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JAMPI Final Call Summary [eBook (PDF)]

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JAMPI Final Call Summary [eBook (PDF)]

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Jay Abraham - An Introduction To "The Jay Abraham Formula" [1 eBook (PDF)]

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Jay Abraham - An Introduction To "The Jay Abraham Formula" [1 eBook (PDF)]

An Introduction to “The Jay Abraham Formula”

The Five Essential Steps to Making an
Irresistible Risk Reversal Proposition---How to
Make Your Proposition Bigger, Bolder, More
Powerful and More Compelling

This 35-page .pdf file is a very detailed description of my new formula/program---PLUS I walk participants through a 5-step process from the formula where we collaboratively engineer a better, bigger and more powerful risk reversal proposition.

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Jay Abraham - Fast Cash Generators [eBook (.pdf)]

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Fast Cash Generators

Jay shows you techniques for generating tens -- even hundreds -- of thousands of dollars are virtually overnight!

1. fully utilize your customer list
2.  Use a handy phrase to upsell your customers
3. Telemarketer customer list
4. Write ads that work
5. Lock in sales in advance
6. Test your sales pitch
7. Understand what your customers are worth to you
8. Bartering
9. Advanced bartering
10.  Bartering leverage position
11. triangulation
12. eight letters that increase profits like crazy

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Jay Abraham - Getting Everything You Can Out Of All You've Got NOTES [ebook (PDF)]

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Personally I find Jay requires a lot more concentration to digest his stuff due to the theoretical nature of his teachings over Dan Kennedy who is lot more practical. That said though, this is a basic and foundational book but even still I found a lot of gold nuggets and new ways of thinking about marketing in general. All in all a great book with a great audio compliment.


Getting Everything You Can Out of All You’ve Got
21 Ways You Can Out-Think, Out-Perform and Out-Earn the Competition

Author: Jay Abraham
Publisher: St. Martin’s Press
Date of Publication: 2001
ISBN: 0312204655
Number of Pages: 384 pages

Believe it or not, it is easy to create new opportunities for building wealth.
In fact, unseen opportunities are passing you by everyday. The only thing you
need to do is to look at these overlooked opportunities with fresh eyes and
capitalize on them. Marketing genius Jay Abraham shares with you a program that
will help you reach the pinnacle of success. Using the strategies he has
utilized as a top advisor to some of America's top corporations, Jay teaches you
how to spot hidden assets and how to use untapped resources to maximize your
career and increase your income.

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Jay Abraham - How To Get From Where You Are To Where You Want To Be NOTES [ebook (PDF)]

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"Two years and over $200,000 were spent creating this 6 week interactive consulting process that will take you through an integrated performance improvement process.

Jay will take you through the first steps of formulating a business strategy. You will do an inventory of your current resources and success tools, learn how to quickly, easily and inexpensively measure and evaluate every strategy and then form a new way of thinking called systemization. You will learn a new business code of conduct that will never again allow your business to pay you less than you deserve."

Contents include:
Session 01 - Welcome to a Simpler and More Profitable Business
Session 02 - 12 Ways You Can Grow More Customers or Clients
Session 03 - 12 Ways You Can Grow More Customers or Clients
Session 04 - How to Keep Customers or Clients Coming Back
Session 05 - How to Get Your Customers or Clients to Buy More
Session 06 - How to Achieve Maximum Results with Minimum Effort
Session 07 - 10 Simple Steps to Multiplied Profits
Session 08 - Power Concepts You Can Apply Immediately
Session 09 - 16 Strategies to Help You Outmarket Your Competition
Session 10 - How to Optimize Your Business Strategy Part I
Session 11 - How to Optimize Your Business Strategy Part II
Session 12 - How to Think Like a Marketing Genius

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Jay Abraham - How to Get Other People Excited about Your Proposals and Deals [pdf]

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This is an special report published by Jay Abraham in 2004

i got this report by asking somebody to get it for me. didn't see it in TV yet, and had to junp though some hoops to get it, i did it because i liked the title. Enjoy it!

