best interests? These are just a couple of questions that successful professionals need to ask every day.

Full of entertaining stories and real-life illustrations, Secrets of Closing the Sale will give you the strategies and guidelines you need to become proficient in the art of effective persuasion. You will learn how to:

- project warmth, enthusiasm, and integrity
- effectively use over one hundred creative closes
- increase productivity and professionalism
- overcome the basic reasons people will not buy
- deal respectfully with challenging prospects

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Zig Ziglar - Up Up Up in a Down Down World [Audiobook]

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Zig Ziglar, one of the nation's greatest motivators, provides words of hope and encouragement that will equip readers to successfully face daily challenges. It has been said that when the going gets tough, the hopeful keep going. That's because hope is the great activator, in other words, people with it take action to realize their goals. But many times the daily grind can be a hope-killer, so Zig Ziglar offers a solution! Ziglar encourages us to spend five minutes every morning with Staying Up, Up, Up in a Down, Down World, thus gaining the inspiration and encouragement needed to face daily obstacles. Full of hope-inspiring vignettes from Ziglar, words of encouragement from well-known leaders, and scripture for meditation and prayer, this quick-read provides the motivation needed for meeting your goals and fulfilling your dreams.

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Chris Widener Interviews Zig Ziglar [10 videos (avi)]

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Chris Widener Interviews Zig Ziglar
Total length: 2hr 2min

Developing integrity in our lives means that we must have balance and positive input. Speaker and author Zig Ziglar shares his insights on how your integrity can impact your personal life and career.

Episode 2

Motivation gets you going, but habit gets you there. Zig Ziglar shares his insights on how your attitude can impact your personal life abd carrer and how you can change it for the better.

Episode 3

Goals. Be who you want to be, do what you want to do, and have what you want to have. Zig Ziglar uniquely compares your game plan for life with a “day before vacation” attitude.

Episode 4

Motivational giant Zig Ziglar tells the greatest love story ever told. Learn how this master communicator deals with conflict and listen as Zig reveals the keys to his most important relationships.

Episode 5

Self-esteem. Zig Ziglar discusses the importance of self-esteem in all walks of life.

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Zig Ziglar - Secrets of Closing The Sale Training Coarse [ 12CDs - WMA ]

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Do you want to close more sales?  Let the dean of motivational business speakers Zig Ziglar show you how with this fantastic sales training audio course!

Zig Ziglar's Secrets of Closing the Sales

Zig Ziglar shares tips and techniques from his vast wealth of sales experience. His insights will prove to you over and over why this is the definitive how to sales training  program. This powerful series of timeless sales messages will help you close more sales today as you build a career for tomorrow! Whether you're a seasoned sales veteran or just now beginning your first sales position, Secrets Of Closing The Sale provides you with practical advice and effective questioning techniques that you can use to transform prospects into clients. Learn step by step over 100 specific closes and over 700 questions that lead the prospect to the decision table.

Zig Ziglar

America's #1 Motivational Business Speaker

24 Powerful Sales Messages

1. A Career in Selling
2. Questions Are The Answer
3. ABC's of Closing
4. Successful Sales Support
5. Professional Persuasion and Common Sense Selling ... the basics
6. Professional Persuasion and Common Sense Selling ... beyond the basics
7. Buyer-Based Closing Techniques
8. Voice Training for Effective Presentations
9. Honesty and Empathy for Sales Success ... the basics
10. Honesty and Empathy for Sales Success ... beyond the basics
11. Empathy, Sympathy and Self-image In Selling
12. Selling? The Proud Profession
13. Learning Techniques From a Sales Pro ... the basics
14. Learning Techniques From a Sales Pro ... beyond the basics
15. Everybody Sells Something ... what do you really sell?
16. Everybody Sells Something ... Dramatizing Sales Procedures
17. Using Word Pictures To Sell ... the basics
18. Using Word Pictures To Sell ... beyond the basics
19. objections: A Salesman's Best Friend... the basics
20. objections: A Salesman's Best Friend ... beyond the basics
21. Asking Questions To Close The Sale ... the basics
22. Asking Questions To Close The Sale ... Emotional Logic In Closing
23. Positive Projection For Closing More Sales
24. Critical Keys In Closing

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Zig Ziglar - Selling and Salesmanship [12 Audios (MP3)]

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Another audio compilation from super sales person Zig Ziglar
Selling and Salesmanship

Audio Titles
Becoming a better salesperson

Believe in what you are selling

Closing The Sale

Selling is a  Proud Profession

Selling thru storytelling

The Selling Process

Being a 24 hour Champion

Closing Skills

Everyone is a Salesperson

Selling is transference of feeling

The Heart of the Salesperson

Zig Buys a car

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Zig Ziglar - You Can Have What You Want by Helping Other People [1CD (MP3)]

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In this audio, Zig talks about how important is your attittude in life and how it can create a significant changes in your life. Attitudes will affect every single aspect of your life. He also talks about the fact that your main business is not out there, but it is mainly in between your ears. Everything starts with the way you are thinking. Plan, prepare and expect to succeed :smile:

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Zig Zigler - Sales Success [17 Audios (MP3)]

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Product Description
4 dynamic speakers on 4 audio discs:
- Tom Hopkins
- Zig Ziglar
- Ron White
- Chris Widener

Ever wished you could take time out of your hectic business schedule to attend the in-person seminars led by the nation’s top sales gurus and motivational speakers? With Sales Success on audio CD, you’ll have dynamic access to four of today’s most influential sales motivators any time you want! In the car, out for a run, or unwinding at home: If you can play a compact disc, Sales Success can provide practical steps to power-up your influence while building and expanding your client relationships.

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Zig Ziglar - 52 Sales Lessons [52 Mp4]

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This is a 52 Sales Lesson seminar from the ZZ Training Systems.

These are short videos (2-5 minutes each) that address a specific concept in sales:
Lesson 1 - Sales: The proud profession
Lesson 2 - Four Selling Principles-Part One
Lesson 3 - Four Selling Principles-Part Two
Lesson 4 - What do you sell?
Lesson 5 - Honesty and Integrity in Sales
Lesson 6 - Your Attitude in Selling - Part One
Lesson 7 - Your Attitude in Selling - Part Two
Lesson 9 - Keys to Prospecting
Lesson 10 - Best Lead Sources

These videos are with Ziglar himself but also other stuff members from ZZ Corporation.

I have no other description for this material because this material is not published - so you'll have to see it and make your own impression.

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Zig Ziglar - Secrets of Closing the Sale [1 DVD (AVI)]

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Join Zig Ziglar, America's foremost expert in sales motivation, as he demonstrates the numerous sales closes described in his best-selling book, Secrets of Closing The Sale. This will prove to be a valuable sales training tool as you learn the how-to's of sales closing techniques.

In his own memorable way, Zig demonstrates over 60 creative closes that you can adapt to any selling situation. This program is designed for individual use as well as a tool for sales managers in sales training classes.

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Zig Ziglar Video - A conversation on Character [3 CD (MP4)]

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Zig Ziglar Video - A conversation on Character

This is a series of 3 videos directly from the Ziglar Vault. A conversation between Zig Ziglar, David Keeler and Gary Heavin.

Listen carefully to the ideas shared in this program and apply them to your everyday life.
By focusing on improving these qualities, you will maximize your potential and gain the
perspective necessary to excel in any endeavor.

Facilitated by interviewers Gary Heavin, Founder and CEO of Curves International, and
David Keeler, former President of Cornerstone America, both of whom know the importance
of character having led their respective companies through phenomenal growth. These men
share the belief that integrity is essential for true success.

