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03-16-2013, 06:33 PM
Post: #1
I have experienced my newer HTM5 and CSS3 websites rank faster and easier. Google seems to like HTML5 sites more, kind of how they also play favoritism to wordpress sites. I believe even Google's homepage, is HTML5. It's no secret that Google has things it likes, and if you satisfy her needs just right, she rewards you.. Meaning google's homepage is HTML5, its a sign that is something she is looking for ;)
Give special attention to what you enter for your title, description, and keywords.. You want them keyword rich, but not too much to be spammy! Dont include any other words/characters in the title other than your targeted main keyword. Actually you can, just remember the more words you add to the title, the less your exact relevance for the title check! Your domain should have already been done lol, but it should have your keyword in it. Do not get info domains.. Get a .com or a .net or a .co. Google pushed hard to get the .co domains going, so think .co = Google's baby. I have found my .co domains are also doing well. While I can't factor out coincidence of the ease of the keywords, or that I am just pretty good at SEO.. I just feel the .co domains I have got picked up, and spat into the rankings faster than most my other domains ever have... Write about 500 words on all of your pages.. It's ok to have some that aren't, but try to make your posts on your site around 500 words.. Use the categories properly. Each category should be additional keywords... Your "secondary" keywords.. Which they go in H2 tags by the way! so the layout of your domain url structure would be like: Code: primarykeyword.co/secondary-keyword/relevant-keyword-rich-post-related-to-my-secondary-keyword/ Having a good internal structure, helps you rank better in Google. This is the reason wordpress sites do well, because Google KNOWS people cant navigate around it stupid simple! The better the flow, and ease to navigate, and ease Google can interpret your code, helps your rankings! Use no more than 2 links in your post/article. They can link to another post on your site, using that posts keyword as anchor. They can link to your main homepage using the primary keyword as the anchor text.. or a combination of both.. Sometimes link to 2 random posts (of course find a way to get slit the anchor text word into conversation lol). Sometimes link both to the homepage.. Sometimes only do 1 link.. Mix it up.. Dont let Google see a pattern or strategy. RSS feeds that are VALID. You don't want google having a hard time to read your feed.. If you dont know by now, you should have your website added in Google Webmaster Tools so you can see if the Google bot had any troubles anywhere on your site, so you can fix them fast! Also, have google Analytics, and your code right before you closing /head tag at the top! You are no longer supposed to put it at the bottome below the closing /body tag! Get your on site SEO perfect and spot on! Once you have set up a dozen niche sites, ranked them, and gained experience, you get a feel for it and you just go through all the motions like a robot. It really isn't anything hard, its just remembering all the spots to do a specific way.. once you got it though, its the same over and over again, just different keywords lol. When OnSite SEO is done.. then start dropping some backlinks.. Focus on quality not quantity. Remember MOST of your backlinks should go to your homepage.. but also your inner pages (blog posts) need to get a few backlinks too.. just let google see 5 on one, 12 on another, 20, 30, 16, ect. I do about 75/25 split of keywords as anchor text / random anchor text, like name or 'click here', other common things you may see naturally in the wild! Don't do them all seperately.. Like don't 1 day put all keyword anchor text backlinks.. then a few days later do one of all rotated names! Mix it up.. And remember, also add in other phrases like 'click here' 'visit the site' 'more info...' get creative.. You want them to be all jumbled around, and not at any fixed time! I normally, all within a few hours do a SENuke full blast to the homepage directly only. Then another article, social network blast to random blog posts (or I may pick out the posts I feel would do the best for secondary keywords, forcing my better posts rank better!). I get around 600-800 quality content URLs from 1 full SENuke blast. Now don't everyone go do that. You really should blast to buffer sites until you get GOOD! I have done this many times, and I have a built in "feeling" now lol. I create an RSS feed of those urls using scrapebox and split ever 250 lines. Upload those RSS xml files to my server using FTP, and the folders named as /rss/project/the-date-here/1/blah0.xml - "...."blah4.xml I then create the RSS accounts and submit all the urls to the RSS files I just uploaded to my server. Ping your social network URLs only, let the rest get picked up naturally..Oh, social bookmark, I do 5 random URLs at each site, and its grabbing from ALL of my total urls.. A few days later you can do a social bookmark all to your homepage only.. I then do a large run in scrapebox, get about 50+k successful posts.. save the auto-approves into 1 list, save the captchas in another, failed in another.. re-check proxies, re-run the failed urls. We will get ones we missed due to bad proxies.. when done, check for autos and save + add to existing list, and add the in with your other auto-approves.. save captchas.. dont need failed because we only give it a 2nd chance lol.. I keep repeating (I have like 10mil