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01-22-2014, 03:14 AM
Post: #1
[REQ] Flip2Freedom Academy
I've been looking all over for this. Anybody have this?

my personal “million dollar a year” business blueprint you can “swipe”
which could allow you to be free of debt, answer to no one, and finally
live a worry free incredible lifestyle!

[Image: part1_wave-1024x270.gif]

“Who Else Wants The PROVEN Over the Shoulder, Step-by-Step MENTORSHIP Program for Generating [u]LARGE CHUNKS of QUICK CASH [/u]in Real Estate Even if You’re Dead Broke and Have a 480 Credit Score…”
doesn’t matter if you’re brand new and never bought a piece of real
estate before or don’t know what steps are involved in the process.
You’re about to discover how newbies, that were paralyzed with FEAR, went from ZERO to $220,000 in 12 months working part-time around their jobs using NONE of their own money or credit…
Please read every word VERY CAREFULLY to discover a very “unique concept”…
[Image: arrows_four_down_press_play.png]

[Image: part3_report.gif]Imagine if you had a friend who was making millions of dollars in real estate.

Imagine if that friend was willing to reveal his
entire business model so you could copy, step-by-step, exactly what he’s
doing in your own market.

Imagine if that friend personally got on the phone with you every two weeks and answered all your burning questions.

Imagine if that friend had created a community of
like-minded people, who were following a similar journey to yours.
People who could critique what you’re doing, answer your questions, and
become long-term friends and joint venture partners in the future.

Imagine what it would feel like when you finally completed your first ever real estate deal and deposited that first HUGE check in your bank account!

Now Imagine building a true lasting business that
will allow you and your family to live a lifestyle and enjoy the freedom
that most people only dream of.

Well, great news! That is exactly what I have created with The Flip2Freedom Academy.

This is The ULTIMATE Step-by-Step Mentorship Program
(including videos + written versions) + Support + Community + Me. All
you need to become a profitable real estate investor even if you’ve
never bought, sold or owned one piece of real estate.

Alright, so here’s a quick background story…
[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-08-12-at-9.52.30-AM.png]…about how one simple “concept” put into action changed the course of my life forever.

I’m not telling you this to brag or to give you some rags to riches
hogwash. But I feel that once you know a little bit more about how I got
to where I am today, you’ll realize that I don’t have any special
advantages that YOU don’t have. You can achieve the same type of success that I am blessed to achieve.

Anyway, back in 2003, I had a typical J.O.B that was, needless to
say, mind numbing. I had this constant, uneasy, nagging feeling that I
should be doing more and becoming more. I was the quintessential
disgruntled employee with no future, no excitement, just the same old same old.

I desperately wanted to live a life on my own terms and not have to
deal with the overwhelming constant office politics. I went to bed every
night thinking to myself, “There’s got to be a better way…”

Most nights I didn’t even sleep, I was replaying the days misery in my
mind over and over again. It’s like it wouldn’t shut off…

One Saturday afternoon I had to go on a sales call which I wasn’t too
happy about. You see, Saturday was the time I spend with the family
along with getting things done around the house. So I was driving down
the freeway I was flipping through the radio stations looking for
college game day and I tripped across this guy who was explaining a “concept”
on how you could make a fortune flipping properties in your spare time
using no cash and no credit. He had people on the show that were telling
stories of how they made, $5,000, $10,000 and even $20,000 per deal (are you kidding me).
Now at this point my B.S. meter was flashing BEEP BEEP! I said to
myself, “There is no way that is possible,” so I changed the channel
back to the college game and continued down the freeway to my

Then something happened…

I had a tugging in my gut to continue to listen to what this
gentleman had to say, so I switched back to the channel and listened to
the rest of the show.

I was completely BLOWN away! Today I know it was God’s intervention!

I had no idea that you could get involved in real estate and make quick cash
even if you’re broke and have terrible credit. Now I definitely did
not have much money to invest in expensive learning products. But I was
so excited about this new “concept” that I purchased his course by using
two First Premier credit cards,


Finally, when I received the course I devoured it as fast as I could…

I was bursting with excitement…
…and then the FEAR set in!
After going through the course, I realized how much I didn’t know.

Then the questions started popping up…

“Is this really possible or even legal?”

“What if I can’t find a motivated seller?”

“What is a motivated seller and what is a deal???”

“What if I find a motivated seller and I say something stupid or offer the wrong price and I have to buy the property?”

“What if I screw up the paperwork and get in trouble. What If I can’t find a closing agent or a Realtor who will help me.”

“What if I get a deal and I don’t have a buyer?”

I was afraid and not confident that I could make this business work.

[Image: fish-out-of-water.jpg]I realized I was a fish out of water with nowhere to turn to get solid reliable advice and guidance…
…I Froze and was Paralyzed…
…So I went on an immediate and desperate quest for information…
Boy was that a mistake!

