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02-05-2015, 08:53 AM (This post was last modified: 02-05-2015 08:56 AM by sahap.)
Post: #1
flynax 4.3 rlNavigator.class errors
i been tryed maney nulleds flynax 4.3 all of them have some errors bug

1 ...... this one give errors dealers show ads page and on mobil u can not change language

PHP Code:
<?phpclass rlNavigator extends reefless{        public $cPage null;    public $cLang null;    public $cMobile false;    public $rlConfig null;    public function rlNavigator()    {        global $rlConfig;        $this->rlConfig =and $rlConfig;        $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'] = $this->getGEOData();        return;    }    public function rewriteGet($vareables false$page false$lang false)    {        global $config;        $page  = empty($page) ? '' $page;        $items explode('/'trim($vareables'/'));        if (!(empty($lang))) {            $langsList $this->fetch('Code', array(                'Code' => $lang            ), nullnull'languages''row');            if (empty($langsList)) {                $lang $config['lang'];            }        }        if ($config['mod_rewrite']) {            if (isset($_GET['wildcard'])) {                $request     trim($vareables'/');                $request_exp explode('/'$request);                if ($request == $config['mobile_location_name']) {                    $this->cMobile true;                }                if (count($request_exp) > 1) {                    $this->cLang $_GET['lang'] = $request_exp[1];                } else {                    if (count($request_exp) == and& strlen($request) == 2) {                        $this->cLang $_GET['lang'] = trim($vareables'/');                    }                }            }            if ($page == $config['mobile_location_name']) {                $this->cPage   $page $items[0];                $this->cMobile true;                $rlVars        explode('/'trim($_GET['rlVareables'], '/'));                unset($rlVars[0]);                unset($items[0]);                $items               array_values($items);                $_GET['rlVareables'] = implode('/'$rlVars);            }            if (strlen($page) < and& !$_GET['lang']) {                $this->cLang  $page;                $this->cPage  $items[0];                $_GET['page'] = $items[0];                $rlVars       explode('/'trim($_GET['rlVareables'], '/'));                unset($rlVars[0]);                $_GET['rlVareables'] = implode('/'$rlVars);                foreach ($items as $key => $value) {                    $items[$key] = $items[$key 1];                    if (!(isset($items[$key]))) {                        continue;                    }                    unset($items[$key]);                    continue;                }            } else {                if ($_GET['lang']) {                    $this->cLang $_GET['lang'];                    $this->cPage $page;                } else {                    $this->cLang $config['lang'];                    $this->cPage $page;                }            }        } else {            $this->cLang $lang;            $this->cPage $page;        }        if (!(empty($vareables))) {            $count_vars count($items);            $i          0;            while ($count_vars $i) {                $step                  $i 1;                $_GET['nvar_' $step] = $items[$i];                $i++;                continue;            }            unset($vareables);        }        return;    }    public function definePage()    {        global $account_info;        global $lang;        $page $this->cPage;        if ($page == 'index') {            $page '';        }        $sql "SELECT * FROM `" RL_DBPREFIX . ('' "pages` WHERE `Path` = CONVERT('" $page "' USING utf8) AND `Status` = 'active' LIMIT 1");        if ($pageInfo $this->getRow($sql)) {            $pageInfo $GLOBALS['rlLang']->replaceLangKeys($pageInfo'pages', array(                'name',                'title',                'meta_description',                'meta_keywords'            ));            if ($pageInfo['Plugin'] and& !(is_readable(RL_PLUGINS $pageInfo['Plugin'] . RL_DS $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php')) || empty($pageInfo['Controller']) || !$pageInfo['Plugin'] and& !(is_readable(RL_CONTROL $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php'))) {                header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");                $pageInfo['Controller'] = '404';                $pageInfo['Tpl']        = true;                $pageInfo['title']      = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['name']       = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['Page_type']  = 'system';            }        } else {            $address         $this->cPage;            $sql             "SELECT `ID`, `Type` FROM `" RL_DBPREFIX . ('' "accounts` WHERE `Own_address` = CONVERT('" $address "' USING utf8) LIMIT 1");            $account_details $this->getRow($sql);            $pageInfo        $this->fetch('*', array(                'Key' => 'at_' $account_details['Type'],                'Status' => 'active'            ), null1'pages''row');            $pageInfo        $GLOBALS['rlLang']->replaceLangKeys($pageInfo'pages', array(                'name',                'title',                'meta_description',                'meta_keywords'            ));            $_GET['id']      = $account_details['ID'];            if (empty($pageInfo['Controller']) || !(is_readable(RL_CONTROL $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php')) || $pageInfo['Menus'] == '2' and& !(isset($account_info['ID']))) {                header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");                $pageInfo['Controller'] = '404';                $pageInfo['Tpl']        = true;                $pageInfo['title']      = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['name']       = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['Page_type']  = 'system';            }        }        return $pageInfo;    }        function getAllPages()     {         $this -> setTable'pages' );         $pages $this -> fetch( array( 'Key''Path' ) );         $this -> resetTable(); 
        foreach ( 
$pages as $key => $value )         {             $out[$pages[$key]['Key']] = $pages[$key]['Path'];         }         unset($pages);                  return $out;     }
        public function 
getGEOData$ips FALSE$format "json" )    {        if ( isset( $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'], $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'] ) )        {            return $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'];        }
$ips;    //        Debug ON (with IP from google)://        $ips = "";        //        Debug OFF (with your own IP, doesn't work on localhost):        $ips = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        // and this is where FS comes in ...        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoip.inc");        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoipcity.inc");        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoipregionvars.php");        $getContent = geoip_open("./includes/classes/fs.geolitecity.dat",GEOIP_STANDARD);        $record = geoip_record_by_addr($getContent, $ips);        $content = array();        $content["Country_code"] = $record->country_code;        $content["Country_name"] = $record->country_name;        $content["Region"] = $GEOIP_REGION_NAME[$record->country_code][$record->region];        $content["City"] = $record->city;        $content["ISP_name"] = "Unknown";        geoip_close($getContent);        $content = json_encode($content);        $GLOBALS['rlHook']->load( "phpGetGEOData" );        return $content;    }


