(08-18-2018 07:44 AM)huntergeek Wrote: (08-17-2018 02:20 AM)Guest123 Wrote: (08-17-2018 01:25 AM)bluefeb Wrote: Damon Brands books have a very odd effect. Several people have reported bad dreams and bad omens after putting some of his titles into practice.
Magick is "Intent" based, it amplifies whatever you put in. Positeve intent will result in good dreams :)
In accounting there is a term "GIGO" = Garbage-In Garbage-Out you input wrong/bad numbers your results/otput will be negative/wrong/bad.
Same with any magick. Those people with mental issues/conditions should not use magick EVER results will be catastrophic :((
Similar to what will happen if you let someone drive a car or fly plane without having any training at all.
Thank you. Also, Damon Brand uses some pretty advanced magick that most people would usually have to put in the ground-work for. Without a solid foundation, the tower will fall.
This is an issue that I have with Damon Brands books. He is taking magick that only advanced occultists who have been studying and practicing for years or even decades understand, then packaging it into simple books without any explanation and selling it to the masses who are inexperienced and have no understanding of what they are actually doing.
With magick, you really need to put in the groundwork. Start from the bottom and work your way up, otherwise you are at risk of going mad. Magick takes dedication, self-discipline and restraint. Magick is very real and when things start happening, it is easy to start having grand delusions of self-importance or just losing your mind in general. Sometimes it can be scary. This is why it is so important to start small and work your way up.
I have been practicing magick for over 20 years and am still wary of Damon Brands books. I suspect that he has taken bit's and pieces from Solomon/Enochian magick (high-ritual magick), putting his own spin on it and selling it to the masses who are unaware of how powerful this magick is and the consequences that it can cause.
The magick itself isn't bad but putting it into the hands of inexperienced people is.
Also, as someone who works with Angels I just want to say that Angels aren't always rainbows and white feathers like Doreen Virtue claims. Most of the time they are, but they can also be absolutely terrifying. They hold you accountable for everything and the deeper you get into Angel magick, the more they hold you accountable for your actions.
It's like the story of when Adam and Eve ate the fruit from the Tree Of Knowledge. Before they ate the fruit, they were innocent and naive. They got away with a lot more because they didn't know any better. Once they ate the fruit, God held them accountable for their actions because they did know better.
This is what happens with the Angels. Asking your guardian angel for help is fine, invoking the Arch Angels during rituals like the Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram is also fine but once you start getting into Enochian magick and learning their language, they see you as someone who is not naive and they expect more from you. They hold you more accountable for your thoughts and actions. They expect you to be wise.
That is where this magick gets dangerous. Naive, inexperienced people now have access to this advanced magick without understanding the consequences. Just because you are working with Angels, it doesn't make it safe. Angels are very big on teaching you lessons so you can grow spiritually. They are happy to help you gain wealth and other material things as long as you continue to grow spiritually. If you get ahead of yourself, if you lose sight of who you are, if you become egotistical or selfish, expect it all to come crashing down and to learn a very harsh lesson.
My suggestion for people who are wanting to study Angel magick beyond the Doreen Virtue fluff, is that they should ignore Damon Brand and start reading John Dee. His books are public domain and there are a tonne of writers who have also written about his work, to help others understand it. John Dee is the original source of the Enochian language/magick and who Damon Brand would've got his information from, before twisting it and putting his own spin on it (I suspect that Damon Brand uses Hebrew rather than Enochian language but is using methods taken from both Enochian and Solomon magick).
Anyways, reps to OP for this share. Although I wont be practicing it, I will still read it. My advice to anyone who wants to practice the magick in Damon Brands books is to study Angel magick beyond his books, so you actually have an understanding of what you are getting into and the possible consequences.
Well said, totally agree!