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Full Version: New Craigslist Changes
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Greetings All,

Does anyone have any info, templates or weblinks that deal with these new changes. I am particularly interested in real estate ads for CL.

Thanks in advance

Tejaskid Smile
What "new changes" are you talking about?
(11-12-2013 09:45 AM)mikeee Wrote: [ -> ]What "new changes" are you talking about?
On Friday, it seems to have spread elsewhere, so may well be on its way nationwide and for all categories in which any item is for sale – automotive, real estate, furniture, appliances, and so forth. The Craigslist HTML guidelines would suggest that to be the case, stating that “ IMG, FONT, TABLE, DIV, and SPAN tags are no longer supported in the for sale categories. Please use CL image upload for images.”
Those HTML tags let web designers display inset photos, change typographic attributes beyond Craigslist’s own design standards and reformat listings to their own liking.
yes, u can find lot of info about craigslist at
visit its FAQ section
All of the sudden Craigslist has tightened up and put their panties and everyone elses all in a bunch.

I had put a share here about Craigslist Bananas and belong to their private facebook group. Everybody there is ranting about all the changes including accounts being banned, ads being deleted, etc.

Use caution, go slow. I would recommend that you DO NOT post an ad until an account has been open at least 3 days, then post only one ad. After that, post no more than an additional ad after 7 days. Otherwise you will face banning.

As far as the images go, yup they are taking control of that trying to prevent marketing they deem outside of their TOS. Seems like "services" is a category that is least stringent regarding this.
I thought this was always in place on Craigslist. My way takes a bit of time but it works.
Create the ad on your computer first, add the images to the ad. It may take some jiggling to get them to look good, but it's worth the trouble if you use CL a lot.

Then use Jing or some other image capture to turn the entire ad into one image file. Type something into CL and upload the "image" ad you created on your computer. Remember, anything you type into CL before your image will show up under the image. It works for me and I have not had a problem with the admins on CL over it nor my ads flagged.
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