urls, scattered in a mess.. so I combine, clean, and build large runs off my shitpile basically.. So I am cleaning up, every run I do with Scrapebox lol.. 2 birds, 1 stone.. I keep repeating until my actual physical 'link found' auto approves are around 500.. If i get done and its at 426, its close enough lol.. or sometimes a little over 5.. I just try to get around it.. create a feed of those urls, split every 100 urls this time.. upload to your RSS folder on your server, only put them in folder /2/.Submit those new rss xml file urls to all RSS sites in SENuke (you can use the same profile you already ran, you don't need to make a new one!) Take all generated URLs you have total so far, and go dump into linklicious. You may have to do it in 2 day parts if your over the daily max you can add. no biggie though thats cool Now you have a good solid foot in the ground for onsite and off-site seo... That alone what I just blabbered off, is sometimes enough to rank 1st page in some 3 word phrase(usually, rarely two) in a low-medium competition level.. Keep adding posts on your site (the more pages your site has, the more spread throughout your whole site backlinks are (meaning dont let posts have 0 backlinks, give them all love!), and the higher PR quality backlinks to your site, the higher your PageRank will go.. You can't get a PageRank 4 with cheesy 3-5 pages sites! Usually PR4 sites have a couple hundred indexed pages, and respectable daily traffic! Also, I do the "whois" submission ONLY with nohands SEO.. I have a wiki blast of about 1500 wikis.. directory blast, to about 5k directories, xrumer profile blast on top of links to my site.. even if it is someone else's website linking to my page lol! Webmaster tools will help you grab your backlinks, and you can combine other tools around the net to get MOST of them.. Then drop big backlink runs.. You may have 1,ooo backlinks yourself! I recommend you PR check all of them, and start lowest up, removeing n/a. removing PR0.. removing all PR1.. and get it down to under 200.. but don't cut off really high PR sites! If you have more than 200 PR5+ and your cutting off PR4 and PR3 backlinks.. Then split them up! Find your cutt off point (based on the total number of backlinks and how many are above PR3.. You know all the ones you have left in scrapebox you want.. shuffle, randomize the URLs! Shuffle them all around good! Dont want google to see you doing 100 PR5 backlinks only.. then later PR4.. Remember, even if it sounds crazy and is overkill.. don't let Google see any pattern from you! Depending on how many high PR backlinks you had and where you cutt off, depends on how many splits you will have.. I recommend not going over 200 backlinks at a time. So take your first 200, and do a 10k xrumer forum profile blast on it. There are people on fivver, $5 each 10k blast.. Cheap, and believe me its the best way.. Unless you have xrumer (which you have to be an above average computer level to work it, it's complicated) and know how to use it, and can get a decent 10k success profiles run, then your best option is to page $5 every time.. Hence why I said 200 urls max, but be weary of how many splits of 200 you make! So it depends on where you set your cutt off limit earlier.. In the future, you will be able to just better.. Anyways, ensure you get the reports of each one of the profile blasts. It would be common to see a lot of the same domains. Some guys have the resources to mix them up a lot more.. but it is ok to have a lot of the same domains. Each one is a separate account on the forum's profile.. This is a give and take.. You dont want ALL the exact same.. but under 50% is good enough. Thing is, 1/2 your forum profiles will never get indexed anyways, so that would be random of the draw.. Now put ALL your output profile urls generated from the xrumer runs into scrapebox.. just click remove duplicate URLS!!! NOT DOMAINS!!! just to be sure.. You can go the step again of making them into RSS feed files, uploading to your site.. this time folder /3/.. at least add them into linklicious.. As you go along building backlinks for everything.. You can kind of keep a throttle on how fast and how many things get picked up in one burst! Keep it random, keep it consistent.. backlinks will slowly get picked up naturally.. Others, we want to try and force to get picked up QUICKLY! Have a good balance between doing both, and your important stronger backlinks are getting picked up quicker, while your larger pile of random backlinks and sporatically getting picked up at random, like every day.. like a drip feed :) There are a few more things you can do.. I have tested, if you have your Google+ profile linked to your site (and your profile pic shows up in the search results!!!), the more circles YOU are IN, can help play a role in your rankings. I saw my site climb back up when I got a surge of about 30 more people over a couple of days. I just add people in my circles in waves.. 