I attended every webinar I could, read article after article
searching for the “one thing” that would make all the difference. Every
email that hit my inbox I would follow to a video that promised riches
with a new “shiny object” that would reveal the ultimate solution. I
read books, watched YouTube videos, read blogs and attended seminars.

I was lost…

The problem was that there was not enough time in the day to absorb
the amount of information available. Most of the good stuff cost way
more than I had and it seemed every “guru” had a different “system” that
worked like “magic”.

I felt like there were now 20 different roads I could go down.

I was even more paralyzed by the proverbial “analysis paralysis” syndrome.

Which system do I go with? Which program really works? I didn’t have time or money to waste on scams!

I finally just decided to go with what I had, and use the course I already purchased…

…So I followed each step with precision like detail. It wasn’t easy
and I had to work my tail off. Every moment of free time I had, I used
it locate distressed sellers.

Then it finally happened…

I found a seller that was motivated! But again, I had a major problem.

I still had no idea what I was doing and had no one to talk to…

I don’t know how to write the contract, or what to say or how to know what the property is worth.

I still didn’t even know if this was legal.

At this point I started to freak out and my brain was racing.

“What if I can’t sell the property and the seller sues me”

“What if someone wants to pull my credit.”

“What if I’m forced to buy the property”

“What if this doesn’t work”

I started to have an anxiety attack. What was I suppose to do next…

Well, out of sheer luck (and some serious praying) I found a buyer
while scanning through the local newspaper. He helped me through the
process and I ended up making $11,008.61!

[Image: 1stcheck_small.jpg]


That check changed my life forever for three reasons.

  1. For all the people that told me that this wouldn’t work and I was crazy and this was a scam ALL shut up.
  2. I was so excited about the future possibilities.
  3. I realized how much I DIDN’T know.
One of the biggest obstacles to success is…
[Image: Information_Overload_by_bigcbigc.jpg]**Information Overload**
Fast forward to present day….

I’ve spent tens of thousand of dollars and countless hours testing,
implement and trying every method, technique and strategy I could find.
With some methods I had huge success and others miserable failure.

Finally after doing everything wrong I discovered exactly what worked and exactly what didn’t work then everything changed.

I’ve been very fortunate to have made and make millions of dollars in real estate today.

The bottom line is that the most profitable method a new investor can do to get started using NO cash and never having their credit pulled is called “Systematized Wholesaling.

Three Reasons Why I Love
“Systematized Wholesaling”
#1: Little to No Risk

[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-08-11-at-10.36.41-PM.png]

Because you’re only “contracting” the property and not “buying” the property, the risk is extremely low ONLY IF
you know exactly what you are doing. There is no raising private money
or hard money. No rehabbing, no construction crews, no unforeseen
plumbing or electrical problems. You don’t even have to deal with
tenants or collecting rents or qualify for a conventional loan.

[i]You just play match maker...[/i]
You strategically locate an individual looking to sell their property at a discounted price.

You sign a “purchase contract” for say $50,000.

Then you strategically locate a buyer (could be a landlord, rehabber or just an person that wants to live in the property)

You sign a “purchase contract” for say $60,000.

You bring both contracts to a closing agent and they facilitate the closing.

The result? The buyer brings in 100% of the funds of $60,000 of which $50,000 goes to the sellers and:

$10,000 Goes to You…Yippee!
#2: Minimal Obstacles to a Fast Pay Day

[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-08-11-at-10.36.57-PM.png]Everyone likes to get paid NOW instead of LATER
right? I know dumb question. Well, with “systematized wholesaling”
you have the opportunity to get paid extremely fast. Because majority
of the transactions you’ll be doing will not involve banks lenders or
appraisers. Most of the deals you will be closing will happen in 10
days or less. This means faster money and more volume.

Another benefit is large checks FAST. The check below I received in 7 days after signing the contract with the seller.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-08-11-at-11.28.50-PM.png]

#3: The Entire Process Can Be Automated

[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-08-11-at-10.36.51-PM.png]Imagine
having your business set up and running. Have the proper small team in
place that knows exactly how to run your business. Every step, from
marketing, to talking to potential seller, to going on appointments and
securing contracts.

Everything can be automated and systematized to run without your involvement.
[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-08-11-at-11.47.35-PM.png]

I have a beach house in Dana Point California and every year for the
last 8 years I take the entire month of July off. I work maybe 2 hours a
week answering email and a couple phone calls. The rest of the time
I’m at the beach with my kids, playing tennis or just kicking back.
This time is priceless. The memories and tradition I’ve been able to
create will last a lifetime. The amazing thing is my business continues
to run and I still pull in a six figure monthly income.

Here’s some PROOF this really works…
[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-30-at-9.33.11-PM.png]
Here’s a screen shot from a 20 day period of wires coming into my account totaling $162,348.77
You CAN do this too but ten times FASTER than I ever did!

Here’s why

We’re NOW entering a NEW bull market in real estate where more millionaires will be made than anytime in history…
[Image: market-cycle-1024x637.jpg]

Will you be one of them?

