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11-21-2015, 01:02 AM
Post: #1
{HOW-TO} Massive traffic from Scoop.it
That's article weill help for many folks to see that there is on the Internet marketing a lot of easy ways to get target traffic. Not only from paid ads or SEO. And today we will talk about Scoop.it

Scoop.it - Discover, curate and publish great content to get visibility online. Trusted by millions of professionals and thousands of companies.

That's what you can see on serp. And this is right words for that content aggregator platform. It's like Alltop but with social elements. And many top experts sitting there within different niche. So anyone who who will register today get 6 days for free - Pro Plan (as promo). And this is great way to get ton of traffic. Like you can share some inetersting content which is already have potential (like viral article or videos) and offer to the top Scoopers with a lot of followers to check your share and ifthey like it so they can share it with their followers (hint: looking for top Scoopers which is have followers not only on Scoop.it but on twitter/facebook too and if they have blog so they have subscribers too - that's great chance to get massive traffic).

So I'm prepared two ways how to get viral traffic fast and easy but i will share only with one person. So if someone interest for more detail, tricks and wanna know full potential of this traffic source just can add me on skype - parsi19881