As a joint venture deal-maker, more often than not, the people you are proposing to just can’t seem to make the connection why the deal you are proposing is such a good one AND WHY they should act on it.
In this letter, I offer you three deceptively simple ways around this rather common problem…
-- Jay ABraham

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Munch222, these are amazing shares. A real gold mine for all marketers. Many thanks and as always, Reps added!
Jay Abraham - Internet Super Summit Mindmap by Rich Schefren [1 Mindmap (PDF)]

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Jay Abraham - Internet Super Summit Mindmap [1 Mindmap (PDF)]

6 pages...all +'s are shown on the 5 pages following the 1st page, so everything is there.

This is a great summary of some of Jays work. A MUST see.

This mindmap was created by Rich Schefren.

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Jay Abraham - Making The Money Connection SUMMARIES [1 Summary Document (DOC)]

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Jay Abraham - Making The Money Connection SUMMARIES [1 Summary Document (DOC)]

This is a summary document someone did for half the Making The Money Connections program tapes. I can't find the other parts other than this summary part. Also, we don't have the actual 10 Making The Money Connection tapes on thevault so I can't verify any accuracy beyond what is included in this document.

I wish we had these tapes. The panel are awesome below, but the questions asked were just incredibly concise and to the point.


Contents of document:
- MAKING THE MONEY CONNECTION — #3 SUMMARY ... November, 17, 1999, 1 p.m. ...  “Successful Advertising and Direct Mail Methods for the Millennium” featuring panel of: Michael Fishman, Brian Kurtz, Dan Kennedy, Jim Rutz, John Finn, Mac Ross, Drew Kaplan
* First Question: Is direct response advertising or direct mail still a viable strategy for use today by businesses either to build new customers, markets or resell old ones? If yes, tactical difference to maximize it. If no, what’s taken its place?
*Second question from Jay: Give me two of the biggest myths or mistakes or misperceptions or dumb logic that you see most people make with regard to direct response strategy, tactics, logic and — the corollary, what should be the thing they be doing?  Maybe just use this as the question: Two really big mistakes, misconceptions and the right thing to be doing?
* Question: In three minutes, give a survival plan on how to create advertising or sales letter that sells today. What things have to be done to make sure your advertising had the highest probability of working for you?
* Question: Who is your one biggest mentor who influenced your thinking and what is it you got that can be shared?
* Question: Name two successful direct response marketers who are extraordinary models for what any business owner can do and should integrate into their direct response marketing.
* Question from Jay: What would you recommend to each person on this call if they were not going to be their own copywriter, that they use as a criteria for trying to select for themselves, knowing that they may not be able to afford, you know, $50,000-$100,000 + mailing piece to hire Jim Rutz or $1,000,000 for Gary Bencivenga, or whatever Mac or Dan cost?  What would you recommend to them to get the greatest benefit they can, whether they’re large, medium or small?
* Question from Jay: Will the panel summarize an insight that can be taken home and acted upon by entrepreneurs of all kinds.  
*Question from Jay: Based on your insight, what would compel someone to take action?
* Question from Jay: What question would you like to ask each person on this call that would haunt them and move them to an even higher plane of understanding and action?

- Making the Money Connection, Transcript Outline– December 14, 1999. Power Panel Conference Call....Hidden Assets
Panel includes: Dave Wagenvoord, Richard Spring, Jay Abraham, David Cochran, and some guy named Chuck
* First Question:  What is the one unrecognized factor about increasing the performance and the opportunities for business?
*  Jay:  Second Question: What is the biggest single hidden opportunity that you have personally capitalize on or contributed to somebody else? What were they key elements that made it possible, and what’s the lesson?
*  Jay:  Question Three:  Describe your own ethical opportunistic mindset
*  Question Four:   What is the difference between the entrepreneur and the big corporate type?
*   Jay: What is your advice to an entrepreneur to maximize the ethical exploitation of that distinction?
* Jay:  Question 5:  Recommend model companies that all the entrepreneurs  would be advised to study to maximize hidden assets, and cite the things they do.
* Jay: Question 6: Give an example of how someone you know of has discovered hidden assets.
* Jay: Question 7: What was the one biggest impacting factor that gave you the benefit of being who you are?
* Question 8:  What’s the one realization you got out of this?

