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12-28-2023, 01:22 PM
Post: #1
[GET] Master Data Structures in Python: Ace Coding Interviews
Master Data Structures in Python: Ace Coding Interviews
Master Data Structures in Python | Big O Notation | Crack Coding Interviews | Explained with Animations
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1,010 students
2 hours on-demand video
8 coding exercises
25 downloadable resources

Welcome to Data Structures in Python Course: Crack Coding Interviews course!

In this course we will dive deep into Data Structures and learn how to do they work, how to implement them in Python and how to use them for implementing and optimizing your application. We will also take a look at the built-in data structures provided by Python and learn how to use them. And we will learn how to calculate time complexity and space complexity of the code and how to decide which data structure should be used for solving a specific programming problem.

Data structures is a very important aspect of computer science, learning and understanding data structures will help you become a better programmer, write more efficient code and solve problems quicker, that's why Tech companies focus on data structures in the coding interviews.

Throughout this course we will cover everything you need to master data structures , including:

Big O notation (Time Complexity and Space Complexity)

Linked lists




Hash Tables


Binary Search Trees

Graphs (Adjacency List and Adjacency Matrix)

The course includes explanation with animations to make the topics easier to understand, and coding exercises to apply the knowledge gained in the course practically.