The real estate market cycles just like every other realm of life.
The seasons change, the stock market goes up and down and economic
depression turns into economic boom. We’re now just coming out of one
of the worst real estate depressions the US has ever experienced.

[i]Your timing is absolutely PERFECT![/i]
Back in 2003 the national real estate market was at the “Optimism
stage as you can see on the chart to the left. That year (from May to
December) I made $134,000. That was a life changer for me. In 2004 I
started building a rental portfolio using the cash I made from flipping
houses along with seller financing I negotiated from motivated sellers.
So in 2004 to early 2005 I built a $36,000,000 property portfolio
consisting of 120 cash flow properties.

Then the market hit “Euphoria” in mid 2005. I connected
with an investment group out of California that purchased all my
properties from May of 2005 to November 2005.

This was absolutely insane!

Money came in so quickly it was astonishing.

Then it happened, the bottom dropped out. (thank God I sold) I
remember thinking, “it’s going to come back soon” I was obviously in the
Denial” stage. Then “Fear” set in and I was
wondering if it was every going to come back. During this time no one
was doing real estate deals. It was amazing how fast the market

Well to make a long story short we’ve been dragging along in the “Depression” stage for quite some time.

Until now…

We have now just pulled out of the depression stage and have moved into the “Hope” stage.

The time we’re in RIGHT NOW is absolutely PERFECT.

We are entering a NEW bull market in real estate.

We’ll see inventories continue to decrease around the country which
will pull us into a sellers market. We’ll also see lending guidelines
loosen allowing more and more people the ability to purchase properties
at historically low interest rates.

This will increase the demand and we’ll continue through the “Market
Cycles” to “Optimism, “Excitement” and eventually “Euphoria”…

“Average people will get ridiculously [i]RICH during this small window of opportunity”[/i]
You don’t have the time to waste on push button, fly-by-night get
rich quick scams that won’t give you clear and concise focused

Now is your time to seize the opportunity!
Introducing the Flip2Freedom Academy 2.0 -
The Only [u]PROVEN[/u] Over the Shoulder, Step-by-Step [u]MENTORSHIP[/u] Program for New and Seasoned Real Estate Investors…”[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-30-at-8.01.26-AM.png]
[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-08-26-at-9.33.58-PM.png]

The biggest secret to success that most people will do

almost anything to ignore…
If I was only able to give you one piece of advice, one killer
strategy that will ensure you achieve the kind of lifestyle and success
you desire, it would be this:

[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-08-12-at-9.35.09-AM.png]

Here’s the thing, no matter how much you know, if you aren’t taking the CORRECT ACTIONS then you will never make a decent amount of money in real estate.

You don’t have to re-invent the wheel.

You don’t have to waste time and money on methods that don’t work.

And you don’t have to learn about every new strategy in existence that hits your email inbox.

All you have to do is find someone who has already achieved what you want, and then do what they did to get there.

That is why I created The Flip2Freedom Academy… to give you an easy-to-follow, precise, step-by-step blueprint
for making money in real estate without cash or credit that has taken
me from my first check of $11,008 .61 when I started to making over a 7 figure income in the latest calendar year.

This is the same system that I have used (and still use today) to
consistently flip 15-20 houses per month and make millions in real
estate whether I work or not.

I have shared this system with over 2,118 members of the Flip2Freedom
Academy and the success stories have be nothing but amazing…

These stories PROVE that anyone can do this…

Matt makes $23,645

Dustin Makes $16,162 in 12 Days

Mark Makes $8,292,55 in 7 Days

Deshone Makes $17,500

Priscilla Makes $8,000!

Justin Makes $17,543

[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-31-at-10.11.43-PM1.png]
Everything you need to know…
When you need to know it…
The Flip2freedom Academy is a timely, up-to-date, focused “million dollar a year business blueprint
designed to give you a precise road map to guide you from where you are
to ultimate success, freedom and achievement using real estate as a

At the core of the Flip2Freedom Academy is HD, Studio Quality 19 Week
Training Program that reveals my exact business model which includes
how I locate tons of motivated sellers, how I find highly responsive
buyers and how to put the deals together for maximum profit with the
least amount of effort.

This is a PROVEN, time tested, future proofed that will work in any real estate market and in any city in the country.

I’ll also reveal a prized, secret technique for building “passive
income” using none of your own cash or credit that will result in living
a lifestyle of ultimate freedom.