This legacy program reveals Zig Ziglar sharing from the heart his beliefs on honesty, integrity,
love, goals, passion, and much more. Perfect for the individual committed to growing his or her
own life, or for the trainer looking to transform the ordinary group training session into a
difference making magical one.

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Zig Ziglar - Training Systems Video Series [Video 53 (AVIs)]

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Ziglar Training Systems
Video Series

Every company should have access to the very best training, regardless of their training budget. Ziggets is a comprehensive, easy-to-train package designed especially for small companies, departments of large corporations and social sectors.

Ziggets are practical and easy-to-use for small business owners, department managers and group leaders. With 48 weekly 30-45 minute lessons that can be mixed and matched depending on company initiatives, Ziggets places a year’s worth of training at your fingertips. Ziggets covers six key areas. These modules include:

Customer Service

   * How to Create Loyalty With Your Customers
   * Handling The Irate Customer
   * Creating A Positive Image With Customers
   * Handling Customer Complaints
   * Customer Service As a System
   * How to Be Better, Faster and Different From The Competition
   * Meeting and Beating Customers' Expectations
   * The Importance of Attitude in Delivering Sensational Service


   * Motivating Your Staff
   * Delegating, Managing Priorities
   * How to Gain Commitment From Your Staff
   * Coaching For Improvement
   * Managing Difficult People
   * Overcoming Procrastination and Piles of Paperwork
   * Giving Effective Performance Feedback.


   * Keeping Customers For Life
   * Seven Tips To Keep Customers Coming Back
   * How to Get Maximum Results From Advertising
   * Communicating With Your Customers
   * Give Your Business A Competitive Advantage
   * Emphasize Your Local Marketing
   * Managing Your Customers.

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Zig Ziglar - Success for Dummies [2 CDs - MP3]

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by Zig Ziglar
2 Part Audio Series (1.5 Hours)

2 Audio CDs compressed @ 128kbps, Stereo
All MP3 ID3 tagged and organized

This inspirational audio, laced with humor, offers down-to-earth suggestions for achieving both professional and personal success, plus setting goals, and establishing a game plan. Ziglar gives listeners insider tips on prioritizing goals and multi-tasking to help them acquire balance in life and skills in relationships, fostering success at home, on the job and everywhere else.

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Zig Ziglar - Success and the Self-Image [3 MP3]

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No one is better qualified to show you the secrets to developing a successful self-image than Zig Ziglar, a man who has overcome his own share of adversity to become one of the world's most popular and successful motivators. In Success and the Self-Image, Ziglar tells you how to discover the secrets of creating and maintaining a positive self-image, including:

-Identifying the characteristics of a poor self-image
-Increasing your self-esteem
-Creating healthy relationships
-Linking success to the self-image

"You can change what you changing what goes into your mind," says Ziglar. And he proves it in a specific, point-by-point presentation that is as entertaining as it is inspiring.

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Zig Ziglar - Blueprint For Achievement [6 CDs (MP3)]

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Zig Ziglar's Strategies For Success: Blueprint for Achievement Seminar

Strategies For Success is Zig’s most principle-packed seminar to date for personal and professional development.  In this exciting six CD program, you’ll learn Zig’s trusted methods to living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life.  Strategies For Success offers a balanced blend of personal professional development tools that are sure to jump start, strengthen and positively motivate anyone looking for success in life.

This set contains:

Building a Healthy Self-Image
  •    Why self-image and success are interwoven
  •    Self-Image – its relationship to happiness
       and accomplishments    

Developing and Maintaining the Right Attitude
  •    Why your attitude makes the difference
  •    What the right attitude enables you to do

Building Winning Relationships
  •    Relationships – the key to health and happiness
  •    A relationship philosophy

Hope: The Foundation For Successful Change
  •    Why hope is the activator
  •    Making radical changes in minute steps
The Goals Program
  •    Why a goals program is a MUST
  •    Four reasons most people don’t have a goals program

This is an oldie but a goodie. Zig was the first self-help/self-improvement material I was ever exposed to. I've since studied under many others, but Zig was my foundation, and he's a great addition to your library.

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Zig Ziglar - Blueprint For Achievement [6 DVDs (Rips)]

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Zig Ziglar's Strategies For Success: Blueprint for Achievement Seminar

Strategies For Success is Zig’s most principle-packed seminar to date for personal and professional development.  In this exciting six DVD and CD program, you’ll learn Zig’s trusted methods to living a happier, healthier, more fulfilling life.  Strategies For Success offers a balanced blend of personal professional development tools that are sure to jump start, strengthen and positively motivate anyone looking for success in life.

This set contains:

Building a Healthy Self-Image
  •    Why self-image and success are interwoven
  •    Self-Image – its relationship to happiness
       and accomplishments    

Developing and Maintaining the Right Attitude
  •    Why your attitude makes the difference
  •    What the right attitude enables you to do

Building Winning Relationships
  •    Relationships – the key to health and happiness
  •    A relationship philosophy

Hope: The Foundation For Successful Change
  •    Why hope is the activator
  •    Making radical changes in minute steps
The Goals Program
  •    Why a goals program is a MUST
  •    Four reasons most people don’t have a goals program

Originally recorded in 1999 at his Strategies for Success seminar. This is an oldie but a goodie. Zig was the first self-help/self-improvement material I was ever exposed to. I've since studied under many others, but Zig was my foundation, and he's a great addition to your library.

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Zig Ziglar - Ziglar on Selling [3 CDs (MP3)]

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A successful sales professional clearly understands that education and preparation for the task is never finished. It is a lifetime experience, and in Ziglar on Selling, best-selling author Zig Ziglar offers an integral part of the ongoing education. Filled with practical tips and motivation, this book will help sales professionals keep their clients happy, add to their income, and most importantly, add to their quality of life.

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Zig Ziglar - The Autobiography of Zig Ziglar [2 CDs (MP3)]

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This rags-to-riches memoir by one of America's most popular faith-based motivational speakers details Ziglar's life from his poor childhood during the Depression, through his up-and-down career as a direct salesman, to his entry into the upper echelons of corporate America, to sitting on the platform during the inauguration of President George W. Bush. The death of his father when Zig was only five had a profound effect on this 10th child of 12. The family was forced to move to Mississippi, where his mother worked tirelessly to feed and clothe her brood and give them a firm foundation of love, faith and responsibility. Throughout the book, Ziglar is generous in his praise of those who guided his life, from his mother to the man he worked for in a grocery store as a youngster, to his business and religious mentors and role models, including Dr. Norman Vincent Peale. And through the good and the bad, his wife (whom he affectionately calls the "Redhead") stuck by him, even when they came to the brink of financial disaster because of his foolish business decisions. Readers who aren't familiar with Ziglar's business philosophy and motivational books might find the grandfatherly memoir tedious. But those who have followed his career and whose lives have been influenced positively by it through the years will discover here an ordinary and honest man who never quit and who credits Jesus Christ for his success.

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Zig Ziglar - The Selling Difference [7 CD (MP3) + 1 workbook (PDF)]

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Developed by Zig Ziglar and Bryan Flanagan, The Selling Difference is designed to prepare the sales professionals of today to move to the next level of success in this evolving profession. Technological changes in the workplace and new demands for cross cultural negotiation abilities have created a need for a new skill set in the world of selling. The Selling Difference will provide you with a vehicle for this journey. The concepts and skills outlined by two of the most sought after experts in their field will enable you to arrive with confidence and comfort. This system will give you the information to build a better you, teach you to enjoy your career, and develop confidence and belief in yourself.

