I remember these videos being apart of another product he put out that I got off this forum. The videos, and the oto are a rehash of other products he put out this year. The only difference is this product comes with a basic 4 page pdf of email templates....that are pretty basic.
Yeah, you have to watch out with all these product put out these day and know what you already have... Plugins, plr vids, etc can be a lot of double dippin and or burst hard disc space.
Based on what I went through in the zipped file, there seems to be a HUGE disconnect between what was promised in the salesletter and what I found.
The only files you'll find in the zipped package are the 3 video files, together with the swipe copy emails which seem to be about selling leads to disgruntled Service Magic (HomeAdvisor) customers -- of course just having the 3 videos in your possession won't do much to get them any leads, you'll have to upload and rank them first.
Unless there's something else that's missing from the zipped download that we got, we aren't really getting any guidance on how to approach these prospects properly, what to do if they're interested and also how to respond if they have any specific questions about how we'll be collecting the leads for them!
Maybe there is something else beyond what we're getting in this zipped package? Because if this is all there is, it'd be full of holes and it wouldn't really deliver on what was promised in the salesletter.
I have the same problem as marketing magnet, I run the software but nothing happens. It's abobe air so I tried it on my Mac and Pc.You can select catagories, But when you run it, The sofware pulls no results.