[i]So here’s what you’ll get when you claim your membership to The Flip2Freedom Academy![/i]
Module #1

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]Building
    the Ultimate Lifestyle: This mind map will give you the “big picture”
    on what you’re about to create. You have to know where you’re going
    before you can get there.
  • The Top 10 Reasons Why New Real Estate Investors Fail and How to Avoid Them.
  • Planning Your Escape: Knowing the exact numbers in your business so
    you can strategically and methodically plan your escape from the
    shackles of a 9 to 5 JOB.
  • How to Gain a Competitive Edge: So you can leave the competition in the dust and own your local market.
Module #2

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]Systematized
    Wholesaling Explained + Real Live Case Study: So you can understand how
    the “money flows” from contract to beefy pay days.
  • How to Make $10,000 on Houses with Little to No Equity + Real Live
    Case Study: This could put and extra $100,000 in you bank account in
    the next 12 months.
  • The Big Test: Know why most investors fail this one test that destroys their success and how you can pass with flying colors.
Module #3

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]My
    Closely Guarded Tools and Resources: I will give you my “unique
    collection” of tools and resources for running a million dollar a year
  • Taking Your Business Online: So you can attract floods of highly
    targeted buyers and sellers on auto-pilot even while you’re sleeping.
  • Highest Converting Squeeze Page Templates: I give you my time tested
    buyer/seller squeeze page templates. These are the same template Bryan
    used to rake in $130,000 durning in his first 12 months.
  • Discover My #1 Online Source to Build a Buyers List Almost Overnight, the Best Thing, It’s FREE!
Module #4

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]My Top 4 FREE Sources to Drive Herds of Qualified Buyers to Your Squeeze Page
  • How to Set Up Highly Optimized Google Adwords Campaign to Drive Hungry Buyers and Motivated Sellers to Your Squeeze Pages.
  • My $92,000 Swipe File of the Highest Converting Keywords and Ad
    Copy: Have your campaign set up in under 2 hours ready to capture
    sellers begging you to buy their property.
  • Offline Marketing to Online Marketing: Use my secret trick that NO ONE ELSE IS DOING to bring in buyers and sellers on demand
Module #5

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]Inside
    the Mind of a Cash Buyer: Know what your buyers want so you can easily
    and confidently get paid thousands for delivering them a property.
  • How to Determine The High Cash Transaction Areas in Your Home Town:
    You have to know where the gold is before you start digging. This will
    show you how to find the gold.
  • How to Assemble a Dream Team: Discover what to say, who to say it to
    and what you can offer in return. Gain clarity and confidence knowing
    exactly what you’re looking for and talking about.
Module #6

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]Marketing for Sellers Master Plan: Discover what marketing channel will deliver the most motivated sellers the fastest.
  • Getting a Fast Start on Your Marketing: So you can have your phone ringing off the hook with sellers ASAP.
  • How to Determine ARV with or Without a Realtor: These 3 easy iron
    clad steps to confidently assess the value of a property quickly and
  • The One Cheap Marketing Method to a Consistent Five Figure a Month
    Pay Check: How, When and Where to use the “hush hush” money getting
    marketing channel.
Module #7

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]Magnetic Market Secrets for Sellers: Imagine having motivated sellers in your inbox every morning.
  • One Year of Pre-written Email Automated Followup Sequence that will cause your phone to ring almost daily.
  • Pre-Written Free Credibility Building eBook So you can give to sellers in return for their info.
  • Traffic Secrets: Learn how to strategically place your website online for free to attract motivated sellers.
Module #8

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]Tweaking
    Your Adwords Campaign: So you’ll pay less per click and get ranked
    higher than the competition for the best converting keywords.
  • How to Market Your Website Online for FREE: SEO for real estate investors plus a ninja YouTube trick
  • Marketing for Sellers Online Manifesto: Discover what a fully
    optimized online campaign looks like using free and paid sources so you
    get floods of highly targeted motivated sellers submitting their
    information right to your inbox 24-7.
Module #9

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]How to Make Money on Little to No Equity Homes Using this Strategy: Learn to turn dead leads/deals into $10,000 pay days.
  • Understanding “Agreement for Sale” or “Subject To” Investing and how to profit legally and ethically.
  • Lease Options Explained in Detail: Learn to profit from lease options in case a sellers balks on the “subject to” scenario.
Module #10

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]Making Money with Seller Financing: So you have the ability to make money off any lead that is acquired.
  • The “Switch” How to find the optimal buyer for a seller financed deal.
  • How to Find the Property for the Buyer Using these Two Sources.
  • Marketing for the “Motivated Seller Financing” Deal: Find the buyer first, locate the property second…
  • How to “Pitch” the Seller Financing to a Motivated Seller: So you know exactly what to say.
  • How to Write the Contract,(word for word). So you are 100% prepared when talking to the seller.
Module #11

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]Talking to Sellers: Use this script to know exactly what to ask the seller to determine motivation.
  • How to Answer the Most Common Objections When Talking to Sellers and How to Test Motivation
  • How to Make a “Soft Pass” (low ball offer) Without Killing the Deal: Use this so you can really determine motivation.
  • How and When to Make the Appointment with the Seller: So you don’t waste your time on dead deals.
  • Live Seller Calls: Listen in to Sean speak directly to sellers so you can really see what it’s like.
  • Introduction on How to Structure Deals: So you can make the most money and still make the seller happy.
Module #12

