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03-12-2012, 02:28 PM
Post: #1
New YouTube Changes
YouTube Channels Get a New Look:
There are a few new features for YouTube channels. The first is a new
set of four different Channel templates to choose from. Plus the
Channel Feed has been improved to make it clear what you’ll get if you
[Image: ck-youtube-channel-layouts.png?9d7bd4]Choose the best layout for your YouTube Channel.
The New YouTube Player Has Thumbnails:
YouTube is rolling out a new feature over the next weeks where you’ll
see an image preview or a series of thumbnails. These new thumbnails
allow you to take a sneak peek, scan through thumbnails and zoom in on
long videos.
[Image: ck-youtube-thumbnails.png?9d7bd4]YouTube thumbnails make it easy to find what you are looking for in long videos.
Facebook Introduces Interest Lists:
These new Interest Lists allow you to create different lists for your
Facebook friends and favorite Pages to create filters for your News
Feed. Lists can be private, public or only visible to you and your
friends. Others can subscribe to your public Lists.
[Image: ck-facebook-interest-list.png?9d7bd4]You can add both people and Pages into your new Facebook Interest Lists.
Tumblr Updates Policies: Check out recent updates in Tumblr policies: Terms of Service, Privacy Policy and Community Guidelines (formerly “Content Policy”).
Here are a few social media tools worth noting:
Friendsheet: A photo inbox tool that imports images shared by your friends on Facebook.
[Image: ck-friendsheet.png?9d7bd4]

Pin A Quote: A browser bookmarklet that allows users to highlight any text on the web and post it straight to Pinterest as an image.

SmartSynch: An iPhone app which brings social media interactivity to your phone.
[Image: ck-smartsynch-iphone-app.png?9d7bd4]SmartSynch keeps you up-to-date with the latest Facebook news before you call.
Garretz: A free social community forum with lots of features to help you share your topics and ideas!

PeerPerks: A tool to reward prolific social media users with free products.
[Image: ck-peerperks.png?9d7bd4]Check out how businesses are offering free products for social media promotion.
AvalanShare: ”An
easy to use social media tool that turns your existent clients into
loyal supporters by allowing you to reward them for sharing your product
or service across their social networks.”

OptimalKeyword: A self-service audience and interest discovery tool for Facebook ads.

Here are a couple of useful infographics:
Google+ for Business:
[Image: ck-google+-for-business-infographic.png?9d7bd4]Check out how businesses are using Google+.
A Marketer’s Guide to Pinterest:
[Image: ck-infographic-marketers-guide-to-pinter...gif?9d7bd4]

Check out how businesses are using Pinterest.
