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07-18-2014, 06:08 PM
Post: #1
Global Business Today - [17.07.2014]
[Image: ffef6a23c0ba89dfb21c3350ce5d2e12.jpg]
Charles W. L. Hill, "Global Business Today"
English | ISBN: 0078137217 | 2010 | PDF | 656 pages | 33,7 MB

Overview: Charles Hill’s Global Business Today, 7e has become the most widely used text in the International Business market. Hill explains that he attempted to write a book that: (1) is comprehensive and up-to-date, (2) it goes beyond an uncritical presentation and shallow explanation of the body of knowledge, (3) it maintains a tight, integrated flow between chapters, (4) it focuses on managerial implications, (5) it makes important theories accessible and interesting to students, and (6) it incorporates ancillary resources that enliven the text and make it easier to teach.
Our research has shown that students and instructors alike enjoy the interesting, informative, and accessible writing style of GBT – so much so that the writing has become Charles Hill’s trademark. The author’s passion and enthusiasm for the international business arena is apparent on every page. In addition to boxed material which provides deep illustrations in every chapter, Hill carefully weaves interesting anecdotes into the narrative of the text to engage the reader. For example, read the text description of Mixed Economy on pages 52-53.
[Image: eb596e777f01c8812748c3a0ff8dc84d.png]