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]How
    to Analyze the Deal Using these Special Resources. Learn specifically
    how to really know what a property is worth and what you can sell it
  • What to Bring on an Appointment Checklist and Why
  • Going to the Property and Meeting with and Negotiating with Motivated Sellers: So you know exactly what to look for.
  • Three Ninja Negotiating Techniques to get the Lowest Price Possible
Module #13

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]How to Open Escrow and What to Say to the Closing Agent: Know exactly what to do after you get the contract.
  • Seven Key Steps to market Your Property For the Fastest Possible Sale.
  • How to Prep the Property for a Fast Sale: So when your buyer calls you’ll know how to give them access even if it’s occupied.
  • How to Use this FREE Marketing Syndication Tool to Distribute Your Property to Hundreds of Websites.
  • How to Create a Winning Email Blast to Send to Your Buyers List.
  • How to Get Your Property Sold in Lightening Speed Using this Tool.
Module #14

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]How to Negotiate with the Buyer to Get the Highest Price and Commitment.
  • How to Fill out the “Sell Side” Contract: So when you meet with the buyer you are ready to go.
  • How to Get the Contract and Earnest Money from the Buyer and Open Up Escrow.
  • How to Manage the Closing of the “A to B” and the “B to C” so you can ensure a smooth closing and a fast payday.
  • How to Read the HUD 1 Closing Statement and What to Look For:
    Knowing this will give you confidence that you’re not missing anything
  • Closing Day: Getting Your First Check! Boom Baby! You Did it!
Module #15

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]How to Get One Years worth of Income in the Bank as fast as Possible: So you can replace your income flipping houses.
  • How to Scale Your Business from Your First Check to Full Time.
  • How to Run Your Business for Maximum Profit with the Least Effort
  • The Four Phases of Freedom:
  • Phase I: Get Your First Check as Fast a Possible.
  • Phase II: Get One Years Worth of Income in the Bank
  • Phase III: Going Full Time and What that Entails.
  • Phase IV: Going from $0 to $500,000 a Year Flipping Houses
Module #16

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]How to Find, Hire and Train a Virtual Assistant: Adding employees correctly will add revenue to your bottom line quickly.
  • How to Find and Manage your VA with this Website.
  • How to Use Skype with your VA
  • How to Use this Free Software to Train Your VA
  • How I Use FreedomSoft with my VA
Module #17

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]How to Build a team of Bird Dogs (property scouts) to bring you Unlimited FREE Deals
  • How to Build this team on Auto-pilot.
  • How to Make $50,000 Per Month Just From Bird Dogs
  • How to Structure the Deals with the Bird Dogs Legally
Module #18

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]Building a Million Dollar Property Portfolio: So you can replace your income with “passive cash flow”
  • How to Cherry Pick the Best Deals (Criteria): Know the exact
    property to type, condition and financing requirements for the best
  • How to Structure and Close the Deal for Maximum Profit and Limited Risk
  • Prepping the Property for a Swift “Recoup” on Your Investments Using My Secret Strategy So You Have NO Monetary or Credit Risk.
Module #19

  • [Image: f2freedompack.png]How to Sell Your Property Using this Secret Method to Defer Maintenance and Collect Cash Flow
  • How to Market Your Property to the Right Buyer so You Can Maximize Cash Flow
  • How to Write the Contracts Step by Step
  • How to Manage the Property for Limited Maintenance Requirements and Reduced Vacancies
  • How to Replace Your Income By Building a Million Dollar Rental Portfolio and having No Cash or Risk to your Credit
Now You Can Make Even More Money
with Less Effort…
The Worlds Most “Intelligent” and Complete Real Estate Investing
Business Management Platform Available Online Today…

This is the software I use in my business every day…It’s a MUST have!!!

[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-31-at-1.25.41-PM.png]
[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-30-at-7.19.26-PM.png]
[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-30-at-8.11.59-PM.png]
I Invite You Join 2,676 of the Most Ultra Savvy, Aspiring Real Estate Investors in the “Virtual Clubhouse”
You will join some of the most savvy, aspiring real estate investors
that anyone has ever witnessed. These folks are true givers. From six
figure earners to novices, you’ll be an exclusive member of the Virtual Freedom Community
where like minded individuals from all walks of life share their
journey on their new path of success. This virtual clubhouse has 2,676 members with 6,563 beefy educational comments.

The training, resources and support you get with your Flip2Freedom
Academy membership are far more powerful than anything you can get
anywhere else. It’s an ongoing mentoring program that gives you the
ability to achieve any success you want. Based on real world experience,
it shows you what works, what you absolutely need to be successful, and
what you’re wasting your time on.

