[PROBLEM] with Agriya Buy Sell
I have problems with Agriya BUY SELL
I have not found the error, maybe we can fix the error together.
i have under admin menu
Allowed Files : zip,rar,mp3,midi,wav
Upload File Size to : from 5 MB to 100 MB
Preview File Size : from 5 MB to 20 MB
if I register as a new user , and then try to upload files to size 99 MB ,
the upload is running,
RESULT = nothing
Upload files of 5 mb it works
Upload files of 100 mb not works
Problem with large files
(10-28-2013 03:52 AM)AtakanCan Wrote: [ -> ][PROBLEM] with Agriya Buy Sell
I have problems with Agriya BUY SELL
I have not found the error, maybe we can fix the error together.
i have under admin menu
Allowed Files : zip,rar,mp3,midi,wav
Upload File Size to : from 5 MB to 100 MB
Preview File Size : from 5 MB to 20 MB
if I register as a new user , and then try to upload files to size 99 MB ,
the upload is running,
RESULT = nothing
Upload files of 5 mb it works
Upload files of 100 mb not works
Problem with large files
i think problem is not with script , it is with web server , server admin limited uploading size and upload_max_filesize
if you testing with localhost
got to php.ini
and change value for
(10-28-2013 03:56 AM)mrqaidi Wrote: [ -> ] (10-28-2013 03:52 AM)AtakanCan Wrote: [ -> ][PROBLEM] with Agriya Buy Sell
I have problems with Agriya BUY SELL
I have not found the error, maybe we can fix the error together.
i have under admin menu
Allowed Files : zip,rar,mp3,midi,wav
Upload File Size to : from 5 MB to 100 MB
Preview File Size : from 5 MB to 20 MB
if I register as a new user , and then try to upload files to size 99 MB ,
the upload is running,
RESULT = nothing
Upload files of 5 mb it works
Upload files of 100 mb not works
Problem with large files
i think problem is not with script , it is with web server , server admin limited uploading size and upload_max_filesize
if you testing with localhost
got to php.ini
and change value for
HERE is my PHP.ini
max_execution_time = 0
max_input_time = 6000
output_buffering = On
memory_limit = 64M
session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000
safe_mode = off
register_globals = off
allow_url_fopen = off
upload_max_filesize = 200M
post_max_size = 200M
(10-28-2013 03:57 AM)AtakanCan Wrote: [ -> ] (10-28-2013 03:56 AM)mrqaidi Wrote: [ -> ] (10-28-2013 03:52 AM)AtakanCan Wrote: [ -> ][PROBLEM] with Agriya Buy Sell
I have problems with Agriya BUY SELL
I have not found the error, maybe we can fix the error together.
i have under admin menu
Allowed Files : zip,rar,mp3,midi,wav
Upload File Size to : from 5 MB to 100 MB
Preview File Size : from 5 MB to 20 MB
if I register as a new user , and then try to upload files to size 99 MB ,
the upload is running,
RESULT = nothing
Upload files of 5 mb it works
Upload files of 100 mb not works
Problem with large files
i think problem is not with script , it is with web server , server admin limited uploading size and upload_max_filesize
if you testing with localhost
got to php.ini
and change value for
HERE is my PHP.ini
max_execution_time = 0
max_input_time = 6000
output_buffering = On
memory_limit = 64M
session.gc_maxlifetime = 14000
safe_mode = off
register_globals = off
allow_url_fopen = off
upload_max_filesize = 200M
post_max_size = 200M
look like problem is with script
give some value like 90 max_execution_time
can you give me this script , i will test
where are you try upload files
where should it be? of course on the main page.
Click on SELL
- CLICK on BuySell
Fill out all folder .
and thereafter
are you trying to upload a FILE , the file to be larger than 50 MB .
this software is basically good
one of the flaws: the search by location is missing
on my server upload files larger than 100mb working properly
tested with localhost working good and file 189mb uploaded
My server is a good , how can it be that it works for you?
why does it not work for me?
So many user have had the problem before me. Upload of 100 mb files, it runs in an infinite loop.
localhost .
test it but in your webspace .
here is my test DOMAIN "http://blaxey.com"
Sign up, and trying once, file upload