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07-13-2022, 07:08 AM
Post: #1
Get Money


FOR 4 MONTH! https://etsy.me/3MVv7ZI
07-14-2022, 04:04 AM
Post: #2
RE: Get Money
Thanks mate for share!
07-14-2022, 09:49 AM (This post was last modified: 07-14-2022 09:52 AM by Lumos.)
Post: #3
Thumbs Up RE: Get Money
Wow Berlinerin - that is over 2 hours long !!

She is certainly a great presenter - but 2+ hours of listening is a total no-go for this old guy, so here is an alternative for the avid readers among us:

Quote:Video Transcript:

If you expect to achieve your goals if you expect to reach your potential if you expect to have your dreams come true what i'm about to explain to you is mission critical you must become a master at visualization now for those of you that are like what the heck is she

Talking about i did not sign up for some sort of meditation woo spiritual thing here don't worry this is mel robbins there's always science and research involved in everything that i talk about so visualization is a extraordinarily powerful skill and you may have heard of the law of attraction

You may have heard of the word visualization you may have heard of the word manifesting i call it um seeing signs so i'm a master at seeing positive signs i am a master of creating coincidences i have the world's most incredible luck you want to know why because i understand the science and the skill of visualization

I know that your brain it is a gigantic detective machine your brain is a filter your brain is constantly looking for evidence and that's good news it's good news when you know how to use it to your advantage let me explain so your brain has a system in it here's the technical term it's called the reticular activating system

It is a network of neurons all up in here and what is the job of the reticular activating system it is a filter system it's basically a system that allows certain information in your brain and it blocks out other information and guess who programmed that filter you did and so did the people from your past and so if you constantly feel like you're unlovable guess what your

Reticular activating system is going through the day and it is going to point out every single piece of evidence that confirms that negative belief that you have if you think that people don't like you at work the reticular activating system the filter it is literally going to be looking for evidence to confirm that belief all day long this is one of the reasons why we have such a problem with politics in this

Country this is why there's something called a confirmation bias confirmation bias means your mind loves to read things that you agree with because reading things that you agree with confirms your filter why do we have a reticular activating system there's a really important reason why you have this the reason why is if your brain let in everything have you ever looked

At a facebook page have you noticed how many words are on a standard facebook page and the ad over here and the ad over here and the ad over here and the ad in the zoo seed right here and the stuff up here and all this over here if your brain took in everything at equal value your head would literally explode off your shoulders your brain would melt down and so the reticular activating

System protects your brain by filtering information and only letting in stuff that it agrees with so that's the scientific reason and mandate for why you gotta get busy reprogramming that thing because if you live like i have lived for a very long time one of the beliefs that i had we're going to be talking about this a lot this month one

Of the beliefs that i had for a very long time is that i was a bad person that i was not lovable that um i did not deserve to be a good person that people didn't think i was a good person and consequently that led me to do a lot of hurtful things to myself it led me to do a lot of hurtful things to uh people that i cared about and it it really damaged decades of my life and i believed it i believed it and it

Drove my actions and i saw evidence everywhere if you're going to do a mindset reset you've got to change what you believe about yourself and so for those of you that had a very negative uh assessment of 2018 and you're feeling down about your goals already as you look at 2019 you have a very negative belief system about yourself and that's going to stop right now because now we're going to talk about

Visualization and how you use it in order to start to reprogram the reticular activating system in your brain so that your brain starts to spot opportunity your brain starts to spot evidence that things are working out your brain starts to spot coincidences so you can build momentum and it begins with visualization so as you take your goals right so you've written down all these goals right for 2019. i want you to go to each one

And i want you to do a visualization exercise and here's how you're going to do it based on science because there's a particular way you have to do this based on science okay it's a two-step method so if let's take self-worth because we had a question about self-worth if your goal is to improve your self-worth i want you to visualize what your life looks like and how you're

Going to feel about yourself when your self-worth has improved here's how you're going to do it so there's two things that you have to do when it comes to visualization you have to close your eyes truly i know it sounds stupid but i want you to close your eyes and i want you to in your mind have a specific picture of what

It looks like in your life when your self-worth has improved you're going to see yourself speaking up at work you're going to see yourself talking more about your business you're going to see yourself leaving bad relationships you're going to see yourself defining boundaries you're going to see yourself going to the gym you're going to see yourself taking care of yourself and when you start to visualize the

Image of that i want you to consciously this is step two consciously think of the positive emotions that you're going to feel i'm going to feel happy i'm going to feel proud i'm going to stand taller i'm going to be so grateful that i made this change marrying the the specific picture oh there i am there i am i'm i'm i'm at work and i'm raising my hand amazing i'm sharing my idea there i am i'm getting a

Promotion there i am asking for a raise there i am i've just signed up another customer to my business there i am i've gone back to school i feel so good about myself when you do that here's what's actually happening in your brain this is the cool science part you are training your brain to have a totally different filter you see your brain my brain it doesn't know the difference

Between something that actually happened to you like the f you got in your test in 10th grade and the things you imagine that are happening to you let me say that again your brain doesn't know the difference between the bad things that actually happen to you the real memories that you have and an imagined memory that you're

Creating your brain will experience you visualizing going to the gym you visualizing how happy you feel when you do you visualizing asking for that raise and getting it and how proud you're going to feel your brain when you visualize in the way that i'm teaching you to it it encodes it as a real memory and that's important because when you encode it as a real memory it changes the

Filter system that reticular activating system and here's what we know based on research the more you visualize things number one the greater your confidence is going to be the greater security you're going to have about it and here's the really cool thing the more you do this with your goals you wake up every day and you just visualize for it takes 30 freaking seconds for

Crying out loud you visualize having a great day at school you visualize curing your panic and how proud you're going to be what studies suggest and have proven is that simply visualizing yourself doing things actually develops the skill and helps you improve the skills just as if you were actually doing it and so there's proof based on research that visualization helps you build

Skills and then finally the other thing that's really important about this is that the more that you do this what we know based on research is that the reason why you start to believe what you think is because you are reprogramming your brain you are changing the network of neurons that act as a filter and so the more that you actually believe in yourself and you start thinking and visualizing

Yourself speaking up the more confident you're going to become the more skills that you're building and you're actually going to do it and then instead of looking for all the reasons when you're sitting in a meeting to not speak up you're going to just speak up because you're going to have changed the filter you're going to look for opportunities this is how it works this is why this is

So incredibly important here's why visualization works i'm going to make this last point and then we're going to jump into today's lesson which is about the two modes that your brain operates in and why it is essential for you to understand these two modes in order to change your mindset and also um how you can start to switch in between the two modes of your brain super cool stuff but first for shelley she visualized herself doing a 10k walk

In six months and i bet she felt very happy and very proud as she did that why is that important the reason why visualization and picturing yourself succeeding and allowing yourself to feel the happiness and the pride that comes with picturing a positive future the reason why that's as important is let's say shelley does that every single day this week every day she wakes up she walks for five minutes and as she's walking on

That treadmill she's visualizing herself finishing a 10k in six months and how proud she is every time she does that she is changing what's going on up here this isn't something i made up this is true and it's not only true based on science but let's think about this from a common sense perspective if shelly wakes up or if you wake up every single morning

And instead of thinking about the worst case instead of looking at your body in the mirror and going i'm so fat i'm so out of shape i'll never run a 10k this is never going to happen why didn't i exercise last year i hate my flabby stomach i hate my my big thighs i hate how out of shame i'm embarrassed like if that's what you're thinking then that is what you're allowing your brain to continue to filter the world through

If you start teaching yourself the skill of visualizing a positive outcome and feeling the pride that comes with achieving that positive goal what happens for you right now is you start to think like the kind of person that does a 10k if after an entire week what shelly does is she get looks in the mirror and she goes i'm getting stronger every day i'm really proud of myself even though i'm

I'm feeling flabby i'm not saying you're flabby shelly but even though i'm feeling flabby i'm doing the work i can do this what happens a week from now is when she sees a registration for a 10k the old mind that wasn't programmed correctly would go oh you're fat you're out of shape you're not prepared for that don't sign up but the new mind because she's been visualizing every single day

The new mind just seven to ten days later is going to go oh wait a minute i'm in shape i'm proud i'm doing this why do you sign up it's going to filter the world in a very different way because you're training it to this is the heart of doing a mindset reset and this is why visualization works and why it's an important step and why i'm so glad you're doing it hey i'm mel robbins and

I wanted to make this video because boy has the interest in manifesting just skyrocketed do you know that there has been a 700 increase in google searches for manifestation and manifesting techniques just this year alone so if you're brand new to manifesting you are in the right place because i'm going to unpack the basics for you i'm going to help you understand this and more importantly i'm going to empower you to put this to use

In your life to help you get what you want and if you've been trying to manifest for a while now and it's not working this is also an exceptionally awesome video for you to watch because it is probably going to reveal some of the mistakes you've been making and so let's just jump into it so here's what we're going to cover in this video first of all i'm going to give you a definition for manifesting that's going to clear a lot of stuff up

Next i'm going to talk about what it is for real based on science and what it can help you do and what it isn't how manifesting is very different than dreaming hoping wishing and wanting okay then what we're going to do is we're going to talk about why this is a skill that you need i'm going to tell you a story about how some of the top performing athletes in the world at the highest level olympic levels are

Using the science of manifestation to get what they want when it comes to performing at their top level i'm also going to tell you a deeply personal story about how my husband and i used manifesting over 20 years ago to help us get this incredible dream house this farmhouse that we always always wanted outside of boston massachusetts and by the time that we are done with this you're going to feel so excited so empowered because you're going to know

What manifesting is you're going to understand why you need it and you are also going to be equipped to get started using it all right so let's start with the definition of manifesting what the heck is manifesting mel robbins well let me tell you what manifesting isn't okay manifesting is not thinking thoughts and then hoping that they come true thoughts become things only when your thoughts inspire you to take the actions to get those things

That's where manifesting comes in manifesting is preparing your mind body and spirit to help you take the actions to get those things that's right i'm going to say that again manifesting is like training for getting what you want manifesting is socializing your mind preparing your mind rehearsing your mind

To help you take the steps before you take the steps so that you can get what you want when you use manifesting properly what you do is you remove the obstacles of self-doubt of resistance of being cautious of focusing on tiny minutia of feeling blank and overwhelmed you remove all that crap and you retrain your mind and you retrain your nervous system and you retrain your spirit to help you get the things that you want in life and

When you manifest properly what it does is it inspires you to take the actions that lead you to what you want now that sounds like a lot of like okay mel what does that actually mean what it means is this manifesting is going to help you see feel and act your way toward the things that you want that's what it does it's so freaking cool now let me tell you the difference between manifesting according to science

And wishing wanting hoping dreaming let's focus on sort of wishing there's a lot of you that are confusing wishing for something with manifesting okay they're the opposite ends of the spectrum and so before i kind of explain the two let me just give you an example so that we can

Use the example to compare and to contrast okay one big goal and dream that a lot of people have is financial freedom the ability to take your kids to disney world the ability to buy what you want the ability to put enough money away so that you don't have to worry about money the ability to buy the things that you need to go on the trips that you want financial freedom is something that you deserve in your life it's something that you can do

The work to achieve in your life and so let's talk about the goal of financial freedom and the difference between wishing for financial freedom and hoping and dreaming about it versus manifesting and doing the work to go get it if you can hear my cat outside you know that he sounds like he's dying what he's actually doing is he's really pissed off because we have come into this little room and shut the door and so he's walking around going where are you where

Is everybody let's take a listen for a minute so did you notice that wishing he would leave didn't work what you're going to always get when you watch mel robbins videos is you're going to get the real deal okay but literally the real deal because this is real life and these are tools for real people to make real changes and so you might as well see what's going on so the cat is now sleeping on my lap and he's very happy

We were talking about financial freedom which is a goal that so many people have right and what's the difference between you wanting and wishing for financial freedom and you manifesting it and using manifestation and the science of it to help you get it the big difference between wishing for something and using manifesting to help you do the work to go get it

Is that when you wish that you were financially free have you ever noticed that the second that you wish for something like you know i wish i would win the lottery you're also present at the same time to the fact that you're lacking money right now like wishing that you would win the lottery

It doesn't bring up all of this sort of like empowering feelings what it does is it reminds you that you're so broke that you need to win the lottery and that's very different than manifesting manifesting is declaring what you want i am committed to creating financial freedom in my life and then once you declare what you want

Manifesting is about the actions and empowering yourself to go get it and there's a really big difference between focusing on you know and wishing for something which only reminds you that you're lacking it you know oh i i wish i would meet somebody that just makes you feel more alone i wish i could get in shape that just makes you feel more out of shape i wish i could win the lottery that just makes you feel poorer i wish i

Didn't have to work for this jerk that just makes you feel more stuck do you feel how wishing for something amplifies what you don't like versus i'm gonna manifest and work for more money in my life i am committed to being in a loving relationship and i'm gonna manifest and make it happen i deserve to have a career that i love and i'm going to use manifesting to help me get it

I want to be in incredible shape i want to do a handstand in yoga i want to heal my trauma and i'm going to use manifesting to help me achieve those things that's a big difference wishing and hoping makes you present to what you don't have manifesting makes you present and feeling empowered about what you want and your ability to go get it and that highlights the second big difference when you hope for things

When you wish for things you are handing the power to somebody else or to outside forces you are literally giving away your power because hoping and wishing just inherently assumes that somebody else is somehow going to come in and solve the problem we all know that that's not happening manifesting on the other hand locates and amplifies the power inside of you

To do the work to get those things to do the work to change your life and it's important that you locate the power inside of you because you're the one that's responsible for your dreams and you're also the person that's in the best position to make those dreams a reality because you have the ability to change the way that you think you have the ability to change the actions that you take every single day and when you change the actions that you take and you

Change the way that you think you change your entire life and manifesting is a tool that will help you train your brain and train your nervous system and train your mind body and spirit to help you achieve the things that you want the the thing that's super important for you to get as a major takeaway from this video is the thoughts alone

Won't achieve the things that you desire but if you manifest properly it will inspire you to take action and action is what will create the results that you deserve and that you want your life that's as simply as i can put it i want to explain a little bit about the science i promised you that i was going to quickly tell you a little bit about how some of the world's most successful athletes

Are using the science of manifestation in order to win at the olympics in order to come back after an injury you know the u.s olympic team there's a big article in the new york times about this they hire sports psychologists precisely for mental training and what these sports psychologists are doing there are five of them alone that work with the u.s snowboarding and ski team and what they do is they are doing the

Mental training with athletes before the olympics to help them prepare to show up at the olympics and absolutely crush it and you're going to do the same thing you are going to use manifestation to mentally prepare before and while you're doing the work to achieve your goals and dreams because when you mentally prepare you remove all of the

Obstacles like self-doubt and nerves and anxiety and impostor system syndrome and fear that are currently stopping you from taking action and so how do you mentally prepare well let me talk to you about the ski team because they do this super cool process that is basically what you do when you manifest the sports psychologist would sit down with one of the gold medal winning skiers and snowboarders particularly after injury because if you

Think about it somebody that's been injured during competition even after they've had surgery and they've recovered they're going to be nervous about competing again and you may feel the same way about going for what you want you may have faced a bunch of setbacks you may have faced a bunch of disappointments you may have faced a bunch of rejection and so you're nervous about putting yourself out there that's okay

