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ok i apologize for that i can fix the problem for you anyway
Just post instructions here for all people on BBHF , cheers
there is not instruction i need to check the .htaccess file.
and how did you upload it as binary or asci?
where r u hosting ur files
Downloaded 3 times, all were corrupt?
Thanks anyway
try with winrar 5 ;)
For those who have problems with the blank page contact I solved the problem. This applies to all types of scripts flynax. Contact me on Skype thanks. Cool SKYPE CONTACT - GIGIHACK writ large.
Please Help home page is blank anyone know how to solve
Please Help home page is blank anyone know how to solve
(11-22-2013 08:15 PM)gigihack Wrote: [ -> ]For those who have problems with the blank page contact I solved the problem. This applies to all types of scripts flynax. Contact me on Skype thanks. Cool SKYPE CONTACT - GIGIHACK writ large.
friend can help with the problem of the blank page
I installed it, but on the front end, I am getting no images and a "Undefined Page". Any tips?
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