In this series You Will Learn:

   * How to sell value versus price.
   * The four behavioral styles of your prospects and the selling tendencies for each style.
   * How to use technology as an aid in the selling process.
   * Cross cultural selling techniques making you a more effective sales professional in today's global marketplace.
   * To define the Features-Functions-and-Benefits of your products or services.
   * The TRUST process in selling.
   * Closing techniques from The Master Closer, Zig Ziglar.
   * How to handle objections using the LQET formula.
   * How to plan, prepare for and expect success each and every day of your sales career.
   * The art of setting and achieving sales goals through a unique seven-step goal attainment procedure.
   * Why selling is a proud profession and how you must be sold before you can sell.
   * Superior questioning skills to increase your closing ratio.

CD-ROM Details:
Length: 5 hours, 49 minutes

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Zig Ziglar - Building Healthy Self-Image [1 CD (MP3)]

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This is part of Strategies for Success by Zig Ziglar.

Building a Healthy Self-image includes:
-Why self-image and success are interwoven
-How self-image relates to happiness and accomplishments
-The steps to achieving a healthy self-image
-How you can and why you should feel good about yourself
-Why healthy self-image = consistent performance

P.S. If this file was already upload and I checked at least 3 times please feel free to delete.

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Zig Ziglar - How to be a winner [AudioBook (MP3)]

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You know what it means to be a winner.
Now find out how to become one.

You have the potential. But you need that powerful lift that can vault you over any obstacle: a winning attitude. Your talents and skills are inert without a winning self-image to activate them. "Attitude is more important than aptitude," asserts Ziglar as he leads you to think and feel like a winner. Winners are not born - they're made. You can train your mind and body for high performance by applying Zig's formula to your everyday life. As you gain a winning edge, you'll be able to:

* Find the positive in people and situations
* Change bad habits
* Set goals
* Have more rewarding relationships

How to be A Winner is so motivational and inspirational that you'll want to listen to it again and again. This powerful program will revitalize you whenever you are down.

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Zig Ziglar - Changing the Picture [6 CDs (MP3)]

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In volume II of the "How to Stay Motivated" series, Zig deals with the picture of yourself that we often call self-image and attitude. Discover eight powerful steps to building a good self-image.  Identify and correct self-image problems by confronting them.  Become a responder rather than a reactor, and learn life-changing attitudes to building good relationships. Simply change your picture and you change every facet of your life.

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Zig Ziglar - Over the Top [4 files (MP3)]

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Best selling author and motivational speaker Zig Ziglar presents inspiring advice on how to move from survival to stability, from stability to success, and from success to significance.  Live audience.

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Zig Ziglar - You Are a Natural Champion [12 files (MP3)]

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You Are a Natural Champion is classic Zig. Putting a positive spin on this thing called life with his free-wheeling style, he teaches that it's never to late to be the person you were meant to be. Recorded before a live audience, where Zig has spent so many inspiring and successful years, these are the tapes that will change your outlook, your world and your life.

Listen as Zig shares the fundamentals of his wisdom and explains how to:
Recognize and transform a poor self-image.  
Take the 24 steps to the self-image.  
Develop the strengths just waiting inside you to be used.  
Get anthing out of life that you really want.  
Build winning relationships.

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Zig Ziglar - How To Get What You Want [1 CD (20 mp3s)]

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As far as I know, this particular CD isn't available anywhere else online for download.

Program Contents:
Introducing Zig Ziglar
What Success Is
Why People Don't Have Goals
You Can Get What You Want-If You Help Enough People Get What They Want
A Parable: How Can You Hit A Target When There's None There?
The Basic Formula For Goal-Setting


" Irrepressible, enlightening -- and extraordinarily successful -- here's Zig Ziglar presented live during one of his electrifying public seminars. This master motivator has adapted his proven techniques for everyone's use -- and endless benefit.

One of the biggest excuses people don't set goals is they're not sold on the idea. Zig will sell you -- fast! And convince you that goal-setting is the single most important step you can take on your new road to success. He offers a precise formula for doing just that. Complete with the inspiration to welcome the risks involved, his strategies for boosting your self-image will carry you to the top. Filled with hilarious anecdotes, encouragement and wisdom, Zig Ziglar is the man everyone would want to invite for dinner. That is precisely the personal style he conveys in How to Get What You Want. You will find a dramatic change in your attitude and achievement once you have encountered the inimitable Mr. Ziglar."

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Great Quotes from Zig Ziglar [eBook (PDF)]

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This inspiring volume offers 250 uplifting quotations from master motivator Zig Ziglar and other inspirational men and women such as Abraham Lincoln and Helen Keller. Also included are famous quotes of unknown origin. Covering topics that include attitude, self-image, goals, motivation, success, and relationships, this collection is brimming with optimism.

"When you're tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you." --Zig Ziglar

"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want." --Ben Stein

"Whether you think you can or think you can't--you are right." --Henry Ford

From the Inside Flap
This inspiring volume offers 250 uplifting quotations from master motivator Zig Ziglar and other inspirational men and women such as Abraham Lincoln and Helen Keller. Also included are famous quotes of unknown origin. Covering topics that include attitude, self-image, goals, motivation, success, and relationships, this collection is brimming with optimism.

"When you're tough on yourself, life is going to be infinitely easier on you." --Zig Ziglar

"The indispensable first step to getting the things you want out of life is this: Decide what you want." --Ben Stein

"Whether you think you can or think you can't--you are right." --Henry Ford

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Strategies for success

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Strategies for success

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Total Traffic Annihalation

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Total Traffic Annihalation

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Traffic Siphon Update 2

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Traffic Siphon Update 2

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Zig Ziglar - Success And The Self-Image [MP3]

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No one is better qualified to show you the secrets to developing a successful self-image than Zig Ziglar, a man who has overcome his own share of adversity to become one of the world's most popular and successful motivators. In Success and the Self-Image, Ziglar tells you how to discover the secrets of creating and maintaining a positive self-image, including:

   * Identifying the characteristics of a poor self-image
   * Increasing your self-esteem
   * Creating healthy relationships
   * Linking success to the self-image

"You can change what you changing what goes into your mind," says Ziglar. And he proves it in a specific, point-by-point presentation that is as entertaining as it is inspiring.

About the Author
Zig Ziglar has motivated the sales forces of multi-national corporations as well as the thousands of individuals who have attended his seminars and read his books. He is the president of the Zig Ziglar Corporation and the author of the bestsellers Secrets of Closing the Sale, Success and the Self-Image, 5 Steps to Successful Selling, How to be a Winner, and How to Get What You Want.

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Zig Ziglar - How To Stay Motivated [19 CDs - MP3]

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The Complete How To Stay Motivated (Volumes 1, 2 and 3) by Zig Ziglar


1) How to Stay Motivated Volume 1 - Developing the Qualities of Success by Zig Ziglar - (6 CDs, Regular Online Price $79)

CD 1: Planning, preparing and expecting to win.
CD 2: Taking the first step to a brighter future.
CD 3: Motivation, the key to accomplishment.
CD 4: Identifying the qualities of success.
CD 5: Developing the qualities of success.
CD 6: Maintaining a winning attitude.

Included: Powerful self-affirmation script. Repeated twice daily, this will change your life.

After listening to each of the 60-minute segments in the 6-CD volume, you will be able to:

Demonstrate the three stages of becoming a winner - planning to win, preparing to win, and expecting to win.

Develop successful qualities that will impact your life.

Discipline yourself to do the things you need to do when you need to do them.
Explain how and why motivation works.

Increase the opportunity to use your ability through positive thinking.
Identify the meaning of having a positive attitude, what it can and can't do for you.

Maintain a winning attitude by using a specific formula for success.

Discover how 20 minutes a day can change your life.

You were designed for accomplishment. You were engineered for success. You were endowed with the seeds of greatness.