Feeling nervous is normal but you're not going to let it stop you we're going to use manifestation to train your mind body and spirit to be able to do the work we're going to rehearse what you need to do in your mind and your body and your spirit so that when it comes time to do it you feel like you've actually already done it which removes your nerves it's so cool so back to the us ski and snowboarding team the sports

Psychologists would sit with the athletes and you know let's just say you know the crazy snowboarding thing where they go off a jump and they do 50 million like hoops and loops and tricks and whatever that's like a 10 second jump in the air and so what the sports psychologist does is they have the snowboarder or the skier describe in detail not the jump

But point a point b point c point d point e point f all the way to z okay i'm getting off the chair lift and i've got my uh snowboard tucked under my right arm and i'm walking up to uh the place where everybody's getting ready i hear the crunch crunch crunch of the snow and i i feel the breeze do you notice i've got my eyes closed i've got my eyes closed because i have made manifesting a habit

I do it every single morning and when i start to manifest i do something that i used to do as a trial lawyer and that is put someone at the scene really good trial lawyers are able to put a jury right at a scene right where it happened with such detail that you can smell the cup of coffee on the counter you can hear the cars passing outside

You can see the bright orange sweater that somebody's wearing right in your mind you have the ability with your imagination to put yourself right at the scene and that's exactly what these sports psychologists are coaching olympic athletes to do as you're standing there and the wind is blowing and your hat is on and they they're calling your name

Now you're clipping in now you're feeling the excitement in your stomach now you're feeling yourself push off and you feel the momentum kick in and the gravity pull down and the speed increasing and you feel the lift off and you literally mentally rehearse visually and in your body feeling it and what you're doing

Is you are preparing your body to be able to do it here's a cool fact about your brain your brain can't distinguish between real experiences that you've lived and the detailed experiences that you have imagined and felt through manifesting so we are using your vision we are using your ability to picture yourself there and feel yourself there

As a way to prepare yourself to be there and as you're seeing yourself doing all the work i want you to feel this sense of pride and excitement in order to really imprint the step-by-step by step-by-step training in your mind body and spirit all right well look i'm no olympic athlete but i am a gold medalist when it comes to the science of manifestation i used

Manifesting as a way to help me keep doing the work to find my dream house uh outside of boston this is the story of how i use manifesting to do the work to find a needle in a haystack which was an antique farmhouse outside of boston so god uh 1997 [Music]

My husband chris and i are newlyweds we moved from new york city to the boston area and we have moved from new york to the boston area because we know that we want to start a family we know we don't want to be in new york city we know we want to buy a house and have a yard and so we rent an apartment in cambridge which is you know right next door to boston and for almost a year we start looking for a house now we were a really young newlywed couple we did not have a

Lot of savings and boston it's a really expensive real estate market and so we looked at houses every single weekend for an entire year and we either would go to these open houses and we just hated the neighborhood or we couldn't afford the house and we were just feeling so discouraged and it was about this time

That i discovered the science of manifesting and i luckily didn't just learn thoughts become things i learned these see it feel it and you'll believe it form of manifesting that you're learning right now and here's what i would do i would every single day i knew what i wanted more than anything i wanted to find an antique farmhouse

With a big front porch i wanted it to be in our budget i wanted to have some land i wanted to get a fixer-upper i just had this like this old house kind of vision in my mind right and i would sit there and i would think about chris and i going to open houses and i would think about chris and i seeing house after house and i would think about chris getting really

Discouraged and i would feel the pressure of going to all these open houses and us not finding anything and i could feel chris getting discouraged and i could feel myself starting to get discouraged and then i would feel and see myself turning to chris and saying chris you watch we are really good people and we have the kind of luck that something magical is going to happen

We are going to find that needle in the haystack i just know it if we just keep going to open houses if we just keep putting it out there that we're looking for an old farmhouse a fixer-upper with a big porch on a nice piece of property we will find it what this kind of manifesting does where you see yourself pushing through the resignation you feel yourself believing you feel yourself doing the work to find that needle in the haystack

To beat the odds to have something magical happens is that you start to believe that it's going to happen through manifesting i literally convinced myself that we would in fact find a needle in a haystack that i didn't even need to worry about all the houses that we couldn't afford that we were seeing i didn't even need to worry about the number of places that we would look at that were out of our range i didn't even have to worry about how long

It was going to take because i knew because i was aligning myself with what i wanted through proper manifestation that it would happen i wasn't worried about the timeline i just assumed that if we kept at it and we kept holding on for that needle in the haystack amazing old farmhouse that one day somehow magically the stars would align we would be in the right place and we would be

Rewarded because we had done the work and we had held out hope and we had kept on going and why do we do those things because i had been training myself preparing myself to do all those things and i'll tell you what happened about a year into looking in one of the nicest towns outside of boston massachusetts we got word that there was a ransack old farmhouse that may be coming on the market so we drove out that weekend

And we pulled up in front of the house and i gotta tell you the grass at this house and the front yard was like waist high nobody had mowed this lawn and i don't know how many years it looked like a field for crying out loud instead of a front lawn the paint was all chipped the house was this like ugly blue color most of the windows were broken the only living beings inside the house were the family of raccoons who had

Taken up residence inside the chimney the kitchen was so hideous there was astro turf indoor outdoor grass as the flooring in this house now if i hadn't been manifesting if i hadn't been training my mind body and spirit to see feel and believe that my husband and i would find this needle in a haystack i would have turned to chris the second we pulled up in front of this thing and said are you kidding

Me this dump first of all we won't be able to afford it secondly this dump what have we lost it's not even on the market some developer is going to swoop in here in this neighborhood and pay three times but we can there is no way we are going to get this that's what would have happened if i hadn't been manifesting because the biggest obstacle to what you want is always your own self-doubt your own

Excuses your own fears and your own stories because i had been manifesting what it's looked like and felt like to align my body and spirit with getting what i want i stayed open that this could be that needle in the haystack we got out of the car we met with the owner it turns out the house wasn't on the market yet the family was figuring out what to do because the man who had owned it had just died incapacitated in a nursing

Home none of the adult kids wanted the house and what did they want for the house more than anything this dilapidated old farmhouse that they had all grown up in they wanted a young couple who was starting a family to raise their family in it well the long and the short of it is that ugly old farmhouse with the broken windows and the raccoons inside and the indoor outdoor grass turf for carpeting

In the kitchen was that needle in the haystack chris and i bought it from the family before it ever came on the market and we spent the first two years honest to god indoor camping inside of it we didn't have a kitchen we had a coleman two burner camping stove we did most of the renovations ourselves which meant bringing the knob into it tube wiring up to code slapping on a paint a coat and bringing everything up

To a point where it would be safe and we have lived in this farmhouse and raised our family in it for the past 24 years there is no way that i would have even gotten out of the car without having been manifesting for eight months prior to finding that farmhouse with the big wrap porch on a great piece of property right outside of boston it was seeing it

Feeling it in my mind body and spirit that made my mind believe that it was possible and when you believe that something is possible you will do the work and you will stay open to all of the amazing possibilities that come into your life to make it happen and here we are almost 25 years later sitting here filming in that very house so there you have it i promised you that this would be a video

That would be perfect if you're brand new to manifesting or if you've been manifesting for a while but it hasn't been working i hope that now that you know the real definition and the real purpose of manifesting when you manifest using science and you manifest as a way to train and prepare your mind body and spirit to do the work to help you get what you want i hope you now feel empowered and inspired to stop wishing and hoping for the things that you want

In life and that you use manifesting to prepare yourself and inspire yourself to go take the action to make them a reality hey i'm mel robbins and i'm gonna teach you the four simple steps that you need to follow in order to manifest the right way according to research and science i'm so glad you're watching this manifesting is an incredible skill to develop in your life and to

Practice and build consistently as something that you do my definition of manifesting is manifesting when you do it following the four steps you're about to learn according to research and science what manifesting does is it trains your mind your body your spirit to align with what you want to achieve in life manifesting is a way to prepare or socialize your mind and your nervous

System and your body to do the work that's necessary to getting what you want and so the steps that i'm going to walk you through work they're based in research and what they're doing is they remove all of the obstacles that would normally stop you from taking action because just thinking about what you want isn't going to get it done what ultimately creates results in your life are actions and so manifesting is a way to train yourself

To take the actions that will change your life that will help you get what you want manifesting also removes self-doubt resistant excuses imposter syndrome all the things that would normally stop you from taking the actions the four steps that you need to follow really simple step number one is give yourself permission to dream with the lid off this is really important and the reason why this is important is because i

Guarantee you that right now you are not even allowing yourself to fully dream or think about or set goals that are truly aligned with what you deeply want in your heart that you aren't even able to manifest properly because you're not even honest with yourself about what you actually want this is a really common thing

Because you're allowing your self-doubt you are allowing your fears your anxiety your insecurity you're allowing where you are to dictate and limit where you want to go and so step one super important you must allow yourself give yourself permission to start dreaming with the lid off now the scientific reason why this is so important is because you have a filter in your brain called the reticular activity system i write about the ras

For short the reticular activity system extensively in the high five habit the ras is a filter in your mind and you can do simple things that change the structure of that filter in fact the filter in your mind the res is always changing so one thing that you can do in order to teach yourself how to dream with the lid off is to adopt a simple habit every single morning i do a very simple thing i write down five things that i want

That's it when i start my day after i get up on the alarm rings i make my bed i pull on my exercise clothes i set an intention i high-five myself in the mirror i then go out into the kitchen i crack open my high five journal and then inside the journal there are prompts that walk me through the steps of visualizing and the first prompt is dream with the lid off set your spirit

Free write down five things every morning that you want and this is important because when you get what you want out of your head and you physically put them on a piece of paper research shows that you're 42 percent more likely to achieve those goals simply by writing them down that's pretty cool secondly your mind is paying attention and when you take deliberate action and you write down what you want you are

Signaling to your brain that you deserve to have these things you are signaling to your brain that you do want those things you're not just going to think about them these are things that matter to you and that helps train your mind to allow you to let the desires flow through you because right now you're not manifesting properly because you're not even allowing yourself to dream with the lid off so that's step

Number one you're gonna start writing down five things that you want every single morning as a way to train your mind to let you dream freely so a couple things about this little practice of writing down five things that you want every morning as a way to train your mind to allow you to dream again first of all you can write down the same five things every day it's your list your dreams you get to do this how you want the second thing that you could do

Is you could just write down different things every day it doesn't matter because really what manifesting is is manifesting as a way to train and prepare your mind body and spirit to help you and if your mind is blocking you and your mind won't even allow you to fully want the things that you want like for example maybe you want to be a new york times best-selling author but you won't even write that down

Because you don't think it's possible if you won't even write it down because your self-doubt is stopping you you're not dreaming with the lid off and so this simple exercise write down i want to be a new york times best-selling author i want to house by the beach i want to take my family to disney world i'd love to meet the love of my life i'd like to climb mount kilimanjaro i want to open a wine bar i'd love to get in the best shape of my life i'd like to do

A handstand this year in yoga i'd like my dog to start rocking at the neighbors whatever you want it doesn't matter you're just training yourself to dream and that's step one allow yourself to want what you want step number two for manifesting properly according to science is you must visualize the steps that lead you to the thing that you want

Not the end goal this is a major mistake that people make they manifest improperly because all they do is focus on the end goal if you've ever made a vision board think about what you put on the vision board you put up just the beach house or the million dollars in the bank are you crossing the finish line are you launching that business are you having the body that you want are

You a driving the maserati whatever it is the end goal is what you put up on a vision board that is not what you're going to do when you manifest if you start focusing on crossing the finish line of the marathon that is a one-way ticket to being unmotivated and completely discouraged in fact research shows that if all you do is focus on the thing that you want and you just focus on that vision of you and your bikini body or you with the

Love of your life on your arms or you at the oscars winning that award or the grammys what happens is because you've only focused on the end goal you start to feel really unmotivated and discouraged because you're nowhere near it that's where manifesting comes in because we're not going to focus on the end goal you got to pick something that you want

In order to get started but manifesting isn't about the end it's about the bridge it's about going from where you are here to where you want to go imagine that there is a bridge that connects where you are right here with what you dream about doing now that dream could be to be a grammy award-winning singer-songwriter that dream might be to have a family of your own that dream

Might be to have a beach house or a ski house or to take a trip to fiji that dream can be whatever the hell you want it to be but when it comes to manifesting once you've given yourself permission to dream with the lid off and really want what you want to feel the pull of that thing now we got to talk about the path that connects where you are with where you want to go and this is all about visualizing the

Little steps there's a lot of research that proves why visualizing the steps is the most important thing that you could do there was a study done at ucla for example where they were researching manifestation and the power of visualization and they broke students into two groups and they had group a we're going to call these the vision

Board group they had group a close their eyes visualize in their mind and feel in their body themselves taking the test and then walking up to a board where the tests scores were posted and finding their name and seeing an a-plus that's what group a the vision board group were told to do to visualize themselves achieving what

They wanted group b we're going to call these the hard workers these students were coached in this research project to close their eyes and to visualize going back to their dorm room sitting down at the desk and studying and staying up late and putting in the work studying and preparing for the tests

Now let me ask you a question which group do you think did better on the actual test was it group a the vision board group who were taught to visualize and picture themselves walking up to a board and seeing the a plus or was it group b the hard work group the group that was taught to close their eyes and visualize and seeing themselves doing the work to study for the test

Well if you answered group a you're wrong if you answered group b you got the correct answer the reason why group b the students who visualize studying for the test got better test scores is because when you visualize yourself doing the work visualizing it leads you to doing the work and it's only through actions that you will get the result that you want

Preparing your mind and visualizing yourself doing it lowers your resistance and leads to you taking the action that's why manifesting works you know the same is true in sports there's all kinds of research in sports psychology in fact our olympic athletes for the u.s olympic team they hire sports psychologists to train our top olympic athletes particularly after they've been injured in

Visualizing themselves competing when you coach an athlete to mentally rehearse every single detail about going through the competition you are training the mind body and spirit to show up and dominate this is particularly true for athletes after they've been injured and they're stepping back into competition if you've been injured in competition you're naturally going to feel anxious you're naturally going to be nervous your brain and nervous system circuitry

Is now programmed with the intensity from that injury the memory from the injury so of course it's natural to bring that in to your pre-competition feelings about it right so manifestation properly remember what it is manifesting is preparing your mind body and spirit to do the work it's aligning your mind body and spirit with what you want it removes the obstacles that would normally stop you which then prepares and motivates you to take the

Actions to succeed so in the case of athletes who visualize themselves and see themselves doing all the steps over and over they're removing the nerves they're removing all the programming related to the injury they are preparing their mind body and spirit to go in and freaking dominate and so are you because that's step two you gotta see it the third step is you're gonna feel in your body what it feels like to do the work

So let's go back to the research project at ucla not only do i want you to close your eyes and picture yourself going back to the dorm room notice i'm closing my eyes it's because manifesting is a habit for me and when i manifest i get in it man i close my eyes i go into my mind i am literally in my imagination there and i not only can see myself doing the work i can feel it you can feel what it's like

To walk into that dorm you can feel what it's like to sit down you can feel the heavy backpack hit the table you can feel yourself crack open that book you can feel yourself sitting at that desk in the desk light and you can also even feel what it's like can't you as the sun starts to set and it gets darker outside and the light and your desk starts to get brighter and take things over you can just put yourself right there and the feeling is super important because

