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10-11-2014, 07:41 AM
Post: #1
[GET] Udemy Starter: Your Success Comes Before You Create a Course
Profited $2,762.70 last month and much of that success, comes before you create a course. You need to do a lot of things right to set yourself up for success before you create a course and begin promoting it. You need to validate your course subject and get an idea of how big your potential student market is. You'll learn how to do this and much more in the course.
Anyone who has made a course or wants to make a course will improve their chances for success. Unless you've made at least $500 in a month before, you probably haven't learned every concept I teach in this course.

Magic Button :

Don't forget to +REP :)
[Image: yCejIZo.gif]]
10-11-2014, 10:32 AM
Post: #2
+4 Reps
thx man!
10-14-2014, 07:10 AM
Post: #3
more people should grab this course ;)
