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Full Version: [GET] Senuke Xcr 3.1.46 Cracked by Hotcrack
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this version also keeps crashing, same as your previous release.
(11-08-2013 08:41 PM)likeabauss Wrote: [ -> ]this version also keeps crashing, same as your previous release.
I will look into it.
(11-08-2013 08:41 PM)likeabauss Wrote: [ -> ]this version also keeps crashing, same as your previous release.
Hi all,

I solved the crashing problem and updated the crack. Now try this and report back to me.

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Cool! Thanks. Testing now.

It is enough to copy exe file right?
Hi appreciate your time, and cracks, BUT ! yes last release and this release crashes allot !

My Senuke only started crashing after applying your last release crack. 3.1.44

CyberPunks cracks never caused crashes ............... CyberPunk where are you ??

and Thank you :)
(11-09-2013 12:25 AM)BurtonW Wrote: [ -> ]Hi appreciate your time, and cracks, BUT ! yes last release and this release crashes allot !

My Senuke only started crashing after applying your last release crack. 3.1.44

CyberPunks cracks never caused crashes ............... CyberPunk where are you ??

and Thank you :)
Don't be such an unappreciative little dildo. Hotcrack is awesome at what he/she does and has released many incredible cracks including one for SeNuke each time it updates. Whenever there is an issue he/she is quick to fix it, and if you actually read this thread you would see he addressed this crashing issue, I know, you dont have time to take 30 seconds to read the entire thread. Im having no problem running this one so maybe you just dont know how to use a cracked version of Senuke. 50 posts and only 1 rep? Seriously freaking hate leechers who nag. Anyways Hotcrack AWESOME share, much love, and rep given. Keep up the awesome work!!
Hi all,
(11-08-2013 11:56 PM)Hotcrack Wrote: [ -> ]I solved the crashing problem and updated the crack. Now try this and report back to me.

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Plus repped, thanks for the share. I'm testing this one as we speak, will report back if there are, or aren't any issues within a few hours.
Thanks for the crack, HotCrack. +Repped.

By the way, anyone else have this strange issue?
Whenever Senuke runs any forum or web 2.0 modules, it lags terribly and only runs 1 site at a time. It lags so horribly it crashes sometimes.
The worthless filehosting ever.This source for people and people want good download links.

don't panic even don't unpacked,just a mirror.
I seem to be having DeathbyCaptcha issues. I tried it with previous versions as well (CyberPunk's versions) and it looks like the capthcas aren't being solved by DBC, with gives me a very low success rate. When I check my DBC balance in SENuke it gives me a -1 figure and I notice that after trying to create the accounts the balance of DBC (when I look on the site) hasn't changed at all. Anyone else having this issue?

Other than that this version hasn't crashed on me yet.
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