Make your content highly shareable, improve site speed and on page SEO and turn your blog into a real authity site.
Make your content highly shareable, improve site speed and on page SEO and turn your blog into a real authity site.
What are we talking about?
Viral traffic and social engagement is the new SEO;
Wdpress is the most used platfm f bloggers and Internet marketers;
Skyrocket your traffic using these underground techniques when others share and like
Get instant access to the underground techniques Philip Kleudgen uses on his own sites. Techniques that let his visits generate all the traffic f him!
Viral traffic may seem like a dream - Philip makes your dream come true
Viral traffic is the holy grail of contempary marketing. Everybody wants it. And yet, most courses and ebooks teach you only one example. One example that the auth discovered by accident, and wasn't able to repeat.
In this course, you learn the principles of Viral marketing. You'll understand what to do, and how to do it.
What you'll learn:
The golden rule of Viral Marketing and social engagement - (You'll find it in Lecture 25)
The FIVE types of content that get shared the most - Without this list, you're wasting your time!
The FIVE subjects that get shared the most - You can choose other subjects, but you'll have to wk a lot harder!
The unique angle to stand out - Even when you target the Internet Marketing niche;
How to use this angle to create unique viral posts - Philip shows you exactly what his posts look like, and how to create them;
The FIVE criteria to create posts with maximum virality - And Philip shows you wking examples;
A top secret way to engage your customers - Hidden in plain sight, but nobody is using it! (Lecture 11)
Many internet marketers and website owners don't do viral marketing. Common complaints are:
"My niche is bing, there are no options f viral posts"
"I'm not good at creating funny videos"
"I don't know how to edit images".
Don't wry about that. You can profit from viral traffic as well.
Philip will show you:
What to do when you're in a bing "non-viral" niche;
What to do when you're not good at video creation;
Where to find (legal!) images you can use;
How to edit images so your visits will love them;
How to set up your website so even bookkeepers and lawyers will share your content.
Viral traffic is the holy grail, and your website is the table the holy grail rests on.
Yes, your Wdpress website is a very imptant platfm, where you can share the content that will go viral.
That means it's very imptant that the platfm is stable. Setting up Wdpress the right way is crucial.
Are you making these mistakes on your Wdpress website?
Using the default Wdpress theme...
Installing a couple of plugins, and think your done with it...
Quickly find some images and put them in the media folder...
Post a few articles and then lose interest because there's no traffic..
In this course Philip will teach you how to setup your Wdpress properly, f SEO, AND to make your articles and posts go viral, getting me and me traffic on autopilot.
This is a one-time job, and will make your traffic multiply with each new posts on your website.
What you'll learn
How to set up your basic Wdpress configuration,
Which plugins to use to get SEO on autopilot, and how to set up these plugins properly,
Everything you need to make Google love your pages,
How to make your pages stand out in the Google search results,
How to check that Google is indexing your site,
How to control which pages are indexed by Google,
How to optimize website speed (an imptant fact f SEO!),
How to easily add additional links to long pages to make it easy to read f your customers....
And Google LOVES it.
And so much me...
Nearly every lecture Includes examples and walk-throughs of all the imptant steps.
Why website speed is imptant f SEO,
7 steps to optimize your website f speed,
How to solve - and profit from - broken links,
How to optimize your homepage f the best user experience,
How to optimize each single post page, to boost social sharing,
FIVE critical facts to consider when selecting a Wdpress theme.
If you don't do this, you're back to square one
But that's not all, you wanted viral traffic, don't you?
The last part of this course you the tools of the trade to make each individual post go viral. His secret strategy to make his traffic explode. He repeatedly needed to upscale his hosting, to facilitate all the traffic.
Can you affd not to take this course?
If you don't act now, you will never tap into the viral potential of your website. Never know what wks and what doesn't...
You'll be wasting your time, doing the wrong things, instead of learning now from an expert.
Proven strategies. Proven techniques. Proven results.