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03-08-2014, 04:59 PM
Post: #1
Perry Marshall - Simple Sales Machine Weeks 3 and 4
Perry Marshall - Simple Sales Machine Weeks 3 and 4

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Perry Marshall - Simple Sales Machine Weeks 3 and 4

If I could grant you ONE wish for your business,
what would it be?
(And if you get a wish, what should
you wish for, anyway???)

Dear Planet Perry Member,

Let's say I could grant you a special power.

Once you possess that power, you can exercise it over and over again.

As many times as you want to.

So in other words, you get one wish. But it's not like the genie in a bottle story where you get some wishes, you ask for dumb things and your chance is gone forever.

No, it's more like the story where the king asks for wisdom instead of wealth: Once he's got it, he gets to use it for the rest of his life.

What would you ask for?

Power to write best-selling books?
Power to deliver standing-ovation speeches?
Power to attract celebrities, big brands, or high-influence partners?
Power to develop mouth-watering, tantalizing products?

You sure couldn't go wrong with any on this list. But if you're a marketer who's interested in maximum flexibility, maximum freedom and maximum automation I'd like to suggest a skill that's even more powerful than those.

That skill is….
The ability to build a Simple Sales Machine.electric motor 290x300 Simple Sales Machine 5X5

You can get as many as you want.

After you've done it once, the second time is easier. The third time is easier still…. and on it goes.

Best part about it is…. it's not a magical power. My team and I teach this to you in five short weeks. Once you've done it, it's in your muscle memory.

Most marketing problems, most maddening frustrations, most of the evils that chain you to your computer are problems that can be solved with one or more Simple Sales Machines.

Do any of these problems sound familiar?

You just can't seem to get 'over the hump' getting your product into the mainstream
You flog past customers too hard trying to sell them something new, and it burns them out
You feel way too dependent on a small number of joint venture partners
You're locked into endless product launches, like a binge-purge cycle
You don't know where your sales are going to come from 1-2 months from now - you can't see past the end of your nose
"Obvious" sources of traffic are just too expensive

This is a major, chronic problem for LOTS of people. If you're embarrassed about this, don't be. 90% of marketers are in the same boat as you. Especially with all the economic chaos, there's never been a time when people were more confused.
What's a Simple Sales Machine?

A Simple Sales Machine is a system that turns cold traffic into friends who are ready to buy. It's that simple. When you have the ability to turn strangers into friends, then in my book, that trumps all other marketing magic powers.

Pay Per Click is only a small part of the formula. Most people are trying too hard to attract too many people on Google. The symptom is low Quality Scores and expensive clicks. Your sales machine overheats and the traffic costs more than it earns back.

Simple Sales Machines, ironically, have little to do with "social media." (Ever noticed your social media fans hardly ever buy anything anyway?) "Social media" as normally understood never runs on autopilot. It's just more stuff to do.

Simple Sales Machines arrest your prospects' attention with offers fresh and original. A badly written "free report" might've worked in 2005 but it won't work now. In 2012 the key is an altogether more appealing type of offer.

Traffic is useless unless it is high-octane fuel to fire the machine.

Great copy is simply the grease that moves the chugging pistons of the machine.

My autoresponders are machines within the bigger machine. Wheels within wheels.

And I don't take on affiliates unless their machine's cogs mesh with mine!
When Building Your Simple Sales Machine,
the Key Word is SIMPLE

Quick confession. My mind naturally visualizes how the parts of a process fit together and work as a well-oiled machine. Whenever I get a new idea for a product or an email message or a headline or a webinar or whatever…I quickly see how and where it fits in the machine. It's how I'm wired.

But not everybody is like that.

My right hand man, Jack Born, recently took me aside and said "Perry, we have to stop fire hosing everybody with a zillion ideas. When you give them that many ideas…even when all those ideas are great… they don't know where to start, what to do next. It's overwhelming. Let's simplify."

Amen, Jack.
5 Sectors x 5 Steps x 5 Weeks = $100,000 Asset

$100,000 asset? What's that's about?

Let me explain.

I don't care if you sell physical goods via e-commerce, or if you're a local chiropractor, if you're a B2B software company or a consulting firm. Let's say you buy just $1000-$2000/month on traffic (which is a PITTANCE!). Let's say you generate $10,000 per month of new sales at a break even. Neither making nor losing money.

[align=center][Image: 366b27ac3db4ebe5a1ad535f6687ee23.png]

http://[Reported by Members as premium hosting that SUCK! Use MEDIAFIRE or MEGA.NZ :) !!!].net/file/a32b55a1081ee0788609673e4fd65f27/Simple_Sales_Machine_3_&_4.rar.html
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{{{Blocked by Omni Potens, reason: reports from LEGIT GB STARTER}}}[/center]
11-03-2014, 01:44 AM
Post: #2
It is only for premium users..
