ny one can help me please i cant save settings admin/system/setting page cant change facebook id...currency or anything when hit save its coming default state pls help me
A friendly advice for AtanakaCana; Do NEVER(!) expect to make a career in the web development area :-)
(10-25-2013 11:56 PM)Liquid™ Wrote: [ -> ]LOL!
A friendly advice for AtanakaCana; Do NEVER(!) expect to make a career in the web development area :-)
If I ever browsed to a site that looked like that I would contact my ISP and cancel my internet
I would not put much stock in anything from LIQUID, but that is just me and the replies I see him make in other threads. My personal belief is he is a cyst on the side of a tumor... JMO
hey guys I'm test the script with XAMP everything work perfect but when I go to setting the script kill Apache and shutdown XAMP that's weird and when I go to the forum page is blank.! someone have idea about that.?
You must go to admin menu , under admin menu , settings for forum .
That Script WORKS FULL.
(10-26-2013 07:57 AM)MetroPirata Wrote: [ -> ]hey guys I'm test the script with XAMP everything work perfect but when I go to setting the script kill Apache and shutdown XAMP that's weird and when I go to the forum page is blank.! someone have idea about that.?
the only command (existing throughout the script) that invokes apache is in the file: Request.php
if (function_exists ('apache_request_headers')) {
$ headers = apache_request_headers ();
if (empty ($ headers [$ header])) {
return $ headers [$ header];
try to see the apache logs in the corresponding file "vhost"
(10-26-2013 04:12 AM)Gabby Wrote: [ -> ]I would not put much stock in anything from LIQUID, but that is just me and the replies I see him make in other threads. My personal belief is he is a cyst on the side of a tumor... JMO
Admit it, his theme looks like diarrhea.. No need to say that it's nice if it isn't :-)
Here's how it look. Click Images - 4th picture:
Yes I know Atakancan thanks, Ok I go check my apache, thanks Jhon.!
Enjoy The weekend guys cheers.!