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03-23-2015, 03:00 PM
Post: #1
Twitter Retweets group , don't even have to ask to join ! :)
hey so check it out ?
ever wanted to get real retweets ?
gone to websites , and all they offer is fake botted retweets ?
and were bummed out looking at your tweet knowing they're just bots retweeting you and if anyone checks who retweeted you it would look fake ?
well no more ,
introducing , . . . AGAIN . . .
[Image: ScreenShot2a7e.png]

make your tweets go from this ,
[Image: ScreenShot890c.png]

to this

[Image: ScreenShot8346.png]

[Image: ScreenShotbf91.png]
[Image: ScreenShotdcf3.png]
[Image: ScreenShotbda7.png]
