Is This The MOST Insane WSO Ever?
Quote:Originally Posted by IhsanBeezer View Post
As someone who bought these all at full price, YOU would be nuts to not buy this now. Millard is not just about making money, he's always about HOW he makes money. If your goal is to be a sustainable, consistently earning entrepreneur and consultant, definitely listen to him. A great place to start is this insanely priced WSO. Where else can you turn $7.95 into a six-figure per year return for the rest of your life? C'mon.
Quote:Originally Posted by BWA View Post
The word madness doesn’t do this package justice. It’s going to take me a bit of time just to inventory all the things contained in it and another good while to digest it all.
I’ve bought a few of Millard’s offers previously and they were each great values, but in terms of value, this one tops those by many times.
I was about to run across the street and get a Big Mac and fries for lunch, but now I think I’ll just use my lunch hour to begin reading over this material. See, I just got another benefit from it
Seriously, madness will describe anyone who doesn’t take advantage of this offer before the deadline.
Over and out.
Quote:Originally Posted by arfasaira View Post
wow!! Thanks so much for all this
I've just bought them and I can say I'm truly shocked at what we're getting for this ridiculous price!
Warriors - don't even think about it - jump on this right now! For the price you're paying, you're going to get a huge return in your investment, and I for one will be applying your principles....
you seriously are crazy for selling this at this price!
Quote:Originally Posted by treasures226 View Post
I already have a couple of Millard's Offline WSOs - but even if I had five out of the six offered here I would still get this deal because the value is so over the top with every one of his offerings.
If you're in offline biz and you don't own any Millard Grubb WSOs, you're plum crazy.
I'm not going to get any of my J.O.B work done today - thanks Millard.