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03-12-2024, 11:04 AM
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[GET] The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings in CHM Format
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Edgar Cayce Readings The Edgar Cayce Legacy What is most exciting about these readings is their internal consistency. When the more than 14,000 readings are taken as a whole, there is a wealth of material on medicine, history, life after death, dreams, psychic ability, attitudes and emotions, child-rearing, diet and relationships, providing helpful insights into nearly any topic imaginable. In the forty-three years that the readings were given Cayce never heard a word he said in this sleep state, nor did he remember anything when he awoke. To understand the nature of his own work, he spent many long hours poring over the information in the readings that had been written down by his secretary. His story is really that of a humble man who went on to become one of the most helpful psychics the world has ever known. The information in the readings, available to us today, is his gift to the world. An Overview of the Edgar Cayce Material How to Study the Edgar Cayce Readings Edgar Cayce: Twentieth Century Mystic Readings ______ An Overview of the Edgar Cayce Readings (adapted from Edgar Cayce’s ESP by Kevin J. Todeschi) Please click on one of the links below The Readings Approach to Health-Related Information The Readings Approach to Philosophy and Reincarnation The Readings Approach to Dreams and Dream Interpretation The Readings Approach to ESP and Psychic Phenomena The Readings Approach to Spiritual Growth, Meditation and Prayer ______ How to Study the Edgar Cayce Readings When individuals came to Edgar Cayce with a question, he would lie down on a couch and place himself into a self-induced sleep state. While in that state he could respond to virtually any question asked. His responses have come to be called “readings” and have stood the test of intensive research for nearly 100 years. These readings are a rich and informative collection of psychic documents, but their unusual style, format, and language can take some getting used to. It is hoped that this article will assist you in that study. The vast majority of the more than 14,000 readings were given for individuals who came to Cayce or wrote to him asking for help. Each person has been assigned a two-part case number to protect the individual’s privacy. The first set of digits refers to the person’s name. The second set, following the dash, designates the number of that reading in a series. For example, reading 341-31 was the 31st reading Edgar Cayce gave to a man whose name has been replaced with the case number 341. A small percentage of the collection is made up of readings given for a group of people (e.g., the series numbered 281 was given to a prayer healing group; the series numbered 262 for the original “A Search for God” study group) or readings given on a topic of general interest (e.g., series 364 on Atlantis or series 3744 on psychic phenomenon). Cayce always had other people in the room with him as he lay in trance to give a reading. A conductor, often his wife, Gertrude, would supervise the process by reciting a suggestion and asking the questions. A stenographer would be on hand to record his words verbatim. In many instances there were also observers. You’ll notice at the beginning of each reading important information that was inserted by Cayce’s secretary, Gladys Davis Turner. She noted the date, time, and location where the reading was given, along with a list of those in attendance. The reading then indicates what sort of suggestion was spoken to the entranced Cayce in order to initiate the reading. These words were carefully chosen commands directed to Cayce’s unconscious, requesting a definite kind of help, and instructing him as to what type of information was requested. What typically followed was a general discourse by Cayce. If the reading was for someone who was ill, Cayce would follow a general scheme for a “physical reading” in which he analyzed the various systems of the body: circulatory, nervous, digestive, etc. If the reading was a request for guidance to understand one’s purpose in life—known as a “life reading”—the opening discourse analyzed the strengths and weaknesses of that soul. In those life readings, Cayce first uses planetary/astrological language to refer to traits and tendencies, then relates details of several past lives from which strong influences might be experienced in the present. If the reading was to give spiritual advice—what came to be known as a “mental-spiritual reading”—the opening discourse presented a lesson about spiritual law and principles for living. Questions were generally posed to the entranced Cayce following the opening discourse. A copy of the transcribed