trevord92;9018288 Wrote:What to Sell on Fiverr without Selling a Service
[LEFT]If you’ve thought about selling things on Fiverr, chances are that you’ve thought about selling a service.
That was definitely my first thought, probably because that’s what I normally buy there.
But when I tried doing just that, it was a pain in the neck.
I decided to sell guest posts on a few blogs I own.
A nice service and one I’ve bought before.
I thought I’d made it perfectly clear in the gig specification what was needed: an original article, at least 500 words long, related to the topic of the site (which I spelled out again, just in case they’d forgotten in the few seconds since they’d read the gig title).
I was wrong!
Roughly half the gigs I “sold” didn’t supply the guest post.
They just thought they’d send me a link to their website and it would magically write itself.
I suspect the same happens with other services sold on Fiverr as well.
The biggest problem is that the clock starts ticking as soon as the buyer types anything in the box they’re given.
Fiverr doesn’t check they’ve done what you’ve asked.
So you end up to-ing and fro-ing with the buyer or cancelling the gig.
Which isn’t a way to earn money easily!
[size=10]The good news is that it doesn’t have to be that way![/size]
[LEFT]You don’t have to sell services on Fiverr.
In fact, there are thousands of successful gigs that don’t.
All you need is a downloadable product to sell.
If you’re as old as I am, you’ll probably remember when eBay allowed you to sell these.
Nowadays, people sell downloadable ebooks on Kindle.
The trouble is, Kindle is super-saturated.
The other trouble is that it is cheap.
You’re lucky if you can sell a Kindle book for $2.99, which gets you around $2 in a few months time when Amazon pay your royalties.
You get nearly double that selling a gig on Fiverr and you don’t have to wait anywhere near as long to get your money.
Which is win-win!
I’ve recorded a series of 5 videos about selling on Fiverr without selling a service.
The first video is a quick overview.
It explains why you’ll get more money from Fiverr than you would selling a typical WSO via an affiliate.
And that’s before paying the $40 listing fee – Fiverr doesn’t charge you anything up front to list your gig.
Hmm – that gave me pause for thought with my business model!
It also explains why you’d need to sell your Clickbank product at over $20 before it made more money – assuming you gave affiliates the near enough standard 75%.
Plus Clickbank has a listing fee, a delay before you get your money and some quite nasty fees if customers don’t recognise the item on their credit card statement and just raise a chargeback.
None of that happens on Fiverr – the customer either accepts the gig or they don’t.
And most seem to happily accept it.
After all, it’s only $5.
That’s the beauty of the site.
The second video goes into what you can sell on Fiverr.
You’ll see one of the really big searches that you can do.
You probably know this one anyway, it’s in all those other products you’ve downloaded over the years.
It’s the “how to” search.
But you’re probably like me – you’ve probably never actually searched Fiverr for that.
Prepare to be amazed!
At the time of writing, there are 202,022 results for that search.
Which means you’ll need to drill down.
I’ll show you how to do that and then examine the products being sold.
All the ones I examine in this video are delivered as PDFs, videos or audios.
No service apart from copying and pasting a few brief instructions into the box on Fiverr.
So for maybe a minute or two’s “work”, you’ve just made $4.
And you may even finally have a use for some of those PLR ebooks you’ve bought!
Video 3 looks at an area that’s saturated on Amazon:
One of the sections that has 40 Kindle books available has just one on Fiverr.
I prefer that kind of competition – and the higher margins.
There are even people on Fiverr selling one recipe for $5.
Yes – you read that right – one recipe.
Sometimes as many as 5 :)
You’d get voted down on Kindle almost as soon as you tried to do that.
Sure, there are other people selling the more regular 45 to 300 or more recipe packs.
But you don’t have to.
And they’re instantly downloadable so there’s no real work on your part to deliver them.
There are also people selling PLR article packs so if you’re looking for another place to sell that kind of thing, Fiverr’s another place to try.
The 4th video shows you how to create your gig.
It’s quite easy – fill in the boxes and follow the prompts and hints.
But this will help reassure you and you can watch me as I fill out a Fiverr gig.
Including making your text look nicer by increasing font size, turning it bold or italic, adding a bullet point list (including my preferred technique of bolding alternate bullets).
I also found that you can highlight text in your gig description – something I should have worked out before but hadn’t.
Video 5 talks about the all important video for your gig.
Yes, you need a video.
It’s important!
So important, Fiverr give users the option to only check out gigs that have a video.
That should tell you that it’s essential.
They’ve changed their rules recently.
A while back, you didn’t need to be on the video.
Now you need to be there.
Not just as a voice – they didn’t approve my first ones when I tried that as I’m camera shy if I can possibly help it.
I’ve tried a couple of different ways – recording the whole thing on webcam (I still cringe when I see that!) and now the technique I use that gets me on screen for long enough that it gets approved by Fiverr without wanting to hold my hands over my eyes when I see the video.
You’ll learn what I do – it’s easy once you know but very few other people are doing their videos this way.
And you’ll be reminded that the video has to be short.
The absolute maximum is 1 minute.
Which is really easy to reach!
And you need to remind viewers that the gig is exclusive to Fiverr.
That can just be the price is exclusive, so don’t panic about selling PLR there.
All in all, you’ll get 5 videos that will teach you how you can sell on Fiverr without selling a service.
Gigs that provide excellent value so you’ll get top notch feedback but that don’t take forever to deliver.
You’ll get immediate access to the 5 videos that explain all you need to know.
And you could be selling on Fiverr very soon!
Just click the buy button to get immediate access: