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11-17-2016, 03:18 PM
Post: #1
(Get) Apress.-.Interview.Questions.in.Business.Analytics .2016.Retail.EPUB.eBook-BitBook
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|               Interview Questions in Business Analytics                    |
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| DATE: 2016-11-03  SIZE: 886,71KB DISKS: 01_______4,77MB      PAGES:        |
|                                                                            |
| PUBLISHER: Apress                            GENRE: Computer Science       |
|                                                                            |
| AUTHOR: Gupta, Bhasker                                                     |
|                                                                            |
| FORMAT: EPUB   PROTECTION: none    EDITION:                                |
|                                                                            |
| URL: http://www.apress.com/gp/book/9781484206003                           |
|                                                                            |
| LANGUAGE: English   ISBN:     978-1-4842-0599-0                            |
:                                                                            :
: Discover relevant questions—and detailed answers—to help you prepare for   :
: job interviews and break into the field of analytics. This book contains   :
: more than 200 questions based on consultations with hiring managers and    :
: technical professionals already working in analytics. Interview Questions  :
: in Business Analytics: How to Ace Interviews and Get the Job You Want fills:
: a gap in information on business analytics for job seekers.                :
:                                                                            :
: Bhasker Gupta, the founder and editor of Analytics India Magazine, has come:
: up with more than 300 questions job applicants are likely to face in an    :
: interview. Covering data preparation, statistics, analytics implementation,:
: as well as other crucial topics favored by interviewers, this book:        :
:                                                                            :
:     Provides 300+ interview questions often asked by recruiters and hiring :
: managers in global corporations     Offers short and to-the-point answers  :
: to the depth required, while looking at the problem from all angles        :
: Provides a full range of interview questions for jobs ranging from junior  :
: analytics to senior data scientists and managers     Offers analytics      :
: professionals a quick reference on topics in analytics                     :

.                                                                            :

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   Looking for suppliers of quality Ebooks in any language!                  ::
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