$codelock_decrypter["filename"] = __FILE__;
$codelock_decrypter["error_level"] = error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
$codelock_decrypter["license"] = "LFPX-XX5T-X5F6QJK9SXL5";
if (!class_exists(codelock)) {
class codelock {
var $_trackerurl_;
var $_licence_;
var $_cfile_;
var $_tmpdir_;
var $_tmpfile_;
var $_cachefile_;
var $_uri_;
var $_filedata_;
function codelock ($_encfile_, $_licence_, $_cryptkey_ = "") {
$this->_cfile_ = $_encfile_;
$this->_trackerurl_ = "http://ravan.info/license/tracker.php";
$this->_licence_ = $_licence_;
$this->_filedata_ = $_cryptkey_;
if (!function_exists("sys_get_temp_dir")) {
if (!empty($_ENV["TMP"])) {
$this->_tmpdir_ = realpath($_ENV["TMP"]);
elseif (!empty($_ENV["TMPDIR"])) {
$this->_tmpdir_ = realpath($_ENV["TMPDIR"]);
elseif (!empty($_ENV["TEMP"])) {
$this->_tmpdir_ = realpath($_ENV["TEMP"]);
else {
$_tempfile_ = @tempnam("","");
if ($_tempfile_ != "") {
$this->_tmpdir_ = realpath(dirname($_tempfile_));
else {
$this->_tmpdir_ = FALSE;
else {
$this->_tmpdir_ = sys_get_temp_dir();
$this->_tmpfile_ = $this->_tmpdir_."/".$this->_licence_.".cdk";
if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] != "") {
elseif ($_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] != "") {
elseif ($HTTP_SERVER_VARS["REQUEST_URI"] != "") {
$this->_uri_ = $_SERVER["SERVER_NAME"].$uri;
if (is_dir($this->_tmpdir_)) {
@touch ($this->_tmpfile_);
$this->_filedata_ = @file_get_contents($this->_tmpfile_);
if (!file_exists($this->_tmpfile_)) {
if (!is_dir("./cache")) {
$this->_cachefile_ = "./cache/".$this->_licence_.".cdk";
@touch ($this->_cachefile_);
$this->_filedata_ = @file_get_contents($this->_cachefile_);
if (!file_exists($this->_cachefile_)) {
echo "This server has very limited write permission authority. To work around this you need to create a folder called \"cache\" and chmod write permissions to 777 (within each subfolder), otherwise this server is incompatible with this script!";
function output () {
if (file_exists($this->_cfile_)) {
$_filedata_ = fopen($this->_cfile_, "r");
if ($_filedata_) {
$_buf_ = "";
while (!feof($_filedata_)) {
$_line_ = fgets($_filedata_, 16384);
if (substr($_line_, 0, 2) != "//" and& substr($_line_, 0, 2) != "<?") {
$_buf_ .= $_line_;
if ($_buf_ != "") {
$_text_ = base64_decode($_buf_);
$_lock_ = base64_decode($this->_tracker_());
for ($_x_=0; $_x_ < strlen($_lock_); $_x_++) {
$_y_ = substr($_lock_, $_x_, 1);
$_z_ = substr($this->_licence_, $_x_ % strlen($this->_licence_), 1);
$_cypher_ .= chr(ord($_y_) ^ ord($_z_));
list($_lock_, $expiry, $checkback, $checksum, $extras) = mb_split("\|", $_cypher_, 5);
$_cypher_ = "";
if ($_lock_ != "" and& $_text_ != "") {
for ($_x_=0; $_x_ < strlen($_text_); $_x_++) {
$_y_ = substr($_text_, $_x_, 1);
$_z_ = substr($_lock_, $_x_ % strlen($_lock_), 1);
$_cypher_ .= chr(ord($_y_) ^ ord($_z_));
return "?>".$_cypher_."";
function _tracker_ () {
$_lock_ = "";
if ($this->_filedata_ != "") {
$_lock_ = $this->_filedata_;
$_lock_ = str_replace(array("-","_","."),array("+","/","="),$_lock_);
for ($_x_=0; $_x_ < strlen(base64_decode(urldecode($_lock_))); $_x_++) {
$_y_ = substr(base64_decode(urldecode($_lock_)), $_x_, 1);
$_z_ = substr($this->_licence_, $_x_ % strlen($this->_licence_), 1);
