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Full Version: [GET] Video Spin Blaster Pro Version 1.01 Cracked by Hotcrack
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thanx alot
THank you Hotcrack. Hope I can give you +5 rep.
Thank's Hotcrack you are AWESOME !!
+Rep Add Thank You Hotcrack

Please Update Pinblaster 1.74 Version
Tnx 4 sharing! Cool
REP+3 given.
i saw video spin version 2.90
what different with this ver ?
Looks like a really good tool, thanks heaps. Rep added.
Thanks for sharing! +5 reps added! :)

I tried this on 2 different computers (extracted files): XP and Windows 8 - 64 bit, but I couldn't get it to work correctly.

I followed the same example from the demo video (twilight title), but it kept giving me an Unhandled exception error message stating that it 'could not find a part of the path C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\Videospinblasterpro...\....\data\Default\twilight-breaking-dawn-part-i=1.jpg.jpg.'

Could someone please shed some light on how to resolve this issue or get this working?

Don't be lazy. Read the whole thread and you will know why.
Hint: read post #10
(10-31-2013 05:28 AM)luckyducky777 Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks for sharing! +5 reps added! :)

I tried this on 2 different computers (extracted files): XP and Windows 8 - 64 bit, but I couldn't get it to work correctly.

I followed the same example from the demo video (twilight title), but it kept giving me an Unhandled exception error message stating that it 'could not find a part of the path C:\Users\USERNAME\Downloads\Videospinblasterpro...\....\data\Default\twilight-breaking-dawn-part-i=1.jpg.jpg.'

Could someone please shed some light on how to resolve this issue or get this working?

Thanks OP for this share. +REP added.
I got it working on WIN 8 64Bit.
It's pumping out videos as we speak.
1. Start VideoSpinBlaster4.exe from downloaded crack folder.
2. It will say there is a new version, do you want to download. click yes and save "setup.exe" to hard drive.
3. Run setup.exe.
4. replace VideoSpinBlaster4.exe in install folder with one from Hotcrack's crack.
5. click to run.
Should work.
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