20 today.. none the next, then 30, none none none, 10, none 25,.... keep slowly and steadily adding more people to your circles. Don't go over 500 per circle.. When you reach 500, start filling another circle up.. As you add people into your circles, a lot of people will add you into one of their circles too.. So on the Google search reasult it will show your picture, your name (with link to your profile, so use your profile to get them to optin to your squeeze page!), link to your G+ posts (so keep good stuff posted last!).. So now no matter which way they click on your Google Search Result, your having a chance to snag them into your funnel! Anyways, keep increasing how many people have you in their circles.. slowly.. do 2 - 3 waves a week about.. Along with that, the +1's on your pages of your site.. you can pay someone to do it, but have them be random across your whole site! One post get 3 +1s, another gets 1, another has 0, another has 10.. Same with Facebook Likes.. Nobody wants to be the first "Like" or "+1", its weird but true! So get them started, and its statistically proven that having a couple Likes "faked" to kick it off, helps the Likes start going naturally! As for your homepage.. Slowly get it to like, over 100.. keep in mind the # of traffic your getting/day.. 1 out of maybe 10-20 would Like something.. Thats my rule of thumb.. By steadily having an increase in Likes, also helps your rankings.. There is a name for it, the social signals or whatever. Maybe even add pinterest, it is the cool trend right now too.. For Twitter, honestly, forget Twitter. I never have had it make any difference besides hurt my conversions of the other actions (facebook, G+, Pin). Create a coupe videos (at least cut the length off, and re-encode them so they look like a few different videos!) and put them on YouTube, and like the other top 5-10 video sites. Vimeo, Break, Dailymotion, ect. You will want to link DIRECTLY to your homepage! not a bitly or other short url, your real link! Backlinks from video sites like these are good too. The authority of your YouTube account can help.. Generally it helps your videos rank better, but I have seen it help the website too. Get subscribers, add backlinks to the videos, do what you can to make your account and videos as active and poppin as you can... Don't do any more then 3 videos on 1 account though..change IP, run CCLeaner between each account use and creation too! Share your video on other people's videos (those who let you). Comment nice comments on other peoples videos, ask them to check out your videos and comment what they think.. Basically, ask them to engage with you and your stuff. You can easily get YouTube accounts bringing 50-100 visitors/day to your site AT LEAST! YouTube traffic is valued as worth less than say, a Facebook person, or webinar person.. So try to move them along to a better medium. Engage with them, and get them off YouTube and into your grasp! One way to increase Likes is by using an AutoLike Script (I wrote my own in jQuery). You can use your natural low daily traffic.. or you can buy some cheap traffic.. Like CPV for like $1/1k views about, and spend like $10.. try to spread the traffic out over a couple days.. maybe 1k a day.. keep your bid on the lower end so your traffic comes in slower. try to time it so the pace it is going, would generate around 1k for the day.. If you get to 1k, you can pause it and turn it back on in the morning. The traffic your buying would give you a lot of "auto-likes".. You can do the same for +1s, though less people are using it and especially logged in in the background... So buying them may work.. You don't have to buy any of the things I have said.. but a good SEO campaign, business wise, shouldnt be a problem spending some money! Outsource the things you can't do (like xrumer, thats another huge project on it's own just to run blasts and work up to 10k successful profiles! At least 6 months learning).. I outsource my wiki blasts because I haven't found a good solution for running them myself. WikiBomber and some of the other programs, never worked right for me. I am on Win7 64bit. I know 1 for sure didn't work with 64bit. SENuke is limited still on the wiki's it can do.. So I just outsource it.. You could also outsource a big article blast, they probably have Article Marketing Robot (or Demon) and a refined, large, good list of article sites.. like 500 or more. SENuke successfully did like 62 on my last run (I think, off the top of my head). There are people that can do like a 15k directory submission, or a large whois, a large social bookmarking blast (like thousands!)... So SENuke gives us a good chunk of good quality sites. It really stems the core of all our backlinking and SEO efforts. Use some good articles (remember, you can have it rotate entire articles and it's inner spun text.. So you can actually have the entire base article rotate, and its content is spun too! I use 3-4 articles. I also change the username rotations, title rotations.. I mix it up as best as I can, and trying to not have mine like everyone elses who use SENuke! But the special outsourced blasts of social bookmarks, wiki, articles, press release, whois, directories.. just are used to expand on what SENuke started.. Follow the steps as before, grab all the URLs generated from the outsourcing, check PageRank, set a bar/limit and take your higher PR ones.. convert to RSS, upload the rss xml files, submit to RSS sites (which you could outsource and do like a couple hundred, instead of like 25 in senuke)... add to linklicious.. You could also get another or better service for indexing links, or outsource it too lmao.. I suggest find the balance between doing as much as you can on your own, and outsourcing the stuff that you don't like to do, can't do and dont have time to learn to do, ect. While I am doing my scrapebox blast, I could be having some other things done at the same time... My recomendation, is try not to let your total per site, go over $50. Your fivver gigs do add up, or buying traffic to get your "auto-likes" and increase your daily traffic.. more traffic helps you rank better to... so adding a few hundred visitors/day for a few weeks, could get you to the top, where you can ease off the traffic and coast