$_cypher_ .= chr(ord($_y_) ^ ord($_z_));
list($codelock, $expiry, $checkback, $checksum, $extras) = mb_split("\|", $_cypher_, 5);
if ($checkback < mktime(date("G"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) {
$_lock_ = "";
if ($_lock_ == "") {
$_buf_ = "";
$_filedata_ = fopen($this->_cfile_, "r");
if ($_filedata_) {
$_buf_ = fgets($_filedata_, 16384);
$_buf_ = mb_eregi_replace("\n","",$_buf_);
$_buf_ = mb_eregi_replace("\r","",$_buf_);
$_checksum_ = md5($_buf_);
$_tracker_url_ = $this->_trackerurl_;
$data = array("uri" => $this->_uri_, "licence" => $this->_licence_, "checksum" => $_checksum_);
if (mb_eregi("https://", $_tracker_url_)) {
$ssl = "ssl://";$port = 443;
$_tracker_url_ = preg_replace("@^https://@i", "", $_tracker_url_);
else {
$ssl = "";
$port = 80;
$_tracker_url_ = preg_replace("@^http://@i", "", $_tracker_url_);
$host = substr($_tracker_url_, 0, strpos($_tracker_url_, "/"));
$uri = strstr($_tracker_url_, "/");
$reqbody = "";
foreach ($data as $key=>$val) {
if (!empty($reqbody)) {
$reqbody.= "and";
$reqbody.= $key."=".urlencode($val);
$contentlength = strlen($reqbody);
$reqheader = "POST ".$uri." HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$reqheader .= "Host: ".$host."\r\n";
$reqheader .= "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";$reqheader .= "Content-Length: $contentlength\r\n\r\n";
$reqheader .= $reqbody."\r\n";
$socket = fsockopen($ssl.$host, $port, $errno, $errstr);
if ($socket) {
fputs($socket, $reqheader);
while (!feof($socket)) {
$result[] = trim(fgets($socket));
if (substr($result[count($result)-1], 0, 9) == "codelock=") {
$_lock_ = mb_eregi_replace("codelock=", "", $result[count($result)-1]);
$_lock_ = str_replace(array("+","/","="),array("-","_","."),$_lock_);
elseif (substr($result[count($result)-1], 0, 6) == "error=") {
$error = mb_eregi_replace("error=", "", $result[count($result)-1]);
else {
if ($extras != "") {
list($allowrun, $checkback2) = split("and", $extras);
if ($allowrun == "on") {
if ($checkback2 < mktime(date("G"), date("i"), date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"))) {
echo "There is an error authenticating the status of this script.";
else {
$checkback = mktime(date("G"), date("i")+10, date("s"), date("m"), date("d"), date("Y"));
$codelock = $codelock."|".$expiry."|".$checkback."|".$checksum."|".$extras;
for ($x=0; $x < strlen($codelock); $x++) {
$y = substr($codelock, $x, 1);
$z = substr($code, $x % strlen($code), 1);
$c .= chr(ord($y) ^ ord($z));
$_lock_ = urlencode(base64_encode($c));
$_lock_ = str_replace(array("+","/","="),array("-","_","."),$_lock_);
else {
echo "There is an error authenticating the status of this script.";
else {
echo "There is an error authenticating the status of this script.";
$fh = @fopen($this->_tmpfile_, "w");
if ($fh) {
@fwrite($fh, $_lock_);
else {
$fh2 = @fopen($this->_cachefile_, "w");
@fwrite($fh2, $_lock_);
$_lock_ = urldecode($_lock_);
if ($error != "") {
echo base64_decode($error);
return $_lock_;
function _cryptkey_ () {
return $this->_filedata_;
$codelock_decrypter["locker"] = new codelock($codelock_decrypter["filename"], $codelock_decrypter["license"], $codelock_decrypter["cryptkey"]);
$codelock_decrypter["cryptkey"] = $codelock_decrypter["locker"]->_cryptkey_;