2.... this one not working search..... from admin main language english and u search language english on site wont give error
but then u search with other language then give error on site
and on mobil not working to change language

PHP Code:
<?phpclass rlNavigator extends reefless{        public $cPage null;    public $cLang null;    public $cMobile false;    public $rlConfig null;    public function rlNavigator()    {        global $rlConfig;        $this->rlConfig =and $rlConfig;        $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'] = $this->getGEOData();        return;    }    public function rewriteGet($vareables false$page false$lang false)    {        global $config;        $page  = empty($page) ? '' $page;        $items explode('/'trim($vareables'/'));        if (!(empty($lang))) {            $langsList $this->fetch('Code', array(                'Code' => $lang            ), nullnull'languages''row');            if (empty($langsList)) {                $lang $config['lang'];            }        }        if ($config['mod_rewrite']) {            if (isset($_GET['wildcard'])) {                $request     trim($vareables'/');                $request_exp explode('/'$request);                if ($request == $config['mobile_location_name']) {                    $this->cMobile true;                }                if (count($request_exp) > 1) {                    $this->cLang $_GET['lang'] = $request_exp[1];                } else {                    if (count($request_exp) == and& strlen($request) == 2) {                        $this->cLang $_GET['lang'] = trim($vareables'/');                    }                }            }            if ($page == $config['mobile_location_name']) {                $this->cPage   $page $items[0];                $this->cMobile true;                $rlVars        explode('/'trim($_GET['rlVareables'], '/'));                unset($rlVars[0]);                unset($items[0]);                $items               array_values($items);                $_GET['rlVareables'] = implode('/'$rlVars);            }            if (strlen($page) < and& !$_GET['lang']) {                $this->cLang  $page;                $this->cPage  $items[0];                $_GET['page'] = $items[0];                $rlVars       explode('/'trim($_GET['rlVareables'], '/'));                unset($rlVars[0]);                $_GET['rlVareables'] = implode('/'$rlVars);                foreach ($items as $key => $value) {                    $items[$key] = $items[$key 1];                    if (!(isset($items[$key]))) {                        continue;                    }                    unset($items[$key]);                    continue;                }            } else {                if ($_GET['lang']) {                    $this->cLang $_GET['lang'];                    $this->cPage $page;                } else {                    $this->cLang $config['lang'];                    $this->cPage $page;                }            }        } else {            $this->cLang $lang;            $this->cPage $page;        }        if (!(empty($vareables))) {            $count_vars count($items);            $i          0;            while ($count_vars $i) {                $step                  $i 1;                $_GET['nvar_' $step] = $items[$i];                $i++;                continue;            }            unset($vareables);        }        return;    }    public function definePage()    {        global $account_info;        global $lang;        $page $this->cPage;        if ($page == 'index') {            $page '';        }        $sql "SELECT * FROM `" RL_DBPREFIX . ('' "pages` WHERE `Path` = CONVERT('" $page "' USING utf8) AND `Status` = 'active' LIMIT 1");        if ($pageInfo $this->getRow($sql)) {            $pageInfo $GLOBALS['rlLang']->replaceLangKeys($pageInfo'pages', array(                'name',                'title',                'meta_description',                'meta_keywords'            ));            if ($pageInfo['Plugin'] and& !