reading includes the questions exactly as the conductor had read them to him, along with Cayce’s responses. On occasion, the person seeking help had not submitted questions, so the entire reading is simply the opening discourse and remarks. When excerpts of the Cayce readings appear in various books and magazines, they are almost always limited to the text itself. However, more in-depth research into the readings often requires information on the background of the person who obtained the reading along with follow-up reports on what the individual did with the information. For many, although not all, of those who received advice from Cayce that sort of supplemental information is available as an appendix to the reading. A question frequently asked is: “What was the source of this information that came through Edgar Cayce?” As you read the text of a reading, the answer may not seem clear. When Cayce himself asked about this source in various readings, the following was given: His own higher self—or his superconscious mind—was the source of the information. So it was not a nonphysical being speaking through Edgar Cayce, but his own superconscious mind that generally obtained the information from the individual getting the reading or from, what he called, the Akashic Records. These records can be briefly described as a history of every soul since the dawn of creation. Cayce’s superconscious mind often relayed information in a manner quite different from our conversational style today. Sometimes the language and sentence structure are a challenge to decipher. But with a few clues and guidelines you’ll become more proficient in being able to understand exactly what was meant. First, expect to slow down your reading pace as you study this material. Many times the sentences are exceedingly long, and it may help you to mentally insert punctuation marks to create pauses or shorter sentences. You may even wish to read it aloud. Second, be patient with your effort to research this information. You may find that there are portions of a reading that don’t make sense to you, even after several attempts. Yet the most experienced student of this material often encounters the same problem. Rather than get bogged down with a sentence that is confusing, keep on reading. Further clarification may appear later in that same reading. Or you may find that only after days or weeks does it become clear to you what Cayce meant by that particular statement. Third, develop an understanding of the language style of the readings, which was often biblical in both tone and content. In the waking state Cayce was a devoted student of the Bible. It is natural that some of this material would find its way into his readings. More than anything else, this characteristic shows the reverence Cayce had for the process of giving a reading. He took each very seriously, and he felt that each was like a sacred trust given to him. It’s fair to ask, “If Cayce was so smart when he was in trance, why couldn’t he have found a way of speaking that would be easy to understand?” Part of the reason for this communication difficulty is that his mind was operating at another level of consciousness—one in which words were often inadequate. He was trying to convey in three-dimensional, logical terms information that he could perceive with far greater depth and understanding. Perhaps, too, the source of this information wanted us to work at getting to the meaning and value of what we are reading. If everything was immediately obvious and we could read the material superficially, we might never “roll up our sleeves” and get involved in trying to understand deeply what this information is all about. It’s worth the effort! Learning directly from the Cayce readings is one of the most exciting opportunities available to researchers today! Get to know the readings themselves. You’ll find they are just as valuable and timely today as they were to the people who first received them decades ago. The following reading (341-31), which provides practical insights into how to stay healthy, was given to a male twenty-three years of age whose family was very involved in the Cayce work. So step by step take yourself through this Edgar Cayce reading: READING 341-31 M.23 This Psychic Reading given by Edgar Cayce at his office, 115 West 35th Street, Virginia Beach, Va., this 10th day of March, 1931, in accordance with request made by self - Mr. [341]. [Italicized comments in brackets appearing at the end of each paragraph are not part of the reading itself, but have been inserted to help you interpret this sample reading.] P R E S E N T Edgar Cayce; Gertrude Cayce, Conductor; Gladys Davis, Steno. [341], [243], [304] and [340]. [The transcript lists where the reading was given and who was present. Numbers in brackets are other individuals who were present to hear (341)’s reading. To preserve anonymity numbers were inserted