A 4 disc (6 Hours) guide to Penny Stock picking. Learn the fundamentals and how Timothy Sykes narrow down the seemingly thousands of Penny Stocks to just a few worthy ones. What websites does he utilize for his research. What’s his daily routine. What variables does he value more or less than others.
Here's a detailed review from InvestorsLive.
The introductions to his DVDs are most definitely improving, this one comes right at you and kicks it off into who, what, where, when, why, and how to trade these penny stocks. It’s really important when jumping in head first to understand what your role is as a trader. You’re either an investor or a trader and when transformed (aka trader gone investor/bagholder because you didn’t take a loss when you should have) is when you run into trouble. As Tim mentions a million times you need to be ok with taking losses, it’s part of trading. One thing you’ll notice after trading for a few years is any “bad” days or “bad” trades that you may encounter are normally always associated with breaking a rule of some sort. Looking back as always like Tim did you can always pinpoint exactly where and when you should have sold/covered to cut losses (beauty of hindsight). The biggest part of this is being able to overcome the “loss” and focusing your attention towards the next opportunity rather than turning your trading strategy into “hope” and hoping your loss turns into a gain!
It’s a hard concept for many people to understand (especially or more humorously the idiot’s on the COIN and DDRX message boards who still think Tim is short when a stock goes up three weeks later) who don’t understand that we as traders are taking advantage of opportunities (over extensions) over one day and many times not even that long, perhaps one hour.
Whether its an over reaction to the upside or a stock coming off bottoms gearing towards break out — that’s THE move we are looking for. If the stock drops another 50% over the next 1-2 weeks or doubles in the next two days that’s part of the game, I don’t care. Sure, profits get left on the table (daily) but more importantly losses are controlled.
As I’ve said in InvestorsUnderground seminars you can blindly following someone that is batting better than average and has solid gains (like Tim or any good trader in the chat ) and you’ll potentially have equi-successful gains/losses relative to the money at risk BUT what good does that do for you if that’s all you know how to do and don’t understand anything more than pushing the button? What happens if Tim is out riding a camel in Egypt and you see the set ups he’s talked about in his watch list but because you’re too lazy to research on your own/do some homework you’ve missed out on serious potential gains. If you only have enough confidence to trade when you receive an email saying “Short XYZ at X Price” or “Covered XYZ at X Price” and won’t pull the trigger otherwise you’ve got a lot to learn! It’s not a strategy! You need to understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. This is why you have to understand the strategy behind the actual trade. This is what TimFundamentals does and our seminars (had to plug it…) teaching you beyond just a “buy now” or “sell now” approach. Finding out where and how to find the information and stocks of interest is one thing — walking through setting up a watch list adding and learning the difference between one that makes it vs. one that doesn’t is a very valuable lesson. Tim lays it ALL OUT THERE outlining every single website he uses on a daily basis to find the stocks of interest for the following days/week.
Do you happen to have TimFundamental Part One?
(11-04-2013 03:26 AM)mrlink Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: Timothy Sykes fundamentals Part Deux.JPG]](http://www.tradingdvdshop.com/images/Timothy Sykes fundamentals Part Deux.JPG)
A 4 disc (6 Hours) guide to Penny Stock picking. Learn the fundamentals and how Timothy Sykes narrow down the seemingly thousands of Penny Stocks to just a few worthy ones. What websites does he utilize for his research. What’s his daily routine. What variables does he value more or less than others.
Here's a detailed review from InvestorsLive.
The introductions to his DVDs are most definitely improving, this one comes right at you and kicks it off into who, what, where, when, why, and how to trade these penny stocks. It’s really important when jumping in head first to understand what your role is as a trader. You’re either an investor or a trader and when transformed (aka trader gone investor/bagholder because you didn’t take a loss when you should have) is when you run into trouble. As Tim mentions a million times you need to be ok with taking losses, it’s part of trading. One thing you’ll notice after trading for a few years is any “bad” days or “bad” trades that you may encounter are normally always associated with breaking a rule of some sort. Looking back as always like Tim did you can always pinpoint exactly where and when you should have sold/covered to cut losses (beauty of hindsight). The biggest part of this is being able to overcome the “loss” and focusing your attention towards the next opportunity rather than turning your trading strategy into “hope” and hoping your loss turns into a gain!
It’s a hard concept for many people to understand (especially or more humorously the idiot’s on the COIN and DDRX message boards who still think Tim is short when a stock goes up three weeks later) who don’t understand that we as traders are taking advantage of opportunities (over extensions) over one day and many times not even that long, perhaps one hour.
Whether its an over reaction to the upside or a stock coming off bottoms gearing towards break out — that’s THE move we are looking for. If the stock drops another 50% over the next 1-2 weeks or doubles in the next two days that’s part of the game, I don’t care. Sure, profits get left on the table (daily) but more importantly losses are controlled.
As I’ve said in InvestorsUnderground seminars you can blindly following someone that is batting better than average and has solid gains (like Tim or any good trader in the chat ) and you’ll potentially have equi-successful gains/losses relative to the money at risk BUT what good does that do for you if that’s all you know how to do and don’t understand anything more than pushing the button? What happens if Tim is out riding a camel in Egypt and you see the set ups he’s talked about in his watch list but because you’re too lazy to research on your own/do some homework you’ve missed out on serious potential gains. If you only have enough confidence to trade when you receive an email saying “Short XYZ at X Price” or “Covered XYZ at X Price” and won’t pull the trigger otherwise you’ve got a lot to learn! It’s not a strategy! You need to understand what you are doing and why you are doing it. This is why you have to understand the strategy behind the actual trade. This is what TimFundamentals does and our seminars (had to plug it…) teaching you beyond just a “buy now” or “sell now” approach. Finding out where and how to find the information and stocks of interest is one thing — walking through setting up a watch list adding and learning the difference between one that makes it vs. one that doesn’t is a very valuable lesson. Tim lays it ALL OUT THERE outlining every single website he uses on a daily basis to find the stocks of interest for the following days/week.
And by Part One, I mean the first TimFundamental Course, since this is the Second Course.
It would also be great if you can upload to somewhere better... I got 2 downloads out of 16.. and site is asking me to pay.. to download any further...