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03-23-2014, 05:23 AM
Post: #1
YouTube Channel Monetization
Dear Warriors, There's something that have been bugging me, i really want you experts to make it clear for me.

YouTube: I have heard people monetize their YouTube channel by enabling
ads on their videos. I have been researching on the TYPE of CHANNELS and
VIDEOS been uploaded by users.

I have also seen accounts that are 3 months old and have 1,000 plus
subscribers and have more than a million views. You must be thinking
how? That's my question too. The user has uploaded ONLY 12 videos in
last month, and has made a strong channel in short period of time.

Proof: Todaysnewsvirals YouTube Stats by Socialblade | YouTube Statistics

$2.3K - $23.3K

[color=#777]Estimated Monthly Earnings[/color]
$27.9K - $279.2K

[color=#777]Estimated Yearly Earnings[/color]

My Questions:

- How he managed to get IN YouTube Partner Program?

- How can a user MONETIZE his channel?

- How many ways are their to monetize YOUTUBE Channel?

- I have also seen people with duplicate, copied content, news content
and other, which shouldn't be allowed by YOUTUBE is up and running and
people are making money?

- I am totally confused how is it working for them?

03-23-2014, 05:49 AM
Post: #2
maybe this will answer your questions

