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03-30-2015, 11:12 PM
Post: #1
[REQ] Chatigniter live chat app
[Image: main_preview.jpg]Facebo[i][i]Google Plus[/i][/i]

ChatIgniter is a web-based chat system implemented using CodeIgniter framework. It uses JQuery and MYSQL database. ChatIgniter system will give your CodeIgniter site users the chance to quickly send private messages to each other just like facebook or gtalk. ChatIgniter uses AJAX so that users don’t have to refresh your page to view the messages.
ChatIgniter Features
  1. Uses CodeIgniter framework which is more secure and robust.
  2. Fully Responsive chat system using twitter bootstrap.
  3. Very easy to install and customize.
  4. Accessible on mobile devices.
  5. Uses JQuery Ajax
  6. Allows multiple chatting
  7. Have minimize and close chat box buttons.
  8. Display notifications by changing colors
Script includes
  1. Fully functional user login system
  2. Fully Responsive CodeIgniter chat system
  3. Database dump file
There is an installation file included in the zip file. I am also available for support.

The starting point of all achievement is desire - Napoleon Hill -
Destiny is all - Uhtred the Son of Uhtred