Again manifesting is mind body spirit we've got to get your nervous system involved we've got to make you feel like you're at the scene one of the reasons why feeling it is so important is because it magnifies the imagery in your mind and when your mind rehearses something here's what's cool about your brain your brain doesn't know the difference between you studying for that test

Or you doing the work to start that business or get healthy or put yourself back out there or heal your trauma or save the money to get that house that you want or whatever it is that you're visualizing your brain doesn't know the difference between you visualizing those things and you actually doing them in your mind it's the same

So it's almost like a training run for a marathon you are building a muscle that helps you win when you take the actions it's so cool and so you not only want to feel what it's like to study for that test put yourself at the scene you also want to feel a sense of pride that you're doing the work and the pride piece is really important because the pride piece acts

Almost like a booster it amplifies the memory imprint when you like bring this wow there i am i'm doing the work i'm proud of myself i'm staying in i'm putting in the extra work somebody said no and i kept on going i didn't stop when the first venture capital firm said they wouldn't invest there i am investing again when you feel this sense of pride in yourself it supersizes the imprint and the rehearsing and so it's a

Super important part of the feeling not only feel the steps feel the pride that you're doing it this is so important that i want to give you yet another example let's say that your bucket list something on your bucket list is to run a marathon for me it was on my bucket list when i was a young mom to run the new york city marathon now what's interesting is i applied i got a number and when i won this number out of a lottery system with

The new york city marathon i was a brand new mom i was totally out of shape i was not at all in any kind of of a place to run the new york city marathon now here's the thing i used visualization to help me lower my fear and my excuses because when i got the number i did not have a lot of time if i had been a a person who was not visualizing i probably would have said up i don't have enough time to train i'm not ready i can't do this all

The excuses would have come in but instead i used visualization now how do you use visualization for say a marathon you do not want to visualize crossing the finish line that is how you visualize incorrectly luckily i knew how to visualize at this moment in my life you need to visualize yourself going from zero

To preparing to run that raise so what does that mean that means you need to visualize oh there i am it's five o'clock in the morning oh i don't feel like getting up but i'm getting up and i'm putting on my sneakers and it's dark out and i don't feel like going for a run but there i am going out the door alone in the cold wow i am going for i'm i'm pretty proud of myself because i'm training oh here's another thing you could visualize i'm on

A training run it's mile seven and it starts to rain and i keep going wow i'm wet and i'm still running i'm proud of myself because i'm out there training it's mile 11 and my earbuds just lost battery i don't have any more music i got five more miles to go i'm out here for almost another hour and i continue going and i continue going and i see myself completing that 16 mile training

Run and i allow myself to not only feel what it feels like to push through that moment when those earbuds run out of battery but i also feel proud of myself for pushing through that's how you prepare yourself for the thing that you need to do because it removes the obstacles that would stop you from pushing through at mile 11 when your earbuds run out

Because you've already rehearsed the moment in your mind and then finally step four and this is where a lot of people not naming names but this one is like really important you need to do the work okay you gotta do the work because it's only through your actions that you will accomplish what you want let's say uh that you've always wanted to climb a particular mountain okay

There's a mountain called haystack it's not even that tall so i should probably pick a bigger one but let's just call it haystack mountain you've always wanted to climb haystack mountain you pull up to haystack mountain and you get out of the car you park at the you know national forest parking lot and you make the mistake of looking up at the mountain which is the end goal right and you notice it's up in the clouds

And then you start to think oh my god that's a really far way away you know i don't really know how i feel about doing this anymore because that looks like it's going to take a really long time and then all of a sudden it starts to rain and you go i don't think i want to do this because i don't think i feel like doing this and next thing you know you are back in the car driving back down the road to that little diner that you saw and instead of climbing the

Mountain that you've always dreamt of climbing you've now come up with an excuse and you have abandoned ship you now have literally become your own obstacle you talked yourself out of it you started to doubt yourself you told yourself you weren't ready and that you didn't feel like it you pull the rip cord you're out of there in order to have what you want in life

You must stop staring at the top of that mountain you must stop creating excuses for why you can't or don't feel like it and you must put your head down and look at the first step in front of you and then you must take the action and start walking toward what you want and it'll be a hell of a lot easier for you to do that if you have also been putting in the time every day consistently to not only see yourself

Walking up that trail step by step but that you have felt yourself pushing through the resistance the fear the obstacles the the excuses that are stopping you now and feel proud in every fiber of your being as you push through those obstacles and see yourself and feel yourself doing the work that's how you manifest properly and if you do that before you pull into the

National park parking lot if you look up at that mountain and you see clouds and it starts raining it won't matter because you've already rehearsed this moment in your mind body and spirit and you my friend will start walking up that trail and you're going to be proud that's how you use manifesting to get what you want that's how you leverage all the science

And research to train and prepare your mind body and spirit to help you get what you want and that's how you hack the motivation and inspiration that you need to take the actions that get you everything that you want and deserve in life for 11 years i gave myself permission to believe that i could have what i wanted i fought off negative thoughts i never lost my inspiration i kept my mind open to the possibility

I kept walking down the path toward what i wanted i believed it and my mind helped me achieve it i manifested what i wanted it was my senior year of college my parents were in town and that night we got dressed up and drove to a famous vermont glassblowing studio called the mill at simon pierce now the mill has a wonderful restaurant inside and as we walked into this old

Building my mind was fixated on cheddar cheese soup because my roommate had told me i should order it because she said it was unbelievable now when i walked into the restaurant that night i saw hanging on a wall a large landscape painting it was like the size of a doorway and it was uh turned you know kind of on its side and it was this massive painting of a vermont landscape there were mountains in the background and a

Beautiful blue cloudy sky and the geese were flying in formation and a stand of trees going down the center disappearing toward the mountains and the wind was blowing and honest to god sean i'd never had this kind of experience in my life the sound in the restaurant disappeared i was no longer standing in that restaurant i was in that painting i could smell the grass i could feel the breeze i

Could hear the geese i literally lost myself in a piece of art never had happened to me before i leaned back i'm suddenly kind of back in the moment i'm like i'm gonna own this painting someday it just that was what was right there and i looked at the price and said like three thousand dollars i'm like not today and i went back and i sat down and that was it but the painting never left my mind you

See there's something called the zygon art effect i always say it wrong but it's like there's a checklist in your brain that when you have a moment where you're like this is important your brain puts it on a checklist yeah there's like a notch yes a notch happens and now your brain as part of the filter in the brain is always going to be kind of scanning the subconscious to let

Anything into your mind related to that incident it can be positive by the way like with the painting or this is how trauma happens too like you have this high intensity emotional experience that notches something in your brain and now your brain kicks in to remember so uh bottom line is uh i always thought about that painting years go by whenever somebody would say vermont i'd

Think of the painting i don't know why i can't explain it never wanted a painting before it was not an art student it's going to last like you're out collecting art no no no and so i you know fast forward the story 10 years and my uh chris and i are are engaged and we're going to go up to vermont to see the leaves and immediately i'm like we got to go to simon pierce i got to show you

The painting as we drove toward vermont i could feel that energy moving through my body like electricity traveling through a cord to light up a lamp the closer we got the clearer the painting appeared in my mind pulling up to the mill all five of my senses were on fire as we walked in hanging in the entrance was another painting by the same artist gail shepard my heart left it's a sign oh my god it's still here i grabbed chris's hand and let him

Through the mill room by room frantically looking for my painting it was gone and here's the interesting thing chris was more disappointed than i was because i was so sure that at some point i would have enough money to track down the person that bought it that i would at some point whether it was 70 years six years at some point i would own it now it's interesting because there are other areas of my life

Where i did not have this assurance but there was something about this painting i kept an open mind i believed it was possible even when i wasn't doing anything about it so a couple more years pass i turned 30 and my husband asked everybody to just chip some money into an envelope and he hands me an envelope full of 500 i immediately think about the painting now keep in mind 500 is going to buy by this artist at this point i'm pregnant i

Should probably buy a crib or stools for our new house but i pick up the phone and i call the mill and i'm like i would like to buy a piece by gail shepard and i'm acting like i have millions of dollars i have 500 which barely is gonna buy me from this artist okay but i don't care because i trust and believe i'm walking toward what i want i'm up giving myself permission to desire what i want and uh the guy picks up the phone and he

Wrecks her art and um i say i have 500 and he pauses and then he says well i can send you some polaroids of some of the small ones and so i immediately feel the sting and we so often in those moments talk ourselves out of moving toward what we want but for whatever reason i trusted and believed and so i said great send me the small ones and by the way there was this one piece and i describe it in great detail and then the guy goes well

That was before my time but i bet gail will remember and i'm like gail you know gail he's like of course i know gail she lives down the street here's her number so i eventually call gail and we have this amazing conversation and i say by the way there was this one painting almost 10 years ago big vermont landscape a stand of poplars down the center grass blowing on either

Side and i could hear her thinking and she said you know mel over the years i've done so many large format paintings i'd hate to guess which one it wasn't be wrong how about this why don't we meet at the mill we'll walk all around i'll tell you the stories behind the paintings and then if you don't like anything there i'll take you back to my studio and you can look

At what i'm working on if you don't like anything there then you can look through my slides and maybe just maybe you'll be able to find this painting that you saw over a decade ago so a month passes we go up to the mill i walk in we meet each other she's amazing she's like twice our age just incredibly cool lady she's walking around as we're walking around looking at these paintings rich i've got i'm like eight months pregnant

I'm realizing these are 10 times the amount of money that i have i can't afford this like i don't i don't have this kind of money and i'm getting like more and more into that imposter syndrome what am i doing mode oh my god i'm so embarrassed i'm meeting somebody i idolize i don't deserve to be

Here right wasting her time because she thinks she's going to get a payday out of this correct eventually we sat down for lunch in that same restaurant where i'd first seen the painting in 1989 and yep i ordered the cheddar cheese soup after we ordered gail looked at me and said a sentence i'll never forget now that you're sitting down i have something to tell you the noise in the busy restaurant seem to

Disappear she said i've never experienced anything like what i'm about to tell you when you called me and described the painting to me on the phone i pretended i didn't know what you were talking about mel i knew exactly what painting you meant her husband interrupted you should have seen her when she hung up the phone with you she looked like she had seen a ghost gail nodded and then said there have

Only been two times in my entire career as an artist that i've done two versions of the same scene at the same time your painting is one of a pair i gave one of the paintings to the mill to sell and i put the other one in storage in my studio and then she started tearing up as she said the sister painting to the one that you saw in this restaurant all those years ago is still in my studio a few miles

From here i've never taken it out of storage it's just been sitting there all these years that's why i froze the moment you started describing your painting on the phone you were describing the painting that was in storage i had thought about getting it framed and selling it a dozen times now i know why i never did i guess it was waiting for you to come looking for it

So we get in the car and we drive to the mill and when we walk in there in the center of this massive kind of barn studio space is an easel with a painting taped up with painters tape on it and it was the sister to my painting there were slight differences not as much movement in the grass but it was one of the most extraordinary

Experiences of my life it was as if time suspended and i was standing before that painting in 1990 saying it would be mine and there i was 11 years later standing in front of it and then i felt this massive sort of collapse sean because i thought i can't i can't afford this and so chris walks over my husband and and you know i've got those big tears

Hanging on my eyeballs and i said honey i don't need anything i don't ever need jewelry or a nice car just please dear god tell me you will buy me this painting someday and he yells hey gail how much for the big one and she says well for mel she can have it for 500 because clearly when i was creating it 11 years ago i was doing it for her my heart just split right open

You know it's one thing to see the painting it was a whole other level to be able to purchase it it was mine i'd done it for 11 years i gave myself permission to believe that i could have what i wanted i fought off negative thoughts i never lost my inspiration i kept my mind open to the possibility i kept walking down the path toward what

I wanted i believed it and my mind helped me achieve it i manifested what i wanted and i high-fived myself forward every step of the way and it now hangs in my kitchen and it is a and it's on the the author photo of the book and it is a reminder that your mind

Is designed to help you get what you want you just have to be willing to believe it's possible is it normal to not be able to visualize i think that everything is normal truly um because there's no right way to do life okay if you're having a difficult time visualizing a positive future

You're not alone and there's nothing wrong with you okay there's just some work to do and it's work that you're capable of doing one thing that you could do if you sit and you think about your dreams and then you go and you close your eyes and you try to visualize yourself walking into that house that you've always dreamt of or being in the relationship you've always dreamt of or looking at your bank account seeing the

The savings you've always dreamt of and you just can't see it okay no problem you've got some default settings that have really settled in we can still reprogram and reset your mindset okay we can still teach you to be deliberate it's going to take time just like everything but we're going to do it microsteps one thing that we could try is let's try the power of objectivity lindsay what i want you to do if you can't

Visualize something positive for yourself pick somebody that you love and visualize the thing that you want for yourself for them so visualize your mom in that scenario visualize your friend in that scenario visualize one of your kids in that scenario visualize me in that scenario and so when you see me walking into your dream house or walking into that job and quitting it and

Walking into that uh new yoga space because you're building your own studio and you visualize me and you start to feel happy for me then i want you to visualize me turning and going lindsay you're next you're doing this too and you're doing it with me use me as the foil to get you to start to train yourself to visualize positive things and allow me to coach you in your vision and say you're coming with me i'm

Going to be here with you the whole step okay because the power of objectivity works um very very well in lots of other research for decision making and so i suspect that it will work for visualization too you've been really good at manifesting results in your life especially since the the last book uh what is your thoughts on how to manifest

Yeah everyone's doing it wrong that's my thoughts okay yeah then how how should we manifest the the dreams that we have inside of us okay and what's your thoughts about the law of attraction on how to apply it the right way or yeah i think well i think the law of attraction and manifesting are the same thing so law of attraction for everybody who has not read the secret is simply your thoughts become things and it's true we've talked

All about how when you have a negative self-talk it tends to draw more of that to you i think about it like lint in a dryer once negative stuff starts collecting it collects a lot more we can also talk about your brain filter something called the reticular activity system and how it is a live network that filters the brain we'll dig into that deeper but let's do surface level right
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07-14-2022, 09:57 AM
Post: #4
Exclamation RE: Get Money
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Quote: Now manifesting law of attraction so here's what everybody gets wrong about manifesting everybody at least kind of in the mass market what you're trained to think about when you think about manifesting is vision boards and when you hear the word vision boards you think about the big stuff should you have big dreams of course you should should you dream of

Building a mansion on the ocean if that's your thing yes should you dream of the log cabin yes if you want a lamborghini or the new ford bronco should you put yeah yes yes yes if you want the family if you want the body should you think about yeah absolutely here's where everybody goes wrong you dream about the end you make this gorgeous collage of all this stuff that has nothing to do with

Your current life that literally as you're sitting in your studio apartment with the cat box that hasn't been changed in two weeks no food in the fridge no fruit in the fridge and you're looking for a job and you're staring at a mansion going someday it's going to make you feel like a loser because the gap between where you are and where you want to go it seems insurmountable and so what happens based on the

Research is when you only visualize the end game louis it's demotivating at first it's really fun to like have a bottle of wine and make your like collage i'm gonna visualize i'm gonna slap this up there's my vision for this fabulous law of attraction baby come on come on think about it it's gonna come to me okay i've been doing this for two days i'm not i'm still in this apartment with the cat box that needs to be changed

The way to visualize properly is to visualize the bridge between where you are and where you need to go the bridge yes and particularly the horrible stuff so let's use your example of the marathon the vision board would be lewis crossing yes i did it exactly that will not help you because when you hit mile 13 on the actual race and it is

