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01-09-2014, 04:52 PM
Post: #1
The 30-Day Online Journey To TOP Google Rankings With The Help Of Unlimited Content.
For the first line of this thread I would like to apologize for
not being able to find time to share anything valuable to this community. Last month I realized I'm here from 2008 knowing pretty much about this place but ashamed because I haven't returned the help which BHW gaved to me. Not saying that I was a starter when I first came to BHW but a good part of my success I owe to this community. If you already have an insight about what's going on you can skip the on-page part and basic part. What
should a website have in order to be loved by Google and visitors ● Unique content targeting your niche, keep keyword density somewhere around 2%, always vary the article length don't go for the boring 400 words also include images, videos, audio and pdf files (self-hosted) with the keyword in name of file. ● Make the website look legit and offer value to the web: add nice logo, about me page, contact page, privacy policy and terms pages, make it clean for the visitor and easy to navigate ● Use a clean code theme, solve all the code errors, validate html and css and transform code to inline ● Page speed: optimize your page speed because it's really important to have a fast website. Compress everything you can, use cache, create self-hosted CDN and/or use cloud services. For Wordpress the best plugin for this is W3 Total Cache. (to test your website performance use websites like http://tools.pingdom.com and http://www.webpagetest.org) ● Create sitemap for articles, images and videos (XML, TXT, HTML) ● Redirect non-WWW to WWW. (you can do this by htaccess) ● Internal page linking: drop a link to other articles or pages anywhere you can, vary your internal anchor links (rotate all your targeted keywords) ● Social Media Pages (twitter, facebook, google+ twitter etc) ● RSS feed or sidebar link to one of the related authority websites in your niche (minimum PR7+) and whenever you give link make sure is nofollow ● Make use of SEOmoz and Woorank and get the best grades on their reports These must not be neglect and please know on-page SEO is something that's very important but has almost no power without the off-page part. I haven't mentioned basic factors such as keyword in title (h1, h2), meta description etc because this is pretty much obvious. Now that we have the website ready let's see what Google wants in order to rank your website. What you will read below is one of my SEO methods which I'm using on personal websites and I got mad rankings for lots of keywords which sooner or later resulted in huge profits. Nothing to show off but this method gives you the chance to have high rankings long time. All my backlinks are considered legit because I transformed everything to white-hat and even if Matt Cutts will review my backlink profile will not penalize the website. I'm using unique content and all the tier 1 work is done by hand (everything created manual). Low and medium competition SEO blueprint This method is best for micro niche sites and medium sites, low competition for me does mean not more than 4000 local monthly searches, low results when searched keyword is in quote and most of the top 10 results are not directly targeted to the exact keyword. Medium competition means that in the top is one or more EMD, can be autoritive websites as Amazon, Wikipedia and/or most of the websites are targeting and are optimized for the keyword. Disclaimer: This is the exact method which I'm using and I said that I'm using just unique articles but if you are sure about what you are doing use spinned articles or any other method to obtain unique articles. Below you have all steps mentioned as detailed as possible. Follow them if you want high rankings on Google. TIER 1 1. Write 10 unique articles related to your niche. Include your keyword 4-5 times in the article. The length of article can be anything from 300+ to 400 words. Articles must be readable or your pages will fast be reported as spam and will get vanished. 2. Create 10 high pagerank web 2.0 blogs (wordpress, tumblr, squidoo - see end of thread for complete lists). I create all the blogs manual, delete hello posts, add some sidebar widgets, change blog/website template and after that add your article which must, obviously point to money site. So now you will have 10 web 2.0 blogs each one having a unique article pointed to your money site. When creating the blog, to avoid footprints use a mix of subdomains names, mix of h1 and h2 titles, link placement in your article, add related images and videos in your articles or add them in different posts. For those who can afford get some more 200+ words articles and post on the blogs. You need to eliminate any pattern which Google can assimilate to. Collect all the specific web 2.0 live article links (myblog.wordpress.com/my-post) and create a file and name it WEB20-ARTICLE-LINKS.txt. After that collect all your web 2.0 homepage links (myblog.wordpress.com) and create file 10-WEB20-BLOGS.txt. Leave it like that for now because will take care later of these files but this will keep you organized. 