- Making the Money Connection Summary, E-Commerce, Topic:   Making the Most Out of Your Business Internet Presence
Panel Includes: Audri Lanford (host), Jay Abraham (host), and 4 panel members (Dr. Jakob Nielsen, Declan Dunn, John Audette,  Larry Chase)
* Audri:  First Question:   State the two universal principles that can have the most impact on the achieving desired results.
* Jay:  Question:  What key factors are most critical in developing their unique and optimal under valued web strategy?
* Audri:  Another question.  What’s working right now in area of promotion?
* Jay:  Question:  How many people monitor continuously their own local and world competition to see what’s out there, what they’re doing and how many different ways they’ve approached it?
* Jay:  Question:  Recommend three websites to visit and why.  Also, what would be one key observed insight people should really see when they visit each one and learn and take from it?
*Audri:  Question:  What are the three best business models on the internet?
* Jay:  Question:  For those who have “brick and mortar” businesses who want to position for their internet presence, what would be the best universal advice for using the internet most effectively?
* Jay:  Question:   What advice would you give to a business who’s competing with a far larger, better-financed company that is selling products either below cost or has so much more in the form of technology or depth?
* Audri:  Question:  What is the single biggest insight you’ve gained during this call?
* Jay:  Question:  What would be the most effective communication marketing composition you use as the most powerful connection to your customers and prospective customers?
* Audri:  Question:  (Wrap Up)  One thing you would like everybody to remember from this call  --- over time.
* Jay: Question:  What revealing, revelational, illuminating question would you ask that would profoundly help them make a realization that would fuel them to accomplish more with their web presence, web marketing, website, web contribution to their market, etc.?

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Jay Abraham - Making The Money Connection Volume 1 Free Email Course [1 Document (PDF)]

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Jay Abraham - Making The Money Connection Volume 1 Free Email Course [1 Document (PDF)]

This was/is a free email course document sent to people who were thinking of attending Jay Abraham's event live in China. This document has no real connection to the 'Making The Money Connection' tape set, but is called Making The Money Connection Volume 1 email series.

From the document...
"The money connection is a series of email newsletters that Jay Abraham sent to a list of private clients and subscribers a few years ago"

sidenote: at the very least read the section entitled "the source of all great wealth"'s pretty much the most important thing you can learn.

Contents of document:

Issue 1 - * The questions we ask ourselves * The little coin dealer that could  * Concentric circles (running circles around your competition) * How monster profits are really made in business * The market test approach * The source of all great wealth * What's better than money when you don't have any? * The case of the missing capital * The power of a new perspective

Issue 2 - * I only know one way to write * Does the market REALLY want it? * What is the lifetime value of a customer? * Educating your clients

Issue 3 - * Turn your best customers into voluntary sales representatives * Four easy steps to referrals * Cost-effective alternatives to expensive advertising

Issue 4 - * Develop perceived value by educating your clients * Telling your customers the truth * Making your business an industry expert

Issue 5 - * Get your clients to buy more * 15 tips on following up on clients and customers * The untapped goldmine of repeat business

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Jay Abraham - Mastermind Marketing System NOTES [eBook (PDF)]

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I guess you could say this is Jay's 'home study' version of his Mastermind Marketing Live training. A friend of mine asked me "what Jay Abraham program/book should I start with?" and I pointed him to this program, because this was the program I started with before I got deeply involved in Jays' strategies and ideas.

I personally think  if you want a solid overview of everything Jay is about, and thensome, this program is awesome.

The workbook in and of itself is great, but obviously you probably need the audios too for the impact.

Included are:

6 CDs in .wma format (CD 01 - 10 audios, CD 02 - 10 audios, CD 03 - 11 audios, CD 04 - 11 audios, CD 05 - 8 audios, CD 06 - 10 audios)
+ One 30 page Workbook that went along with the CDs.