2) How to Stay Motivated Volume 2 - Changing the Picture by Zig Ziglar - (6 CDs, Regular Online Price $79)

CD 1: Winners respond, not react.
CD 2: Identifying and correcting image problems.
CD 3: Steps to a healthy self-image.
CD 4: Succeeding in a negative, cat-kicking world.
CD 5: Common sense human relationships.
CD 6: Winning relationships at home and at work.

Included: 25 steps to a healthy self-image.

After listening to each of the 60-minute segments in the 6-CD volume, you will be able to:

Differentiate between being a responder or a reactor.

List the eight steps to building a good self-image.

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Zig Ziglar - Developing the Qualities of Success [1 CD (MP3)]

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How to Stay Motivated Volume 1
Developing the Qualities of Success by Zig Ziglar
(6 Audiocassettes)
1: Planning, preparing and expecting to win.
2: Taking the first step to a brighter future.
3: Motivation, the key to accomplishment.
4: Identifying the qualities of success.
5: Developing the qualities of success.
6: Maintaining a winning attitude.

After listening to each of the 60-minute segments, you will be able to:
* Demonstrate the three stages of becoming a winner - planning to win, preparing to win, and expecting to win.
* Develop successful qualities that will impact your life.
* Discipline yourself to do the things you need to do when you need to do them.
* Explain how and why motivation works.
* Increase the opportunity to use your ability through positive thinking.
* Identify the meaning of having a positive attitude, what it can and can't do for you.
* Maintain a winning attitude by using a specific formula for success.
* Discover how 20 minutes a day can change your life.
You were designed for accomplishment. You were engineered for success. You were endowed with the seeds of greatness.

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Zig Ziglar - See You at The Top 25th Anniversary Edition [12 MP3s]

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Zig Ziglar - See You at the Top 25th Anniversary Edition [12 MP3s]

For more than three decades, Zig Ziglar, one of the great motivators of our age, has traveled the world, encouraging, uplifting, and inspiring audiences. His ground-breaking best-seller, See You at the Top, remains an authentic American classic. Its basic premise--you can have everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want--has guided generations of readers to personal success.

This revised and updated twenty-fifth anniversary edition stresses the importance of honesty, loyalty, faith, integrity, and strong personal character. See You at the Top emphasizes the value of a healthy self-image and shows how to build it. Personal goals are an essential part of any program for success. This important book tells you how to set--and achieve--those goals, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to change the way you think about yourself and your surroundings.

See You at the Top is widely used by corporations large and small, schools, government agencies, correctional institutions, and sales organizations--wherever motivation and self-improvement are considered major priorities. It has been translated into more than a dozen languages, and has sold more than 1 million hardcover copies.

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Zig Ziglar - Sell Your Way to the Top [Audiobook (29 MP3s)]

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Drawing on his own proven selling strategies that build successful sales careers, mega-bestselling author Zig Ziglar (Goals, How To Get What You Want) tells you how to turn every no into a yes and improve your prospecting, overcome price objections, and close more deals with finesse and style.

Combining vivid scenarios and crystal clear instructions, Ziglar will motivate you to reach your peak as a sales star. You'll learn how to add the personal touch to client relations making you more effective than ever at demonstrating the need for your product or service. With these important skills, you'll become a word merchant who paints verbal pictures that capture your client's full attention.

More than a guide to closing one single sale, Sell Your Way To The Top will help you open the door to a profitable sales career -- because no one can teach you how to make your sales percentages skyrocket like Zig Ziglar can.

Enjoy and all the best :-)

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Zig Ziglar - See You At The Top [Audiobook (14 -mp3)]

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See You at the Top emphasizes the value of a healthy self-image and shows how to build it. Personal goals are an essential part of any program for success. This  audiobook tells you how to set--and achieve--those goals, and provides step-by-step instructions on how to change the way you think about yourself and your surroundings.

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Zig Ziglar - Goals [Audiobook (12 mp3)]

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Without clearly defined goals, you simply can't achieve the success you want! World-renowned motivator Zig Ziglar guides you through a clear, beautifully organized "success trip." Learn how to recognize and set your goals. You'll learn techniques for finding extra time you didn't think you had, and for cutting down big goals into easy-to-handle steps

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Zig Ziglar - 5 Steps To Successful Selling [AudioBook (MP3)]

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The world's foremost producer of personal development and motivational audio programs now offers master motivator Zig Ziglar's secrets of sales success.

You've heard about "natural-born salespeople"-- those super salespeople who seem to perform intuitively and succeed effortlessly. In "5 Steps To Successful Selling", Zig Ziglar shows you that those success stories result from study and observation rather than inborn talent. They are the result of mastering the art of selling. Now you can master those techniques and perfect your own selling skills-- skills that will take you from being a good salesperson to being the best. A super salesman himself, Zig Ziglar draws on his many years of experience to define and explain the keys to successful sell

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Zig Ziglar - Secrets Of Closing The Sale [Cassette - MP3]

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Book Description

All of us are involved in selling every day. Whenever we present a product or a principle, inform a client, or instruct a child, we are engaging in the art of effective persuasion. Allow America's master of the art of selling explain proven, practical sales techniques all of us can use every day. He provides vital strategies for specific closes, hundred of sales questions, and dozens of persuasion procedures to help everyone sell their ideas, or themselves. No matter what your age, gender, occupation, or lifestyle, these proven techniques from America's selling sensation can work for you.

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Zig Ziglar - Strategies for Success

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Zig Ziglar - Strategies for Success

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To download from this links, what is the exact process?

Always get this msg:
You can download files up to 100 Mb only.
Upgrade your account to download bigger files.

T. Harv Eker - New Wealth Webinar with Harry S. Dent [Video (FLV)]

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Promo Material from Peak Potentials about this Webinar:

T Harv. Ekers Wealthy Now Promotional Webinar

Urgent Message from T. Harv Eker – “I’m changing my entire financial strategy.”

“Yes, it's true. I'm changing my whole financial strategy. Why? Because of what I learned on a call with Harry S. Dent, Jr., one of the world's most respected economists.

I'm going to share my new financial strategy with you.

What Harry said was so important, and so critical in this unstable economy, that I need to share his message with you right away. So I'm holding a live webinar next week to tell you all about it.
Harry spelled out, step by step, exactly what needs to be done – despite today's economy – to get wealthy now. Harry was very specific, to the month, almost to the week, as to when certain things were going to happen. I'll give you the specific dates on T. Harv Eker's New Wealth Strategy webinar.”

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T. Harv Eker - Guerrilla Business School 2006 [17 DVDs (MP4s)]

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Guerrilla Business School

How to Create Wealth Quickly in any Business you Choose

5-Day Intensive

This powerful program will give you all the strategies you need for high-speed success in any business.

Most people go into business to make a living, Guerrilla Business School will show you how to create a lifetime of passive income.

Here are just a few of the things you will learn:

* How to generate million-dollar ideas every 60 seconds!
* How to make or save a fortune using guerrilla negotiation tactics.
* How to start any business or division with little or no money down.
* Become a marketing genius in 6 hours flat.
* How to raise $10,000 to 1/2 a million dollars without asking anyone to finance anything.
* Win-win sales strategies that work in the real world.
* How to set up your business for massive passive income or (sell it for millions if you choose to!)

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T Harv Eker - Seminar of The Century [13 DVDs (Rips)]

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Seminar of The Century
Woodstock For The Mind

A few years ago T. Harv Eker had a fantastic dream. He was little more than an aspiring trainer at the time and his dream was to create a single event that would revolutionize the Human Potential Movement.

Harv's dream stands as a shining example of the value of thinking beyond your perceived limitations. At the time he was a tremendously successful entrepreneur and consultant, however, his feet were barely wet in the field of Human Potential!

Harv's dream was to be in a position to pull all of the top thinkers of our time into one place, at one time, and bring thousands of eager students to experience an unparalleled transformational process.