3. Write 30 unique descriptions about your website, about the keyword or about the general niche. Anything from 10 to 20 words is perfect for the length of descriptions. 4. After your descriptions are ready create 30 high pagerank social bookmarks (see end of thread for full list). Use different usernames, use exact match usernames related to your keyword, the main point is to have a mix of everything. Now you will have 30 social bookmarks with different descriptions pointed to your money site. As soon as you finish creating all 30 bookmarks get all the live links and create one file named 30-BOOKMARKS.txt 5. Write 3 unique articles with the same instructions you can find above. After that create 3 squidoo lenses all pointed to money site. Add images, videos, use the mix of different things to avoid footprints. Make the lenses complete so you don't risk getting all deleted after a couple weeks. After you are ready save the squidoo lens links to 3-SQUIDOO.txt 6. Write 1 unique article and create a pdf file (create a doc file and then convert it using docupub.com/pdfconvert/ or create the pdf file with OpenOffice). This time include your link in the footer of the article because you will take this 1 pdf file which contains just 1 article and will be spread across few doc sharing sites. We want to show Google that your pdf is shared/uploaded by internet users and not by you, that's the point in using the same pdf file (with the same article). Save all the doc links in a file called DOCSHARING.txt 7. Write 6 descriptions related to your niche and create special bookmarks on reddit, delicious and folkd. That would mean 2 bookmarks from different usernames to each website so you will have only unique descriptions used to link to your money site. Do 2 stumbles on Stumbleupon. Get links from this step and save in SPECIALBOOKMARKS.txt 8. Get your website meta description and use it to submit your website to 40 web directories. Use same usernames and details on every web directory because here is where you need to create a "footprint". Google is aware that web directories are made by the website's owner. 9. (Optional, but highly recommended) Add G+ and Facebook button to your website and give 20 votes and likes spread across 10 days. Be careful what accounts you will be using and try to give a few votes/likes in the 6 first days and more in the last 4 days. From your official twitter page tweet to your money site and re-tweet (re-tweet your original tweet) from different accounts 20-30 times. By now you should have: 10 web 2.0 articles from top blogs - WEB20-ARTICLE-LINKS.txt 10 web 2.0 blogs - 10-WEB20-BLOGS.txt 30 high pagerank social bookmarks - 30-BOOKMARKS.txt 3 squidoo lenses - 3-SQUIDOO.txt 5 backlinks from doc sharing sites - DOCSHARING.txt 8 links from authority social bookmarks sites - SPECIALBOOKMARKS.txt submission made to 40 web directories and social signals: 20 google 1+s, 20 likes, 1 tweet and 30 re-tweets 10. Get 10-WEB20-BLOGS.txt, 30-BOOKMARKS.txt, 3-SQUIDOO.txt and submit the links to any crawling service. In my case I'm using my own private indexing network and I'm sorry for being unable to recommend something to you. Now we can move to TIER 2 This tier is made semi-automated by my custom made softwares. Again I can't recommend something to you because I'm not using any public automated software. I heard that UltimateDemon and SENukeX are good for creating big amounts of backlinks. 11. Write 1 article and/or spin it. It can be a general article or targeting your niche, it doesn't matter at all. 500+ words is fine. 12. Create 100+ social network blog posts (Elgg, Jcow) to links from 10-WEB20-BLOGS.txt, 30-BOOKMARKS.txt, 3-SQUIDOO.txt. Make a spintax with links from .txt files and anchors (generic anchors) and include it somewhere in the article. Each blog post must have no more than 1 link and 1 generic anchor. If you add more than 1 pointing to that links the spider will see an easy footprint. Same can happen if you put anchor the same as your targeted keywords. 13. Get all your backlinks from tier 1 and blast to them 500-600 social bookmarks (Pligg). Use generic anchors and general descriptions. 14. Write 1 article or/and spin it. 15. Get backlinks from DOCSHARING.txt,WEB20-ARTICLE-LINKS.txt and create 700 Wikis pointed to them. Create spintax like you've done on step 12 with your links and anchors. 16. Get backlinks from WEB20-ARTICLE-LINKS.txt and create 100 high pr social bookmarks to them (Pligg or whatever but make sure that these sites have some pr). DIAGRAM [img]file:///C:/Users/w73/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image002.gif[/img] SCHEDULE Day 1: STEP 1, create 1 web 2.0 (wordpress), STEP 2, create 5 social bookmarks, (optional) start the spread for STEP 9 Day 2: STEP 5, create 3 web 2.0, create 10 social bookmarks Day 3: STEP 6, create 6 web 2.0, create 15 social bookmarks Day 4: STEP 7, STEP 8, STEP 10 Day 5: You can do TIER 2 in the last day At the end of a day submit your backlinks to crawling and indexing. GENERAL TIPS Be sure that you are organized and have control over your backlinks. Collect tier 1 links and save them all in TIER1LINKS.txt. Do the same with tier 2 backlinks. Keep logins of web 2.0 and next time (when you get some PR [img]file:///C:/Users/w73/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image004.gif[/img]) drop