Now Watch Jared Make $4,051.69 in His First Two Weeks by Following this Play-by-Play on the Members Only “Private” Facebook Group…
Jared Get’s His First Contract…
[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-31-at-9.16.06-PM.png]

He’s So Excited He Can’t Sleep…
[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-31-at-9.25.13-PM.png]
Jared Get’s His First Check!
[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-31-at-9.27.16-PM.png]

PROOF That This is REAL!!!
[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-31-at-9.29.36-PM.png]

[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-31-at-10.11.43-PM.png]

But that’s not all, you can expect…
[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-02-09-at-12.52.08-PM.png]
I know how frustrating it is to purchase an
online product and then something goes wrong and we reach out for help
and don’t hear anything for days and days. The excitement, hope and
enthusiasm to “dive right in” fly’s out the window. I’ve hired the best
people I can find to provide “Apple Like” customer service that will WOW
you. Now we can’t provide 4 minute turnaround on every ticket (read
below) but we do strive to provide the absolute best customer service in
our industry bar none.

Rob Padilla
New Tycoon Member

I recently
attended your webinar and bought a Tycoon membership. I moved through
module one pretty quickly. When moving on to module two, I was informed
that it wouldn’t be up for another week. I was instantly disappointed
because I had momentum and had planned to devour a large portion of this
thing over the weekend. I thought for sure I was screwed. Then I
remembered you said F2F Academy came with “Apple Like Service”. YEAH RIGHT,
I thought. I emailed my problem to the support email provided at
5:28pm. I didn’t even have a chance to get angry. At 5:29 I received a
confirmation email and at 5:32 Denise informed me that it was fixed. 4
minutes??? That’s way better than Apple! Thank you for keeping your word
and thank you for hiring competent people to help run your company..
Sincerely, Rob Padilla

Plus Receive $8,782.00 in Bonuses
When you decide to become a Flip2Freedom Academy member today, I’m going to add SIX huge bonuses, valued at $8,782.00, just because you’re an action taker… (I like that)

Bonus #1 – $397 Value

Fast Start to Your First BIG Check
There is NOTHING like flipping your first house
using no money out of your pocket and getting a HUGE check. MY first
$11,008 check was life altering for me. I couldn’t sleep the night
before, the excitement was unbearable.

Then actually holding the check in my hand was priceless. I created
this out of thin air. What a sense of confidence. I knew that I could
do this over and over again and dig my way out of the miserable
situation I found myself.

I created this FAST START series to give you that same power and experience.

Here’s what you’ll get:
  • The Fast Start to Your First Big Check “Game Plan” Video
  • The 129 Page Desk Reference Manual to Lay Out the 19 Mega Strategies.
  • 6 Hours of Audio Training Revealing the “Four Phases of Freedom”
You absolutely NEED this to gain momentum right from the starting gate to accelerate you to the exhilaration of receiving your first big check.

Bonus #2 – $497 Value

Download My Huge Vault of Forms and Contracts Including…
  • Residential Purchase Contract (when buying)
  • Residential Purchase Contract (when selling)
  • Assignment of Contract
  • Option Agreement with Seller
  • 15 Day “Flex” Option
  • Authorization to Release Information
  • Wholesale Property Analysis Form
  • Wrap Property Analysis Form
  • Buyer Lead Sheet/Script
  • Seller Lead Sheet/Script
  • Weekly Activity Log
  • Monthly Activity Log

Bonus #3 – $497 Value

Download the Most Cutting Edge Spreadsheets
Gain access to the spreadsheet I use every day to run a million dollar a year wholesaling business:
  • Marketing to Income Analyzer: Use this to gain clarity on how to produce income at will.
  • Lead to Income Tracker: Use this so you can determine which leads and how many produce the income.
  • Lead to Income Projection Worksheet: Gain clarity in your business by projecting your monthly income.
  • Wholesale Offer Generator: Know exactly what to offer on a property by using this simple but powerful tool.
  • Residential “Fix and Flip” Deal Analyzer: Know the exact cost and profit on any potential fix and flip.

Bonus #4 – $1,997 Value

The Ultimate Coaching Vault Archives
Every coaching call since the inception of the Flip2Freedom Academy
in November of 2010 has been recorded and ready for download. If you
think the podcast has been helpful, wait until you listen to these power
packed, real world in-depth ADVANCED “nothing-held-back” conversations between new and seasoned real estate investors and Sean Terry.

The vault of archives goes way beyond the material discussed in the
core training. It gets ultra personal, down to the specifics like
nothing you’ve ever experienced.

The bottom Line: This is the most sought after, highly raved about intimate training you can get your hands on PERIOD!

“NO one is providing this type of detailed and specific information anywhere in the marketplace today!

Thank you Sean!”


Bonus #5 – $397

The Game Changers Video Experience
Here’s the deal. We all know that there’s something more to success
than just the ACTION we take right? Have you ever wondered why for some
people everything just goes their way? It seems like everything they
touch turns to gold.

I’ll give you an example, how is it that two new investors with the
same experience can send out 500 mailers a piece to the exact same list
using the exact same mailer and one investor gets 3 deals and the other
get’s none?

You see, I was the investor that would get none. I would rack my
brain for what I did wrong. Maybe I said something bad, maybe it just
wasn’t my day.

I couldn’t figure it out…

Until I watched these videos.