Sleeting range you say why am i doing this yes and it feels nothing like that thing on your vision board you're going to start a negative dialogue i can't do this my knees hurt this is not what i thought it was going to be i'm not ready for this i didn't train for this i'm running new york i trained in l.a are you running in new york l.a okay good well then at least you're trained in the right weather so on and on and on and you are going to tank yourself

What you do by visualizing the bridge is you train your nervous system and your mind to do the hard work so you should visualize not crossing the finish line but what is it like to be at mile 12 when your batteries run out on your earbuds yeah i'm serious and you keep going what's it like when your shoelace breaks and now your heel is lifting and you're starting to get a blood blister at mile

17. what's it feel like when you wake up and it is pouring rain and you visualize yourself running anyway that way when you visualize the work you are preparing your body for it so you're not resistant to it when it comes yeah isn't that cool i think it's great it's a story that i had um george st pierre who's one of the greatest ufc fighters of all time he

Said that he always puts himself in the most uncomfortable situations in practice leading up to the fight the most you know the hardest situations to get himself out of when his arms are behind his back and he's facing against the the mat in between the fence and he's just getting punched in the face he's like how do i get out of this right right he's like visualize that and seeing how can i get through this yeah yeah where

It seems like i just want to tap out yes instead of tapping out what's the process for figuring out how to get through it yeah to then raise my hand at the end victorious totally and so you are literally building up almost like this resilience and this muscle inside of you to do the work to get the thing so yeah create the vision board but make sure in addition to crossing the finish line you have somebody running in the

Rain you have somebody who you have an alarm clock that says 513. you have you know these images that show the stuff that you don't want to do so like for people who want to launch a business for example like a lot of people that i'm sure follow both of us are dying to launch a business or interested in being an influencer social media or making money online and what you visualize are the checks or you

Visualize the money you're going to make or you visualize how cool it's going to be when you're a lifestyle entrepreneur whatever the hell it is don't do that visualize working a day job and telling your friends that you're not going to go out tonight because you're working on something visualize making cold calls and being told no visualize not going to that party because you're staying in on a saturday and not going to the barbecue because you're putting in the work

Visualize sitting at a seminar and learning from other people visualize watching youtube videos visualize your first ever course failing miserably like literally that's the sort of thing that you want to visualize yourself doing and pushing through because that's going to help you do the work yeah isn't that cool i think that's great yeah visualizing so in order to manifest what you want don't just visualize the good things happening visualize the bridge

All the things it's going to take to get yes and and the hard parts of the bridge because then you're ready for it mm-hmm then you're like i don't expect that this is hard i mean it's still going to be hard right but you're less likely to quit yes the dallas uber driver oh so as somebody who has gotten into countless ubers and some small percentage of them know who i am and then of course they start asking

Questions talk to me about chasing your dreams and this quote that you have that an aha moment does not necessarily lead to an aha life um yeah the uber driver in dallas that's in this book um i get choked up when i think about him uh an aha moment choked up i get choked up because

What happens for me every single day is and you hear from people every single day you've got millions and millions of people that are inspired by empowered by impacted by your content there are people out there that use your work as a lifeline and it is humbling and what i am really present to

In the work that i'm putting out in the stuff that i'm sharing whether it's my failures or the things that i'm using that are helping me and my own struggles is just how much people are holding themselves back and how much pain people feel because most folks know what they dream about and what they want

And yet they're spending all of their time and energy arguing against what they want and so you can have all these epiphanies i hope that when somebody listens to our conversation and watches this that they have a massive aha moment but it's not going to mean if you don't take action and do something about it the aha moment is the door that opens

But your new life does not begin unless you step through the door and most people and that's what was so kind of you know the simple idea of high-fiving yourself of encouraging yourself of supporting yourself most people when you have an aha moment and the door to your new life opens up instead of going i got this let's go and high-fiving yourself to step forward most of us go

I don't know if i'm worth that i don't know if right now is the right time to do this i don't think i'm good enough i've failed so many times i can't go through that door and that's the problem i want to attack right now that there is somewhere in your life that you know what you want you can feel it pulling you and you are actively arguing against it you're bringing yourself down you're beating

Yourself out like people will cheer for you and me they won't cheer for themselves i'm the same way and so this uber driver the story that you're talking about i get into the car and we start driving and i'm on the phone as we're driving and i'm having a conversation with somebody about this daytime talk show that i launched which was a dream with sony pictures

Television and then uh was promptly fired after season one it was a huge failure because we didn't make it to season two huge failure in real world terms massive success when it comes to the timeline of my life and so i'm talking to this person about the talk show i hang up the phone and this uber driver comes alive he's like oh my gosh i can't believe you're in my cab

And i'm like why and he says because i want to talk to you about something i think you can help me and i'm like great how can i help you and he says i have a dream of being a oscar-winning uh actor and creating opportunities for other black and latino men to do the same in acting and i'm like freaking fantastic what the are you doing in dallas right yeah the guy's 25 and so i i go you know the game is in new york and la i mean sure you can act you can

Write stuff you can be here in dallas but why are you not in la why are you not in new york and he's like you're right you're right you're right i need to move to la like why not and he says i have seven hundred dollars in my bank account i'm like that's freaking fantastic you have seven hundred dollars in a car dude drop me off and get driving what are you waiting for and so we have this whole conversation and i write about it in

This book where i am actively arguing for his dream and he is actively arguing against his dream and what is so sad is throughout this conversation tom he's like you're right 700 could get me there you're right i am only 25. you're right if i keep thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking about what i want to be doing i'm not only going to drive

In circles my whole life is going to spin in circles as i think about what i want and i don't do about it and then you are going to find yourself not at 25 but at 45 or 65 and you're going to be so filled with regret that you never put a put a bet on yourself and so this conversation ends with him declaring that he's going to go to california and me giving him a bunch of

Tools that i talk about in this book and the point of the story is does he move or not i don't know the point of the story is it's so easy to see what somebody else should do it's so easy to cheer for somebody else we all do that right we cheer for our favorite sports teams we follow our favorite influencers and authors we plan birthday parties for our friends we take on extra work from our colleagues we support everyone around us

We do not know how to do it for ourselves if your goal is to improve your self-worth i want you to visualize what your life looks like and how you're going to feel about yourself when your self-worth has improved here's how you're going to do it so there's two things that you have to do

When it comes to visualization you have to close your eyes truly i know it sounds stupid but i want you to close your eyes and i want you to in your mind have a specific picture of what it looks like in your life when your self-worth has improved you're going to see yourself speaking up at work you're going to see yourself talking more about your business you're going to see yourself leaving bad

Relationships you're going to see yourself defining boundaries you're going to see yourself going to the gym you're going to see yourself uh taking care of yourself and when you start to visualize the image of that i want you to consciously this is step two consciously think of the positive emotions that you're gonna feel i'm gonna feel happy i'm gonna feel proud i'm gonna stand

Taller i'm going to be so grateful that i made this change marrying the the specific picture oh there i am there i am i'm i'm at work and i'm raising my hand amazing i'm sharing my idea there i am i'm getting a promotion there i am asking for a raise there i am i've just signed up another customer to my business there i am i've gone back to school i feel so good about myself when you do that here's what's actually

Happening in your brain this is the cool science part you are training your brain to have a totally different filter you see your brain my brain it doesn't know the difference between something that actually happened to you like the f you got in your test in tenth grade and the things you imagine that are

Happening to you let me say that again your brain doesn't know the difference between the bad things that actually happen to you the real memories that you have and an imagined memory that you're creating your brain will experience you visualizing going to the gym you visualizing how happy you feel when

You do you visualizing asking for that raise and getting it and how proud you're going to feel your brain when you visualize in the way that i'm teaching you to it it encodes it as a real memory and that's important because when you encode it as a real memory it changes the filter system that reticular activating system and here's what we know based on research the more you visualize things number one

The greater your confidence is going to be the greater security you're going to have about it and here's the really cool thing the more you do this with your goals you wake up every day and you just visualize for it takes 30 freaking seconds for crying out loud you visualize having a great day at school you visualize curing your panic and how proud you're going to be what studies suggest and

Have proven is that simply visualizing yourself doing things actually develops the skill and helps you improve the skills just as if you were actually doing it i write about this story in the new book the high five habit and um i'm gonna take everybody back four years ago so this is the first book the high five habit is the first book that i have written and published in almost five years

Back in 2007 i released a book called the five second rule and lisa and her husband tom played a pivotal role in one of the biggest professional breakdowns of my life and they had no idea that it was happening at the time no clue and lisa i think you just found out about it by reading about it in chapter 12 of my new book yeah so here's what was going on i

Had written the five second rule book i had self-published it because i thought that um that was the best thing to do i had a dream of being a number one new york times best-selling author and i put it up on my vision board and i dreamed about it and i thought about it and i studied all the authors that we all admire and i did my best to do all the things that you uh are supposed to do

In order to sell enough books to grace the new york times bestseller list right so i email my newsletter list and i am doing speeches all over the place and i'm pre-selling books as best i can in the back of a room with my pad of paper taking people's like literally for months i did everything i could and when the book came out i sent the email out to everybody

And folks on my email list and everybody i'm related to immediately went to amazon to buy the book and here's what happened within an hour or two the book was listed as out of stock now i thought yes yes i have won i am a best-selling author i am sold out of amazon in a matter of a few hours oh my god oh my god this like

Literally this this proves all the things that everybody said about me in middle school is not true anymore i i've done it lisa and then i started to realize i had not sold all the books because i did not have i had 20 000 books at amazon i did not have that many people on my email list and people started to email back going it's out of stock it's out of stock it's obvious i think your dream like the height of your freaking dreams

Come true yes i think i've done it like i've so like i am a success i am a phenomenon this is unbelievable i think the dreams are coming true and then within a couple hours people start emailing going it's out of stock mal it's out of stock it's out of stock it's out of stock it dawns on me there's no way i sold 20 000 books there's no way i call the printer that i worked with that helped me self-publish and you know

It's a little self-publishing publisher and he tells me that he's seen this happen before where when amazon gets a flood of traffic to something that they're not expecting they will turn off supply to make sure it's not a bunch of bots and to also check inventory and we had no ability figure this out so for the first couple weeks that the book was available it was

Out of stock so here i am in this two week period where i have worked my ass off i have done everything you're supposed to do lisa and my book is out of stock i have sent my entire marketing campaign to a product you can't get and i'm thinking why are you doing this to me universe

I have worked hard why do i have to be the bad news bears why am i not part of that super like awesome group of best-selling authors one is it going to be my turn and i start to go down the drain enter tom and lisa value so when i come here and i am doing your show i show up here and i'm like this is my last hope because by the time this thing

Gets on air maybe the book will be available i have got to pull myself together so i walk in here and i was just i i didn't know you yet because i only knew like impact theory and i only seen it i knew this was a big deal i knew that being on tom's show could really like change things for me and i walk in here and i feel like a complete failure you are lovely and delightful and i immediately start feeling like i don't freaking belong here i mean they

Just had this best-selling author and that best-selling offer and this famous person was just here what am i doing here i am a self-published author with a book that's out of stock like i'm i'm failing i hope that they don't know because this is terrible like he is going to figure out before i enter the set that i don't belong here you think imposter syndrome galore oh

Completely so i'm upstairs in the bathroom and i am having a case no kidding of stress diarrhea like i have got to empty the bowels because i am so sure that i'm about to be called out for the fraud that i am that the book is not successful that tom's made a mistake i look at the mirror my cheeks are as red as a baboon's ass i am sweating profusely i've got pit stains on my red shirt and then there's a knock on the

Door we're ready for you mel i splash water on my face i literally am like five four three two one like pull your together mel get the out there and i open up the door and i go i was like oh my god mel frickin robins this woman is amazing this woman is so freaking badass oh my gosh she's got confidence to wear funky shoes oh my god this woman is like i'm in awe and so i'm like do i do i have the right

To talk to her oh i'm like god but i'm like can i ask her how the book is gonna look i'm more tense i'm all nervous i'm like i'm okay okay is the team right like are we impressing her does she have her right coffee look i'm in my own freaking head not and it's so funny again why i want to bring this up is how different our perspective i was in aura of you girl and i still am but i was like

You are on a pedestal and you get on set and you sit down the first question you're like motivation is garbage and i was like this woman is the most confident strong woman i've ever met in my life well because you know that's what fell out of my mouth because i was basically having a panic attack in your bathroom so motivation is garbage i wasn't feeling motivated when i walked on that set i was feeling scared

And one of the things that you believe that i believe too is that your feelings are going to rise and they're going to fall and feeling nervous and feeling scared and feeling on edge and imposter syndrome it's all normal stuff you got to develop the ability to feel all that stuff have your cheeks be as red as a baboon's butt and walk out there and do it anyway

That's what you've got to develop in life and that moment taught me that and there was something else that happened so when i left that set the whole time that the book was out of stock and i'm sitting here going woe is me and i failed again and i screw everything up and why doesn't anything ever work out for me i would catch myself and i would say this

There's no way mel that you've worked this hard that something amazing isn't going to happen you have to keep going you have to believe that this moment is preparing you for something amazing that hasn't happened yet that was the mantra that had deep meaning for me in this moment because it was a way for me to take an attitude that was going down the

Toilet and flip it into what i call a high five attitude that was more empowering and supportive and encouraging and so i kept repeating it lisa there's no way something isn't going to happen when you work this hard this moment is preparing you it's giving you an experience a person a skill something mel that you need because something amazing is coming you don't know it but something amazing is coming

That gave me the resilience to keep going even though the book was out of suck even though by all measures i had failed so your interview releases and i all of a sudden get this email from audible i had forgotten that i had published an audio book i had self-published that too my husband had uploaded it himself to the amazon platform called acx which is

A self-publishing platform for audible i had completely forgotten about the audio book because i was so focused on this new york times things and by the way here's another thing you can't make the new york times list if you're a self-published author something i didn't even know when i started so here i thought i'd fail didn't achieve my dream the whole thing i get this email

Your monthly report is ready and i'm like monthly report what are they talking about i click on that report i open it up i am literally like oh my god audiobooks audiobooks who knew audiobooks were a thing here's what happened the entire time that i kept going something amazing was happening lisa

They were going to the hardcover but it wasn't available they bought the only thing that was available the audiobook the five-second rule became the number one audio book of the year lisa it to this day is the most successful self-published audio book in the history of audible and it created a brand new partnership that i have with audible something by the way

That i never would have had happen had my hardcover campaign be successful and here's the other thing i have never achieved my goal of being a new york times selling author and i might never achieve it i've never made a traditional bestseller list and it proves something that i believe very deeply and that is that your dreams

And the things that you put on your vision board have a very important purpose they pull you through your fears they inspire you to take action but they are not necessarily meant to be achieved i believe when you pursue your dreams and you keep going and you keep telling yourself that if i work hard something amazing is going to happen

You'll achieve something better something that you don't even know or can even think about right now because it's not even on your radar screen those dreams are dots on the map of your life that pull you in a direction you're meant to go but you might never end up there because you're meant to end up somewhere else i actually have an incredible quote of

Yours about dreams you say when it comes to your dreams you have two choices pursue them or be haunted by them it's true you can't forget a dream you can that's what that painting story is about yeah it's about what happens when you are able to just give yourself permission to want the things that you want so tell the story okay

