Facebook rejects my real CCs so I can't fund my ads account.
How do you guys get new Facebook ads accs and how you fund them?
You buy VCC and if so where can I find working VCCs for Facebook?
Or you buy already verified ads accounts?
And how you fund the accounts?
Please, advice Only if you know what you are talking about(not assuming)!
Thanks in advance!
Still waiting for replies. I need this!
I tried payoneer, but got rejected by facebook....
use visa debit card.. mine is working fine.
Tried too. My CC is visa. I tried different bank CCs same result. Put my relatives to try with their CCs and details. The same.
(11-06-2013 03:40 AM)SIBIL Wrote: [ -> ]Tried too. My CC is visa. I tried different bank CCs same result. Put my relatives to try with their CCs and details. The same.
Have you tried asking Facebook "Why so Rude ?" ??
I did, but no answer, just told me they can't accept my funding sources.