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06-08-2014, 03:42 AM
Post: #1
[GET] Productivity: Winning in Life by Michael Podolinsky, CSP
Fools never read a book like this. Learners read the book but do not write in
it.Profiteers, read the book, complete the exercises by writing in the book.
Geniuses not only read the book and write in the book, they implement what they
write into their lives as they are going along in life. They make the adjustments to
what they try as they go along to ensure optimization of what they implement.
They then constantly adjust their systems and timings to maximize their value
add of work output and personal enjoyment. I hope and pray YOU are such a

Let us get started!

Magic Button :
++ Reps would be appreciated
06-09-2014, 02:19 PM
Post: #2
OP thank you for posting only the sample chapter.
Could you please post the complete book?
Thanks in advance.