So i'm probably going to i mean historically i'll shorten it i'll shorten it so the bottom line is that so in 1990 i was a senior in college at dartmouth and my parents came to visit from western michigan and we went to this place called simon pierce which is a famous glass blowing mill and as we walked into the restaurant i had an experience

That you may be able to relate to and that is i walked in and i immediately saw this painting hanging on the wall and it was about the size of a door only horizontal and it was a vermont landscape and i was drawn into it immediately like i was no longer in that restaurant i was standing in that field i could feel that breeze i had never ever had an experience like that with a painting have you ever had an experience

Like that with art no i mean not like that not like that i mean my yeah my sense was that this is very atypical for you very so i kind of lost it the the the restaurant was quiet and then i leaned back and suddenly kind of back in the moment i'm like i'm gonna own this painting someday it just that was what was right there

And i looked at the price and said like three thousand dollars i'm like not today and i went back and i sat down and that was it but the painting never left my mind you see there's something called the zygon art effect i always say it wrong but it's like there's a checklist in your brain that when you have a moment where you're like this is important

Your brain puts it on a checklist yeah there's like a notch yes a notch happens and now your brain as part of the filter in the brain is always going to be kind of scanning the subconscious to let anything into your mind related to that incident it can be positive by the way like with the painting or this is how trauma happens too like you have this high intensity emotional experience that notches something in your brain and now your

Brain kicks in to remember so uh bottom line is uh i always thought about that painting years go by whenever somebody would say vermont i'd think of the painting i don't know why i can't explain it never wanted a painting before it was not an art student it's going to last like you're like collecting art

No no no and so i you know fast forward the story 10 years and my uh chris and i are engaged and we're going to go up to vermont to see the leaves and immediately i'm like we got to go to simon pierce i got to show you the painting so we pull up to the mill and we walk in and right in front there is boom a painting by the same artist gayle shepard and i'm like oh my god it's here and we race all around the place

And it's gone and the funny thing was and this is the way your brain works chris was more disappointed than i was i literally turned to him and said it's okay dude like it'd be weird if we're still here after 10 years i'm going to track this thing down i actually said to him you know what's going to happen chris i'm going to be able to buy this like 40 years from now it's going to be hanging

In the corporate lobby of some building and i'm going to have to track down the owner and pay like quadruple the money they pay but i'm going to own this family mission yes so a couple years pass and um it's my birthday i think i was turning 30 and chris says chris gets a couple people to give money and he said i could buy anything i wanted with it so i had a i'd

What 500 bucks now i'm pregnant at the time with our first kid i should have bought a crib or stools but for whatever reason the zygon arc effect takes over and i'm like the painting so i call the mill and i get this guy on the phone i'm like uh you know i want to buy a kale shepherd piece and i said could you send me polaroids and he's like sure and i tell him the

Budget and he goes i'll send you polaroids of some of her smaller things and she's like blowing up in the meantime right yeah she's a very very successful vermont landscape artist and so i i i say to him you know by the way there's this one painting and i describe the painting i'd seen over 10 years ago and he said well that was way before my time but i bet gayle

Know and i'm like gail you know gail he's like of course i know gail she like lives in in down the road here's her number so for two days i paced around the apartment with 500 bucks in my pocket driving chris crazy because i felt like what am i going to say to her and i must be a weirdo i've been stalking this lady i've been thinking about her for 10 years i can't afford a painting you know

What who am i to buy a painting like what the hell so finally chris is like would you call her i'm gonna call her you're driving me crazy so i call her and i start talking a mile a minute and she was amazing and then um i said by the way there was this one painting and i go and i explain this painting there's a stand of poplar trees down the center and a big mountain scape behind it and this

Beautiful blue vermont sky and geese flying in formation overhead and i could hear her thinking on the other end of the line and she said you know mel i've done so many large-scale uh paintings over the years i'd hate to mistake the one you're talking about but i'll tell you what what if my husband and i meet you and chris at the mill at simon pierce and we'll walk all around and have lunch and

I'll tell you the stories behind every painting and if you don't see what you like there i'll take you back to my studio which is a couple miles down the river and you can look at everything i'm working on and if you don't see anything you like there then you can go through all my slides and see if you can find that painting that you saw 10 years ago and i said deal so a month passes we go up to the mill i walk in we meet

Each other she's amazing she's like twice our age just incredibly cool lady she's walking around as we're walking around looking at these paintings rich i've got i'm like eight months pregnant i'm realizing these are 10 times the amount of money that i have i can't afford this like i don't i don't have this kind of money

And i'm getting like more and more into that imposter syndrome what am i doing mode oh my god i'm so embarrassed i'm meeting somebody i idolize i don't deserve to be here right wasting her time because she thinks she's going to get a payday out of this correct we sit down and she goes now that you're sitting down i have something to tell you um she said there's

Only been two times in my career as an artist that i've done two studies of the same piece and your painting is one of them it's one of a pair she knew all along she knew all along she was playing games with you about not knowing which painting yeah and she said the sister piece to the one that you saw all those years ago is sitting in my studio right now where

It's been for the past 11 years i start sobbing everybody's like totally emotional her husband's like you should have seen her when you when she was on the phone with you it was like she saw a ghost so we get in the car and we drive to the mill and when we walk in there in the center of this massive kind of barn studio space is an easel with a painting taped up with painters tape on

It and it was the sister to my painting there were slight differences not as much movement in the grass but it was one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life it was as if time suspended and i was standing before that painting in 1990 saying it would be mine

And there i was 11 years later standing in front of it and then i realized oh my god i can't afford this and chris walks over and he's like what's wrong and i'm like just promise me someday like promise me that i don't need a jewelry i don't need a car like just promise me you will buy me this thing and he kind of leans over and goes hey gail how much for the big one

And she said um mel can have it for 500 bucks because clearly when i was making it 11 years ago i was making it for her and so it hangs in my kitchen it's on the back of the book um this is the galley though right so wait is it in the is it i think so yeah yeah and um it's a reminder every day that your mind is designed to help you get what you want

I never stopped believing that i could make it happen and when you tell your mind what's important to you there is extraordinary science that proves that your mind has a live and ever-changing filter a live network that changes how it views the world what it lets in what it blocks out and if you program your mind correctly and if you're clear about what you want to create your mind will help you get

What you want [Music] hey i'm mel robbins and i'm about to explain to you the seven most common mistakes that people make when they first start manifesting or hell they make these mistakes when they've been manifesting for years and these seven mistakes explain why the manifesting is not working so you're going to save yourself a lot of heartache and a lot of time by knowing

These mistakes and avoiding them like the plague before i tell you the seven mistakes let me just remind you of what manifesting is if you're brand new to manifesting and you have not seen the video that i did that is basically what the hell is manifesting it's explaining it for beginners you might want to check that out it's also on our youtube channel here but so my definition of manifesting is based on research and science manifesting is

Preparing your mind body and spirit to help you get what you want basically what you're doing is you are using manifesting to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of you doing the work to get what you want manifesting done right removes self-doubt it removes fear it removes the excuses and the stories that would normally stop you because when you do manifesting properly you literally make your mind body and

Spirit believe that it's a foregone conclusion and that makes you motivated inspired to take the actions that will get you what you want so now that you are grounded in the real definition of manifesting let's flag the seven major mistakes that people make so you can avoid them mistake number one when it comes to manifesting is you're not doing it daily the lack of consistency is what's killing your ability to use manifesting

To achieve your goals and dreams so what do i mean by that well manifesting is a skill i want you to think of manifesting as a muscle it's a muscle that you build through consistency and you know if you think about it as a skill or a muscle or a new habit uh obviously you gotta incorporate it into your day-to-day life it's just like anything else a one-off change does not make a lasting change if you wanted to get healthier eating one salad is not going to make you healthier

Exercising once not going to make you healthier manifesting once not going to actually help you get what you want you must incorporate manifesting into your day-to-day life the more consistently you do it the more manifesting becomes a habit it becomes a way of thinking it becomes a way of acting and it becomes a skill that you can rely on to help you get absolutely anything now what's the easiest way to

Manifest consistently and make it part of your day-to-day life i'm glad you asked the best way to do it is make it part of your morning routine every single morning right after i get up make my bed throw on my exercise clothes set an intention high five the mirror i do something really interesting i call it dreaming in the morning i write down five things that i want and the reason why i write down five things that i want is because it is a way to train my mind

To focus on the things that i desire and dream about to aim my mind at the things that i want in my life then what i do is i use manifesting properly to see myself taking the actions to get one of the things to feel myself taking the actions to get one of those things and notice i'm closing my eyes and that's because manifesting is a habit in my life i close my eyes to really feel myself taking the actions and when you

Manifest over and over and over again your mind in visualizing and feeling yourself taking those actions begins to believe that it's happening and that will make you confident optimistic it'll inspire you to take action it will remove obstacles it'll make it easier for you to do the work now that's how you do it that's how i've made it part of my day-to-day life i

Write down five things i then manifest on at least one of those things and then here's the most important part i then take an action that's inspired by the manifesting now to help you incorporate this into your day-to-day life i got something to give you and don't worry you don't need to buy anything i have written and created the high five journal it goes with my bestselling book the high five habit it's not only

Gorgeous and you're going to love it but the prompts in the journal it's a daily journaling practice that you use write down five things that you want big or small today or in your lifetime now describe the small action you can take to inch yourself forward now close your eyes visualize taking these small actions feel deeply what it feels like to do these things as you move closer to

What you desire this is training your mind body and spirit to help you take these actions this is a journal based on research and science that helps you make manifesting a skill that you practice every day you want to get consistent start using the high five journal now you can grab a copy of one of these things if you want it but i still got you covered because i know there are parts of the world where you can't buy

This yet i also know that you might not have the money to be able to buy it that's cool if you go to highfivejournal.com you can download free templates don't even need to buy the journal if you want one get one but you can utilize the free templates at hi5journal.com you can read about the science that will help you get started with making manifesting consistent which will help build manifesting as a muscle and a

Skill that you rely on every single day of your life to help you get what you want cool right good now let's move on to mistake number two now mistake number two is a major mistake that people make and that is that you frame manifesting based on what you don't want now this is subtle but it's really important that you avoid this mistake

So this is the kind of mistake that you make when you're really frustrated and you start to go i just don't want to be alone anymore i just don't want to date losers anymore i just don't want to be struggling anymore i just don't want life to be so hard anymore i just don't want to be single anymore i just don't want to be poor anymore i just don't want to have anxiety and feel so bad anymore do you see how framing all your

Dreams and goals around what you don't want might be a problem i mean when i say i don't want to feel anxious anymore how the hell am i going to visualize not being anxious that's why this is a major mistake you want to always frame what you want and what you're going to use manifesting to help you take the actions to go get it you always want to frame it in the positive frame it around the thing that you want

So in that case of anxiety don't talk about not feeling anxious frame what you want i can't wait to have a calm quiet confident state of mind that feels different doesn't it i can't wait to be in a loving supportive caring

Mutual positive relationship with a adult somebody that acts like an adult and treats me the way i deserve to be treated feels very different than i just don't want to date losers anymore you want to always frame the things that you're trying to manifest and the actions that you need to take as leading you towards something rather than away from something

That way we stop thinking and aligning energy around the negative crap that's not working and we align your mind body and spirit around what it feels like to have the positive things that you want that's going to make it easier for you to take the actions that will make them happen now mistake number three super easy to make you get really impatient you start off strong right this is true with all changes you start off strong

You manifest every morning for three or four days and then boom you don't do it for five or six weeks you start throwing your hands that's it it's never going to happen so you're not only not consistent but you start to get impatient and because you're impatient you're not consistent i need you to understand something for manifesting to work properly based

On research there is no timeline involved did you hear me for manifesting to work properly based on the research there is no timeline involved you must give up the when and you must focus on seeing and feeling yourself taking the steps that make the thing that you want happen because manifesting is not magically

Making something appear manifesting is preparing your mind body and spirit to do the work to make something happen it's aligning your thoughts your actions and how you feel in your body with the thing that you want and the reason why manifesting is important is because when you prepare yourself to do the work and to start to see and feel it you will believe that it's a foregone conclusion

You will believe that at some point it will happen and you will believe that you can make it happen and that belief is why you feel inspired and encouraged to take action you see when you suspend the timeline and you get rid of deadlines there is no room for being impatient because you in your heart and your soul and in your mind know that at some point

If you just keep on manifesting and you keep on seeing yourself and feeling yourself doing the steps that you need in order to make this a reality eventually it'll happen so if you feel impatient you're doing it wrong because you're not supposed to attach a timeline to it you're supposed to wake up every morning and write down five things that you want and let yourself

See and feel yourself doing the work and that will inspire you to take the actions that lead you there and if you do that every day trust me you won't even be thinking about the timeline because you know in your heart and soul eventually this is going to turn out now mistake number four and this is probably the biggest mistake that everybody makes and if you've been manifesting for a

Long time and nothing's turning out this is probably the mistake that you're making if you're brand new to manifesting this is the mistake everybody that's new makes unless somebody tells them not to do this the biggest mistake with manifesting is that you're only looking at the end goal that's the biggest mistake everybody makes

You know we've all been sold this bill of goods not only that if you think good things somehow it's going to happen that's only true that you can think good things and have good things happen if you do the work to make those good things happen the thinking's just the first part you've got to actually take the actions that are inspired by the thinking and the second thing that people do in terms of being sold a bill of goods is

That you kind of have been led to believe that if you create a vision board and you plaster up on the vision board images of beach houses and lamborghinis and nfts and millions of dollars in the bank and the world's skinniest body and all the things that you would love to have magically appear in your life that simply creating the vision is enough the reason why that's a mistake is

Because research shows that simply envisioning the end goal without actually imagining all the steps that lead you there and without training your body to feel what it's going to feel like to do the hard work simply imagining the end goal isn't motivating at all it's pretty inspiring for about a day but then what happens is that you start to stare at the beach house and the million dollars in the

Bank and you will feel discouraged because you'll realize holy cow from where i sit there's an impossible gap between my studio apartment or living in my parents basement and the beach house that i want there's an impossible gap between the fact that my divorce basically left me bankrupt and now i'm staring at a vision

Board with a million dollars in the bank holy cow i've got 150 pounds to lose and i'm gonna stare at my photo from when i was my you know best weight when i was a high school division one athlete no staring at the end goal is not only a mistake it's profoundly discouraging it's the reason why so many people fail to reach their goals because they only

Set their goals and they never do the part that's the most important and that's where manifesting comes in manifesting helps you do the work manifesting done properly is preparing you to do all the things between where you are and where you want to get to so i'll give you an example let's say that up on your vision board okay up on your vision board is the fact that you want to launch

Your own business right now you work for somebody else you can't stand what you do you have panic attacks when you wake up because you know that you're headed in the wrong direction you've always dreamt of opening a bakery and so you slap up a vision board and you've got this big visual up on your wall that you stare at every morning of this beautiful bakery that you've always dreamt of higher of starting here's the problem you have no money you have no savings

You've never started a business before how the hell are you going to get this done staring at the vision board gives you panic attacks here's how manifesting is going to help manifesting is where instead of staring at the photos of the bakery you see feel and eventually start to believe

That you can do the work to make it a reality and so what you're going to manifest is you're going to manifest all the steps from point a which is starting at 0 all the way to point z which is opening the doors you're gonna see yourself and notice i'm closing my eyes this is because manifesting is a habit manifesting happens here in your mind and in your heart and your body i want