It is now just a few short years later and T. Harv Eker, as CEO of Peak Potentials Training and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, has reached the pinnacle of the industry and, for over two years, the entire staff at Peak Potentials Training have been working around the clock to make Harv's dream a reality.

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Peak Potentials Featuring Mike Skrypnek - Living with Risk - An Investors Guide to Risk Identification and Management [1 Video(MOV)]

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Another file that came my way yesterday. Had a good search to see if it was already here, so apologies if it is a dupe.

Ironically, despite it being a Quicktime MOV, this would only play audio in QT itself. The slides and sound played perfectly in VLC Media Player.


April 2009's Wealthy Now: Webinar series by T Harv Ekers "Peak Potentials", with different experts talking about making money in a down economy.

Get Exclusive, Essential Information for your Investment Strategy!

Knowing and understanding your risks when making any investment is essential.

This information enables you to prepare for whatever happens. When we ride the upside of risk we feel great and don’t think of our actions as risky. It’s only when the downturn comes that we are reminded of the nature of the game we are actually playing.

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"How to Make $100K in an Hour a Day" teleseminar March 24th 2011 [1 AUDIO (MP3)]

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"How to Make $100K in an Hour a Day" teleseminar.
Date: Thursday, March 24th, 2011.
Duration: 70 Minutes approx

Peak Potentials’ Warp Speed Success teleseminars cut to the chase,
delivering only the core essentials you need to start creating greater
success in your life.

Multi-millionaire entrepreneur and Peak Potentials Founder
T. Harv Eker will grill world-renowned marketer, business strategist
and trainer Alex Mandossian in a no-holds-barred conversation about
the core essentials you need to build wealth fast.

Alex has generated more than $210 million in revenue for himself and
his clients. He’ll reveal his proven 4-step process that anyone
can use to create a 6-figure income in their spare time.

Creating financial freedom requires doing things differently than you’ve
always done them. Open your mind and invest an hour of your time to
learn how this time-tested system can create the income to set you free.

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"Ask Harv" LIVE web broadcast February 8th 2011 [1 AUDIO (MP3)]

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"Ask Harv" LIVE web broadcast.
Date: Tuesday, February 8th 2011.
Duration: 60 Minutes approx

In this live event T. Harv Eker will be answering a series of  questions
about creating additional streams of income to achieve wealth and
financial freedom in this, and any, economy.

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T Harv Eker - The Millionaire Mind 90 Day Wealth Conditioning [1 eBook (PDF)]

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T. Harv Eker - The Millionaire Mind - workbook

This program has been designed to assist you in reprogramming yourself for success.
It is based on the premise that your inner world creates your outer world.
The more you concentrate on your “roots”, the faster you will see new results in your “fruits.”

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T Harv Eker - Seminar of The Century [13 Audio (MP3)]

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A few years ago T. Harv Eker had a fantastic dream. He was little more than an aspiring trainer at the time and his dream was to create a single event that would revolutionize the Human Potential Movement.

Harv's dream stands as a shining example of the value of thinking beyond your perceived limitations. At the time he was a tremendously successful entrepreneur and consultant, however, his feet were barely wet in the field of Human Potential!

Harv's dream was to be in a position to pull all of the top thinkers of our time into one place, at one time, and bring thousands of eager students to experience an unparalleled transformational process.

It is now just a few short years later and T. Harv Eker, as CEO of Peak Potentials Training and author of the #1 New York Times bestseller, Secrets of the Millionaire Mind, has reached the pinnacle of the industry and, for over two years, the entire staff at Peak Potentials Training have been working around the clock to make Harv's dream a reality.

The result: Seminar of the Century!

Seminar of the Century is the culmination of all of T. Harv Eker's work and sacrifice on his way to the top. His dream was to provide the most informative, motivational, transformational event ever put together. This event is a celebration of life and is a tremendous reward to Harv's loyal friends and students.

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Peak Potentials Training - The Millionaire Mind Music - Empowerment Songs Series [1CD-7MP3s]

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Peak Potentials Training - The Millionaire Mind Music - Empowerment Songs Series [1CD-7MP3s]

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Peak Potentials Training - The Millionaire Mind Music - Empowerment Songs Series [1 CD - 7 WAV]

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I bought this CD long ago at one of Harv's seminars.  It contains 7 songs that he often plays at his events, including the "I've got a millionaire mind... I say yes to success!" and a bunch of others.  I listened to them in my car every day.  Really get into the music!  Sing along!  The powerful affirmations for wealth trickle into your mind while listening and even singing along.  My favorite, besides the "Millionaire Mind" song is the "I'm a money magnet, money money money is coming to sets me free!".

A friend of mine hating these songs at first (he's a real rock music lover) but it quickly grew on him too.  These songs are professionally produced, and I would highly recommend that anyone who has done any of Harv's stuff to listen to these... as well as those who haven't done Harv's stuff, but want wealth.

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T Harv Eker - Worlds Greatest Marketing Seminar [34 CDs (MP3s)]

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World's Greatest Marketing Seminar

5-Day Intensive

If you know how to market, you are going to get rich. If you are an ineffective marketer, you won’t. It’s that simple.

One of the richest men in the world, Howard Ruff, once said, “If I could teach my kids one thing, it would be the skill of marketing because with that skill, they’d be successful with anything they did.”

The World’s Greatest Marketing Seminar is a hands-on, step-by-step, paint-by-numbers marketing program where you will develop a brilliant marketing plan and learn the specific strategies necessary to making a fortune in any business.

Through high-impact processes, exercises, games, case studies, and “hot seats” you’ll learn:

   * How to write the kind of killer sales scripts and marketing copy that will have people lining up to buy from you.
   * How to create powerful objection responses that eradicate any barriers to buying that your market may have.
   * How to identify your ultimate USP (Unique Selling Proposition) and become a master at creating the “hooks” that close every sale.
   * How to create a name and tagline for any company and brand strategically and meaningfully for your market.
   * The four most critical elements of guaranteeing success in any marketing campaign.
   * And much, much more!

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T Harv Eker - Executive Summary - The Essentials of Speedwealth [1 eBook (PDF) + 4 Audio (MP3)]

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Would you like to earn a lot of money? Would you like to earn a lot of money . . . Quickly? If so, you are in the right place. I am about to introduce you to a dynamic new business system that will allow you to create wealth faster than you may have ever dreamed possible. My name is T. Harv Eker. I am the author of eleven bestselling books, tapes,and home learning courses in the areas of money, business and personal success. My most recent release is a powerful new program called "SpeedWealthTM" and I'd like to share it with you as a gift. I call it a "gift" because it has completely transformed my life, and the lives of thousands of others. I know it can do the same for you. Let me suggest you take a few moments right now to sit down, relax and read every word of this invaluable book. I assure you it will be well worth your time. SpeedWealthTM is a step-by-step system for making a million dollars or more in your own business in 3 years or less, and enjoying the journey along the way! Let me warn you, if you're expecting complex formulas, you are in for a surprise. The SpeedWealthTM methods are extremely simple, but they make people rich! The SpeedWealthTM system is for people who already own a business, for people who want to own a business, and for people who have a job now, but want the security of "knowing" they can succeed on their own in case they leave their job or it leaves them! It's for anyone who is tired of struggling for money and wants to become financially free, once and for all.

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T. Harv Eker - Train the Trainer 1 [24 CDs (MP3s)]

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Being a trainer can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling professions on the planet, but if you're missing some critical knowledge and skills, it can be a major struggle which is why most people in the training and speaking arena are poor presenters and don't make any money.