for most names.] R E A D I N G Time of Reading 11:55 A. M. Eastern Standard Time . . . Va. 1. GC: You will have before you the body and the enquiring mind of [341], present in this room. Please advise and guide me in my attempt to bring the physical body to a point where it may be a better channel for the manifestation of the spiritual forces. Please answer the questions I will ask. [Gertrude Cayce reads aloud to her husband a suggestion that enables him to focus his unconscious mind on the person and the question. Oftentimes, the suggestion was the same (other than changing the individual’s name and address) from one person to another so the text might simply state “Physical Suggestion,” or “Life Reading Suggestion” in place of her other introductory comments.] 2. EC: Yes, we have the body, the enquiring mind, [341]. This we have had before. There are changes in the physical forces of the body since last we had same here. [After entering the trance state, Edgar Cayce would begin speaking and affirm that he made a psychic connection with the individual. Cayce notes that readings have been previously given for this person (“This we have had before”), and that certain physical changes have occurred since the last reading.] 3. There are corrections to be made in the physical structure of the body, [if the body would] would the body be the better channel for the manifestations of the phenomena of life, even in the material plane. [Some corrections for better physical health are needed if the young man really desires to express spiritual forces in materiality.] 4. Would the body [if the body would] in its functioning through those of the organs of the physical forces be the bettered, then the better operation, the better and nearer functioning of the organs will make for a better PHYSICAL body - as in the sensory system, that makes for conditions as respecting the vision-physical. There are the needs of corrections in the upper dorsal and the cervical region, that the impingements, the strains that have produced the elongation in optic forces, may be the bettered. It will be found that after a period it would be well to change the glasses to meet or to coincide with the changes that will take place, and within three to six moons the body-physical should be able to quit the use of glasses at all. [Improvements in eyesight can be expected in three to six months if he’ll give attention to imbalances in his spine, particularly in the upper back and neck areas. From previous readings the young man knows that what’s needed are spinal adjustments from an osteopath, along with exercises to strengthen those areas.] 5. There is also an unbalancing of the vitamins in the physical functioning of the body. There is the lack of elements that make for physical structural forces of body. [Cayce also notes that there are vitamin deficiencies, particularly those that play a key role in the strength of the body’s physical structure.] 6. WHEN the MENTAL is used in such a manner, THIS partakes of a different condition than when the PHYSICAL forces are exercised in the body. It would be well for the body to so conduct, so arrange the activities of the body as to be better BALANCED as to the mental and the physical attributes of the body. Take more outdoor exercise, that - that brings into play the muscular forces of the body. It isn't that the mental should be numbed, or should be cut off from their operations or their activities - but make for a more evenly, more perfectly balanced body-physical AND mental. Know how to apply the rules of METAPHYSICAL operations to a corncob, or to a fence rail, or to a hammer, an axe, a walking cane, as well as the THEORIES of this, that, or other mind, that in nine cases in ten is seen to become a storehouse for mental deficiencies of PHYSICAL energies! Now get the difference! It is not mental unbalance, but a mental body may be so OVERUSED as to allow physical energies to become DETRIMENTAL forces IN A PHYSICAL BODY; for each energy MUST expend itself in SOME direction, even as a thought that takes form brings in to being a mental image. Is that image in the position of being a BUILDING force cooperative with the energies of the physical body? Or do they DESTROY some motive force in the physical without allowing an outlet for its activity? [Recently, the young man has been too exclusively involved in mental activities, and his physical energies aren’t being given the chance to be used harmoniously and constructively.] 7. Then, be a well-ROUNDED body. Take specific, DEFINITE exercises morning and evening. Make the body PHYSICALLY, as well as mentally, tired and those things that have been producing those conditions where sleep, inertia, poisons in system from non-eliminations, will disappear - and so will the body respond to the diets. [By taking the time to have regular morning and evening physical exercises, things will start to improve: insomnia will disappear, the buildup of bodily toxins will be eliminated, and dietary changes will start to show results.] 