You to see yourself instead of going out tonight with your friends see yourself staying in and watching videos videos on youtube of other people that have opened bakeries see yourself going to the library and getting a book that tells the story of somebody who did it see yourself taking webinars and tutorials about how to raise the money to do something like this see yourself

Studying kickstarter campaigns of other people who have launched a bakery and raised money through kickstarter campaigns see yourself talking to people who have done this see yourself talking to friends and family see yourself taking a class in it see yourself staying in uh next weekend and working on this see yourself getting a part-time job in a bakery and learning behind the scenes because

You've always dreamt of doing this but you've never worked in one and one vision at a time as you feel yourself being tired as you feel the late nights as you feel yourself doing the work with no timeline you'll start to believe that you're gonna do it and that will keep you inspired to take those little actions to do it and that way when you come in

After a long day and you've spent the day watching a webinar or watching a youtube video or you had a conversation with somebody that gave you some advice when you walk into your room and you see that beautiful vision board you know what's going to happen your mind and your body and spirit will literally start to buzz because what you've been rehearsing in

Your mind body and spirit through visualization aligns with it that's how you do it simply envisioning the end game that's a one-way ticket to being discouraged unmotivated and stuck you start to use manifesting properly you start to visualize every single step of the way and you will be training for it and doing the work to make it happen and

That is motivating mistake number five is thinking you have to have all the answers and that'll get you really stuck that what you really want to manifest into your life is an incredible relationship right but you don't even know where to begin because your dating history looks like a train wreck here's the simple solution just become a student become a student of whatever it is that you want what does a student do a student learns a student studies a

Student researches researching studying and learning about what you want is a simple way to find all of the things that you can start manifesting seriously anything that a student would be doing taking a class researching talking about a subject interviewing people about a subject watching videos about a subject all of those things that a student does are things that i want you to visualize

See yourself and feel yourself doing that's a simple hack to figuring out the path between where you are and where you want to go another thing that a student does is a student studies people who have already done it and then you reverse engineer the path and you see yourself doing the things that somebody else did to get what you want now here's what's super cool remember manifesting based on science means training your

Mind body and spirit to do the work that gets you what you want your path will not be the same as somebody else's that's okay you can still see yourself walking down somebody else's path you can still feel what it feels like to do that hard work because manifesting works because it's going to remove the obstacles that you create your excuses your self-doubt

All of the stories you tell yourself your fear your imposter syndrome you're rehearsing the steps in your mind because remember your brain doesn't know the difference between you actually taking the steps or you just visualizing yourself taking the steps when you visualize yourself taking the steps you are training your mind body and spirit to not resist taking those actions that's why this is going to work for you even though

You know let's say you love the rocks career you're not going to have the same career as the rock but you can certainly visualize all the things that he did in order to train yourself to do the work that will get you what you want now mistake number six is going to be obvious based on mistake number four number five you're not taking any actions look uh you can't just

Feel it in your body you can't just see it in your mind the whole reason why you're rehearsing this and training your body to do the steps is so you freaking take the steps okay at some point you gotta leave your brain and your body and you got to take action in the world you gotta let the manifesting the training and preparing that you're doing by seeing it and feeling it and teaching you to believe that it's possible you gotta let that inspire you to take

Action now i wanna give you a tool remember in the beginning i showed you the high five daily journal i also told you you can get free templates at hi5journal.com now this thing's gorgeous i love it the templates i don't think are colors so that's one thing but they are free but if you pick up a copy of this or you use the templates this journal

Is prompting you every day to take action this journal is going to prompt you to write down five things that you want this is going to get you to start giving yourself permission to have what you want in your life then this journal is going to prompt you to think like a student what are some steps that you can take in order to move toward what you want it's going to get

You thinking about things to do so that you are taking action then it's going to prompt you to properly manifest doing those things and then it's going to tell you to do it and so if you really want to kick in the pants or if you want to have your hand held or you want a tool because you are committed to making manifesting a skill that is part of your day-to-day life

This journal the high five journal is the only journal based in science that will train you and your mind body and spirit to make manifesting part of your morning routine and a skill that you master and put to use in your life every single day and again you can get those templates at highfive journal.com and you can get a copy of this anywhere online just google it the final mistake is also a really big one

And that mistake is you're not celebrating the small wins so as you make manifesting a skill as you get consistent about it as you start to be a student as you take inspired action as you realize that you do feel like this is gonna happen you don't even have a timeline on it because you know it's gonna happen you're not as you're doing these things recognizing all the small wins that you have

Every day when you manifest and then you take the action that the manifesting has inspired that's a win when you see doors opening up because you've been moving toward what you want that's a win when you randomly meet somebody that introduces you to somebody that helps you get one step closer that's a win and you need to celebrate that stuff

These are signs these are not coincidences these are signs that you're on the right path a lot of people believe in angel signs you know like seeing the number 11 or 22 or the number nine or for me the number five angel signs are cool because for me angel signs are a mile marker that give you a clue that you're moving in the right direction your job is to

Declare what you want your job is to use manifesting to train your mind body and spirit and remove the obstacles that you would normally put in place your job is to take the actions that are inspired by manifesting and start moving toward what you want you also though need to call out those mile markers when you see it holy i just got introduced to somebody in the movie business and it's my dream and i'm

Manifesting that i have my script turned into a movie this is a sign that i'm on the right path and what you want to do is call those things out not because the universe or magic or this is somehow just randomly happening this is you being rewarded for manifesting properly for believing in yourself and for taking the inspired action that is going to make your dreams a reality and these little moments these

Signs these small wins that are happening every day as you make manifesting a consistent skill that you practice in the morning that you put to use so that you are aligned with what you want so that your mind body and spirit is working with you instead of against you when you start to also call out the small wins there i am manifesting there this thing happened this is happening too there are my angel numbers holy cow this just happened

You're now building momentum you're now energetically rewarding your body for aligning with what you want and it just makes all of this that much stronger it makes your belief stronger it makes your courage bigger it makes your confidence stronger that's how all of this builds one on the other and if you're not willing to call out the small wins you're missing a huge amount of mojo and rocket fuel and magic that you can add into the mix because all of

These small wins are literally reasons for you to be more confident reasons for you to keep going reasons for you to really know in your mind body and spirit that yeah this is gonna happen because you're making it happen hey it's mel thank you so much for checking this video out and if you like this one i have a feeling you're going to like this one too i'll see you there
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
08-10-2022, 06:42 AM
Post: #5
RE: Get Money
If you run that through something like Balabolka, or similar text to speech, it could take less than 30min; depending on how well you can focus and listen 23nerd
08-10-2022, 07:14 AM
Post: #6
RE: Get Money
thank you very much for the transcript. I love reading. Please tell me - which service did you use for this.

(07-14-2022 09:57 AM)Lumos Wrote:  Video Transcript continues due to automatic truncation here:

Quote: Now manifesting law of attraction so here's what everybody gets wrong about manifesting everybody at least kind of in the mass market what you're trained to think about when you think about manifesting is vision boards and when you hear the word vision boards you think about the big stuff should you have big dreams of course you should should you dream of

Building a mansion on the ocean if that's your thing yes should you dream of the log cabin yes if you want a lamborghini or the new ford bronco should you put yeah yes yes yes if you want the family if you want the body should you think about yeah absolutely here's where everybody goes wrong you dream about the end you make this gorgeous collage of all this stuff that has nothing to do with

Your current life that literally as you're sitting in your studio apartment with the cat box that hasn't been changed in two weeks no food in the fridge no fruit in the fridge and you're looking for a job and you're staring at a mansion going someday it's going to make you feel like a loser because the gap between where you are and where you want to go it seems insurmountable and so what happens based on the

Research is when you only visualize the end game louis it's demotivating at first it's really fun to like have a bottle of wine and make your like collage i'm gonna visualize i'm gonna slap this up there's my vision for this fabulous law of attraction baby come on come on think about it it's gonna come to me okay i've been doing this for two days i'm not i'm still in this apartment with the cat box that needs to be changed

The way to visualize properly is to visualize the bridge between where you are and where you need to go the bridge yes and particularly the horrible stuff so let's use your example of the marathon the vision board would be lewis crossing yes i did it exactly that will not help you because when you hit mile 13 on the actual race and it is

Sleeting range you say why am i doing this yes and it feels nothing like that thing on your vision board you're going to start a negative dialogue i can't do this my knees hurt this is not what i thought it was going to be i'm not ready for this i didn't train for this i'm running new york i trained in l.a are you running in new york l.a okay good well then at least you're trained in the right weather so on and on and on and you are going to tank yourself

What you do by visualizing the bridge is you train your nervous system and your mind to do the hard work so you should visualize not crossing the finish line but what is it like to be at mile 12 when your batteries run out on your earbuds yeah i'm serious and you keep going what's it like when your shoelace breaks and now your heel is lifting and you're starting to get a blood blister at mile

17. what's it feel like when you wake up and it is pouring rain and you visualize yourself running anyway that way when you visualize the work you are preparing your body for it so you're not resistant to it when it comes yeah isn't that cool i think it's great it's a story that i had um george st pierre who's one of the greatest ufc fighters of all time he

Said that he always puts himself in the most uncomfortable situations in practice leading up to the fight the most you know the hardest situations to get himself out of when his arms are behind his back and he's facing against the the mat in between the fence and he's just getting punched in the face he's like how do i get out of this right right he's like visualize that and seeing how can i get through this yeah yeah where

It seems like i just want to tap out yes instead of tapping out what's the process for figuring out how to get through it yeah to then raise my hand at the end victorious totally and so you are literally building up almost like this resilience and this muscle inside of you to do the work to get the thing so yeah create the vision board but make sure in addition to crossing the finish line you have somebody running in the

Rain you have somebody who you have an alarm clock that says 513. you have you know these images that show the stuff that you don't want to do so like for people who want to launch a business for example like a lot of people that i'm sure follow both of us are dying to launch a business or interested in being an influencer social media or making money online and what you visualize are the checks or you

Visualize the money you're going to make or you visualize how cool it's going to be when you're a lifestyle entrepreneur whatever the hell it is don't do that visualize working a day job and telling your friends that you're not going to go out tonight because you're working on something visualize making cold calls and being told no visualize not going to that party because you're staying in on a saturday and not going to the barbecue because you're putting in the work

Visualize sitting at a seminar and learning from other people visualize watching youtube videos visualize your first ever course failing miserably like literally that's the sort of thing that you want to visualize yourself doing and pushing through because that's going to help you do the work yeah isn't that cool i think that's great yeah visualizing so in order to manifest what you want don't just visualize the good things happening visualize the bridge

All the things it's going to take to get yes and and the hard parts of the bridge because then you're ready for it mm-hmm then you're like i don't expect that this is hard i mean it's still going to be hard right but you're less likely to quit yes the dallas uber driver oh so as somebody who has gotten into countless ubers and some small percentage of them know who i am and then of course they start asking

Questions talk to me about chasing your dreams and this quote that you have that an aha moment does not necessarily lead to an aha life um yeah the uber driver in dallas that's in this book um i get choked up when i think about him uh an aha moment choked up i get choked up because

What happens for me every single day is and you hear from people every single day you've got millions and millions of people that are inspired by empowered by impacted by your content there are people out there that use your work as a lifeline and it is humbling and what i am really present to

In the work that i'm putting out in the stuff that i'm sharing whether it's my failures or the things that i'm using that are helping me and my own struggles is just how much people are holding themselves back and how much pain people feel because most folks know what they dream about and what they want

And yet they're spending all of their time and energy arguing against what they want and so you can have all these epiphanies i hope that when somebody listens to our conversation and watches this that they have a massive aha moment but it's not going to mean if you don't take action and do something about it the aha moment is the door that opens

But your new life does not begin unless you step through the door and most people and that's what was so kind of you know the simple idea of high-fiving yourself of encouraging yourself of supporting yourself most people when you have an aha moment and the door to your new life opens up instead of going i got this let's go and high-fiving yourself to step forward most of us go

I don't know if i'm worth that i don't know if right now is the right time to do this i don't think i'm good enough i've failed so many times i can't go through that door and that's the problem i want to attack right now that there is somewhere in your life that you know what you want you can feel it pulling you and you are actively arguing against it you're bringing yourself down you're beating

Yourself out like people will cheer for you and me they won't cheer for themselves i'm the same way and so this uber driver the story that you're talking about i get into the car and we start driving and i'm on the phone as we're driving and i'm having a conversation with somebody about this daytime talk show that i launched which was a dream with sony pictures

Television and then uh was promptly fired after season one it was a huge failure because we didn't make it to season two huge failure in real world terms massive success when it comes to the timeline of my life and so i'm talking to this person about the talk show i hang up the phone and this uber driver comes alive he's like oh my gosh i can't believe you're in my cab

And i'm like why and he says because i want to talk to you about something i think you can help me and i'm like great how can i help you and he says i have a dream of being a oscar-winning uh actor and creating opportunities for other black and latino men to do the same in acting and i'm like freaking fantastic what the are you doing in dallas right yeah the guy's 25 and so i i go you know the game is in new york and la i mean sure you can act you can

Write stuff you can be here in dallas but why are you not in la why are you not in new york and he's like you're right you're right you're right i need to move to la like why not and he says i have seven hundred dollars in my bank account i'm like that's freaking fantastic you have seven hundred dollars in a car dude drop me off and get driving what are you waiting for and so we have this whole conversation and i write about it in

This book where i am actively arguing for his dream and he is actively arguing against his dream and what is so sad is throughout this conversation tom he's like you're right 700 could get me there you're right i am only 25. you're right if i keep thinking and thinking and thinking and thinking about what i want to be doing i'm not only going to drive

In circles my whole life is going to spin in circles as i think about what i want and i don't do about it and then you are going to find yourself not at 25 but at 45 or 65 and you're going to be so filled with regret that you never put a put a bet on yourself and so this conversation ends with him declaring that he's going to go to california and me giving him a bunch of

Tools that i talk about in this book and the point of the story is does he move or not i don't know the point of the story is it's so easy to see what somebody else should do it's so easy to cheer for somebody else we all do that right we cheer for our favorite sports teams we follow our favorite influencers and authors we plan birthday parties for our friends we take on extra work from our colleagues we support everyone around us

We do not know how to do it for ourselves if your goal is to improve your self-worth i want you to visualize what your life looks like and how you're going to feel about yourself when your self-worth has improved here's how you're going to do it so there's two things that you have to do

When it comes to visualization you have to close your eyes truly i know it sounds stupid but i want you to close your eyes and i want you to in your mind have a specific picture of what it looks like in your life when your self-worth has improved you're going to see yourself speaking up at work you're going to see yourself talking more about your business you're going to see yourself leaving bad

Relationships you're going to see yourself defining boundaries you're going to see yourself going to the gym you're going to see yourself uh taking care of yourself and when you start to visualize the image of that i want you to consciously this is step two consciously think of the positive emotions that you're gonna feel i'm gonna feel happy i'm gonna feel proud i'm gonna stand

Taller i'm going to be so grateful that i made this change marrying the the specific picture oh there i am there i am i'm i'm at work and i'm raising my hand amazing i'm sharing my idea there i am i'm getting a promotion there i am asking for a raise there i am i've just signed up another customer to my business there i am i've gone back to school i feel so good about myself when you do that here's what's actually

Happening in your brain this is the cool science part you are training your brain to have a totally different filter you see your brain my brain it doesn't know the difference between something that actually happened to you like the f you got in your test in tenth grade and the things you imagine that are

