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Please Somebody Rip this or Somehow Crack this Course :

I doubt anyone is still coming here, but if you are, go get
'cause that is what your looking for. it explains everything needed in baby steps. it teaches.

now,... back to my original commenting XD-

you requested this 3 weeks ago,
and 'tinamou99' posted this for you:
"I don't know if you have seen this course but it is terrible! The quality of it is not worth downloading in my opinion and there are quite a few obvious fake reviews - all are indian reviewers - but if you are that eager to get the course, why not just use the technique that was given a couple weeks back in order to downloadl it free?"

and yet, here you are.

you've been a member since May. You mean to tell me you haven't found anything in the freebie section that covers "earning money in niche sites"? 'cause that's the essential part of internet marketing (IM). There must be hundreds of WSO's for that. plus forums on this very site. Get out of the freebie section and look around.
Not to mention youtube, google hangouts, and specific websites, like

trust me, your looking at the title and think it's a magic key to get started. It's not. YOU ARE. I know you have tons of info on affiliate marketing since May. It's the same dang thing! use them. try them.
I feel like being preachy, so here's more....

I think your just afraid you don't know what to do. and your not gonna do it right. guess what? you won't. -So? That's how learning works.
Try. Get hung up. Find a way. Add that. Keep going. If you piece it together yourself, you'll be far, far, better off. because you'll KNOW for yourself what WORKS FOR YOU.

here's what I did, and it worked like a f***ing charm-
Pretend your gonna write that course yourself. Get a notebook. Lay out the chapters you'll need. I.E., What is it you need to learn? Gather the info on the steps you'll need for each chapter. Explain various ways. Test (or research) those theories to be sure your giving accurate info.

TIP: Don't get lost in the details and special moves. that's for the sequel... :)

Once all the chapters are done, you should be able to demonstrate with a live model. Now your cooking! And you'll better understand.

If you started this 3 weeks ago, and worked 1 to 2 hours a day, you would have had 20 to 40 hours of experience knowing what to do to "Make money with niche sites" by creating your own "Step by step blueprint".
Talk about hands on training ! !

so what are you gonna do? waste another month of potential income waiting for some generic script to follow? Or blaze your way to becoming a REAL know-it-all?

I've said enough. can someone else please post the basic outline they will need? I.E., find a niche, find a product, make a website, etc...
and possibly point out the offers in the freebie section they could use for research?
awesome posts, and i 100% agree with everything that was written...
the information you are looking for can be found online for free and you can also download similar
products here on BBHF. the fact that it's a udemy doesn't suddenly make it better.

spiral3d, thank you! would love to hear more about your IM journey.

rep added!
CitizenKane wrote: the fact that it's a udemy doesn't suddenly make it better.
that's is an important point.
let's look into Harneet Bhalla. the creator of that course.
@ udemy he just teaches the one course. in his "learning" is has studied: "online business podcasting", "performance of speaking", "how to market yourself as a coach", and wait for it.....
"how to create a udemy course"
Now, this doesn't mean he doesn't know niche marketing. It means he isn't an expert teacher. But let's move on to his credentials-
CEO of crazypint- this is a company that is ONLY 2 months old.

BTW, 70% of BBHF members are CEO's of an internet marketing company. It's what we do.Forming a company name is just good business sense... but that still doesn't mean he does not know niche marketing. let's move on.
Worked for IBM? can't find a record. He mentions being at Google for 4 months at another 'about' site. hmmm...
DON'T GIVE UP IT GETS BETTER... here's some real credentials-

What does he know? well, he blogs. he blogs everywhere. and he owns a blog site about IM and blogging. He does pretty well, $135 a day, site worth $135K. but if you scroll to the bottom of his page you'll see he makes his money by outsourcing work. (it's obvious). pretty good for being only a year old site.
And he was a speaker at WordCamp Baroda, a wordpress seminar in India. (How? he filled out a form) His topic? "How Indian Blogosphere Works" and finally, in an interview he was asked how did you make yer first internet dollar? answer: "I made my first dollar in the year 2011 and that was through a direct ad sale on one of my previous blogs."

So, what does this say? well, he knows alot about blogging for money.
maybe blogging is his niche. Mines cosplay, anxiety, and home lighting. And I HATE BLOGGING.
So this course isn't for everybody. understand?

Take the advice he gives on his opening video, "I learned from different forums, different online courses, and trainers" Same advice I'm giving. Blogging expert? he's got the experience. Niche sites for money...
thanx for explaining it can't just find words to express my happiness....

Rep added.
I hope yer sincere. I only meant to help. Try to show you what you don't see.

-Great place to start. seo, wordpress, lots of good stuff.

and pick up
its for kindle book niche research, but if it's popular on kindle, it's popular enough to use for niche sites.

find a niche, find products (affliate), make a website, create traffic (seo), make money.
Got three covered for you already- niche, wordpress, seo. Now go play.
Find questions, get answers, try them out. Do it again. In a short month or two, you will be writing that sequel. And you'll really know what your talking about, nya?
Yup u are absolutely correct mate...
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