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Full Version: [GET] CodeCanyon - SabaiDirectory v1.2.18 for WordPress
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SabaiDirectory is a premium business directory plugin for WordPress. The plugin features the ability to build a community driven local business directories like, Google+ Places, or Yahoo! Local.

V1.2.18 – 13 SEPTEMBER 2013

Bug Fixed: Link titles of Link type fields not being displayed when more than one field
Bug Fixed: Captcha field image not being displayed in 1.2.17
Bug Fixed: Paramaters marker_clusters and scrollwheel not working in [sabai-directory-map] shortcode
Bug Fixed: Terms of condition not being displayed when adding listings
Added: New capabilities manage_sabai and manage_sabai_content to allow non-administrator users to access plugin backend
Added: New php constant SABAI_WORDPRESS_PAGE_PARAM to allow modifying the page request parameter “p” to avoid conflict with other plugins
Added: Option to make featured listings sticky/unsticky
Added: Option to sort listings in random order
Added: Options to customize “categories” and “claim” slugs

Demo and info
http://www.>>>[[[Reported by Members as self-promotion. Please post the actual direct link!]]]<<</sabaidirectory-for-wordpress.html

Update to ver 1.2.24 ! Release oct-19-2013, Please...
Please Please Update....???? to 1.2.24
Bump for the latest.
Thanks for share. +Rep added.
any update?
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