You’ll learn how to be that investor that get’s the deals. You’ll have that edge, that confidence, that golden touch…

“This was amazing….I was seeking some juice for a boost and this provided that….”


I’ll reveal the SIXTH BONUS in just a minute…
But before I do, I want to introduce you to one of the members of the
flip2Freedom Academy who exemplifies the “action taker” attitude

PhillyMike a True Inspiration for Any Aspiring Real Estate Investor
[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-08-16-at-8.11.59-AM.png]
You might already know Philly Mike as I’ve featured his success story in a recent webinar .
After reading ‘Rich Dad Poor Dad” Philly
Mike realized that being a nurse was not going to give him the
opportunity to have the lifestyle he aspired for.
He knew he wanted to “do real estate” but
was not sure HOW to get involved without having a ton of money to invest
or having stellar credit.
He then tripped across me and became a member of the Flip2Freedom Academy in early 2011.
From that point, during the recession mind
you, he has made over $220,000 in 14 months and in the month of August
2012 made over $50,000.
What made the difference?
He started applying what I call the
“Triangle Effect” which is the practical application of the Law of
Attraction, Spiritual Laws of Success and Mindset. Without applying
this in your life, everything “seems” to be a struggle.
PhillyMike lives these three principles and
has applied the concepts in the Flip2Freedom Academy with laser like
focus allowing him to achieve exceptional results.
You’ll have the same power that PhillyMike
had to accelerate your pursuit for ultimate success and achievement when
you become a Flip2Freedom Academy member today.

Let’s be clear. I’m not about to tell you that going from zero to $220,000 14 months is the typical or average result of anybody and everybody who becomes a Flip2Freedom Academy member.
PhillyMike’s story shouldn’t be taken as some sort of prediction or representation of what most do or what you will do.

We guarantee no results, although I do guarantee that this “blueprint” is the most comprehensive, well thought out road-map in the market place today.

Unfortunately, a lot of people seem to have the attention spans of about 60 seconds, and never really apply anything they buy – and they do tend to ruin the bell curve.

What I will tell you, with no disrespect to PhillyMike, is that he or
I possess no IQ, education, financial or other advantage you don’t

You can try and find some reason why your achievements can’t mirror or trump his, but there will be no factual basis.

I promise, the exact same concepts and principles of mine that he has
generously credited as being of such importance to him, are now going
to be available to you, in a very accessible and useable format – when
you join the Flip2Freedom Academy today.

**Bonus #6 – Limited Spots Available**
Personal Hands On [u]“LIVE”[/u] Mentorship

Bonus #6 - Priceless

Finally Have a Genuine Mentor Guide You Step-by-Step Through the Path of Uncertainty with Confidence…
What if you had a mentor that got on the phone with you every two week and answered ALL your questions?

Would it make a difference in your business?

More than likely. Well that’s what you get when you become a Flip2freedom Academy members today. A private invitation to a LIVE
coaching call designed to teach a timely strategies or showcase
successful students by dissecting their recent deals and exposing the “golden nuggets” for you to take away and apply in your business.

This one bonus will MAKE your entire membership
worth every penny you invested. It will finally give you a
“shoulder-to-lean-on” that’s in your “corner” and can guide you in the
most profitable direction.

By participating in these exclusive “invite only
calls you’ll gain the intimate knowledge, personal confidence and
seasoned expertise that will save to thousands of dollars and untold
countless hours trying to “figure it out“.

“Bonus #6 Could Go Away at Any Minute”
Because I am dedicated to answering EVERY question in detail on the “LIVE” hands-on
invite only coaching calls I have to limit the amount of members that
receive this bonus. If I don’t, the calls could go on for hours and
hours. Once we reach our internal number this bonus will no longer be
available. [Image: icon_sad.gif] So as of the date below this bonus is still available BUT could vanish at any minute…

Here’s A Wrap-Up Of What You’re Going

To Get That’ll Skyrocket Your Business!
The Flip2Freedom Academy includes the following:
  • HD, Studio Quality, 19 week Intensive Blueprint That Lays Out My Entire Business Model.
  • FreedomLogic: The Most Intelligent Real Estate Investing Software Online Today.
  • Bonus #1: The Fast Start Training Series (Value: $397)
  • Bonus #2: The Huge Vault of Contracts and Forms (Value: $497)
  • Bonus #3: Download The Most Cutting Edge Spreadsheet Available Today (Value” $497)
  • Bonus #4: The Ultimate Coaching Vault Archives (Value: $1,997)
  • Bonus #5: The Game Changers Video Experience (Value: $397)
  • Bonus #6: For a Limited Time the Personal Hands on Live Mentorship via Invite Only Bi-Weekly Coaching Calls. (Value: Priceless)
“That’s $8,782 in FREE Valuable Bonuses”
Now Here’s More PROOF this Really Works…

3 Sisters Make $10K

Brian Makes $10K off Google

$86,000 in ONE MONTH??

Tom Makes $9,695.67

Now Brace Yourself:
This System Is Not As Expensive As You Think!
I’m sure you’re bracing yourself for a big investment for my entire business model, as you should.

