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04-22-2018, 03:59 PM
Post: #1
What is SAFEX?

A Global Marketplace
Safex is a decentralized marketplace that for the first time in history shifts paradigm of trade towards cryptocurrency and blockchain commerce.

People can now become a part of the emerging global marketplace that rewards crypto assets and allows for a secure enclave where people can buy and sell goods and services in exchange for decentralized cryptocurrency.

Why Use SAFEX?

This is why Safex Marketplace is being built. It resides on a blockchain which allows for autonomous exchanging to occur using crypto currencies. People who use crypto currency can now feel secure using crypto currency as a form of payment for all goods and services. The marketplace employs cryptographic escrow systems and rating systems to ensure that people are able to have a high quality experience while all transactions are anonymous which protects everyone from snooping and interferences. The greatest protection is that your cryptographic wealth is secure because you can not become the target of hackers or malicious actors.

How Do I EARN $$$$?

Safex Tokens are a factor for accumulating more cryptocurrency. Every sale that happens on the Safex Marketplace will earn you 5% of the price in the form of crypto currency. This calculator shows a scenario where the marketplace has $500 million in trade during period of 6 months after the marketplace launch.

These projections are based on research and analysis of world wide marketplaces that already exists. Marketplaces that Safex will become a leader alongside of: Amazon, Ebay, Alibaba, Freelancer, UpWork and many more that compose the $2.2 Trillion e-commerce industry. Safex: Trade Different; Cryptocommerce : C-Commerce

How Do I become an AFFILIATE?

Check out my recent group buy thread here:
