Decoded Files
function isPluginEnabled( $pluginName )
$plugins = explode( ",", ( "Hook.bootstraps" ) );
if ( in_array( $pluginName, $plugins ) )
return true;
return false;
date_default_timezone_set( date_default_timezone_get( ) );
( "Lib", "CmsHook" );
( "PhpReader", "Configure" );
( "default", new PhpReader( ) );
( "config" );
require_once( "constants.php" );
( "CakeLog", "Log" );
( "CmsPlugin", "Extensions.Lib" );
( "CmsEventManager", "Event" );
( "Lib", "Cms" );
( "Lib", "CmsNav" );
( array( "Extensions" ), array( "bootstrap" => true ) );
( array( "DebugKit" ) );
if ( !empty( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) and& $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] != "" )
if ( stripos( getenv( "HTTP_HOST" ), "touch." ) !== false )
$site_domain = str_replace( "touch.", "", $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] );
$site_domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
ini_set( "session.cookie_domain", $site_domain );
( "Vendor", "Spyc/Spyc" );
if ( file_exists( APP."Config".DS."settings.yml" ) )
$settings = ->file_get_contents( file_get_contents( APP."Config".DS."settings.yml" ) );
foreach ( $settings as $settingKey => $settingValue )
( $settingKey, $settingValue );
require_once( "cms_menus.php" );
require_once( "cms_bootstrap.php" );
if ( ( "Security.salt" ) == "f78b12a5c38e9e5c6ae6fbd0ff1f46c77a1e3" || ( "Security.cipherSeed" ) == "60170779348589376" )
$_securedInstall = false;
class IonoLicenseHandler
public $home_url_site = "";
public $home_url_port = 80;
public $home_url_iono = "/sales/remote.php";
public $user_defined_string = "f258410f387e";
public $comm_terminate = true;
public $license_terminate = true;
public $product_license_id = 381;
public $product_id = 160;
public function setErrorTexts( )
$this->error_text['disabled'] = "<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Your license is disabled. </p>";
$this->error_text['suspended'] = "<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Your license has been suspended. </p>";
$this->error_text['expired'] = "<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Your license has expired. </p>";
$this->error_text['exceeded'] = "<p><strong>License Error:</strong> You have reached the maximum number of installs allowed. </p>";
$this->error_text['invalid_user'] = "<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Invalid license key. </p>";
$this->error_text['invalid_code'] = "<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Invalid license status code. </p>";
$this->error_text['invalid_hash'] = "<p><strong>License Error:</strong> Invalid communication hash. </p>";
$this->error_text['wrong_product'] = "<p><strong>License Error:</strong> The license key you provided is not for this product. </p>";
$this->error_text['integrated_product_license_missing'] = "<p><strong>License Error in Integration:</strong> The license key for the integrated product is not provided.</p>";
$this->error_text['integrated_product_id_missing'] = "<p><strong>License Error in Integration:</strong> The product id given for integration is invalid. Upgrade your files.</p>";
public function ionLicenseHandler( $license_key, $request_type )
if ( !empty( $this->product_id ) )
$key_parts = explode( "-", $license_key );
if ( !isset( $key_parts[2] ) || $key_parts[2] != $this->product_id )
return $this->error_text['wrong_product'];
if ( !empty( $this->product_license_id ) )
$key_parts = explode( "-", $license_key );
$product_license_id = array( substr( md5( $this->product_license_id ), 0, 8 ) );
if ( !in_array( $key_parts[4], $product_license_id ) )
return $this->error_text['wrong_product'];
$host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
if ( strcasecmp( "www.", substr( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 0, 4 ) ) == 0 )
$host = substr( $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 4 );
$request = "remote=licensenew&type=".$request_type."&license_key=".urlencode( base64_encode( $license_key ) );
$request .= "&host_ip=".urlencode( base64_encode( $_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] ) )."&host_name=".urlencode( base64_encode( $host ) );
$request .= "&hash=".urlencode( base64_encode( md5( $request ) ) );
$request = $this->home_url_site.$this->home_url_iono."?".$request;
$ch = curl_init( );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $request );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_PORT, $this->home_url_port );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, false );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, "iono (" );
$content = curl_exec( $ch );
curl_close( $ch );
if ( !$content )
return "Unable to communicate with Iono";
$content = explode( "-", $content );
$status = $content[0];
$hash = $content[1];
if ( $hash == md5( $this->user_defined_string.$host ) )
switch ( $status )
case 0 :
$err_msg = $this->error_text['disabled'];
unset( $home_url_site );
unset( $home_url_iono );
unset( $user_defined_string );
unset( $request );
unset( $header );
unset( $return );
unset( $fpointer );
unset( $content );
unset( $status );
unset( $hash );
case 1 :
$err_msg = "";
case 2 :
$err_msg = $this->error_text['suspended'];
unset( $home_url_site );
unset( $home_url_iono );
unset( $user_defined_string );
unset( $request );
unset( $header );
unset( $fpointer );
unset( $content );
unset( $status );
unset( $hash );
case 3 :
$err_msg = $this->error_text['expired'];
unset( $home_url_site );
unset( $home_url_iono );
unset( $user_defined_string );
unset( $request );
unset( $header );
unset( $return );
unset( $fpointer );
unset( $content );
unset( $status );
unset( $hash );
case 4 :
$err_msg = $this->error_text['exceeded'];
unset( $home_url_site );
unset( $home_url_iono );
unset( $user_defined_string );
unset( $request );
unset( $header );
unset( $return );
unset( $fpointer );
unset( $content );
unset( $status );
unset( $hash );
case 10 :
$Var_4656 = $this->error_text['invalid_user'];
unset( $home_url_site );
unset( $home_url_iono );
unset( $user_defined_string );
unset( $request );
unset( $header );
unset( $return );
unset( $fpointer );
unset( $content );
unset( $status );
unset( $hash );
$err_msg = $this->error_text['invalid_code'];
unset( $home_url_site );
unset( $home_url_iono );
unset( $user_defined_string );
unset( $request );
unset( $header );
unset( $return );
unset( $fpointer );
unset( $content );
unset( $status );
unset( $hash );
return $err_msg;
return $this->error_text['invalid_hash'];
There are a TON of encoded files in the above releases... and it's not nulled, at all.
But since dips#its what to charge money to release it, i'm nulling it and posting it for the VIPS.
Suck it. <====3