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Full Version: Question About Youtube Account Banned
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Hi everyone,

I'm writing this thread because i don't understand how to manage youtube accounts.

I explain my self better, this is what i did:
- I bought usa proxies from fiverr
- I bought 30 youtube accounts from fiverr

then i logged in in one of these accounts used Firefox and FoxyProxy setted up for using one of the usa proxy and then i logged out

I repeated the above step for 5 times just for checking some accounts (between the accounts I run CCleaner, removing firefox cookies) and then i left them for a few days.

I didn't upload any video into them.

Then after a few days i relogged inside one or two of these accounts and they were deactivated / banned.

So the question is: how can i maintain my youtube accounts... i didn't do any action and they were deactivated

Any help is much appreciated.


best regards
That's not your fault, mate.
It's because of bad PVA accounts. I've bought a lot of them from Fiverr before, none of them were good...
While they are creating accounts they don't care about quality, they are using bots, do not clear their cookies, using the same IP's over and over again (because it's pricey to get a new IP for each account), they even use 1 phone number to verify 5-6 accounts.
So... Youtube trace them easily and ban all accounts. It's not because of you. It's because accounts you've bought were not good quality.
I think the problem comes from the seller.
I don't think you should buy youtube account from fiverr, just create them on your own with the same proxy for each account (one per account), it's safer.
That's my 2cents, how it helps !
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