another article with a link to your website. Create RSS feeds for all your TIER 2 backlinks and submit to RSS aggregators. Submit your tier 1 and tier 2 backlinks to indexing and crawling services. Index all your tier 1 links. Use Scrapebox with proxies and check if the backlinks are indexed. Few days after your tier 1 links are indexed you should see SERP movements, depending on your competition you may or may not need to create more backlinks. Do not blast junk backlinks to your money site. Don't ping your backlinks too often. RESOURCES SEOmoz - website report Woorank - on page SEO report PingdomTools - website speed WebPagetest.org - website speed Web 2.0 blogs - HIGH PR 5-9 Code: http://wordpress.com http://blogger.com http://tumblr.com http://yola.com http://livejournal.com http://webnode.com http://jimdo.com http://multiply.com http://webs.com http://www.squidoo.com/ http://www.tripod.lycos.com/ http://posterous.com http://storify.com http://over-blog.com http://angelfire.com http://bravejournal.com http://newsvine.com http://journalspace.com http://blog.com http://skyrock.com http://jigsy.com http://areavoices.com http://webstarts.com http://dailystrength.org http://sitew.com http://blogs.rediff.com/ http://snappages.com http://www.dinstudio.com/signup/blog http://thoughts.com http://soup.io http://alivenotdead.com http://migente.com http://www.onsugar.com http://insanejournal.com http://350.com http://devhub.com http://beep.com http://blinkweb.com http://flixya.com http://simplesite.com http://webgarden.com http://blogbaker.com http://www.wetpaintcentral.com Social Bookmarks HIGH PR 4-8 Code: http://reddit.com http://slashdot.org http://stumbleupon.com http://www.connotea.org http://delicious.com http://www.mister-wong.de http://folkd.com http://blinklist.com http://friendfeed.com http://diigo.com http://www.plurk.com http://www.kaboodle.com http://segnalo.virgilio.it http://social-bookmarking.net http://www.buzznet.com http://www.bebo.com http://www.pusha.se http://www.thisnext.com http://tagza.com http://www.diigz.com http://buddymarks.com http://www.dropjack.com http://www.wwwwww.diigz.com http://url.org https://www.memotoo.com http://linkagogo.com http://devio.us http://my.jamespot.com http://murl.com http://public.sitejot.com http://www.wists.com http://links.zoranzaric.de http://www.prmsp.net http://www.easybm.com http://www.sitejot.com https://www.mywebdesktop.net http://www.bonitrust.de http://www.oyax.com Doc sharing HIGH PR 5-9 Code: http://issuu.com https://skydrive.live.com http://slideshare.net http://scribd.com http://docstoc.com http://www.calameo.com http://myplick.com http://wepapers.com http://pdfcast.org/pdf/ http://www.edocr.com FAQ When can I see results? You will see first results after most of your tier 1 backlinks are indexed. So after you finish, work hard to index your backlinks. I'm not seeing diversity... This blueprint is best for 1 keyword and 1 url. Everything is based only on high quality backlinks and for these amounts of backlinks you have enough diversity. If you decide to add some more backlinks for diversity do not create low quality links to money site. Anyway, you will not get penalized because as I said you have enough diversity for the amounts of backlinks created. Can I ask you something? Feel free to ask if you don't understand something and/or if you just need help about it. Is this information legit or do you just have insomnia? [img]file:///C:/Users/w73/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image004.gif[/img] I tried my best to describe everything as detailed as possible and this SEO method is used by me on numerous sites that I have. I'm the owner of a serious SEO company and the leader of a personal trained team of SEO experts. ----------------------------------- Spoonfeeded at the best, great for starters who struggle to find a SEO method updated to these days. Here you have it, perfectly working and tested by many times. Apply, rank your website, make profit. Feel free to add suggestions, critics and questions. Please do not contact me on private for SEO services. I don't have anything to sell for you. Moderators please feel free to monitor my private messages box. Thank you for reading. |
01-11-2014, 07:16 AM
Post: #2
5+ for this awesome detailed post, Thanks :)
01-11-2014, 09:51 AM
Post: #3
+5 Rep...nice tutorial
01-13-2014, 04:53 PM
Post: #4
This is a great post, very good information laid out step by step. Thanks +5
01-13-2014, 05:54 PM
Post: #5
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01-15-2014, 08:55 PM
Post: #6
Thanks a lot, very detailed infromations, which you give us more :)
01-15-2014, 10:47 PM
Post: #7
great tuto, it very detailed and good information..
why i cant see this image file:///C:/Users/w73/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image004.gif file:///C:/Users/w73/AppData/Local/Temp/msohtmlclip1/01/clip_image004.gif mybe u can upload with another sharing site. |
01-15-2014, 11:25 PM
Post: #8
thanks this is awesome and can this be applied to .blogspot blogs if you don't have a domain?
02-19-2014, 07:33 PM
Post: #9
Really awesome post.
Thanks for sharing |
03-01-2014, 12:19 AM
Post: #10
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