8. Now, in the matter of diets - ONE activity is necessary, if there is to be a mental diet - or if there is to be a diet for a well-rounded PHYSICALLY useful, MENTALLY useful, SPIRITUALLY useful body. But there is the lack of vitamins as B and C, in this body. One, the C, stamina for mental energies that are carried in the white tissue in nerve energy and plexus. B, as is of calcium, of silicon, of iron. These would be well-balanced, will those [if those will be taken] of the food values that carry same be taken, but UNLESS the activities physical for the body are such as to put same into ACTIVITY they become drosses and set THEMSELVES to become operative, irrespective of OTHER conditions. (This as aside, but as very well in keeping with the circumstances or conditions.) Vitamins in a body are elements that are combative with, or in opposition to, the various activities of a living organism, and may be termed - and well termed - as those of bacilli of any nature within a human or physical organism. That's what we are talking of, or dealing with in this body. [Cayce presents his view of vitamin deficiencies and how they may be addressed for the individual. Vitamins are best obtained from foods themselves. However, the reading states that it’s possible to get them in too high a quantity—especially if a person isn’t very active physically—and then the vitamins become a burden (dross) to the system.] 9. Now, when these are taken into the system, if they are NOT put to work by the ACTIVITIES of the SYSTEM - either physical or mental - they become DESTRUCTIVE tissue, for they AFFECT the plasm [plasma] of the blood supply or the emunctory and lymph which is another name for a portion of a blood supply in a system. [Details are given concerning the exact way that an oversupply of vitamins becomes detrimental. The influence is particularly in the two circulation systems of the body: the blood and the lymph.] 10. Then, in the meeting of the diet - be sure the activities, physically, and mentally, are in keeping with; and DO NOT DO these SPASMODICALLY, but BE consistent - for the physical body, the mental body, the spiritual body, is as "Grow in grace, in knowledge, in understanding." [2 Pet. 3:18] [The young man is encouraged to keep a diet that matches his activity level—mentally and physically. He’s not to go in spurts, but rather to have a consistency in his nutritional program.] 11. That thou eatest, SEE it DOING that THOU would HAVE it do. Now there is often considered as to why do those of either the vegetable, mineral, or combination compounds, have different effects under different conditions? It is the CONSCIOUSNESS of the INDIVIDUAL BODY! Give one a dose of clear WATER, with the impression that it will act as salts - how often will it act in that manner? [The mind plays a very significant role, as can be demonstrated through hypnosis where the belief shapes the body’s reaction. In other words, a person’s consciousness largely determines the effect that any food will have. Visualization can be a constructive tool as one imagines the health-promoting potential of a meal.] 12. Just as the impressions to the whole of the organism, for each cell of the blood stream, each corpuscle, is a whole UNIVERSE in itself. Do not eat like a canary and expect to do MANUAL labor. Do not eat like a rail splitter and expect to do the work of a mind reader or a university professor, but be CONSISTENT with those things that make for - even as the UNIVERSE is builded. In the layers of one is dependent upon the activity of another. One that fills the mind, the very being, with an expectancy of God will see His movement, His manifestation, in the wind, the sun, the earth, the flowers, the inhabitant OF the earth; and so as is builded in the body, is it to gratify JUST an appetite, or is it taken to fulfill an office that WILL the better make, the better magnify, that the body, the mind, the soul, HAS chosen to stand FOR? and it will not matter so much what, where, or WHEN - but knowing THAT it is consistent with that - that is desired to be accomplished THROUGH that body! [Every cell of the body is like a universe to itself, and so one should expect to build the body with the same laws and principles as govern how the universe is built. The young man is asked to consider why he eats, and to see a purpose bigger than to simply satisfy an appetite. He’s encouraged to build a body to serve the cause for which he wants to stand.] 