(is_readable(RL_PLUGINS $pageInfo['Plugin'] . RL_DS $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php')) || empty($pageInfo['Controller']) || !$pageInfo['Plugin'] and& !(is_readable(RL_CONTROL $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php'))) {                header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");                $pageInfo['Controller'] = '404';                $pageInfo['Tpl']        = true;                $pageInfo['title']      = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['name']       = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['Page_type']  = 'system';            }        } else {            $address         $this->cPage;            $sql             "SELECT `ID`, `Type` FROM `" RL_DBPREFIX . ('' "accounts` WHERE `Own_address` = CONVERT('" $address "' USING utf8) LIMIT 1");            $account_details $this->getRow($sql);            $pageInfo        $this->fetch('*', array(                'Key' => 'at_' $account_details['Type'],                'Status' => 'active'            ), null1'pages''row');            $pageInfo        $GLOBALS['rlLang']->replaceLangKeys($pageInfo'pages', array(                'name',                'title',                'meta_description',                'meta_keywords'            ));            $_GET['id']      = $account_details['ID'];            if (empty($pageInfo['Controller']) || !(is_readable(RL_CONTROL $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php')) || $pageInfo['Menus'] == '2' and& !(isset($account_info['ID']))) {                header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");                $pageInfo['Controller'] = '404';                $pageInfo['Tpl']        = true;                $pageInfo['title']      = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['name']       = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['Page_type']  = 'system';            }        }        return $pageInfo;    }        function getAllPages()     {         $this -> setTable'pages' );        $pages $this -> fetch( array( 'Key''Path' ) );        $this -> resetTable(); 
        foreach ( 
$pages as $key => $value )         {             $out[$pages[$key]['Key']] = $pages[$key]['Path'];         }         unset($pages);                  return $out;     }        public function getGEOData($ips FALSE$format 'json')    {        if (isset($_SESSION['GEOLocationData'], $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'])) {            return $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'];        }        global $ips;        /*$ips = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];*/        $ips = empty($ips) ? $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] : $ips;        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoip.inc");        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoipcity.inc");        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoipregionvars.php");        $getContent              geoip_open("./includes/classes/fs.geolitecity.dat"GEOIP_STANDARD);        $record                  geoip_record_by_addr($getContent$ips);        $content                 = array();        $content['Country_code'] = $record->country_code;        $content['Country_name'] = $record->country_name;        $content['Region']       = $GEOIP_REGION_NAME[$record->country_code][$record->region];        $content['City']         = $record->city;        $content['ISP_name']     = 'Unknown';        geoip_close($getContent);        $content json_encode($content);        $GLOBALS['rlHook']->load('phpGetGEOData');        return $content;    }}?>

i dont understand cods if some help me ... thanks alread

(02-05-2015 08:53 AM)sahap Wrote:  i been tryed maney nulleds flynax 4.3 all of them have some errors bug

1 ...... this one give errors dealers show ads page and on mobil u can not change catagories