Happening to you let me say that again your brain doesn't know the difference between the bad things that actually happen to you the real memories that you have and an imagined memory that you're creating your brain will experience you visualizing going to the gym you visualizing how happy you feel when

You do you visualizing asking for that raise and getting it and how proud you're going to feel your brain when you visualize in the way that i'm teaching you to it it encodes it as a real memory and that's important because when you encode it as a real memory it changes the filter system that reticular activating system and here's what we know based on research the more you visualize things number one

The greater your confidence is going to be the greater security you're going to have about it and here's the really cool thing the more you do this with your goals you wake up every day and you just visualize for it takes 30 freaking seconds for crying out loud you visualize having a great day at school you visualize curing your panic and how proud you're going to be what studies suggest and

Have proven is that simply visualizing yourself doing things actually develops the skill and helps you improve the skills just as if you were actually doing it i write about this story in the new book the high five habit and um i'm gonna take everybody back four years ago so this is the first book the high five habit is the first book that i have written and published in almost five years

Back in 2007 i released a book called the five second rule and lisa and her husband tom played a pivotal role in one of the biggest professional breakdowns of my life and they had no idea that it was happening at the time no clue and lisa i think you just found out about it by reading about it in chapter 12 of my new book yeah so here's what was going on i

Had written the five second rule book i had self-published it because i thought that um that was the best thing to do i had a dream of being a number one new york times best-selling author and i put it up on my vision board and i dreamed about it and i thought about it and i studied all the authors that we all admire and i did my best to do all the things that you uh are supposed to do

In order to sell enough books to grace the new york times bestseller list right so i email my newsletter list and i am doing speeches all over the place and i'm pre-selling books as best i can in the back of a room with my pad of paper taking people's like literally for months i did everything i could and when the book came out i sent the email out to everybody

And folks on my email list and everybody i'm related to immediately went to amazon to buy the book and here's what happened within an hour or two the book was listed as out of stock now i thought yes yes i have won i am a best-selling author i am sold out of amazon in a matter of a few hours oh my god oh my god this like

Literally this this proves all the things that everybody said about me in middle school is not true anymore i i've done it lisa and then i started to realize i had not sold all the books because i did not have i had 20 000 books at amazon i did not have that many people on my email list and people started to email back going it's out of stock it's out of stock it's obvious i think your dream like the height of your freaking dreams

Come true yes i think i've done it like i've so like i am a success i am a phenomenon this is unbelievable i think the dreams are coming true and then within a couple hours people start emailing going it's out of stock mal it's out of stock it's out of stock it's out of stock it dawns on me there's no way i sold 20 000 books there's no way i call the printer that i worked with that helped me self-publish and you know

It's a little self-publishing publisher and he tells me that he's seen this happen before where when amazon gets a flood of traffic to something that they're not expecting they will turn off supply to make sure it's not a bunch of bots and to also check inventory and we had no ability figure this out so for the first couple weeks that the book was available it was

Out of stock so here i am in this two week period where i have worked my ass off i have done everything you're supposed to do lisa and my book is out of stock i have sent my entire marketing campaign to a product you can't get and i'm thinking why are you doing this to me universe

I have worked hard why do i have to be the bad news bears why am i not part of that super like awesome group of best-selling authors one is it going to be my turn and i start to go down the drain enter tom and lisa value so when i come here and i am doing your show i show up here and i'm like this is my last hope because by the time this thing

Gets on air maybe the book will be available i have got to pull myself together so i walk in here and i was just i i didn't know you yet because i only knew like impact theory and i only seen it i knew this was a big deal i knew that being on tom's show could really like change things for me and i walk in here and i feel like a complete failure you are lovely and delightful and i immediately start feeling like i don't freaking belong here i mean they

Just had this best-selling author and that best-selling offer and this famous person was just here what am i doing here i am a self-published author with a book that's out of stock like i'm i'm failing i hope that they don't know because this is terrible like he is going to figure out before i enter the set that i don't belong here you think imposter syndrome galore oh

Completely so i'm upstairs in the bathroom and i am having a case no kidding of stress diarrhea like i have got to empty the bowels because i am so sure that i'm about to be called out for the fraud that i am that the book is not successful that tom's made a mistake i look at the mirror my cheeks are as red as a baboon's ass i am sweating profusely i've got pit stains on my red shirt and then there's a knock on the

Door we're ready for you mel i splash water on my face i literally am like five four three two one like pull your together mel get the out there and i open up the door and i go i was like oh my god mel frickin robins this woman is amazing this woman is so freaking badass oh my gosh she's got confidence to wear funky shoes oh my god this woman is like i'm in awe and so i'm like do i do i have the right

To talk to her oh i'm like god but i'm like can i ask her how the book is gonna look i'm more tense i'm all nervous i'm like i'm okay okay is the team right like are we impressing her does she have her right coffee look i'm in my own freaking head not and it's so funny again why i want to bring this up is how different our perspective i was in aura of you girl and i still am but i was like

You are on a pedestal and you get on set and you sit down the first question you're like motivation is garbage and i was like this woman is the most confident strong woman i've ever met in my life well because you know that's what fell out of my mouth because i was basically having a panic attack in your bathroom so motivation is garbage i wasn't feeling motivated when i walked on that set i was feeling scared

And one of the things that you believe that i believe too is that your feelings are going to rise and they're going to fall and feeling nervous and feeling scared and feeling on edge and imposter syndrome it's all normal stuff you got to develop the ability to feel all that stuff have your cheeks be as red as a baboon's butt and walk out there and do it anyway

That's what you've got to develop in life and that moment taught me that and there was something else that happened so when i left that set the whole time that the book was out of stock and i'm sitting here going woe is me and i failed again and i screw everything up and why doesn't anything ever work out for me i would catch myself and i would say this

There's no way mel that you've worked this hard that something amazing isn't going to happen you have to keep going you have to believe that this moment is preparing you for something amazing that hasn't happened yet that was the mantra that had deep meaning for me in this moment because it was a way for me to take an attitude that was going down the

Toilet and flip it into what i call a high five attitude that was more empowering and supportive and encouraging and so i kept repeating it lisa there's no way something isn't going to happen when you work this hard this moment is preparing you it's giving you an experience a person a skill something mel that you need because something amazing is coming you don't know it but something amazing is coming

That gave me the resilience to keep going even though the book was out of suck even though by all measures i had failed so your interview releases and i all of a sudden get this email from audible i had forgotten that i had published an audio book i had self-published that too my husband had uploaded it himself to the amazon platform called acx which is

A self-publishing platform for audible i had completely forgotten about the audio book because i was so focused on this new york times things and by the way here's another thing you can't make the new york times list if you're a self-published author something i didn't even know when i started so here i thought i'd fail didn't achieve my dream the whole thing i get this email

Your monthly report is ready and i'm like monthly report what are they talking about i click on that report i open it up i am literally like oh my god audiobooks audiobooks who knew audiobooks were a thing here's what happened the entire time that i kept going something amazing was happening lisa

They were going to the hardcover but it wasn't available they bought the only thing that was available the audiobook the five-second rule became the number one audio book of the year lisa it to this day is the most successful self-published audio book in the history of audible and it created a brand new partnership that i have with audible something by the way

That i never would have had happen had my hardcover campaign be successful and here's the other thing i have never achieved my goal of being a new york times selling author and i might never achieve it i've never made a traditional bestseller list and it proves something that i believe very deeply and that is that your dreams

And the things that you put on your vision board have a very important purpose they pull you through your fears they inspire you to take action but they are not necessarily meant to be achieved i believe when you pursue your dreams and you keep going and you keep telling yourself that if i work hard something amazing is going to happen

You'll achieve something better something that you don't even know or can even think about right now because it's not even on your radar screen those dreams are dots on the map of your life that pull you in a direction you're meant to go but you might never end up there because you're meant to end up somewhere else i actually have an incredible quote of

Yours about dreams you say when it comes to your dreams you have two choices pursue them or be haunted by them it's true you can't forget a dream you can that's what that painting story is about yeah it's about what happens when you are able to just give yourself permission to want the things that you want so tell the story okay

So i'm probably going to i mean historically i'll shorten it i'll shorten it so the bottom line is that so in 1990 i was a senior in college at dartmouth and my parents came to visit from western michigan and we went to this place called simon pierce which is a famous glass blowing mill and as we walked into the restaurant i had an experience

That you may be able to relate to and that is i walked in and i immediately saw this painting hanging on the wall and it was about the size of a door only horizontal and it was a vermont landscape and i was drawn into it immediately like i was no longer in that restaurant i was standing in that field i could feel that breeze i had never ever had an experience like that with a painting have you ever had an experience

Like that with art no i mean not like that not like that i mean my yeah my sense was that this is very atypical for you very so i kind of lost it the the the restaurant was quiet and then i leaned back and suddenly kind of back in the moment i'm like i'm gonna own this painting someday it just that was what was right there

And i looked at the price and said like three thousand dollars i'm like not today and i went back and i sat down and that was it but the painting never left my mind you see there's something called the zygon art effect i always say it wrong but it's like there's a checklist in your brain that when you have a moment where you're like this is important

Your brain puts it on a checklist yeah there's like a notch yes a notch happens and now your brain as part of the filter in the brain is always going to be kind of scanning the subconscious to let anything into your mind related to that incident it can be positive by the way like with the painting or this is how trauma happens too like you have this high intensity emotional experience that notches something in your brain and now your

Brain kicks in to remember so uh bottom line is uh i always thought about that painting years go by whenever somebody would say vermont i'd think of the painting i don't know why i can't explain it never wanted a painting before it was not an art student it's going to last like you're like collecting art

No no no and so i you know fast forward the story 10 years and my uh chris and i are engaged and we're going to go up to vermont to see the leaves and immediately i'm like we got to go to simon pierce i got to show you the painting so we pull up to the mill and we walk in and right in front there is boom a painting by the same artist gayle shepard and i'm like oh my god it's here and we race all around the place

And it's gone and the funny thing was and this is the way your brain works chris was more disappointed than i was i literally turned to him and said it's okay dude like it'd be weird if we're still here after 10 years i'm going to track this thing down i actually said to him you know what's going to happen chris i'm going to be able to buy this like 40 years from now it's going to be hanging

In the corporate lobby of some building and i'm going to have to track down the owner and pay like quadruple the money they pay but i'm going to own this family mission yes so a couple years pass and um it's my birthday i think i was turning 30 and chris says chris gets a couple people to give money and he said i could buy anything i wanted with it so i had a i'd

What 500 bucks now i'm pregnant at the time with our first kid i should have bought a crib or stools but for whatever reason the zygon arc effect takes over and i'm like the painting so i call the mill and i get this guy on the phone i'm like uh you know i want to buy a kale shepherd piece and i said could you send me polaroids and he's like sure and i tell him the

Budget and he goes i'll send you polaroids of some of her smaller things and she's like blowing up in the meantime right yeah she's a very very successful vermont landscape artist and so i i i say to him you know by the way there's this one painting and i describe the painting i'd seen over 10 years ago and he said well that was way before my time but i bet gayle

Know and i'm like gail you know gail he's like of course i know gail she like lives in in down the road here's her number so for two days i paced around the apartment with 500 bucks in my pocket driving chris crazy because i felt like what am i going to say to her and i must be a weirdo i've been stalking this lady i've been thinking about her for 10 years i can't afford a painting you know

What who am i to buy a painting like what the hell so finally chris is like would you call her i'm gonna call her you're driving me crazy so i call her and i start talking a mile a minute and she was amazing and then um i said by the way there was this one painting and i go and i explain this painting there's a stand of poplar trees down the center and a big mountain scape behind it and this

Beautiful blue vermont sky and geese flying in formation overhead and i could hear her thinking on the other end of the line and she said you know mel i've done so many large-scale uh paintings over the years i'd hate to mistake the one you're talking about but i'll tell you what what if my husband and i meet you and chris at the mill at simon pierce and we'll walk all around and have lunch and

I'll tell you the stories behind every painting and if you don't see what you like there i'll take you back to my studio which is a couple miles down the river and you can look at everything i'm working on and if you don't see anything you like there then you can go through all my slides and see if you can find that painting that you saw 10 years ago and i said deal so a month passes we go up to the mill i walk in we meet

Each other she's amazing she's like twice our age just incredibly cool lady she's walking around as we're walking around looking at these paintings rich i've got i'm like eight months pregnant i'm realizing these are 10 times the amount of money that i have i can't afford this like i don't i don't have this kind of money

And i'm getting like more and more into that imposter syndrome what am i doing mode oh my god i'm so embarrassed i'm meeting somebody i idolize i don't deserve to be here right wasting her time because she thinks she's going to get a payday out of this correct we sit down and she goes now that you're sitting down i have something to tell you um she said there's

Only been two times in my career as an artist that i've done two studies of the same piece and your painting is one of them it's one of a pair she knew all along she knew all along she was playing games with you about not knowing which painting yeah and she said the sister piece to the one that you saw all those years ago is sitting in my studio right now where

It's been for the past 11 years i start sobbing everybody's like totally emotional her husband's like you should have seen her when you when she was on the phone with you it was like she saw a ghost so we get in the car and we drive to the mill and when we walk in there in the center of this massive kind of barn studio space is an easel with a painting taped up with painters tape on

It and it was the sister to my painting there were slight differences not as much movement in the grass but it was one of the most extraordinary experiences of my life it was as if time suspended and i was standing before that painting in 1990 saying it would be mine

And there i was 11 years later standing in front of it and then i realized oh my god i can't afford this and chris walks over and he's like what's wrong and i'm like just promise me someday like promise me that i don't need a jewelry i don't need a car like just promise me you will buy me this thing and he kind of leans over and goes hey gail how much for the big one

And she said um mel can have it for 500 bucks because clearly when i was making it 11 years ago i was making it for her and so it hangs in my kitchen it's on the back of the book um this is the galley though right so wait is it in the is it i think so yeah yeah and um it's a reminder every day that your mind is designed to help you get what you want

I never stopped believing that i could make it happen and when you tell your mind what's important to you there is extraordinary science that proves that your mind has a live and ever-changing filter a live network that changes how it views the world what it lets in what it blocks out and if you program your mind correctly and if you're clear about what you want to create your mind will help you get

What you want [Music] hey i'm mel robbins and i'm about to explain to you the seven most common mistakes that people make when they first start manifesting or hell they make these mistakes when they've been manifesting for years and these seven mistakes explain why the manifesting is not working so you're going to save yourself a lot of heartache and a lot of time by knowing

These mistakes and avoiding them like the plague before i tell you the seven mistakes let me just remind you of what manifesting is if you're brand new to manifesting and you have not seen the video that i did that is basically what the hell is manifesting it's explaining it for beginners you might want to check that out it's also on our youtube channel here but so my definition of manifesting is based on research and science manifesting is

Preparing your mind body and spirit to help you get what you want basically what you're doing is you are using manifesting to remove the obstacles that stand in the way of you doing the work to get what you want manifesting done right removes self-doubt it removes fear it removes the excuses and the stories that would normally stop you because when you do manifesting properly you literally make your mind body and

Spirit believe that it's a foregone conclusion and that makes you motivated inspired to take the actions that will get you what you want so now that you are grounded in the real definition of manifesting let's flag the seven major mistakes that people make so you can avoid them mistake number one when it comes to manifesting is you're not doing it daily the lack of consistency is what's killing your ability to use manifesting

