If you find this helpful, either in the quality of the information product or saving you the $67 bucks, any and all maximum +reps are always appreciated.
By the way ADMIN, I much appreciate the award of the FREE Lifetime VIP some time back, but hey what's it take for some lowly contributor such as I to become a BLUETEXT BLACK KNIGHT????
This is crap on a stick trying to be passed of as bananas. The dumb ass who wrote it can't even spell or have sense enough to hire someone to spell check. No wonder they have a no refund policy...this piece of crap product would have a 90% refund rate. The fact that they can't stand behind their product with a money back guarantee shows how big of a turd it is. I feel sorry for any M**** who actually bought this.
(10-26-2013 04:13 AM)NoWnZeN Wrote: [ -> ]By the way ADMIN, I much appreciate the award of the FREE Lifetime VIP some time back, but hey what's it take for some lowly contributor such as I to become a BLUETEXT BLACK KNIGHT????