[GET]This is the easiest money I have made - and it's easy to do
Most ugly salespage EVAH ALERT !!!
Direct DL
Here's a tbkupload mirror.
If you have adblock, disable it temporarily or [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD] will loop.
FYI- There's a WSO thread post claiming this is a resell right product. OP is using the same sales letter and product image from the resell site, so I expect his thread will be closed soon.
**I didn't realize this is posted in the classified ads section. Looks like it's the OP's product after all...
Looks like a great idea for those willing to put in a bit of work. Thanks.
(10-29-2013 10:20 PM)NOP Wrote: [ -> ]Here's a tbkupload mirror.
If you have adblock, disable it temporarily or [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD] will loop.
Why oh why would we want a mirror with [Reported by Members as SPAM THREAD]?? Looping or not..... bad taste man.....