
Poll: What should I do with this LLLL.com domain name?
Sell it f or $200
Keep it and wait
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01-20-2016, 06:21 PM
Post: #1
[HELP] Domain name sale price
Hello everyone,

I have several domain names, and someone contacted me the other day showing interest to buy one of these domain names.

The domain name is 9 years old.
It's a LLLL.com domain name and the two middle characters are the same (XX).

The person offered $200 for it.

Should I go for it? Or should I let it age a bit more and then sell for a higher price?
01-20-2016, 07:32 PM
Post: #2
RE: [HELP] Domain name sale price
I would check around for a professional appraisal on the name. It has many good qualities to it. First being 9 years old, its aged nicely giving lots of rep. Second, if it's only 4 characters long, then it's even rarer. Next, if those are the characters in the name, they can also be translated to a roman numeral, giving more meaning to it. Check around, you never know, it could be worth much more than that, but I'm no expert on it. Just my 2 cents on it. BD
