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06-10-2012, 08:40 AM
Post: #1
[GET] ListsHQ.com Scrapebox Auto Approve lists - 2012-06-08 - 21K URLs
From ListsHQ.com we would like to give you guys a huge AA list for free to rank you well in the SERP and ultimately achieve more sales. Let's check the stat of the list below to know what you will get.

[CENTER]AA URLs => 21530
AA unique domains => 6333
AA low OBL => 4430

PR0: 20763 URLs
PR1: 420 URLs
PR2: 232 URLs
PR3: 88 URLs
PR4: 18 URLs
PR5: 6 URLs
PR6: 1 URL

Do you want to rank well in the SERP to get more sales? Then you must need backlinks. Even after the Penguin update backlinks are still GOLD and will be the same forever, but things changed a little bit, and now it is more important than ever to use this list to backlink your buffer sites, not your money sites, and vary the anchor text as much as possible (if you have any questions or need any tips regarding the Penguin update, please, feel free to contact us, we have had some great success. )

Magic Button :


Happy backlinking and stay tuned for more lists from ListsHQ.com
06-10-2012, 10:42 AM
Post: #2
RE: [GET] ListsHQ.com Scrapebox Auto Approve lists - 2012-06-08 - 21K URLs
Cheers, this will come in handy with what I already have...
06-12-2012, 11:41 AM
Post: #3
RE: [GET] ListsHQ.com Scrapebox Auto Approve lists - 2012-06-08 - 21K URLs
Thank you for the share! I hope to see more good things!