PHP Code:
rlConfig =and $rlConfig;        $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'] = $this->getGEOData();        return;    }    public function rewriteGet($vareables false$page false$lang false)    {        global $config;        $page  = empty($page) ? '' $page;        $items explode('/'trim($vareables'/'));        if (!(empty($lang))) {            $langsList $this->fetch('Code', array(                'Code' => $lang            ), nullnull'languages''row');            if (empty($langsList)) {                $lang $config['lang'];            }        }        if ($config['mod_rewrite']) {            if (isset($_GET['wildcard'])) {                $request     trim($vareables'/');                $request_exp explode('/'$request);                if ($request == $config['mobile_location_name']) {                    $this->cMobile true;                }                if (count($request_exp) > 1) {                    $this->cLang $_GET['lang'] = $request_exp[1];                } else {                    if (count($request_exp) == and& strlen($request) == 2) {                        $this->cLang $_GET['lang'] = trim($vareables'/');                    }                }            }            if ($page == $config['mobile_location_name']) {                $this->cPage   $page $items[0];                $this->cMobile true;                $rlVars        explode('/'trim($_GET['rlVareables'], '/'));                unset($rlVars[0]);                unset($items[0]);                $items               array_values($items);                $_GET['rlVareables'] = implode('/'$rlVars);            }            if (strlen($page) < and& !$_GET['lang']) {                $this->cLang  $page;                $this->cPage  $items[0];                $_GET['page'] = $items[0];                $rlVars       explode('/'trim($_GET['rlVareables'], '/'));                unset($rlVars[0]);                $_GET['rlVareables'] = implode('/'$rlVars);                foreach ($items as $key => $value) {                    $items[$key] = $items[$key 1];                    if (!(isset($items[$key]))) {                        continue;                    }                    unset($items[$key]);                    continue;                }            } else {                if ($_GET['lang']) {                    $this->cLang $_GET['lang'];                    $this->cPage $page;                } else {                    $this->cLang $config['lang'];                    $this->cPage $page;                }            }        } else {            $this->cLang $lang;            $this->cPage $page;        }        if (!(empty($vareables))) {            $count_vars count($items);            $i          0;            while ($count_vars $i) {                $step                  $i 1;                $_GET['nvar_' $step] = $items[$i];                $i++;                continue;            }            unset($vareables);        }        return;    }    public function definePage()    {        global $account_info;        global $lang;        $page $this->cPage;        if ($page == 'index') {            $page '';        }        $sql "SELECT * FROM `" RL_DBPREFIX . ('' "pages` WHERE `Path` = CONVERT('" $page "' USING utf8) AND `Status` = 'active' LIMIT 1");        if ($pageInfo $this->getRow($sql)) {            $pageInfo $GLOBALS['rlLang']->replaceLangKeys($pageInfo'pages', array(                'name',                'title',                'meta_description',                'meta_keywords'            ));            if ($pageInfo['Plugin'] and& !(is_readable(RL_PLUGINS $pageInfo['Plugin'] . RL_DS $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php')) || empty($pageInfo['Controller']) || !$pageInfo['Plugin'] and& !(is_readable(RL_CONTROL $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php'))) {                header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");                $pageInfo['Controller'] = '404';                $pageInfo['Tpl']        = true;                $pageInfo['title']      = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['name']       = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['Page_type']  = 'system';            }        } else {            $address         $this->cPage;            $sql             "SELECT `ID`, `Type` FROM `" RL_DBPREFIX . ('' "accounts` WHERE `Own_address` = CONVERT('" $address "' USING utf8) LIMIT 1");            $account_details $this->getRow($sql);            $pageInfo        $this->fetch('*', array(                'Key' => 'at_' $account_details['Type'],                'Status' => 'active'            ), null1'pages''row');            $pageInfo        $GLOBALS['rlLang']->replaceLangKeys($pageInfo'pages', array(                'name',                'title',                'meta_description',                'meta_keywords'            ));            $_GET['id']      = $account_details['ID'];            if (empty($pageInfo['Controller']) || !(is_readable(RL_CONTROL $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php')) || $pageInfo['Menus'] == '2' and& !(isset($account_info['ID']))) {                header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");                $pageInfo['Controller'] = '404';                $pageInfo['Tpl']        = true;                $pageInfo['title']      = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['name']       = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['Page_type']  = 'system';            }        }        return $pageInfo;    }        function getAllPages()     {         $this -> setTable'pages' );         $pages $this -> fetch( array( 'Key''Path' ) );         $this -> resetTable(); 
        foreach ( 
$pages as $key => $value )         {             $out[$pages[$key]['Key']] = $pages[$key]['Path'];         }         unset($pages);                  return $out;     }
        public function 
getGEOData$ips FALSE$format "json" )    {        if ( isset( $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'], $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'] ) )        {            return $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'];        }
$ips;    //        Debug ON (with IP from google)://        $ips = "";        //        Debug OFF (with your own IP, doesn't work on localhost):        $ips = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
        // and this is where FS comes in ...        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoip.inc");        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoipcity.inc");        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoipregionvars.php");        $getContent = geoip_open("./includes/classes/fs.geolitecity.dat",GEOIP_STANDARD);        $record = geoip_record_by_addr($getContent, $ips);        $content = array();        $content["Country_code"] = $record->country_code;        $content["Country_name"] = $record->country_name;        $content["Region"] = $GEOIP_REGION_NAME[$record->country_code][$record->region];        $content["City"] = $record->city;        $content["ISP_name"] = "Unknown";        geoip_close($getContent);        $content = json_encode($content);        $GLOBALS['rlHook']->load( "phpGetGEOData" );        return $content;    }