The secret to success in this business is to learn from the masters – people who speak to groups of hundreds or thousands at a time and consistently earn massive amounts of money. The only problem is that most trainers in this category would never reveal their innermost secrets to success and the psychology behind every move they make. T. Harv Eker, with his team of master facilitators, will.

You will come away knowing exactly how to earn a fortune teaching what you love.

The Train the Trainer Certification program will increase your confidence in this arena by a thousand-fold. You'll be shocked at what you can do once you've been properly educated in the intricacies of this field.

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T. Harv Eker - Speedwealth Masters Camp Volume II - [10 tapes (MP3)]

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Masters Camp Volume II

Topics covered:
How I Earn Over $200,000 a Month.
How to Get In On "High Volume" Distribution Channels.
Licensing: How to Make Money While You Sleep.
How to "Cash-Out" and Become an Instant Millionaire.
The Ultimate Time Management Method.
Making Your "Mission to Millions"
A Journey of Joy.
Tapping Into Your "Higher Power" for Success.
Becoming an unstoppable "SpeedWeatlh" Warrior.
The "Speedwealth" Subconscious Conditioning Process.
The "Speedwealth" Success Panel: 9 World-Class Experts Reveal Their Most Closely Guarded Secrets to Wealth and Happiness.

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T. Harv Eker - Speedweath Masters Camp Volume I - [10 tapes (MP3)]

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Topics covered:
How I Earn Over $200,000 a Month.
How to Get In On "High Volume" Distribution Channels.
Licensing: How to Make Money While You Sleep.
How to "Cash-Out" and Become an Instant Millionaire.
The Ultimate Time Management Method.
Making Your "Mission to Millions"
A Journey of Joy.
Tapping Into Your "Higher Power" for Success.
Becoming an unstoppable "SpeedWeatlh" Warrior.
The "Speedwealth" Subconscious Conditiong Process.
The "Speedwealth" Success Panel: 9 World-Class Experts Reveal Their Most Closely Guarded Secrets to Wealth and Happiness.

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T Harv Eker - Train The Trainer 2 - Workshop Handouts [2 ebook (PDF)]

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Available immediately to PU and up.
User please upgrade to Power User.

Train the Trainer II
5-Day Intensive

Train the Trainer I provided you with the building blocks, now get ready to move to an entirely new level of excellence in Train the Trainer II! Be prepared to upgrade your skills and acquire advanced marketing techniques.

Train the Trainer II has been kept to a limited enrollment to ensure you receive as much personalized coaching, feedback, and attention as possible from our master coaches. You will come away with the confidence and delivery of a pro.*

Some topics we will cover in Train the Trainer II:

Advanced techniques in “Accelerated Learning” and review of the foundational training methods.
How to refine your own unique and authentic style and become a master storyteller.
How to capitalize on humor and emotions with your audience.
How to work with the media, get free publicity, write articles, and be a great interviewee.
The science of “suggestology” (asking the right questions, making sure hands go up at the right time, stabilization, getting agreement, making sure everyone’s got it).
How to create a continuous coaching program and earn over $10,000/month as your basic “bread and butter” income.

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T Harv Eker - Train The Trainer 1 - Workshop Handouts [ebook (PDF)]

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Available immediately to PU and up.
User please upgrade to Power User.

Train the Trainer I
How to Earn $20,000 a Weekend
Teaching What You Love!

5-Day Intensive

Being a trainer can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling professions on the planet, but if you're missing some critical knowledge and skills, it can be a major struggle which is why most people in the training and speaking arena are poor presenters and don't make any money.

The secret to success in this business is to learn from the masters – people who speak to groups of hundreds or thousands at a time and consistently earn massive amounts of money. The only problem is that most trainers in this category would never reveal their innermost secrets to success and the psychology behind every move they make. T. Harv Eker, with his team of master facilitators, will.

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T Harv Eker - Train the Trainer [24 CDs (M4A)]

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Train the Trainer I
How to Earn $20,000 a Weekend
Teaching What You Love!

5-Day Intensive

Being a trainer can be one of the most exciting and fulfilling professions on the planet, but if you're missing some critical knowledge and skills, it can be a major struggle which is why most people in the training and speaking arena are poor presenters and don't make any money.

The secret to success in this business is to learn from the masters – people who speak to groups of hundreds or thousands at a time and consistently earn massive amounts of money. The only problem is that most trainers in this category would never reveal their innermost secrets to success and the psychology behind every move they make. T. Harv Eker, with his team of master facilitators, will.

You will come away knowing exactly how to earn a fortune teaching what you love.

The Train the Trainer Certification program will increase your confidence in this arena by a thousand-fold. You'll be shocked at what you can do once you've been properly educated in the intricacies of this field.

Here is just a portion of what you will learn:

   * How to earn up to $20,000 a weekend or more!
   * Designing a powerful program from A-Z.
   * How to control the energy in the room.
   * A proven blueprint to market your seminars and yourself as a speaker/trainer.
   * How to use "Accelerated Learning" techniques so your participants learn faster and remember more.
   * A step-by-step process for getting started and earning money immediately.

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T Harv Eker - Secrets of Street Smart Negotiating [4 CDs (MP3)]

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This is a superb talk by motivational guru and business coach T Harv Eker on how to negotiate successfully in any situation in life with a particular emphasis on business. This set includes two of his monthly talks to students enrolled in his SuccessTracs coaching program. The titles are:

Secrets of Street Smart Negotiating I

Secrets of Street Smart Negotiating II

If you want to learn how to be a better negotiator in both your business and personal life, check these out. This is one of the best talks ever given by T Harv Eker.

Topics included

How to negotiate desired outcomes with:

Suppliers and vendors

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T Harv Eker - The Millionaire Panel [1 DVD (Rip)]

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This is rip from a DVD where Harv Eker interviews with hs selected millionaires LIVE!

- Keith Cunningham
- Greg Habstritt
- etc

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T. Harv Eker - Guerrilla Business School 2006 [17 MP3)]

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Guerrilla Business School

How to Create Wealth Quickly in any Business you Choose

5-Day Intensive

This powerful program will give you all the strategies you need for high-speed success in any business.

Most people go into business to make a living, Guerrilla Business School will show you how to create a lifetime of passive income.

Here are just a few of the things you will learn:

* How to generate million-dollar ideas every 60 seconds!
* How to make or save a fortune using guerrilla negotiation tactics.
* How to start any business or division with little or no money down.
* Become a marketing genius in 6 hours flat.
* How to raise $10,000 to 1/2 a million dollars without asking anyone to finance anything.
* Win-win sales strategies that work in the real world.
* How to set up your business for massive passive income or (sell it for millions if you choose to!)

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T Harv Eker - Financial Freedom with Prosperity Jars [2 CDs (MP3)]

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Managing your Money with Prosperity Jars can benefit you in many ways:

   * Creates new habits for managing your money.

   * Puts attention and energy on achieving financial freedom. What you focus on expands!

   * Allows for “guilt-free” spending on fun, like travel, new “toys”, massages, etc.

   * Master your money by managing your Money

   * Puts attention and energy on learning new things, to improve your life mentally, physically, spiritually and financially.

   * Puts you in control of your money, not vice versa.

   * Allows for unexpected personal or financial emergencies.

   * Moves you toward high ticket financial goals, i.e. car or house down payment.

   * Assures comfortable retirement.

   * Boosts self-esteem

   * Creates more time for personal fulfillment.

   * Allots for extra funds for travel perks and frills!

   * Harness the power of the Universal Law of Attraction; Money attracts money

   * Financial Freedom Jar acts like a money magnet, supercharging your goals! WIN the money game!

   * Visual is memorable! Display them in your home where you can see them

   * Earmark funds to pay down consumer debt.

   * Allocate money to your favorite charity - it will come back to you several times that amount, in many ways!