To achieve your goals and dreams so what do i mean by that well manifesting is a skill i want you to think of manifesting as a muscle it's a muscle that you build through consistency and you know if you think about it as a skill or a muscle or a new habit uh obviously you gotta incorporate it into your day-to-day life it's just like anything else a one-off change does not make a lasting change if you wanted to get healthier eating one salad is not going to make you healthier

Exercising once not going to make you healthier manifesting once not going to actually help you get what you want you must incorporate manifesting into your day-to-day life the more consistently you do it the more manifesting becomes a habit it becomes a way of thinking it becomes a way of acting and it becomes a skill that you can rely on to help you get absolutely anything now what's the easiest way to

Manifest consistently and make it part of your day-to-day life i'm glad you asked the best way to do it is make it part of your morning routine every single morning right after i get up make my bed throw on my exercise clothes set an intention high five the mirror i do something really interesting i call it dreaming in the morning i write down five things that i want and the reason why i write down five things that i want is because it is a way to train my mind

To focus on the things that i desire and dream about to aim my mind at the things that i want in my life then what i do is i use manifesting properly to see myself taking the actions to get one of the things to feel myself taking the actions to get one of those things and notice i'm closing my eyes and that's because manifesting is a habit in my life i close my eyes to really feel myself taking the actions and when you

Manifest over and over and over again your mind in visualizing and feeling yourself taking those actions begins to believe that it's happening and that will make you confident optimistic it'll inspire you to take action it will remove obstacles it'll make it easier for you to do the work now that's how you do it that's how i've made it part of my day-to-day life i

Write down five things i then manifest on at least one of those things and then here's the most important part i then take an action that's inspired by the manifesting now to help you incorporate this into your day-to-day life i got something to give you and don't worry you don't need to buy anything i have written and created the high five journal it goes with my bestselling book the high five habit it's not only

Gorgeous and you're going to love it but the prompts in the journal it's a daily journaling practice that you use write down five things that you want big or small today or in your lifetime now describe the small action you can take to inch yourself forward now close your eyes visualize taking these small actions feel deeply what it feels like to do these things as you move closer to

What you desire this is training your mind body and spirit to help you take these actions this is a journal based on research and science that helps you make manifesting a skill that you practice every day you want to get consistent start using the high five journal now you can grab a copy of one of these things if you want it but i still got you covered because i know there are parts of the world where you can't buy

This yet i also know that you might not have the money to be able to buy it that's cool if you go to highfivejournal.com you can download free templates don't even need to buy the journal if you want one get one but you can utilize the free templates at hi5journal.com you can read about the science that will help you get started with making manifesting consistent which will help build manifesting as a muscle and a

Skill that you rely on every single day of your life to help you get what you want cool right good now let's move on to mistake number two now mistake number two is a major mistake that people make and that is that you frame manifesting based on what you don't want now this is subtle but it's really important that you avoid this mistake

So this is the kind of mistake that you make when you're really frustrated and you start to go i just don't want to be alone anymore i just don't want to date losers anymore i just don't want to be struggling anymore i just don't want life to be so hard anymore i just don't want to be single anymore i just don't want to be poor anymore i just don't want to have anxiety and feel so bad anymore do you see how framing all your

Dreams and goals around what you don't want might be a problem i mean when i say i don't want to feel anxious anymore how the hell am i going to visualize not being anxious that's why this is a major mistake you want to always frame what you want and what you're going to use manifesting to help you take the actions to go get it you always want to frame it in the positive frame it around the thing that you want

So in that case of anxiety don't talk about not feeling anxious frame what you want i can't wait to have a calm quiet confident state of mind that feels different doesn't it i can't wait to be in a loving supportive caring

Mutual positive relationship with a adult somebody that acts like an adult and treats me the way i deserve to be treated feels very different than i just don't want to date losers anymore you want to always frame the things that you're trying to manifest and the actions that you need to take as leading you towards something rather than away from something

That way we stop thinking and aligning energy around the negative crap that's not working and we align your mind body and spirit around what it feels like to have the positive things that you want that's going to make it easier for you to take the actions that will make them happen now mistake number three super easy to make you get really impatient you start off strong right this is true with all changes you start off strong

You manifest every morning for three or four days and then boom you don't do it for five or six weeks you start throwing your hands that's it it's never going to happen so you're not only not consistent but you start to get impatient and because you're impatient you're not consistent i need you to understand something for manifesting to work properly based

On research there is no timeline involved did you hear me for manifesting to work properly based on the research there is no timeline involved you must give up the when and you must focus on seeing and feeling yourself taking the steps that make the thing that you want happen because manifesting is not magically

Making something appear manifesting is preparing your mind body and spirit to do the work to make something happen it's aligning your thoughts your actions and how you feel in your body with the thing that you want and the reason why manifesting is important is because when you prepare yourself to do the work and to start to see and feel it you will believe that it's a foregone conclusion

You will believe that at some point it will happen and you will believe that you can make it happen and that belief is why you feel inspired and encouraged to take action you see when you suspend the timeline and you get rid of deadlines there is no room for being impatient because you in your heart and your soul and in your mind know that at some point

If you just keep on manifesting and you keep on seeing yourself and feeling yourself doing the steps that you need in order to make this a reality eventually it'll happen so if you feel impatient you're doing it wrong because you're not supposed to attach a timeline to it you're supposed to wake up every morning and write down five things that you want and let yourself

See and feel yourself doing the work and that will inspire you to take the actions that lead you there and if you do that every day trust me you won't even be thinking about the timeline because you know in your heart and soul eventually this is going to turn out now mistake number four and this is probably the biggest mistake that everybody makes and if you've been manifesting for a

Long time and nothing's turning out this is probably the mistake that you're making if you're brand new to manifesting this is the mistake everybody that's new makes unless somebody tells them not to do this the biggest mistake with manifesting is that you're only looking at the end goal that's the biggest mistake everybody makes

You know we've all been sold this bill of goods not only that if you think good things somehow it's going to happen that's only true that you can think good things and have good things happen if you do the work to make those good things happen the thinking's just the first part you've got to actually take the actions that are inspired by the thinking and the second thing that people do in terms of being sold a bill of goods is

That you kind of have been led to believe that if you create a vision board and you plaster up on the vision board images of beach houses and lamborghinis and nfts and millions of dollars in the bank and the world's skinniest body and all the things that you would love to have magically appear in your life that simply creating the vision is enough the reason why that's a mistake is

Because research shows that simply envisioning the end goal without actually imagining all the steps that lead you there and without training your body to feel what it's going to feel like to do the hard work simply imagining the end goal isn't motivating at all it's pretty inspiring for about a day but then what happens is that you start to stare at the beach house and the million dollars in the

Bank and you will feel discouraged because you'll realize holy cow from where i sit there's an impossible gap between my studio apartment or living in my parents basement and the beach house that i want there's an impossible gap between the fact that my divorce basically left me bankrupt and now i'm staring at a vision

Board with a million dollars in the bank holy cow i've got 150 pounds to lose and i'm gonna stare at my photo from when i was my you know best weight when i was a high school division one athlete no staring at the end goal is not only a mistake it's profoundly discouraging it's the reason why so many people fail to reach their goals because they only

Set their goals and they never do the part that's the most important and that's where manifesting comes in manifesting helps you do the work manifesting done properly is preparing you to do all the things between where you are and where you want to get to so i'll give you an example let's say that up on your vision board okay up on your vision board is the fact that you want to launch

Your own business right now you work for somebody else you can't stand what you do you have panic attacks when you wake up because you know that you're headed in the wrong direction you've always dreamt of opening a bakery and so you slap up a vision board and you've got this big visual up on your wall that you stare at every morning of this beautiful bakery that you've always dreamt of higher of starting here's the problem you have no money you have no savings

You've never started a business before how the hell are you going to get this done staring at the vision board gives you panic attacks here's how manifesting is going to help manifesting is where instead of staring at the photos of the bakery you see feel and eventually start to believe

That you can do the work to make it a reality and so what you're going to manifest is you're going to manifest all the steps from point a which is starting at 0 all the way to point z which is opening the doors you're gonna see yourself and notice i'm closing my eyes this is because manifesting is a habit manifesting happens here in your mind and in your heart and your body i want

You to see yourself instead of going out tonight with your friends see yourself staying in and watching videos videos on youtube of other people that have opened bakeries see yourself going to the library and getting a book that tells the story of somebody who did it see yourself taking webinars and tutorials about how to raise the money to do something like this see yourself

Studying kickstarter campaigns of other people who have launched a bakery and raised money through kickstarter campaigns see yourself talking to people who have done this see yourself talking to friends and family see yourself taking a class in it see yourself staying in uh next weekend and working on this see yourself getting a part-time job in a bakery and learning behind the scenes because

You've always dreamt of doing this but you've never worked in one and one vision at a time as you feel yourself being tired as you feel the late nights as you feel yourself doing the work with no timeline you'll start to believe that you're gonna do it and that will keep you inspired to take those little actions to do it and that way when you come in

After a long day and you've spent the day watching a webinar or watching a youtube video or you had a conversation with somebody that gave you some advice when you walk into your room and you see that beautiful vision board you know what's going to happen your mind and your body and spirit will literally start to buzz because what you've been rehearsing in

Your mind body and spirit through visualization aligns with it that's how you do it simply envisioning the end game that's a one-way ticket to being discouraged unmotivated and stuck you start to use manifesting properly you start to visualize every single step of the way and you will be training for it and doing the work to make it happen and

That is motivating mistake number five is thinking you have to have all the answers and that'll get you really stuck that what you really want to manifest into your life is an incredible relationship right but you don't even know where to begin because your dating history looks like a train wreck here's the simple solution just become a student become a student of whatever it is that you want what does a student do a student learns a student studies a

Student researches researching studying and learning about what you want is a simple way to find all of the things that you can start manifesting seriously anything that a student would be doing taking a class researching talking about a subject interviewing people about a subject watching videos about a subject all of those things that a student does are things that i want you to visualize

See yourself and feel yourself doing that's a simple hack to figuring out the path between where you are and where you want to go another thing that a student does is a student studies people who have already done it and then you reverse engineer the path and you see yourself doing the things that somebody else did to get what you want now here's what's super cool remember manifesting based on science means training your

Mind body and spirit to do the work that gets you what you want your path will not be the same as somebody else's that's okay you can still see yourself walking down somebody else's path you can still feel what it feels like to do that hard work because manifesting works because it's going to remove the obstacles that you create your excuses your self-doubt

All of the stories you tell yourself your fear your imposter syndrome you're rehearsing the steps in your mind because remember your brain doesn't know the difference between you actually taking the steps or you just visualizing yourself taking the steps when you visualize yourself taking the steps you are training your mind body and spirit to not resist taking those actions that's why this is going to work for you even though

You know let's say you love the rocks career you're not going to have the same career as the rock but you can certainly visualize all the things that he did in order to train yourself to do the work that will get you what you want now mistake number six is going to be obvious based on mistake number four number five you're not taking any actions look uh you can't just

Feel it in your body you can't just see it in your mind the whole reason why you're rehearsing this and training your body to do the steps is so you freaking take the steps okay at some point you gotta leave your brain and your body and you got to take action in the world you gotta let the manifesting the training and preparing that you're doing by seeing it and feeling it and teaching you to believe that it's possible you gotta let that inspire you to take

Action now i wanna give you a tool remember in the beginning i showed you the high five daily journal i also told you you can get free templates at hi5journal.com now this thing's gorgeous i love it the templates i don't think are colors so that's one thing but they are free but if you pick up a copy of this or you use the templates this journal

Is prompting you every day to take action this journal is going to prompt you to write down five things that you want this is going to get you to start giving yourself permission to have what you want in your life then this journal is going to prompt you to think like a student what are some steps that you can take in order to move toward what you want it's going to get

You thinking about things to do so that you are taking action then it's going to prompt you to properly manifest doing those things and then it's going to tell you to do it and so if you really want to kick in the pants or if you want to have your hand held or you want a tool because you are committed to making manifesting a skill that is part of your day-to-day life

This journal the high five journal is the only journal based in science that will train you and your mind body and spirit to make manifesting part of your morning routine and a skill that you master and put to use in your life every single day and again you can get those templates at highfive journal.com and you can get a copy of this anywhere online just google it the final mistake is also a really big one

And that mistake is you're not celebrating the small wins so as you make manifesting a skill as you get consistent about it as you start to be a student as you take inspired action as you realize that you do feel like this is gonna happen you don't even have a timeline on it because you know it's gonna happen you're not as you're doing these things recognizing all the small wins that you have

Every day when you manifest and then you take the action that the manifesting has inspired that's a win when you see doors opening up because you've been moving toward what you want that's a win when you randomly meet somebody that introduces you to somebody that helps you get one step closer that's a win and you need to celebrate that stuff

These are signs these are not coincidences these are signs that you're on the right path a lot of people believe in angel signs you know like seeing the number 11 or 22 or the number nine or for me the number five angel signs are cool because for me angel signs are a mile marker that give you a clue that you're moving in the right direction your job is to

Declare what you want your job is to use manifesting to train your mind body and spirit and remove the obstacles that you would normally put in place your job is to take the actions that are inspired by manifesting and start moving toward what you want you also though need to call out those mile markers when you see it holy i just got introduced to somebody in the movie business and it's my dream and i'm

Manifesting that i have my script turned into a movie this is a sign that i'm on the right path and what you want to do is call those things out not because the universe or magic or this is somehow just randomly happening this is you being rewarded for manifesting properly for believing in yourself and for taking the inspired action that is going to make your dreams a reality and these little moments these

Signs these small wins that are happening every day as you make manifesting a consistent skill that you practice in the morning that you put to use so that you are aligned with what you want so that your mind body and spirit is working with you instead of against you when you start to also call out the small wins there i am manifesting there this thing happened this is happening too there are my angel numbers holy cow this just happened

You're now building momentum you're now energetically rewarding your body for aligning with what you want and it just makes all of this that much stronger it makes your belief stronger it makes your courage bigger it makes your confidence stronger that's how all of this builds one on the other and if you're not willing to call out the small wins you're missing a huge amount of mojo and rocket fuel and magic that you can add into the mix because all of

These small wins are literally reasons for you to be more confident reasons for you to keep going reasons for you to really know in your mind body and spirit that yeah this is gonna happen because you're making it happen hey it's mel thank you so much for checking this video out and if you like this one i have a feeling you're going to like this one too i'll see you there
08-10-2022, 11:19 AM
Post: #7
Star RE: Get Money
Thanks Ms. Smoak !!
(08-10-2022 06:42 AM)GWMO Wrote:  If you run that through something like Balabolka, or similar text to speech, it could take less than 30min; depending on how well you can focus and listen 23nerd

For me, reading vs. listening is no contest due to krappy hearing !!

Quote:Please tell me - which service did you use for this.

I keep having to find a new one as YT/big G keeps killing them off !!
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
08-10-2022, 07:49 PM
Post: #8
RE: Get Money
I mean which service did you use for the transcription.
08-11-2022, 02:59 PM
Post: #9
RE: Get Money
Yes, I understood:

(08-10-2022 07:49 PM)heisenberg1660 Wrote:  I mean which service did you use for the transcription.

It got nuked by YT in less than 24 hours !!

Just search - they keep popping up.
I totally despise board spammers and spambots !!!
02-14-2023, 01:59 PM
Post: #10
Video RE: Get Money
Thank you! Happydance

Free counters!