2.... this one not working search..... from admin main language english and u search language english on site wont give error
but then u search with other language then give error on site
and on mobil not working to change language

PHP Code:
rlConfig =and $rlConfig;        $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'] = $this->getGEOData();        return;    }    public function rewriteGet($vareables false$page false$lang false)    {        global $config;        $page  = empty($page) ? '' $page;        $items explode('/'trim($vareables'/'));        if (!(empty($lang))) {            $langsList $this->fetch('Code', array(                'Code' => $lang            ), nullnull'languages''row');            if (empty($langsList)) {                $lang $config['lang'];            }        }        if ($config['mod_rewrite']) {            if (isset($_GET['wildcard'])) {                $request     trim($vareables'/');                $request_exp explode('/'$request);                if ($request == $config['mobile_location_name']) {                    $this->cMobile true;                }                if (count($request_exp) > 1) {                    $this->cLang $_GET['lang'] = $request_exp[1];                } else {                    if (count($request_exp) == and& strlen($request) == 2) {                        $this->cLang $_GET['lang'] = trim($vareables'/');                    }                }            }            if ($page == $config['mobile_location_name']) {                $this->cPage   $page $items[0];                $this->cMobile true;                $rlVars        explode('/'trim($_GET['rlVareables'], '/'));                unset($rlVars[0]);                unset($items[0]);                $items               array_values($items);                $_GET['rlVareables'] = implode('/'$rlVars);            }            if (strlen($page) < and& !$_GET['lang']) {                $this->cLang  $page;                $this->cPage  $items[0];                $_GET['page'] = $items[0];                $rlVars       explode('/'trim($_GET['rlVareables'], '/'));                unset($rlVars[0]);                $_GET['rlVareables'] = implode('/'$rlVars);                foreach ($items as $key => $value) {                    $items[$key] = $items[$key 1];                    if (!(isset($items[$key]))) {                        continue;                    }                    unset($items[$key]);                    continue;                }            } else {                if ($_GET['lang']) {                    $this->cLang $_GET['lang'];                    $this->cPage $page;                } else {                    $this->cLang $config['lang'];                    $this->cPage $page;                }            }        } else {            $this->cLang $lang;            $this->cPage $page;        }        if (!(empty($vareables))) {            $count_vars count($items);            $i          0;            while ($count_vars $i) {                $step                  $i 1;                $_GET['nvar_' $step] = $items[$i];                $i++;                continue;            }            unset($vareables);        }        return;    }    public function definePage()    {        global $account_info;        global $lang;        $page $this->cPage;        if ($page == 'index') {            $page '';        }        $sql "SELECT * FROM `" RL_DBPREFIX . ('' "pages` WHERE `Path` = CONVERT('" $page "' USING utf8) AND `Status` = 'active' LIMIT 1");        if ($pageInfo $this->getRow($sql)) {            $pageInfo $GLOBALS['rlLang']->replaceLangKeys($pageInfo'pages', array(                'name',                'title',                'meta_description',                'meta_keywords'            ));            if ($pageInfo['Plugin'] and& !(is_readable(RL_PLUGINS $pageInfo['Plugin'] . RL_DS $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php')) || empty($pageInfo['Controller']) || !$pageInfo['Plugin'] and& !