13. As has been given of old, when the children of Israel stood with the sons of the heathen [Dan. 1:5-8] and all ate from the king's table, that which was taken that only exercised the imagination of the body in physical desires - as strong drink, strong meats, condiments that magnify desires within the body - this builded as Daniel well understood, not for GOD'S service - but he chose rather that the EVERYDAY, the common things would be given, that the bodies, the minds, might be a more perfect channel for the manifestations of GOD; for the forces of the Creator are in EVERY force that is made manifest IN the earth. [The story in the first chapter of Daniel perfectly illustrates the very point Cayce has just made about diet, consciousness, and one’s purpose in life.] 14. Few are able, even as the prophet of old, [I Kings 19:11-12] to see God in battle, in the shedding of blood, in the thunder, in the lightning, in the earthquake, in the various tumults in nature - but ALL may experience Him in the still small voice within! Do THOU likewise, and the body is the temple OF the living God, and is a REASONABLE service that we present same holy and acceptable unto Him. [Rom. 12:1] [Drawing further on biblical passages, Cayce reminds the young man that everyone has the opportunity to meet God within the temple of his or her own body. Therefore, it makes good sense to honor and treat the body with respect.] 15. Just as great a sin to OVER eat as to over drink; to over THINK as to over act! IN that thou buildest, do even as He. Make thine body, thine MIND, ready for EVERY occasion that arises in the life. Think well on what was given, "WHY could not WE cast him out? Such is done only - ONLY - through fasting and prayer." [Luke 11:33] When thou prayest, enter into thine closet - that is, within self - not shutting oneself away from the world, but closing self to God's PRESENCE, and pray in secret and the reward will be in the open; for, as was given, "Men do not light a candle and put it under a bushel, but it is set - SET - on a hill, that it may give LIFE, light, unto all." [There are lots of ways that we get out of balance—including thinking too much and not acting enough. Cayce recommends looking to Christ as an example of how to use one’s mind and as an example of the importance of a sincere prayer life if an individual wants to be helpful to others.] 16. So, in conducting thine own life - make the physical corrections necessary, yes - but make also thy mind and thine body, thine going in and thine coming out, thine activities day by day, consistent WITH - and the reward will be - an exemplary life, a GOODLY body, an OPEN mind, a LOVING spirit! [If the young man will consistently follow the advice given, the reward will be a balanced life.] 17. Few may show forth that even felt in the heart with the liver bad, for twice does the blood pass through the liver to once in the heart. The liver is the clearing house both for that of the blood in and out of the heart and lungs. So in the conduct of the life, in the study, think twice before you speak once - for there's only ONE tongue but two eyes. There is only ONE heart but seven lobes in the liver; and in thine hands - use that thou hast, and thine eye will be SINGLE in service, thine tongue will be loosed in the right direction. [The structure and function of the body is a symbolic lesson to us all about how to live. Cayce cites several medical facts about he body and suggests that they are reminders to see and to think carefully before we speak or act.] 18. Ready for questions. [Still asleep on the couch, at the end of the reading Cayce will usually say, “Ready for questions.” Gertrude often read the questions; however, if the individual getting the reading was present, sometimes that person could simply think the question and Cayce would answer it without being asked.] 19. (Q) What condition is causing the rapid decay of the teeth and what should be done to correct this other than the steps already taken? (A) This has been given, and this has been outlined. There should be the change to meet those necessary conditions in the supply of the system, that there may be more calcium, more silicon, and more iron added in same. These will be with physical activities of the body, and with the taking of foods as compatible with the conditions as to be met. Those in the food values as would be taken, ARE the activities [if the activities are] to be in keeping WITH same, would be those of the fruits of the ground, those of the leafy vegetables, those that carry magnesia [-ium?], iron, silicon, calcium, and such - see? Not too much with the use of those that carry phosphorus and the like, for these WASTE away. Don't eat too many oysters, nor too much seafoods - but SUFFICIENTLY balanced in these, dependent upon the activities of the body. Outline as to what the activities are to be! Then there may be a PERFECT balance in a diet! [Specific recommendations are given for dental care. This illustrates what happened in many readings: the opening discourse presented the main themes and principles, and then Cayce would give more detailed suggestions in the question-and-answer period.] 