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THIS IS FROM Demian Caceres Alge

[Image: salesdemian.jpg]


[Image: sales1.jpg]
[Image: chase.jpg]Hey it’s Chase,
If you’re struggling with making sales on Teespring, then you’re about to be extremely happy.
But first… can you tell me if any of these apply to you?
• Having problems with low click through rates on your ads?
• CPC too high?
• Poor Conversion Rates?
• Are you just plain sick of failing, when people all around you are banking on Teespring?
If so, you’re really going to get a lot out of what I have to share with you. You see, unless you know what you’re doing…
[Image: sales2.jpg]
If you’re like most, you’re doing it all wrong.
After all, it’s not an easy task, creating an Ad that will attract only the “Buyers” while keeping the “just curious” from clicking on your ad and killing the conversions.
Creating Ads that have high CTR’s is a huge factor in keeping your CPC’s low enough to make a
return on your investment
Not only does your ad need a great CTR but your conversions need to also be high enough to pay
the ad budget and make YOU money!
Unless you get this right, you might as well hang it up with Facebook PPC to Teespring
You’ll just be giving money to Facebook running ads that won’t make YOU any money
Luckily, there is a way to avoid all this.
[Image: sales3.jpg]
You see, I’ve come up with a way… that only takes seconds… to design a winning ad for any Teespring campaign
This might be hard for some of you to believe… and trust me; if I were you I would be skeptical too.
But here’s exactly what I’ve discovered:
How to increase my CTR’S by as much as 500%
How to lower my CPC’s as low as .06 CPC
How to triple your conversions overnight
It’s possible to run Facebook PPC to Teespring campaigns and make a 300% + ROI
You can design an ad in seconds, with proven templates and graphics that convert and finally start making money on Teespring like the “Big Boys”
I’ve discovered these things the hard way and have spent thousands upon thousands of dollars in testing and tweaking so you don’t have to!
It all sounds crazy… but it truly does work. In fact…
[Image: sales4.jpg]
My Past Campaign Payouts From Teespring
[Image: screenshots-teespring-payouts.png]
[Image: ctr-and-cpc.jpg]
The Earnings From My Last Campaign That Ended 11/8/13!
[Image: ended-campaign.png]
[Image: sales5.jpg]
As you know, just throwing any old ad on FB simply DOES NOT WORK.
You know that, I know that. We wouldn’t be here if it did.
But there IS an answer… Here’s what I mean:
I’ve created a simple psd file with all the graphics you’ll use to hit it out of the park with sick conversion rates on all your ads.,
I’ve included all the buy buttons and call to actions that are killing it for me RIGHT NOW on FB direct linking to my Teespring campaigns
This doesn’t need to be rocket science – it’s as simple as One. Two, Three
I mean really:
Create a killer ad in seconds with a few clicks of your mouse that you know is proven to convert like gangbusters and make you lots of money
Pretty cool, right?
It’s why I decided to put everything together in a file that you can take advantage of Now. I know you want to join the ranks of those making a killing on teespring… and so I wanted to do my best to help.
[Image: sales6.jpg]

</iframe>I created the sick kit to use in my business but when I saw how many people were struggling with how to make sales on Teespring I wanted to help.
And judging by all the feedback I’ve already gotten, I’m quite confident it can help YOU too.
You see, I’ve created this so that you can make money with Teespring… FAST. You’ll discover:
• How to dramatically increase your CTR’S
• How to lower your cost per clicks considerably
• How to increase your conversion rates up to 500%
• How to create a winning ad in seconds with just a few mouse clicks
And although this sounds like your investment is going to be tons of money… it won’t.
[Image: only-47-banner.png]
I know, you might be wondering, “What’s the catch?”
After all… I’m giving you the secret to making a winning ad each and every time
But truth be told, it’s important to me to make sure you get a great value. It’s good for my reputation. And it helps me help more people.
I’m not saying I’ll keep it at this price forever though. Most experts would charge $197 and it’s been on the back of my mind.
But you won’t need to worry about that! Acting fast has its rewards.
[Image: limited-copies-available.png]
I’m not interested in flooding the market with this; I’m only making it available to a select few action takers and that’s it.

[Image: bonus.png]
Look over my shoulder as I do a case study of my successful KC Record Breaker Campaign
[Image: IMG_05112013_104303.png]
[Image: sales9.jpg]
Click the Buy button below now to get the Sick-Kit and watch your CTR’s soar
P.S. Don’t wait until later it could be too late…
Once we close it, I’ll have to apologize and turn you away…


[Image: 2]

This psd file works on any version of Photoshop

Full Training On Gimp and Photoshop In The Members Area!





p/s: HURRY UP and Make Mirrors.

Make mirror please!
(11-13-2013 08:00 PM)quynhkmt Wrote: [ -> ]Make mirror please!
Remove your ! and your mirror will come.

We don't owe you mirror so be polite when asking for mirror.
Here's the missing PSD file to go with the course :
@tinamou99, thank for fill the blank :). How to find this. I cant. +3
My review so far:

No money methods given on the URLs posted in the OP. Just tutorials on how to make your images more appealing.

EDIT: Looks like the main method is about making your ads more appealing by just adding "effects" on it.

I mean, it's a good start increasing ctr but to me, the method is just bleh since I've seen the same method in other ppc guides.
Im trying to find Demain's case study thats included
This course look value
Thank you for the PSD File.
Without it this would be worthless
Thanks and Reps+ go out to Guynhkmt and Tinamou99 for making this a complete great share
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