It represents the culmination of 10 years of “figuring out” exactly what works, neatly organized into 19 modules that can definitely and dramatically launch you into real estate expertise.

This is about giving you the confidence you need
to turn your back on the “Shiny Object Syndrome” and re-direct your
energy to a path that actually can lead you to the success you seek.

This is about giving you a new sense of purpose – to become a master in real estate investment and finally build something lasting for you and your family.

Now we stand at the proverbial fork in the road…
At such a critical time in history as we enter a new bull market in real estate your choice right now could be life altering.

A very wealthy person once told me “If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you always got”

1) You could choose the Flip2Freedom Academy way and move toward opportunity and take advantage of the underrepresented time in history.

2) Or you can choose the same old same old, things as they are operating with whatever system you are now, unchanged.

[Image: Screen-Shot-2012-08-18-at-11.11.44-AM.png]

Now, if you decide to make a forward decision and become a member of the Flip2Freedom Academy, your decision is protected by a 100% satisfaction guarantee. There is no similar guarantee if decided the “same old same old” route or make no decision at all.

I am so confident the Flip2Freedom Academy will exceed your expectations that I am offering a NO QUESTIONS ASKED 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE!
That’s right! If you are not 100% satisfied for ANY reason, I will GLADLY refund your entire purchase price! There is NO RISK involved with your forward decision!

My path toward opportunity is guaranteed, so you have NO risk of loss. The other path has risk but no safety guarantee. You’re on your own there.
I think back to that Saturday afternoon
driving down the freeway listening to the radio. I was faced with the
same fork in the road you’re facing but I had no idea at the time how
critical my decision could be. I can honesty say I almost blew it off
and just listened to the sports channel.
But the turning in my stomach, the tugging in my gut…
I thank God every day I did the right thing
and made the right decision because I can’t imagine what my life would
be like today if I chose not to take action.
So do the right thing. Pick your membership option by Clicking on the “Join Now” button below and see where this path may lead you.
[u]Yes Sean! [/u] I’m Ready to Take Action Toward a [u]New[/u] Path and Seize the Opportunity Presented by Becoming a Flip2Freedom Academy Member Today!
Choose Your Membership Option Below:

[Image: Mogul-Membership.png]
[Image: Tycoon-Membership.png]
[Image: Ambassador-Membership.png]

I look forward to meeting you in the
Virtual Clubhouse or the Private Facebook Group and congratulating you
on your excellent decision.
To Your Ultimate Success,
Sean Terry
P.S. If you were to accumulate all this valuable moneymaking and business information yourself, it would take you YEARS
and thousands of dollars. You simply cannot lose when you take action
right now and join The Flip2Freedom Academy. And remember, you’re backed by my 30 day no questions asked guarantee if you’re not 100% satisfied!

P.P.S. By the way, The Flip2Freedom Academy works in
any city across the US. We have stories from investors in small towns
to large cities. You’re not limited to the size of the city you may
live in. And yes, you can really get started without having any cash to
invest in property and you’ll never have your credit pulled.

P.P.P.S I’ll leave you with one last thought: Think back to where you were 5 years ago…

Were you driving the same car, living in the same house dealing with the same problems and living the same lifestyle?

Ya know if you continue down the same path and don’t decide to make a change then 5 years from now you’ll be in the EXACT SAME SPOT YOU ARE TODAY.

The definition of insanity is doing the SAME thing over and over again and expecting a different result.

If you’re sick of the same results, than make a change today and
become a Flip2Freedom Academy member and have an exciting and profitable

This is Have a Question? Call 480-525-8280
[Image: Screen-Shot-2013-01-31-at-10.11.43-PM1.png]

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06-07-2014, 04:39 AM
Post: #2
I really need it .
Please Upload
Thank !
06-14-2014, 12:46 AM
Post: #3
Looks good can anyone get it?
11-20-2014, 12:24 AM
Post: #4
I'd like to see this shared too. Bumpity bump.
11-20-2014, 04:47 AM
Post: #5
Your probably not going to see this shared anywhere (but never say never lol), but Sean knows his sh!t and you can listen to his podcast for free giving tons of good info, hell his free info is better than other courses charging $$$. One of the few RE guys that'd I'd say its worth ponying up the money for/saving for.
04-30-2015, 07:07 PM
Post: #6
RE: [REQ] Flip2Freedom Academy
I have a Group Buy for this:
04-10-2016, 08:37 PM
Post: #7
RE: [REQ] Flip2Freedom Academy
Can anyone share please...MAX Reps to follow....Thanks!
04-14-2016, 11:53 PM
Post: #8
RE: [REQ] Flip2Freedom Academy
bump for this!
05-01-2016, 01:00 AM
Post: #9
RE: [REQ] Flip2Freedom Academy
05-29-2016, 10:40 PM
Post: #10
RE: [REQ] Flip2Freedom Academy
Bump for this too.... thanks!