20. We are through for the present. [At the end of every reading, Cayce will state when he is through, at which point Gertrude was to give him the suggestion to allow his own physical forces to return to normal and to “wake up.” After a few moments, Cayce would awaken, having no memory of what he had said while asleep.] Feel free to take another look at this reading, and see if your understanding of the information is comes on the second pass. You’ll find that the Edgar Cayce readings are a rich heritage of information, insights, and inspiration that are available on nearly any topic imaginable. Happy researching! ______ Edgar Cayce: Twentieth Century Mystic For forty-three years of his adult life, Edgar Cayce demonstrated the uncanny ability to put himself into some kind of self-induced sleep state by lying down on a couch, closing his eyes, and folding his hands over his stomach. This state of relaxation and meditation enabled him to place his mind in contact with all time and space. From this state he could respond to questions as diverse as, “What are the secrets of the universe?” to “How can I remove a wart?” His responses to these questions came to be called “readings” and contain insights so valuable that even to this day individuals have found practical help for everything from maintaining a well-balanced diet and improving human relationships to overcoming life-threatening illnesses and experiencing a closer walk with God. Though Cayce died nearly half a century ago, the timeliness of the material in the readings is evidenced by approximately one dozen biographies and more than 300 titles that discuss various aspects of this man’s life and work. These books contain a corpus of information so valuable that even Edgar Cayce himself might have hesitated to predict their impact on the latter part of the twentieth century. Sixty years ago who could have known that terms such as “meditation,” “akashic records,” “spiritual growth,” “auras,” “soul mates,” and “holism” would become household words to hundreds of thousands? Further details about his life and work are explored in such classic works as There Is a River (1942) by Thomas Sugrue, The Sleeping Prophet (1967) by Jess Stearn, and Many Mansions (1950) by Gina Cerminara. The majority of Edgar Cayce’s readings deal with health maintenance and the treatment of illness. Even to this day individuals have found physical help from information given as long as 75 years ago! Yet although best known for this material, the sleeping Cayce did not seem to be limited to concerns about the physical body. In fact, in their entirety the readings discuss an astonishing number of 10,000 different subjects. Even this vast array of subject matter, however, can be narrowed down into a much smaller range of topics. When compiled together, the majority contain and deal with the following five categories: (1) Health-Related Information; (2) Philosophy and Reincarnation; (3) Dreams and Dream Interpretation; (4) ESP and Psychic Phenomena; and (5) Spiritual Growth, Meditation, and Prayer. Throughout his life, Edgar Cayce claimed no special abilities nor did he ever consider himself to be some kind of twentieth-century prophet. The readings never offered a set of beliefs that had to be embraced, but instead focused on the fact that each person should test in his or her own life the principles presented. Though Cayce himself was a Christian and read the Bible from cover to cover every year of his life, his work was one that stressed the importance of comparative study among belief systems all over the world. The underlying principle of the readings is the oneness of all life, tolerance for all people, and a compassion and understanding for every major religion in the world. ______ Edgar Cayce Readings Topic Links Air Anemia Appliances Assimilations Astrology Attitudes and Emotions Bible Business Advice Circulation Clairvoyance Of E.C. Diet Doctors Doctors Suggested Dreams Electrotherapy Eliminations Environment Exercise Eyes Glands Healing Home and Marriage Human Relations Ideals Incarnations Inhalants Injuries Intestines Jesus Karma Lesions Liver Meditation Mind Names Nervous Systems Osteopathy Physiology and Anatomy Physiotherapy Prescriptions Prophecy Psychosomatics Reincarnation Soul Development Soul Retrogression Spine Surgery Toxemia Vocational Guidance Work Miscellaneous Others The Complete Readings Index A Link to numbered readings. Download - Please make mirrors. Magic Button : sprawn |
03-12-2024, 03:01 PM
Post: #2
RE: [GET] The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings in CHM Format
Thanks for great share. +5 reps added to you
03-12-2024, 07:12 PM
Post: #3
RE: [GET] The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings in CHM Format
Gotya Pardner
Magic Button : |
03-13-2024, 02:04 PM
Post: #4
RE: [GET] The Complete Edgar Cayce Readings in CHM Format
thanks for mirror partnerincrime. +reps added to you