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04-07-2014, 06:58 PM
Post: #1
[Q] How web spiders see a shortened link?
Hello folks!
With using different scripts and bots, that spread the word about your site or product, you need a lot of shortened links to rotate them, to not to get blacklisted. What I was thinkin is, what if I us only one shortened link, multiply them and add to them "?" and then some random numbers and characters like this:

>>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<</3dkwhf4sdf?866df6dg6fg
>>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<</3dkwhf4sdf?wrwr4efr4fr
>>>[[[Reported by Members as URL Shortener! Post the actual link!]]]<<</3dkwhf4sdf?jh4g65h6gh

How would webspiders treated this links, as a unique or just reproduction the same one?
Thanks in advance!