The workbook/guidebook is divided into these sections:

Chapter 1: The Art and Science of Maximizing Your Business Performance
Chapter 2: Optimizing Your Business
Chapter 3: The Three Most Powerful Ways to Increase Business (he goes deep into this section, obviously + he explained Compound Geometry)
Chapter 4: The Power of the Parthenon Strategy
Chapter 5: Testing
Chapter 6: The Power of the Well-Crafted Sales Letter
Chapter 7: The Keys to Quantum Growth and Breakthrough
Chapter 8: Exercises in E-Commerce
Chapter 9: Goal Setting

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Jay Abraham - Exclusive Mastermind Report [1 Report (1 PDF)]

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I'm very close to thinking this might be the most important document Jay has ever created.

It's not in any of his books. (I'm not just saying that. I've never found it, and you can even go look for it. It ain't anywhere.)

It's a 24 page exclusive report Jay did explaining The Mastermind Principle.

He goes into depth and goes way beyond what napoleon hill talks about.

Just let me say WHY this document may be the most important reading any of us do:
1. TheVault IS a mastermind. That's a great reason already.
2. But even more so, what is Jay Abraham known for besides being a "marketing genius"? His mastermind marketing seminars. The way he always has panels. How he leverages other people's intelligence and ideas and then uses hybrids of everything he learns.

Out of everything Jay does, and out of everything you may ever do in your life - having the type of mastermind - in your business, marriage, life - may be the most important thing you ever learn how to do.

(And for all those 'Dr. Paul' fanatics and 'Relationship' guys - he does say you need your opposite.)

Anyway, you got to check this document out. But don't just stash it away. It's only 24 pages. Download it and READ it. Then think of how you can start to implement it.

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Jay Abraham - Mr X Book NOTES [ebook (PDF)]

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Jay Abraham - Mr X Book NOTES [ebook (PDF)]

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Jay Abraham - Nine Drivers of Business [eBook (.PDF)]

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[/b] Nine drivers up upside a leverage an exponential business growth

Jay talks about the nine drivers of upside leverage and exponential business growth, he has identified and refined.

1. marketing
2. your strategy
3. capital
4. your business model
5. relationships
6. your distribution channels
7. your products and services
8. your processes, your procedures, your systems
9. your ideology

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Jay Abraham - Sales Letters That Sell (1 book PDF)

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This booklet was used with the Business Breakthroughs course.  I have not been able to find any information on the course or any other materials that were used with it.

The first part of the book deals with the basics of writing an effective sales letter.  The second part is composed of "25 of the greatest sales letters ever written."

If you have any information on the Business Breakthroughs course and any other materials used in it, please share that information in the comments section below.

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Jay Abraham - Stealth Marketing - synthesized from pdf [ Audio (MP3) ]

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Stealth Marketing by Jay Abraham

Book Review

Jay Abraham wrote "Stealth Marketing: How To Outmaneuver, Outwit and Outmarket Your Most Formidable Competitors...Before They Know What's Hit Them" some years ago but its contents is becoming increasingly relevant in today's tough times.

The problem is that lists it for sale at a wallet bashing $1,000 per copy. That's right there is a book even more expensive than the famous "The Money Making Secrets of Jay Abraham..." also known as the "Mr X book". promotes "Stealth Marketing" as recession proofing your business and says:

"This report reveals actual methods that Jay has personally used to salvage, turn around, save, sky rocket and secure hundreds of client companies and professional practices during the worst economic times in history - the 1974 recession, the 1981-82 recession, the 1989-1992 recession, and right now! These techniques show actual steps taken on Jay's best and most lucrative strategies ever used. Answers to 100 strategy and opportunity questions business owners asked like how to boost sales force productivity immediately.

You'll learn stealth marketing tactics like: How to add tons of new customers without running any ads, how to identify and capitalize on your competitors weaknesses, how to quietly and quickly get into profitable markets virtually risk free . . . . and more!"

But is it any good?

I have a copy but I haven't read it yet but given the relevance of the topic, I thought that instead of reading the book and the getting around to reviewing it, I would do things a little differently.

The plan is to read a section of "Stealth Marketing" and then to update my review and it might turn into as long and as comprehensive review as I wrote about the "Mr X book".

Contents of "Stealth Marketing"

The book comes in five parts:

  1. The Abraham Files - an introduction to Jay Abraham's principles and strategies
  2. Section One - twenty five step-by-step strategies to outmarket your competitors
  3. Section Two - one hundred question and answers on how to profitably market your business
  4. Section Three - case studies of actual stealth marketing strategies
  5. Section Four - techniques for generating tens - even hundreds - of thousands of dollars virtually overnight.

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Jay Abraham - Swinging for the Fences Roadmap (2007) [Workbook (PDF)]

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This workbook was just released by Jay Abraham as part of the Mastermind Marketing Mentoring  Program  that is presently ongoing and will conclude in  August 2007.

It summarizes what you learn in the one  year Mastermind Marketing Program. It also  includes  8 DVD set from " Billion Dollar Marketing" Weekend and The Strategy of Preeminence DVD that has  already been  posted in Vault. One DVD is missing and I will post it too. It is called "Optimize Business and Produce Max Profit"

It is exclusive and please keep it in the Vault.

Here are the table of contents for easy reference.

Breakthrough Success Factors ……………………………………………………… 3
Adapting and Adopting (Big Ideas Applied) ………………………………………….. 4
Breakthrough Thinking ………………………………………………………………. 5
Essential eX! Factors …………………………………. 6
Strategy of Preeminence ……………………………... 9
Where Am I Now? (No Idea, Start Ups, Exist) ……………………………………..10
Validation ……………………………………………………………………………. . 16
Research Strategies ……………………………….….17
Testing ………………………………………….. 20
Ordinary to Extraordinary …………………………………………………………… 21
How to Stimulate Innovation …………………. 22
Seven Marketing Concepts …………………………. 25
Nine Drivers ……………………………………. 27
1. Ideology ………………………………...….. 27
2. Products and Services ………………………. 28
3. Your Business Model …………………….. 29
4. Strategy ………………………………..…… 30
5. Asset Inventory ………………………..….. 31
6. Relationships ………………………..…….. 31
7. Lead Generation …………………………… 32
8. Distribution Channels/Markets ……….….. 33
9. Procedures/Processes ………………….. 34
Marketing Strategy …………………………………………………………………… 35
25 Ways to Out Market the Competition …….. 37
Central Premise (Your Business Overview) …………………….. 39
Unique Selling Proposition ………………………………………………………….. 40
Pain Points (Develop Interest) ……………………. 40
Measurable Data ……………………………….. 41
Problems and Challenges ……………………….. 42
Pain Points (To Buy More) …………………….. 43
Pleasures from Your Product/Service ……….…… 44
Future Pace (Expectations) ……………………….. 45

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Jay Abraham - The Sticking Point Solution: 9 Ways to Move Your Business from Stagnation to Stunning Growth in Tough Economic Time [1 ebook (PDF)]

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The Sticking Point Solution:
9 Ways to Move Your Business from Stagnation to Stunning Growth in Tough Economic Times

Author: Jay Abraham
Published: 2009

Book Description: 262 pages scanned, OCRed and bookmarked.

The revolutionary approach to company growth from internationally renowned business consultant Jay Abraham.

• Unlock the true potential of your company
• Learn how to ask the right questions about your business
• Achieve new levels of profitability and success
• Gain control over the future of your business today

Businesses can plateau, stall, or stagnate ... without the owners or key executives even realizing it.

A business might be achieving incremental year-on year growth and yet still be in a situation of stagnation or stall.

Why? Because entrepreneurs and executives often focus on the wrong things and
don't know how to solve the problems that get their businesses stuck.

The purpose of The Sticking Point Solution is to help entrepreneurs and executives recognize the ways in which their businesses may be stuck, and to then give them tools for getting unstuck and enjoying exponential growth.

To achieve this, lay will help you to identify the nine "sticking points" that keep entrepreneurs and executives alike grinding just to survive, instead of growing and thriving.

