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10-11-2013, 09:00 PM
Post: #1
mediaspider.us honest review - complete BS.
Simply Submit a ticket to our support desk within 30 days of your purchase, ask for a refund and consider it done, no arguments, no questions, no trouble at all. You will find our response email will "Thank YOU for trying Media Spider and hope we can serve you on another occasion".

Only little issue is that tickets just do not work; I have tried captcha 20 times... Lol
[Image: 03a0b-2bbdb321-aad4-4a8f-8f99-963abd82eb4b.png] #mce_temp_url#
10-27-2013, 09:47 PM
Post: #2
I just tried using FireFox, works for me just fine.

If you PM me your registration email, I'll submit a ticket and ask them to send you your login details.
11-21-2013, 05:49 PM
Post: #3
Best of luck on the refund.

BTW, could you share what your experience was with the product that prompted the refund request?

Did it meet product claims or your expectations?

If not can you give some insight as to what failed if time permits?

Thanks so much.
