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01-27-2014, 07:10 PM
Post: #1
[GET] Street Smart Negotiation : How Emotions Get You What You Want [PDF-Lacey Smith]
I thought that I would finally share something with the BBHF and well its a book about negotiation.

[Image: 5191SM2BMHL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]

In the workplace, we spend the majority of our time in formal or
informal negotiation--trying to persuade our customers, managers, peers,
or employees to give us what we want. But despite its importance and
the huge time investment it demands, most of us never learn what
actually makes negotiation successful. Traditional strategies focus on
logic, rational analysis, and game theory, minimizing the emotional
aspects of negotiated interactions. Now Lacey Smith takes a fresh
perspective. Emotions, he argues, can be harnessed to enable successful
negotiation--and the results are always better for both parties. GET
IT! STREET-SMART NEGOTIATION AT WORK examines the emotions that are
part of all decision making, emphasizing the importance of recognizing
real motivations behind stated positions. This requires a combination of
skills--asking the right questions, building a rapport with the other
party, and understanding their true interests, as well as your own.
These are the skills of street-smart negotiators, those who can build
deals and resolve issues in ways that often seem to defy logic.
on years of negotiating in business, politics, and law, Smith distills
65 "Lessons from the Street" that make the process work. Eye-opening
examples, called "Street-Smart Realities," drive these lessons memorably
home. Using the techniques Smith outlines, you will maximize what
you--and the other party--take away from the table. You will come to
enjoy and be more productive at what you spend so much time doing at
work. With this book's emotional insights and street-smart advice, you
can GET IT!

Magic Button :
01-29-2014, 03:04 AM
Post: #2
You come in fast with lots of shares - seems to fit well with NonConformer's stuff :-)

Cheers and +REPs

01-29-2014, 03:13 AM
Post: #3
Thanks for the reps.. I got about 26 GB worth of pdf files covering all kinds of subjects. SO I thought I would share some :)