down to all free traffic... let your rankings take it from there.. Anyways.. That is my basic "jist" of SEO.. Sometimes I try something new.. A new service, or type of source, so even each run I do is different.. A few different things, done in different order.. ect. PS: You could add an exit pop. I love doing this on squeeze pages mostly.. but an exit pop, and make them "Like" you on facebook to get the item.. Say it is "7 Minutes to Success Video".. They go to leave, your like "Hey wait just 1 minute there! Think about this now.. Click the LIKE button below to instantly download my 7 Minutes to Success Video. No fancy tricks, nothing. Click LIKE, watch video. It's that easy!" So your snagging LIKEs.. Like locking, and exit-pop, offer... I do it with asking for an email all the time, but also have done some for Facebook Likes.. You can later go and send everyone who liked your page a friend request.. Or, invite them to your Group or Page.. So you can work them from the Like to in your grasp.. Get them to your FB Page. Your FB Page should be very good at engaging them, and/or moving them along your process.. The WHOLE point about traffic and your websites is... Look at where you are at, is it a good medium to sell to them, or can I easily lose them forever here? If you risk losing them, setup a way to MOVE them along to another medium of yours where you have higher odds (statistically) of getting them as a lead (either by your facebook group, page, email optin, ect.) If you are promoting a higher ticket product, your going to have to engage them and get them as a lead somewhere.. move them to a spot where you can warm them up.. keep them engaged over a week or so.. through facebook at least, or over into mailing list.. once they are warm enough, if you have a higher ticket item, it may be best to setup selling webinars.. MOVE them from facebook and/or your list to the webinar. (you can setup pre-recorded ones, and hold them every thurdsay at 8PM lol) They won't know its recorded and runs every thursday, same thing exactly, just different group of people watching it.. Now, depending on your selling power, how much they trust you, and a lot of other factors.. Do they see you as a guy to follow? Are you positioned to them as someone they can learn from? I could probably think of some really good ones that I am missing lol, but its 4am. Point is, if you did your job right, moved them along to the right medium, and struck them right, you can see high conversions right on the webinar.. I am talking about 50% right off the webinar.. If you have 300 people on the webinar, you could have just landed 150 actions (sales, signups, whatever). Once you have this WHOLE system setup, your set and can dominate any niche, given on the front end you have traffic coming in! Depending on what you are promoting, your niche/product, ect. can change things up in your funnel. You need to learn to identify the things needed along the way. Being self sufficient! You will get a feel for it, and out of the box, create pretty d*** good funnel systems. Then by tracking your data from A-Z, you can make some minor adjustments. Not every niche, should you do a webinar! Not every niche you would use Facebook. Like if the demographic for that niche is older people, they are more likely to not be on facebook, logged in at that time, or care about the stuff us kids are into. They don't see the point in Facebook. There are some times where you may need to 1 on 1 follow up with the people.. so you MOVE them along the funnel, to the last point where on your site you have a snazzy appointment scheduler, where they can setup a 1 on 1 talk with you.. I have helped set that up before, it's cool, but only needed on rare niche's. There is a funnel for every occasion, every product, every niche, a funnel for every one! Awwww :) Your funnel could be 3 steps, it could be 100. You could have a funnel where the optin, get the item they came for, and are just getting emails every x days... first you try to get them in your main program.. then 2 weeks later you give up, and try maybe a different one.. Throw an offer for the first one you were doing now they think its was done with lol.. Sell a product to them.. Give them free information.. Send them to your blog post.. To your article you just posted on ezinearticles.. Some random funny picture of you, in your normal life.. Just get creative.. After you have done this a few times, you get the feel.. and every couple days you think of something, and your like "Ahh that would be kick ass to add into my funnel, I bet it would convert like craaayyyzzzzeeee!" So you get up at 3am, because you can't sleep due to this new idea, and you write it down in your business journal. Then back to bed lol. You don't know till you test them, and you will get a feel for the program and the people coming across your pages, and how to best move and engage them. I have way way way more tips, and could go in to many different ways to get traffic for different occasions... When to blog, and when to squeeze page.. squeeze vs sales page.. sneaky custom made php scripts to do nifty shit in my business ;) and 100s more.. but I am cutting this post off here. I actually thought about cleaning this up so its more in order, for an ebook. I would go further into some other ways to get traffic outside from SEO.. setting up tracking.. advanced emailing knowledge.. how to get other people build your list. How to get other people to promote you, and brand YOU! I have a lot of intel in this brain.. |
03-18-2013, 07:27 PM
Post: #2
Cyberpunk, you must have more money than sense mate.