(is_readable(RL_CONTROL $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php'))) {                header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");                $pageInfo['Controller'] = '404';                $pageInfo['Tpl']        = true;                $pageInfo['title']      = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['name']       = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['Page_type']  = 'system';            }        } else {            $address         $this->cPage;            $sql             "SELECT `ID`, `Type` FROM `" RL_DBPREFIX . ('' "accounts` WHERE `Own_address` = CONVERT('" $address "' USING utf8) LIMIT 1");            $account_details $this->getRow($sql);            $pageInfo        $this->fetch('*', array(                'Key' => 'at_' $account_details['Type'],                'Status' => 'active'            ), null1'pages''row');            $pageInfo        $GLOBALS['rlLang']->replaceLangKeys($pageInfo'pages', array(                'name',                'title',                'meta_description',                'meta_keywords'            ));            $_GET['id']      = $account_details['ID'];            if (empty($pageInfo['Controller']) || !(is_readable(RL_CONTROL $pageInfo['Controller'] . '.inc.php')) || $pageInfo['Menus'] == '2' and& !(isset($account_info['ID']))) {                header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found");                $pageInfo['Controller'] = '404';                $pageInfo['Tpl']        = true;                $pageInfo['title']      = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['name']       = $lang['undefined_page'];                $pageInfo['Page_type']  = 'system';            }        }        return $pageInfo;    }        function getAllPages()     {         $this -> setTable'pages' );        $pages $this -> fetch( array( 'Key''Path' ) );        $this -> resetTable(); 
        foreach ( 
$pages as $key => $value )         {             $out[$pages[$key]['Key']] = $pages[$key]['Path'];         }         unset($pages);                  return $out;     }        public function getGEOData($ips FALSE$format 'json')    {        if (isset($_SESSION['GEOLocationData'], $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'])) {            return $_SESSION['GEOLocationData'];        }        global $ips;        /*$ips = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];*/        $ips = empty($ips) ? $_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"] : $ips;        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoip.inc");        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoipcity.inc");        include("./includes/classes/fs.geoipregionvars.php");        $getContent              geoip_open("./includes/classes/fs.geolitecity.dat"GEOIP_STANDARD);        $record                  geoip_record_by_addr($getContent$ips);        $content                 = array();        $content['Country_code'] = $record->country_code;        $content['Country_name'] = $record->country_name;        $content['Region']       = $GEOIP_REGION_NAME[$record->country_code][$record->region];        $content['City']         = $record->city;        $content['ISP_name']     = 'Unknown';        geoip_close($getContent);        $content json_encode($content);        $GLOBALS['rlHook']->load('phpGetGEOData');        return $content;    }}?>

i dont understand cods if some help me ... thanks alread
02-05-2015, 07:47 PM
Post: #2
Lot of bugs in v4.3

Another big bug is if you try and add new Languages for exp:
Danish (DA) and go to front site and try and register account with Danish so get you 404 issue code!

Same was in v4.1
02-05-2015, 09:34 PM
Post: #3
(02-05-2015 07:47 PM)Costaking Wrote:  Lot of bugs in v4.3

Another big bug is if you try and add new Languages for exp:
Danish (DA) and go to front site and try and register account with Danish so get you 404 issue code!

Same was in v4.1
(02-05-2015 07:47 PM)Costaking Wrote:  it was same in turkish language too but i change iso cod Tr with TR and it s starnt work if daish iso cad DA change to Da it will work i thing