Whether businesses are afflicted by one, two, or all nine of these sticking points, the result is the same: the owners, executives, or entrepreneurs are not achieving all of the growth, success, and prosperity they deserve.

Unlocking that true potential and diagnosing the specific issues that each reader/
business owner/entrepreneur/employee faces is the mission of this book.

The results: freedom from stagnation and stalling; new levels of profitability and success; and a much greater sense of control and pleasure from running the enterprise.

How to achieve this exquisite state is the impetus for The Sticking Point Solution.

As founder and CEO of Abraham Group, Inc. in Los Angeles, California, Jay Abraham has spent the last 25 years solving problems and significantly increasing the bottom lines for over 10,000 clients in more than 400 industries worldwide.

Jay has won high praise as a marketing genius and Forbes listed him as one of the top five executive coaches in the country, praising his gift for "turning corporate underperformers into marketing and sales whizzes."

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Jay Abraham - What I've Learned in 30 Years About Copywriting [1 Transcript (PDF)]

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Jay Abraham
26 Pages

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Oldeman - Notes: Jay Abraham MPI and MFM Programs [ebook (doc)]

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Jay Abraham – Masters of Passive Income / Modeling for Millions
Program Summary   version 1.01

Jay Abraham is still working out the design of a program to teach people to become skilled at joint venture creation.  Masters of Passive Income (MPI) and Modeling for Millions appear to be at least his second and third shots at recruiting a “class”, providing instruction, and getting them to brainstorm on monthly teleconference calls.  Jay is both building a new product and figuring out how to most effectively install the necessary knowledge, motivation and experience in others.  But enough about that.

I am part of the MPI GB.  MPI involves a very high volume of material.  It’s tough to get through all the reading.  A lot of the material is taken from interviews, which are not necessarily organized for efficient digestions.  Moreover, once you have read a large quantity of material, it is nearly impossible to go back and refresh what you learned without extensive notes.  The first purpose of this summary is to provide notes for effective review.  The notes may help you cut down on reading time, or you may use them to make sure you are incorporating what you learned.

Another problem with the material is the organization.  Jay admits that he is a not a linear thinker.  He tends to wander in one direction and then another.  He provides good content, but the volume of the material requires organization for efficient digestion.  The second purpose of this summary is to provide a better organization of the material.  I have organized the material by topic and subtopic.  I think reading the first 2 or 3 summaries (or the original material if you are just using the summaries for review) in each category is essential to getting the message.  The organization I am offering may save you from some of the repetition in the material.

Jay is using something called the “Socratic method” of teaching.  I recognized it on his first call.  He confirms it in one of his interviews.  However, Jay is not a master at using the method.  The Socratic method is the prevailing teaching method in U.S. law schools.  It requires the student to read and analyze the material before class (or before the call).  The student preparation allows the teacher to call upon students to teach based on their own internalization.  In law school, professors ask pointed questions and force the students to defend their reasoning.  The idea is to make the student a master of the material through the challenge.  Jay is trying to get students to share new insights through the discussion process, but I have yet to see any really helpful insights come from the calls.

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Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham - Maven Call Notes [1 pdf]

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Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham - Maven Call Notes [1 pdf]

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Rich Schefren and Jay Abraham - Maven Call Recording [1 MP3]

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* How a former postal worker used “Counter Programming” and other Maven-Marketing-Tactics (MMT) to take his company from $300,000 to $500,000,000…
   * The Outcast, The Prodigy, The Wizrd plus 21 other unique characters you can take as your own (of course it must be congruent with who you are) that’ll resonate with almost any market or niche you wish to dominate…
   * The secret MMTs that Tony Robbins used to vault to the top of the self-help market…
   * The 28 Personality Building Blocks…these are the component parts to making your persona resonate with your marketplace….
   * The MMTs that Jay Abraham used to achieve his pre-eminent status as one of the world’s best marketers…
   * The 28 Personality Building Blocks…these are the component parts to making your persona resonate with your marketplace….
   * The 14 Overlapping Principles of Maven Marketing and how you can leverage them…
   * Plus a whole lot more…

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