You could so easily have put this into a PDF, added a few affiliate links and a couple of free PLR too and sold it for $10 as a WSO on Warrior Forum
SEO Agency spending over $1k a month? Let's talk.
03-19-2013, 07:34 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-19-2013 07:35 PM by sambit.)
Post: #3
Hi, @Cyberpunk Thanks for share this, really valueble!
Could you please explain more in detail this paragraph? Thanks in advance Quote: One way to increase Likes is by using an AutoLike Script (I wrote my own in jQuery). You can use your natural low daily traffic.. or you can buy some cheap traffic.. Like CPV for like $1/1k views about, and spend like $10.. try to spread the traffic out over a couple days.. maybe 1k a day.. keep your bid on the lower end so your traffic comes in slower. try to time it so the pace it is going, would generate around 1k for the day.. If you get to 1k, you can pause it and turn it back on in the morning. The traffic your buying would give you a lot of "auto-likes".. You can do the same for +1s, though less people are using it and especially logged in in the background... So buying them may work.. |
03-19-2013, 09:55 PM
Post: #4
Good read Cyberpunk and thanks for sharing some insights
If you've participated in a group buy and had a good experience then let others know.
Click here for the Good GB thread. |
03-22-2013, 06:53 PM
Post: #5
RE: | |||
03-29-2013, 05:38 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-29-2013 05:43 PM by CyberPunk.)
Post: #6
(03-19-2013 07:34 PM)sambit Wrote: Hi, @Cyberpunk Thanks for share this, really valueble!Facebook Likes and Google +1s help your rankings. I was stating a way you could beef those up by using an auto-like script. It is also referred to as "ClickJacking", as when the user clicks they unknowingly like or +1 your page. Think of the facebook like button following their mouse pointer on the screen, when they click anywhere it forces them to like your page. Only the button is invisible lol. When I was talking about the traffic, I use a few places (which I wont name because I have gotten away with it for a while) to buy traffic for cheap. I buy about 8k visitors (depending on the CPM bid at the time) for about $10. With them (and similar places) you can pause the campaign to stop the traffic. So once your reviewed, approved, start the traffic. Once it starts coming in, turn on the auto-like script, and get enough Likes to suite your needs. You dont want to burn it all up on 1 go because you dont want to get Likes only 1 day, then none for the rest of the month! So spread them out. Pause the campaign so the traffic stops and turn off the auto-like script. Keep repeating, generating a steady flow of Likes and/or +1s. You only need to "buy" the traffic, if your site doesnt have any! If your getting traffic already, just turn the auto-like script on once a day, snag some likes, turn it back off... You don't want it on 24/7 for fear that Google's bot may catch you cheating when it crawls your site. So, it was just talking about how to get Likes or +1s (either buy cheap ass traffic, or use your existing traffic if you have it) (03-18-2013 07:27 PM)Les Chiens De Guerre Wrote: Cyberpunk, you must have more money than sense mate.It would get shared all over anyways LOL.. but I may do that on a day that I don't have anything else to do, and I feel like taking time to package it all together. I mean, I guess there are WSO's with a lot shittier of information that get sold, so why not. |
05-14-2013, 11:15 PM
Post: #7
Nice article. Found it by tracking down your posts because of your cracking ability. I'd be interested in some php scripts that might help get some rankings. I gotta couple servers running, and currently using ad53n53, so I don't want to mess it up since it covers my hosting costs (which isn't very much), but I'd be interested in stepping up my game if u need a guinea pig. I got a few of the required SEO apps if u know what i mean.
Nicely done with your latest cracks. Code |