   * Simplify and reduce expenses

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Peak Potentials Success Tracs - 2007 June - Membership Area Rips [6 Mp3s]

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Peak Potentials Success Tracs - 2007 June - Membership Area Rips

Just for those who maybe don't know, basically, it goes like this:

1. First you buy T Harv Eker's book - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth (or you get it as a gift) and with it get two free tickets to a Millionaire Mind Evening Intensive/Seminar where they

2. upsell you some of their courses, seminars, trainingcamps - on which they upsell you

3. Successtracs - continual (monthly basis) teleconference training program  - on which they

4. train you, and at the same time present you various trainers and their various upsells and cross-sells

Don't get it wrong, it is not all about upsells, there are very good infos and trainings in there,
I have put it this way only to show a wider picture of what's going on, for those who are not familiar with system,
and I personally think that there are a lot of good things to learn from Harv Eker and Co.
Also there is excellent opportunity to learn a skill of upselling - which they use on every step possible
- don't know if mentioned that anywhere before :-)

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T Harv Eker - Enlightened Wealth Training - Personal Development [10 CDs (MP3s)]

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Enlightened Wealth Training
Personal and Spiritual Development
T. Harv Eker - Peak Potentials
Live Seminar Recordings

CD 1 - The Inner Game of Life

CD 2 - Training Your Inner Voice

CD 3 - The Traits of Power

CD 4 - The Law of Purpose / Masterminding

CD 5 - The Law of Positive Focus

CD 6 - The Law of Higher Vision

CD 7 - The Power of Integrity / Strike While The Iron Is Hot

CD 8 - Joy and Purpose vs. Fear and Obligation

CD 9 - The Power of Self-Approval

CD 10 - Taming The Mind and No Regrets

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Peak Potentials - Enlightened Wealth Training - Money and Business [20 MP3s]

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Volume I: Money and Business

The Secrets of Financial Freedom
Creating a Promotional Message
Mastery versus Mediocrity
Double-Edged Business Strategy
Secrets of "Street Smart" Negotiating
Habits of Success
High-Powered Marketing
The Secrets of Leverage

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Harv Eker - Millionaire Mind - Mastermind Series Interviews[16 mp3]

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Interviews with millionaire entrepreneurs... from Harv Eker's organization

1A - Your Life Is What You Make It - W Mitchell.MP3
1B - Your Life Is What You Make It - W Mitchell.MP3
2A - Taming The Gremilin Within - Richard D Carson.MP3
2B - Taming The Gremilin Within - Richard D Carson.MP3
3A - High Performance Selling - Hilton Johnson.MP3
3B - High Performance Selling - Hilton Johnson.MP3
4A - Becoming A Leader - Peter Urs Bender.MP3
4B - Becoming A Leader - Peter Urs Bender.MP3
5A - Principles Of The Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman.MP3
5B - Principles Of The Peaceful Warrior - Dan Millman.MP3
6A - Success Without Struggle - Rich Fettke.MP3
6B - Success Without Struggle - Rich Fettke.MP3
7A - What Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know - Nan O'connor.MP3
7B - What Every Entrepreneur Needs To Know - Nan O'connor.MP3
8A - Success Strategies From A Millionaire Consultant - Dr Alan Weiss.MP3
8B - Success Strategies From A Millionaire Consultant - Dr Alan Weiss.MP3

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Harv Eker - Millionaire School Vol. 1 [ MP3 ]

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Millionaire School - How to Invest Like the Rich - 4-Day Intensive

Most people expect to earn between 3-5% from traditional investment methods…if they’re lucky! What if your investments could net you ROI percentages in double digits? Imagine earning 10…20%...up to 46% return on your investments! With the power of compound interest, increasing your net worth becomes exponentially easier—and faster! But you need to know how to earn at the same rate as ultra-wealthy, savvy investors.

At Millionaire School, you will learn proven investment and asset-appreciation strategies used by the world’s leading multi-millionaire investment experts. Our panel will show you:

* What rich people do to get and stay rich.
* The top strategies of successful investors.
* A wide variety of high return, low-risk investments normally available only for sophisticated investors.
* How to gather investment contacts and find rare opportunities.
* Which investment clubs to join, and how to networking builds massive wealth.
* If you have an investment portfolio that is stagnating, you’ll feel like you’ve hit a diamond mine containing the rarest gems on the planet. After the course, your greatest challenge will be choosing from all the opportunities and strategies you will have learned.

If you don’t have funds to invest right now, the information you will learn will be of value to you for the rest of your life, because as soon as you have money to invest, you’ll know exactly what to do with it to create the highest and safest returns possible.

This is a totally amazing program! A lifetime of high-quality investment education in four very busy days. My head is over-flowing and my heart is soaring with all the possibilities. – Harv Garrison

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T Harv Eker - SPEEDWEALTH Volume I [16 CDs (MP3)]

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Would you like to earn a lot of money? Would you like to earn a lot of money . . . Quickly? If so, you are in the right place. I am about to introduce you to a dynamic new business system that will allow you to create wealth faster than you may have ever dreamed possible. My name is T. Harv Eker. I am the author of eleven bestselling books, tapes,and home learning courses in the areas of money, business and personal success. My most recent release is a powerful new program called "SpeedWealth¿" and I'd like to share it with you as a gift. I call it a "gift" because it has completely transformed my life, and the lives of thousands of others. I know it can do the same for you. Let me suggest you take a few moments right now to sit down, relax and read every word of this invaluable book. I assure you it will be well worth your time. SpeedWealth¿ is a step-by-step system for making a million dollars or more in your own business in 3 years or less, and enjoying the journey along the way! Let me warn you, if you're expecting complex formulas, you are in for a surprise. The SpeedWealth¿ methods are extremely simple, but they make people rich! The SpeedWealth¿ system is for people who already own a business, for people who want to own a business, and for people who have a job now, but want the security of "knowing" they can succeed on their own in case they leave their job or it leaves them! It's for anyone who is tired of struggling for money and wants to become financially free, once and for all.

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T. Harv Eker and Julie Dittmar - Hypnotherapy for a Millionaire Mind [1CD (MP3)]

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Wealth Hypnotherapy CD's
* Hynotherapy for Inner Power and Self - Confidence
* Hypnotherapy for a Millionaire Mind

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T. Harv Eker and Julie Dittmar - Hypnotherapy for Inner Power and Self-Confidence [1CD (MP3)]

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Wealth Hypnotherapy CD's
* Hynotherapy for Inner Power and Self - Confidence

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T. Harv Eker - Speedwealth - How to Make a Million in Your Own Business in 3 Years or Less [eBook (PDF)]

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Would you like to earn a lot of money? Would you like to earn a lot of money . . . Quickly? If so, you are in the right place. I am about to introduce you to a dynamic new business system that will allow you to create wealth faster than you may have ever dreamed possible. My name is T. Harv Eker. I am the author of eleven bestselling books, tapes,and home learning courses in the areas of money, business and personal success. My most recent release is a powerful new program called "SpeedWealth¿" and I'd like to share it with you as a gift. I call it a "gift" because it has completely transformed my life, and the lives of thousands of others. I know it can do the same for you. Let me suggest you take a few moments right now to sit down, relax and read every word of this invaluable book. I assure you it will be well worth your time. SpeedWealth¿ is a step-by-step system for making a million dollars or more in your own business in 3 years or less, and enjoying the journey along the way! Let me warn you, if you're expecting complex formulas, you are in for a surprise. The SpeedWealth¿ methods are extremely simple, but they make people rich! The SpeedWealth¿ system is for people who already own a business, for people who want to own a business, and for people who have a job now, but want the security of "knowing" they can succeed on their own in case they leave their job or it leaves them! It's for anyone who is tired of struggling for money and wants to become financially free, once and for all.

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T. Harv Eker - 2 Hour Live Video Seminar (VIP package 2006) [1DVD (Rip) (DIVX)]

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T. Harv Eker - 2 Hour Live Video Seminar (VIP package 2006) [1DVD (Rip) (DIVX)]

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Harv Eker - The Total Wealth Camp Live Recording (Vol I and II) [Audiobook]

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The Total Wealth Camp - Vol I and II
"14 Life Masters Reveal the Secrets to
Success and Happiness"

A live recording featuring . . .

Anne Boe "Networking for Fun and Profit"
Robert Allen "Money Power: 7 Secrets to Financial Freedom"
Dan Kennedy "Millionaire-Making Entrepreneurial Strategies"
Rand Brenner "Licensing: How to Make Money While You Sleep"
Vern McKittrick "Avoiding the 5 Stupidest Business Mistakes"
Fern Gorin "Discovering Your Life's Purpose and Work of Love"
T. Harv Eker "The 4 Critical Factors that Make or Break Your Income"
Million Dollar Panel "7 Millionaires Reveal Their Secrets to Wealth"
Jack Canfield "Enhancing Self-Esteem: The Keys to Happiness"
Dr. Richard Carlson "The 6 Essential Keys to Happiness"
Paul and Layne Cutright "Hidden Secrets for Successful Relationships"
Opposite Sex Panel "Everything You Always Wanted to Know"
Dr. Wayne Dyer "Creating Real Magic in Everyday Life'
Cheri Huber "How to Stop Struggling and Start Enjoying Life"
Don Wolfe "Anchoring Life-Long Success"

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T. Harv Eker - Millionaire School, Edition II [23 CDs (MP3)]

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From the Millionaire School website, by T. Harv Eker:

... There are very few words that do justice to Millionaire School – it is literally a goldmine of opportunity where you will learn the secret investment strategies known – and horded by – the super-rich and elite.

You’ll not only learn multiple investment strategies that can earn you three, five and in some cases even ten times the measly 3%-5% interest the banks are offering, but you will also learn proven passive income strategies that can be set up with just a small amount of initial effort.  You’ll reap the rewards for years to come!


Whether you’re an investment “newbie” or a seasoned pro, you’ll find something at Millionaire School to suit your tastes.  Beginners will learn the absolute basics including the terminology bankers use to confuse the faint of heart so you’ll be able to understand what others are talking about.  Experienced investors will take their knowledge to an entirely new level, learning advanced strategies reserved only for the ultra-rich.

If you currently have the money to invest you will feel like you’ve literally stumbled on an untapped diamond mine, filled with the highest quality rare gems on the planet, ripe for the picking.  Your biggest challenge will be to select from the all the amazing opportunities!

If you don’t yet have the funds to invest right now, the information you learn during this program will be of value to you for the rest of your life.  You’ll prime the pumps so that when you do have some extra money to invest you’ll know exactly what to do with it in order to yield the highest – and safest – returns.

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T. Harv Eker - Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

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"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" reveals the missing link between wanting success and achieving it!
128 kbps - mp3 audio book and pdf copy of the book.

Have you ever wondered why some people seem to get rich easily, while others are destined for a life of financial struggle? Is the difference found in their education, intelligence, skills, timing, work habits, contacts, luck, or their choice of jobs, businesses, or investments?

The shocking answer is: None of the above!
In his groundbreaking "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind", T. Harv Eker states: "Give me five minutes, and I can predict your financial future for the rest of your life!" Eker does this by identifying your "money and success blueprint." We all have a personal money blueprint engrained in our subconscious minds, and it is this blueprint, more than anything, that will determine our financial lives. You can know everything about marketing, sales, negotiations, stocks, real estate, and the world of finance. But if your money blueprint is not set for a high level of success, you will never have a lot of money-and if somehow you do, you will most likely lose it! The good news is that now you can actually reset your money blueprint to create natural and automatic success.

"Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" is two books in one. Part I explains how your money blueprint works. Through Eker's rare combination of street smarts, humor, and heart, you will learn how your childhood influences have shaped your financial destiny. You will also learn how to identify your own money blueprint and "revise" it to not only create success but, more important, to keep and continually grow it.

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T Harv Ecker - Wealth and Wisdom II [MP3s]

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Learning is critical to success but 'who' you learn from makes all the difference in the world! At Wealth and Wisdom, several of the top authors and trainers in North America will come together to teach you the skills of business, money, relationships and happiness at one of the most incredible business and personal development events ever held in North America.

Guest trainers have included Dr. Wayne Dyer, Richard Carlson, Robert G. Allen, Cheri Huber, Jack Canfield, Jay Abraham and John Kehoe.

Each training session will be a complete workshop where you will learn specific skills you can benefit from immediately and use for the rest of your life.

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T Harv Ecker - Wealth and Wisdom III [MP3s]

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Learning is critical to success but 'who' you learn from makes all the difference in the world! At Wealth and Wisdom, several of the top authors and trainers in North America will come together to teach you the skills of business, money, relationships and happiness at one of the most incredible business and personal development events ever held in North America.

Guest trainers have included Dr. Wayne Dyer, Richard Carlson, Robert G. Allen, Cheri Huber, Jack Canfield, Jay Abraham and John Kehoe.

Each training session will be a complete workshop where you will learn specific skills you can benefit from immediately and use for the rest of your life.

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T. Harv Eker - Wealth and Wisdom I [16 CD's - MP3]

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"How to Create More Money, Love, and Happiness in Your Life!"

Learning is critical to success but 'who' you learn from makes all the difference in the world! At Wealth and Wisdom, several of the top authors and trainers in North America will come together to teach you the skills of business, money, relationships and happiness at one of the most incredible business and personal development events ever held in North America.

Guest trainers have included Dr. Wayne Dyer, Richard Carlson, Robert G. Allen, Cheri Huber, Jack Canfield, Jay Abraham and John Kehoe.

Each training session will be a complete workshop where you will learn specific skills you can benefit from immediately and use for the rest of your life.

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T. Harv Eker Millionaire Mind Intensive [16 CD set]

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Preview the Millionaire Mind Intensive
3-day Wealth Seminar

Are You Hardwired for Success?

Think carefully because the answer will
critically impact your entire financial future.

Do you believe that success is hit-or-miss? Or that successful people are simply lucky, or they were probably born rich?

During this economic downturn, are you watching your savings slowly disappear? Or is your piggy bank long since empty?

When times are good, it’s easy to slip into a routine and get comfortable. You ride along and pretend you’re doing fine as you rack up credit card debt and take out a second mortgage.  

But in today’s uncertain economic climate, you need to make your own personal economy recession-proof. You need to be hardwired for success!

In T. Harv Eker's N.Y. Times #1 Bestseller Secrets of the Millionaire Mind™, he examines the hardwired programming around money that everyone has, and which unconsciously determines your financial success. This is the Money Blueprint that is ingrained in your subconscious mind and it is the single most important factor in determining your financial life.

Fortunately, your Money Blueprint can be adjusted, like a thermostat, to enable you to not only earn more money, but learn to manage your money in a life-altering manner. Given the current state of the market, there is no more important time than RIGHT NOW TO change your financial thermostat.

“I have a graphic design business that was on the verge of closing. Within 60 days of the Millionaire Mind Intensive, I had so many clients I had to hire 2 assistants to help me!”

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Peak Potentials - Enlightened Wealth Training - Money and Business

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Peak Potentials - Enlightened Wealth Training - Money and Business

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World Greatest Marketing Seminar - LA

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World Greatest Marketing Seminar - LA

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i can't Download from

any one has a free method to download from it ?
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